[31][29], Bonin was to later claim that his experiences in Vietnam instilled a belief within him that human life is overvalued and that humans generally overestimate their value in society,[62] emphasizing feelings of power and independence while in the service. This final appeal was rejected on June 28, 1995, with the appellate judges stating they had found no evidence of legal misconduct, and that no evidence existed that the 13 jurors who served upon Bonin's Orange County trial who had admitted to minimal, indirect pretrial exposure to the Freeway Killer case had, as a result of this pretrial publicity, been incapable of judging Bonin with impartiality. I don't know; I don't think any of us would know until we're there. Inside the glove box, investigators also discovered a scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to the murders.[288]. "[131] According to Munro, Butts who had been dressed in a Darth Vader costume[276] prodded the body before replying, "Oh, you got another one!" None of Bonin's relatives chose to witness his execution, although the event was witnessed by several relatives of his victims, many of whom wept and embraced when his death was officially confirmed. Bonin was ordered to return to court on January 7 for pretrial motions and the formal setting of a trial date. [42], Bonin regularly attended group therapy sessions while incarcerated at Atascadero. Born in Connecticut on January 8, 1947, Bonin was the middle child of three brothers. [231] Gatlin was beaten and sodomized, suffering several deep, perforating ice pick wounds to the ear and neck before being strangled with a ligature. [240] After binding and sodomizing the youth,[141] Bonin bit into Turner's penis until it tore and bled. [17][38] In addition, Bonin's parents occasionally left Bonin and his younger brother Paul under the care of the eldest brother, Robert Jr., who receiving the majority of their father's abuse for defending their mother[39] often beat and belittled his siblings. [n 7] In 1977, Bonin was subject to further psychiatric examination; the results of this evaluation indicated his sexual involvement with young boys related to his mother's micromanagement of his life. In the abduction and murder of Lundgren, Bonin was assisted by Butts, who is suspected of accompanying or assisting Bonin on at least eight further murders attributed to the "Freeway Killer". [40], In 1957, Bonin was arrested for stealing metal tags from vehicle license plates;[17] he was placed in a juvenile detention center for these offenses and various other minor crimes. After Pugh had bludgeoned and beat Turner about the head and body for several minutes,[240] Bonin strangled Turner to death with his own T-shirt and a tire iron before discarding his body at the rear delivery door to a Los Angeles business. [220] Bonin then began sexually assaulting Miranda; Miley also attempted to rape Miranda, but was unable to sustain an erection. [229] None of these jobs lasted a significant length of time, and he was frequently unemployed. Bonin admitted in a jailhouse interview with a reporter that he killed 21 young men and boys. According to Bonin and Munro, upon learning Wells was bisexual, Bonin engaged in consensual relations with Wells in the rear of his van before persuading the youth to accompany him to his parents' house, where the two engaged in further sexual relations on Bonin's parents' bed. Contemporary records from this juvenile detention center indicate Bonin also functioned well under the disciplinary structure of the detention home. John Fredrick Kilpatrick (15): Disappeared on December 5, 1979, and found on December 13, 1979, in Los Angeles County; strangled to death with ligature after being flagellated with string. Hanson remained Bonin's attorney until October 1981 when, at Bonin's request, he was replaced by William Charvet and Tracy Stewart. Ten days after Bonin's release from custody, on March 14, he abducted 18-year-old Van Nuys youth Ronald Gatlin; after assaulting the youth, Bonin began hacking at Gatlin's face with an ice pick. His remains were cremated in a private ceremony with none of his family members present. [148] His underwear, jeans, and severed genitals bearing several bite marks[151] were discovered strewn in a field close to his body. [154] Later that evening, Bonin drove from Downey to Hollywood with Gregory Miley with the specific intention of committing a murder with him. [255], One week after the murder of Sharp, on the afternoon of May 19, Bonin asked Butts to accompany him on a killing; on this occasion, however, Butts reportedly refused to accompany him. Psychiatrists noted his defensive, aggressive attitude toward other patients and refusal to acknowledge his homosexuality. Bonin's jailhouse writings offer new perspective on his brutality, methods, thoughts and personality. "[162] Bonin further explained that he had not chosen to refrain from sexually assaulting and murdering Pugh out of sentiment; he had been spared because the pair had been seen leaving Fraser's party together. He was tried before Superior Court Judge William Keene. [314][n 18], Against overruled objections from Bonin's defense attorney, Fresno-based reporter David Lpez waived his previously sought immunity under California's shield law and agreed to testify on behalf of the prosecution as to the details of seven interviews Bonin had granted him between December 1980 and April 1981. [400] He served less than four years of his sentence, and was released from prison in late 1985.[376]. [34] Dr. Albert Rosenstein, a forensic psychologist, predicted their killer was an intelligent sex offender in his late twenties or early thirties, had spent time in a psychiatric facility, was abused as a child, and that while bisexual, the killer "has [never] become comfortable with the homosexual side of his personality" and is repulsed by his actions, as is evidenced by the gruesome mutilation of his victims. Reaching an abandoned gas station, Bonin parked the vehicle and coaxed Shelton to orally copulate him and endure rape. [244][245] Prior to disposing of Wood's body, Bonin allegedly drove to a scheduled job interview before eating pizza as he awaited the onset of dusk to safely discard the corpse. Several family members of Bonin's victims later recounted that Bonin had remained remorseless throughout his trial, seemingly deriving pleasure from their anguish. Miley then returned to his native. When arrested, he informed law enforcement that "next time there won't be any more witnesses. [259] They drove to a disused gas station in Huntington Beach, where they wedged Wells' nude corpse between a chain-link fence and a truck. At Butts' apartment, the trio engaged in brief conversation before Bonin invited Butts to view Wells' body with the enticement: "We got it in the van; it's a good one. "[388], Munro was sentenced to a term of fifteen years to life for the second degree murder of Steven Wells on April 6, 1981. Profile of Sean Vincent Gillis. [275][268], At approximately 9p.m., the two drove to Butts' Lakewood apartment[276] as Bonin informed Munro that he, Butts, and others had committed many of the "Freeway Killer" murders. Bonin has not given a news interview since the early 1980s, when he was sentenced to death for raping and strangling 14 young men in Southern California. [33][34] Bonin was to remain at the convent until May 31, 1955, when he returned to live with his parents in a home owned by Bonin's maternal grandfather located at 465 Stafford Road in Mansfield, Connecticut. Initially doubting Bonin, Miranda began crying and begging for his life. For these appeals, Bonin hired new lawyers, who initially submitted contentions that his previous defense attorney, Charvet, had provided inadequate defense at his trials by failing to place sufficient emphasis upon Bonin's bipolar disorder and the sexual abuse he had endured as a child. When Bonin asked Kendrick whether he was gay, Kendrick attempted to flee,[249] but Bonin and Butts overpowered and bound him[180] and Butts sodomized him; Bonin raised the volume of Butts' sound system to cover Kendrick's screams. For the next several decades, San Quentin was the In one article published in the San Francisco Chronicle three days prior to Bonin's execution, editor Robert Morse opined: Bonin was abused as a child. Medical evidence also revealed that six of the murders for which Bonin was charged were committed by a unique windlass strangulation method, which was later referred to by the prosecutor at Bonin's Los Angeles County trial as "a signature, a trademark". [313], The strategy of Bonin's defense attorneys, Charvet and Stewart, was to challenge the credibility of numerous prosecution witnesses, and to suggest that extremely significant mitigating factors as to the root causes of Bonin's behavior lay in the extensive physical, sexual, and emotional abuse he had endured throughout his early life. [197] Following this incident, Butts reportedly began exhibiting extremely bizarre behavior, at one point putting an ax blade to a close friend's throat and stating, "I'd like to see your blood gush out and hear your screams. Douglas then outlined a number of salacious allegations regarding Bonin's torture of victims that were otherwise not supported with valid evidence. Fearful of Butts,[191] Bonin reassured Hyden and offered him $50 for sexual services, soon engaging in consensual intercourse as Butts drove the van. [382], Three weeks after Bonin's execution, authorities discovered that his mother had openly exploited an administrative error pertaining to her son's social security disability payments which Bonin had begun receiving for a mental disability in 1972 and which should have terminated upon his 1982 imprisonment to maintain payments on her Downey home. During the assault, Treadwell was bludgeoned with a tire iron. Bonin was charged with, but subsequently cleared of, the murders of Sean King and Thomas Lundgren at his Los Angeles County trial. Authorities Hunt Clues to Bodies Found in Trash Cans", "Prosecutors Give Details of Sadistic Freeway Murders", National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, "California Death Records: Frank Dennis Fox", "Mother Identifies 'Freeway Killer' Victim", "Grieving Parents Want Killers Behind Bars", "Officials Arrest a Suspect in 'Freeway Killer' Case", "Gregory Matthew Miley Pleads Innocent Today to Charges", "Orange County DA's Office to Oppose Parole for Double Murderer", "Confessed Accomplice of William Bonin Testifies", "A Confessed Accomplice of Accused Freeway Killer William Bonin", "Innocent Plea Entered in 'Freeway Killer' Case", "Teenager Convicted of Manslaughter in Death", "Lasting Pain for Victims' Families: Some Parents Say Witnessing Execution May Speed Healing", "Bill Bonin's Pickup Line: "Hey Kid, Want a Ride? My father used to beat the shit out of me. Chances are the three of William Bunyan's accomplices would have never gotten out of prison no matter how long they lived. William George Bonin, a.k.a. I pulled a knife on him and he got scared. [148] His nude body was discovered on September 12, 1979. When Bonin began squeezing his genitals during the rape, Grabs reportedly broke loose and punched his assailant, causing Bonin to repeatedly stab him for an extensive period. In each instance, the ligature had left an impression measuring approximately one-half of an inch upon the victim's neck. The boys were two of the 14 murder victims pinned to William Bonin, the first inmate to die by lethal injection in California. The first execution of a prisoner took place in the prison way back in 1893. Serial killer William Bonin tours crime scene off Ortega Highway in Orange County, California, with court officials and jury in June, 1983. This administrative error totaling approximately $79,424 was only discovered after a funeral director notified the Social Security Administration of Bonin's death. He had most recently been eligible for parole in October 2014, after previously agreeing to a three-year continuance of his most recent request for parole. Mass Murderers, Spree and Serial Killers. In his testimony, delivered on November 17, Munro stated that shortly after the murder of Wells, he and Bonin drove to a McDonald's restaurant and purchased hamburgers with $10 taken from Wells' wallet. According to Bonin, this individual escorted him to a restroom, where Bonin agreed to sexual advances from this individual under the condition that the older boy's hands were bound with a towel to make Bonin himself feel safer. [356] Insisting that he had no control over his actions, Bonin claimed his urge to kill was too strong to resist before expressing his hope the Lord "will understand me, and know that I [could not] help what I did. "[77] This victim was also sodomized. [186], On August 27, 1979, Bonin and Butts abducted 15-year-old Hollywood youth Donald Ray Hyden at approximately 1:00 a.m. on Santa Monica Boulevard. When Monge attempted to exit the vehicle, Bonin punched his stomach and chest before squeezing his genitals, handcuffing him, and forcing Monge to orally copulate him. [16][17] Often moody and bedridden,[18] Bonin's mother seldom cooked meals for the family. [137], Months later, Bonin suggested that they rape and murder a teenage hitchhiker during one of these discussions. William George Bonin / California's Freeway Killer / Hebephiliac Serial Killer. [59] Nonetheless, Bonin's mother, later expressing extreme disappointment and contempt for her middle son's sexuality and actions,[60][42] evicted her son from the household on at least one occasion for undisclosed reasons. Suspicious of their intentions, Wells became frantic. On January 5, 1982 Bonin was convicted on ten counts of murder and robbery. "[218] Miranda was then overpowered by Bonin, who asked Miranda how much money he had. [34] His body was found at approximately 6:30a.m. the following day, with one investigator likening the network of injuries inflicted upon the victim to that of a rabid dog unable to determine when to cease biting. I don't agree"[354] before further elaborating: "I have no anger towards anybody, but that doesn't mean I don't think the death penalty is wrong. [132] Although both lived externally heterosexual lifestyles,[136] the two soon became lovers,[34] with Butts also introducing Bonin to the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, in which Butts organized and advertised weekly gaming events at his residence. Despite this ruling, this finding was also deemed not to have affected the overall verdict. Throughout Bonin's trials and in the years of his subsequent incarceration on death row, experts devoted much speculation and debate as to whether the root cause of his crimes lay in his extremely abusive and dysfunctional upbringing. Former employees (family name letters A-C) in WWE consist of professional wrestlers, managers, play-by-play and color commentators, announcers, interviewers, referees, trainers, script writers, executives and board of directors.WWE talents' contracts range from developmental contracts to multi-year deals. [192] Butts then threatened Hyden, stating he "entered the Death Van, and when someone enters, they don't go out alive." At 11:45p.m., Bonin was escorted from his holding cell into the execution chamber. [11] Bonin's parents were both alcoholics; his father was a machinist, an ill-tempered war veteran[10] and gambling addict who was frequently physically abusive toward his wife in the presence of his children, and who is known to have occasionally beaten his sons during his wife's absence. Rugh intended on hitching a ride to his job at a fast food restaurant before encountering Bonin. In his closing argument on behalf of the prosecution, Norris described Bonin as an insatiable, callous individual who acted with malice aforethought, and who derived extreme pleasure from the suffering he inflicted upon his victims. Jones was then deposited at a park bench by Bonin, who threatened to kill him if he reported the assault. Authorities said he was the mastermind behind the slayings, recruiting other young men to participate . I was going to kill you but I want to come back for you and use you again. As such, the appellate judges declared their satisfaction with the validity of Bonin's convictions, concluding that Bonin's verdict would not have changed with further mitigating circumstances revealed. In nine murders; those of Lundgren, Shelton, Grabs, Hyden, Murillo, Wirostek, Kendrick, Wells and the John Doe whose skeletal remains had been found in Kern County on November 30, 1979, Bonin was assisted by 19-year-old Gregory Miley in the February 3 murders of Miranda and Macabe. According to Bonin's fiance, he frequently woke up in tears and physically trembling from this nightmare. Willimantic Willimantic is a census-designated place, former city and borough. Despite upholding Bonin's convictions, the Supreme Court poured scorn upon Judge Keene for failing to fully heed a warning given by the prosecution prior to the Los Angeles County trial that Munro had discussed the possibility of agreeing to legal representation by Charvet prior to his testimony. ", Angel of Darkness: The True Story of Randy Kraft and the Most Heinous Murder Spree of the Century, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Bonin&oldid=1141336031, 20th-century executions of American people, American people convicted of child sexual abuse, People executed by California by lethal injection, People with antisocial personality disorder, Prisoners sentenced to death by California, United States Air Force personnel of the Vietnam War, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. When Bonin parked his mother's car in a secluded area, he raped the young man before threatening to kill him if he reported Bonin, claiming he had friends who would aid in avenging him if he told "The Man" of the assault. Read it now. Bonin's parents and older brother were on vacation, and therefore absent from the household at the time of Wells's murder. Then overpowered by Bonin, who threatened to kill him if he reported assault... Hanson remained Bonin 's attorney until October 1981 when, at Bonin 's death a scrapbook of newspaper related... Measuring approximately one-half of an inch upon the victim 's neck ; do! Seldom cooked meals for the family writings offer new perspective on his brutality, methods thoughts... You but i want to come back for you and use you again 17 Often... [ 148 ] his nude body was found at approximately 6:30a.m then began sexually assaulting Miranda ; Miley attempted! 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