ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND GOAL CO. Stewart O R MulvaneB P Stratton J W Corbin.Falls Beal J F Argonia.Dix WINGER ADAM M wf Lydia C (Chenoweth & Winger) r 524 n B tel 467 BOTH PHONES NO. EighthElm st. York Frank Caldwell.Cald Zook Jas Milan.Pix It also has a street and avenue map of Wellington. Office over Security State Bank. Brown A S Milan.Ry 104 W. 7th Arnold H I Mayfield l.Su They pay you interest. Wellington, Kansas. Grimsley W M Viola.Con Morris Wm Posey Joseph SIMPSON & HYGH (C H Simpson C L Hygh) druggists 124 s Washn tel 377 Phone No. Greenman P Caldwell.Cald Stonehocker John Caldwell.Falls Sturm L L Caldwell.S H Miss Margaret Cornweil, N. G.; Miss Maude M. Warlow, sec. Madison Rosamond E wid Joseph r 303 n C in., 1 to 6 p. m. Peats John 215 n Ash Hatfield J C Belle Plaine 3.Pal Fisher W C Dalton.Av 104 S. Washington. Fellers Fred Mulvane.Go AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber, CreekJohn Bringer, Argonia; A. W. Hammond, Argonia; John Cox, Argonia. EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Savage Wm R r 117 w 4th Grimsley J E Conway Spgs.Con PHONE 460 Pearce Elma wid John R r 902 n Jefferson ^ orris W J Oxford.Ox Wellington, Kansas Hatfield C W Belle Plaine 1.B P Tracy Clara wid Wm r Cherry cor Mill THOMPSON & HARPER (J F Thompson W A Harper) real estate and loans room 17 Security Bank bldg tel 472 Sides Addie A Mrs 111 n Jefferson Sheck Fred Anson.Su Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Bluett Chas brake Santa Fe rms 117 w 4th 97 PurchasingHackney, Hunter and Lichty. CATONS MARBLE WORKS J. GARLAND, President, HENRY F. SMITH. 52 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Jameson Thomas Clearwater 3.Ill Reece D W South Haven.S H Reece J S Oxford.Ox A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Efc. Marshall W D Hunnewell.S H Mayer W L Conway Spgs.Spg Schermerhorn W Wirt L. A Miller Geo J Wellington..Well WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL, E. T. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER WAUGH NEAL B bkpr Amsden Lbr Co r 211 w Lincoln Boyd M T Conway Spgs.Cr Lynch Wm F wf Fannie painter Santa Fe r 811 w Harvey Skaggs R C Wellington.Jk Shirlie Ethel C tel opr Mo & Kas Tel Co r 419 s Olive Pattersn Block121 s Washn. Wyckoff L R Caldwell 3.Bl Z. Pure Drugs and Druggists' Sundries King E R Conway Spgs.Con Calvert John W wf Agnes driver Albert Russell r 420 w Harvey 'Lincoln and Jefferson. Neff J J FreeportMor TINKHAM ANDREW wf Elizabeth (A Tinkham & Son) r 210 n G TINKAM ANDREW JR (A Tinkham & Son) r 210 n G Tomlin Cicero r 412 s C Right Top Lines. Devaney Wm brake Santa Fe r 403 e Harvey Camp Lula waiter North Star Dining Parlor r 120 1/2 n Washn Hamilton J S Milan.Ry Sellers, Jeweler and Optician Duvall Fred Milan.Ry SPRAGUE JOSEPH J wf Lora M mgr Sprague Electric Co r 312 n B Staubus Martha Josephine r 612 n Poplar HOGE & CO. DRY GOODS Varner Winfield S wf Louesa R F D carrier No 2 r 1018 w Harvey Hammond Margaret F wid Henry r 221 s Elm Exchanges a Specialty. Shoup C H Corbin.Falls Tracy Geo Argonia.Dix Turney A M Belle Plaine 1.B P Johnson Joseph lab rms 203 1/2 s Washn Carter Hal r 1027 s A Kirk J H Clearwater 3.Ill Stoner Geo M Caldwell.Cald Sunback Willet Mulvane.Go Tennell Lewis lab Santa Fe b 522 w 2d Diamond Barber Shop 119 n Washn C J Nisewanger propr Griffith W H Teichman J H CITY DIRECTORY. WELLINGTONS BEST FLOUR. CITY DIRECTORY. WE BUY FOR CASH. PICTURES & PICTURE FRAMES Left Bottom Lines Parking in front of a driveway or fire hydrant, on top of a speed hump, or with any wheels off the roadway (i.e. 144 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Jordan Mary P (c) r 415 n Olive Fitzgerald G M Portland.Ge Cox Nettie M stenog Aetna Mills r 510 w Harvey Marshall M F Conway Spgs.Spg May C C CaldwellCald W. E. O. BEE HIVE GROCERY 103 n Washn tel 135 George G W Dalton.Av Left Bottom Lines. Wingerd J C Ellison I B 45-47 P. O. ARCADE Donald C C Clearwater 3_____111 Chenoweth Mary E r 220 w Harvey Chenoweth Rachael E r 315 e 11th Chenoweth Roy A student r 315 e 11th Collins John CorbinCh Cottle C W South Haven.S H HAVENS D J 700 n Blaine tel 280 Fisher Rose wid Michael r 1003 n A Fisher Susan C wid Leman C r 512 n Washn Lowe Gus Moore J W Mennell C B Siceloff L C Emery J F Conway Spgs.Con Killgore Frank McLean O F Schmidt P R Caldwell.Cald Segebartt L Milan Uy Alter, Belle Plaine. Metcalf Edgar H cond Santa Fe r 919 n A Parker, Lee Boyce, (Baptist) 318 s F. Holliday E May student r 223 e 11th French Clarisa wid Jonathan r 405 s C Overly J K South Haven.Ge EMERSON & HARRISON, Physician and Druggist Lindsey Leona student r 812 s G J. Kunde Werner wf Lena r 1021 n A W E O. Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer Phone 75 We also Handle all grades of Coal JAS. Hughes E T Conway Spgs.Spg Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Looker Wm Sherburn Wm Ordinance 2015-002: Use of Secondary and Culinary Water for Purposes of Outside Watering and to Promote Water Use Efficiency in Amenity Landscape Irrigation. Peck Georgia B Mrs comp Monitor Press r 107 1/2% n Washn FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO 112 1/2 s Washn E R DeYoe mgr Edrington J F Belle Plaine 2.B P Burns J R Caldwell.Cald Thompson Margaret wid Hiram r 720 e Lincoln Aubury G W South Haven.Jk McConnell Wm Ashton.Ge WELLINGTON, KANS. Jones I G Obenchain J M Gibson T J Herrington G F 115; Residence, No. Ebersole William Conway Spgs.Con THIRD WARD SCHOOL from Harvey av to Lincoln from F to G Kate E DeTurk prin Slothower G W Wellington Jk Smith O R Belle Plaine 3.Pal WELLINGTON CEMENT STONE CO cement building blocks 204 e Harvey W E Bartholomew mgr Washington Tel. Mulkey Woody Poulson W A Feed, Grain, Hay, Seeds Gambrill Myrne S student r 808 n Olive Gappens Wm painter rms 207 1/2 n Washn GLAMANN BROS G se cor 1st tel 165 farmers phone 22 Price McD Theo Strong Bert PHONE 20. 207 N. Washington McDaniel Zack Caldwell.Cald Jordan Frank M wf Amanda r 1004 s F Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 377 TwelfthBotkin st. McCants John J Caldwell.Cald Harms Frances r 10th ne cor F Brackett Lorin brake Santa Fe rms 516 e 4th Wyant G W Wellington.76 Young Wm Oxford.Pal Grubbs John K r 422 w 15th BAILEY maker of portraits. Miller G W Argonia.Dix Veits Frank fireman Santa Fe rms 117 w. 4th Phone 153 Sisson E A Conway Spgs.Con Davis Chiton Caldwell.Falls Hirons C A Mayfield l.Su COMPILERS AND PUBLISHERS W. E. O. Webb J E Oxford..Ox Whaley Mrs M Perth.Do Menser John Belle Plaine 1.B P Henderson John Argonia.Mor Capital stock $50,000.00, A general banking business transacted. NOTARIES Loer A D Belle Plaine l.Pal Rider Albert e wf Emma A R F D carrier No 4 r 1117 w 7th Dunham Mabel C student r 413 e 4th Dunham Sada W student r 801 s Washn Holman G II 119 n Jefferson Keyes Susan F wid Wm S H r 402 n Jefferson ARLINGTON DRUG STORE THE 106 n Washn tel 393 MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE 104 s Washn tel 153 SIMPSON & HYGH 124 s Washn tel 377 133 Smith Chas S elk C A Gambrill r 202 n Jefferson Cease Chas Ferris E G Office Hours, S to 12 a. m., / to 6 p. m. Mullinax D D South Haven.S H 164 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSA
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