NO Credit Check. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 987 undergraduate students. BCC was founded in 1987 with the goal of becoming one of the most respected and innovative Massage Therapy training centers in the nation. <> "My job is to get them started right away, so we can make our budget," Rockwood tells us. He calls his experience horrible. Also in 2005, EMI added the White River School of Massage in Fayetteville, Arkansas (which is now BCC-Fayetteville) to its family of schools. The people I've met thus far have forever helped save my life. $1,750/Month - Part Three","author_name":"Blue Cliff Career College","author_url":"https:\/\/\/@bluecliffcareercollege5229","type":"video","height":"608","width":"1080","version":"1.0","provider_name":"YouTube","provider_url":"https:\/\/\/","thumbnail_height":"360","thumbnail_width":"480","thumbnail_url":"https:\/\/\/vi\/zHXu6vOay1c\/hqdefault.jpg","html":"