I also asked God for the same Spirit of revival to come to our area. MARIO, it is all about souls..living, breathing human beings caught in the lurches of lifeand crying out for help and hope and healing and survival in a world that is in deep trouble.. Dear GOD, let the FIRE OF REVIVAL fill America..even like they did in days of old when the OLD BRUSH ARBORS BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, WHERE THE MIGHTY LIGHT OF GODs Thank Lord Jesus, and Please let it keep going and growing! Thank goodness for servants of our Lord Jesus like Mario Murillo! The fans have been speaking about it for a while and March 31 was thought to be the last day of the heroic character. Its true. "I've lost more elections than I've won," he said. The younger generation wants truth plain and simple. Thanks for staying true to the word of God. Im excited that there is a move of the holy spirit on these young people. His third wifes name is Rose. May your family be blessed and the Lords favor continue to be poured out. Thanks for your comment. Marios condition improved so radically that he became cleared to go home in just 48 hours. It will help them rebut those who reject the truth by using this as an excuse. Let the Spirit of our Ever-loving God find you and others wherever they may be! He needs to come BACK to Jesus. For years I have cried out to God from Habakkuk 3:2, that He would revive his work in the midst of the years and to remember mercy. I was very excited when I heard and watched the videos. or write a book or get TV MEDIA involved but a MOVEMENT OF GOD does NOT need any of these man created things but simply needs to spread out as a WILD FIRE for GODS KINGDOM, GODs HARVEST, and GODs MOVEMENT) Revival happened in 1970 and also 1950. Begin with me,Lord Jesus! I didnt connect with any of the above cases. Some on here are saying that if God has a problem with what has been spoken that he will take care of this, well he already has, as he had Mario obedient to his Voice and Word! Or at a talented orator. The problem for most people today seems to be the loving or valuing part. Aunt Mildred (originally from northeast Ohio) graduated from Asbury College and with her nurses training at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, she had plans to go to Africa on the mission field with her fianc after marriage. We are excited and praying for a long experience of this wonderful event continuing and I prayed for the same wonderful happening in our Country, Canada, as well in our area on Vancouver Island!! Amen God please continue to pour our your loving powerful presence and keep us out of the way. -Do Not Leave Quietly: A Call for Everyday People to Rise Up and Defeat Evil After his divorce from Rose, Mario remarried his second wife Mechelle. I laid hands on the guy in front of me. Sanction Holy Spirit Read the book of Acts. He said He would come He is here. Oh boy do we ever need it now!! Keep praying Birdie theres no way of telling what God could do there where you live! Just curious as a Christian man I dont understand this. Shall we visit and sing worship songs with you? In Jesus name. -Flashpoint of Revival: The Third Great Awakening and the Transformation of our Nation. Her name is Leia. President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University Its amazing what is beginning to happen on our college Former Satanist John Ramirez has been on a mission to expose the kingdom of darkness since he gave his life to Jesus. Thanks for sharing that great story. I admit that when I first heard of this revival, I was skeptical. Hey Mario. A spirit of an unteachable rebellious attitude by those stressing Down with religion! We have let them be groomed by the LGBTQ+s, drag queens, sex traffickers, and all sorts of evil and I think God has had enough. Alister holds an Irish nationality and belongs to mixed ethnicity. Card information. The truth of what I said stands. When Grandma found out it was a girl she exclaimed she get to buy her jewelry and he exclaimed he get to buy guns. It was all over the media. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley, where he shared his . Just trust Him that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him with Himself. Lets be prayerful. One of her professors from Asbury encouraged her to go on a short-term mission trip to an orphanage that was conceived the year prior just to relax and see what doors God would open. Her time at Asbury prepared her for the greatest mission right here in her own back yard!! Is Mario Murillo Married Yes. I am a product of the Jesus movement and saved in 1972. We are to be baptized into Jesus Christ baptized into his death Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death.. Rom. I was recommended this website by my cousin. A bunch of people singing and praising the Lord! Thanks for the reminders and thanks for citing some of the current false pulpit prognostications too. What an answered prayer to see our youth revived! purge the soul again. Heres what happened next: And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. After one year together, he happily tied the knot with Dana Licciardello in Dallas, Texas. Christian Ramos Murillo, 32, was shot and killed after a chase with Tennessee Highway Patrol and Knox County Sheriff's deputies on Interstate 40 on Tuesday night. As one who (like Mario) came to God in the initial days of the Jesus Movement, I recall that immediately after the sudden outbreak of the Jesus Movement in southern California, there was an abrupt rise in strange new cults of all kinds. This generation is so burnt out on flash and hype. There are moments in life where it feels like your prayers are hitting the ceiling. What you do with the truth is your responsibility. But in the pursuit of revelation, it is often easy to miss its purpose. The presence of God can draw us near to Him. He returned there in 1989, to preach for 30 days at the world-famous Cow Palace as 5,000 people flooded the altar. They said (in essence) that while they appreciate his program this kind of movement of the Holy Spirit essentially needs to be experienced not exploited in any way. My son attended Asbury University and it is only an hour and 1/2 away from my home. I see fruit now; and Im sure there will be more in the future. Mario married three times in his life. Over 95,000 people read it on our website, alone. So beautifully stated! Thank you Mario. May Holy Spirit indwellin thst place w truth n love. They are our future. So Murillo turned to the next best thing: He sought an audience with Steve Strang, the founder of Charisma Media. The disciples were in the Upper Room worshiping, praying and giving their personal testimonies for 10 days before the fire fell. After his divorce from Rose, Mario remarried his second wife Mechelle. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley. They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes theyll know are Christians by our love. My wife and I are praying for this to hit other schools across this land. A preacher can feel like the Psalmist who said in Psalm 73:13-14, "Surely, I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocence. I stand by what I have written. Lord may this revival continue to spread, but I ask that you would. My response to you, Deborah, is not to be concerned but to watch what the Holy Spirit does. Mario was hospitalized at Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, Tennessee. Thats whats important. Peace and stillness still reverberates from my spirit as I type these words. /. IJXN! I felt the Spirit have me pray against spiritual thrill seekers This is God changing a generation which has had virtually no experiential knowledge of Jesus.. !, Spiritual warfare going on in California for this to happen as well to the Glory of God. It delights me to know He is doing wonders there and in your meetings. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to evangelize at the University of California at Berkeley. I was sent a book on the Revival that shook the Hebrides. John Wesley was defrocked by the Church of England because he preached outdoors instead of in a church building. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. My first reaction was that I was thrilled, and I still am. The first is this hunger in the people for God and truth. Yes! 22K views, 1K likes, 338 loves, 119 comments, 388 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mario Murillo . Rejoicing where I am because our GOD is everywhere!! My generation needs to pour into the kids lives more now than ever. He said , here along the 99w cultivation of California will start . Friday July 5th, Saturday July 6th, and Sunday July 7th Mario Murillo Ministries held the Living Proof World Convention in Reno/Sparks area at Spirit Filled Church with Pastor Roger Canary. Its about Him so lets just focus on asking what He wants us to do in response and when and how. I am challenged to press into God as never before. No more doctrinal rules! Amen so true guard our hearts and motives Regardless, I loved your Blog!!!! God revives our hearts where ever we are. We moved house to be closer to the Church .. my husband started a new chapter of the FGBMFI in East London.. we were part of two church plants.. at Cintsa East, & the Christian Center in East London!..so I have continued to support The Release of God,s Holy Fire In 2017 .. now a widow living in Wellington RSA.. encouraged to go there to see the well of Revival reopen there as it had in 1860-62.. under Andrew Murray! Does one go to judge authenticity and vow to stop any such resemblance of this messy birthing back at the home church? On January 6 th, a demonic blanket of evil fell over Washington as Antifa, and BLM protestors posing as Trump supporters, along with a few misguided rightwing extremists, allowed the march to walk into a trap, release great tragedy, and handed the enemy an excuse to try and destroy Trump permanently. He presents Christ clearly, intelligently, and openly declares the power of Jesus to totally transform a life. We sat down with Pastor Tammy Hotsenpiller to talk about the key element often missing Back in the 1970s, I used to bowl on Friday nights. 2022. m. February 6, 2022 (Sunday Evening) Revival Meeting: Destiny Church's The Gathering Place 6:00 p. In Jesus name! A preacher can feel like the Psalmist who said in Psalm 73:13-14,Surely, I have cleansed my heartinvain, and washed my hands in innocence. Mario has been a core part of the FlashPoint group and it's unclear if he's still included or if he's been ostracized after making these comments. The help arrived in stages. The Lord said Pray for Pres. Amen. With repentance comes Gods love and times of refreshing. . !.and yes, several times Ive been warned of hell fire punishment because I dared to question the accuracy of things claimed in the Lords name. I am weeping with Joy!! Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their fathers house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Set and filmed in Mexico and United States, Seasons 1 and 2 tell the story of Sara Aguilar, a beautiful housewife, who by obligation ends up becoming the most powerful drug and money laundering trafficker in Mexico to protect her son and her friends. I am encouraged by your right response to the Asbury revival. She was devastated as, back in those days, women were not allowed on the mission field without a husband. Mario, thank you for your insight and wisdom. Jesus did not take either the Pharisees or the money changers aside privately before He rebuked them publicly. Amen! I pray the Lord continue to flow for the young and hungry folks. Love, Dr. Ken and Diane Searle. The Internet has been rife with rumours that Mario, the iconic Italian plumber and game character, may soon die. Yay God! Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? It is here Praise God. Asbury, Ky is a good thing, but most of the lost souls are living on our streets and in dark places where they feel trapped with no hope. Yes, may they not lose that and be hijacked by the outwardly sensational hype. URGENT! Mario Murillo in San Diego. The Spirit of God was warning, empowering, and . Set Scotland On Fire once again!! Do you know anyone with a tent? The Holy Spirit repeated the challenge, and I willingly said, I will commit my soul, Father! 13 years have passed, and I have continued to pray daily. Here is Larry Rutledge: "To fully explain what happened would require a lot of technical back story. The church of four walls is a likely place, although I believe the focus should be on places where lost souls have been forgotten. Am hoping and praying that it continues to spread to all, ALL, other colleges and universities. And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. Please send revival to New Mexico!!!!! Mario was born in the United States. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved (Matthew 9:16-17)great word!!! This is where Im @ in prayer for a continuing Revival, The Lord had me praying Psalm 86:6-7,9: Will you not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Its very appropriate for our youth to start revival. I was so excited when I heard about Asbury Revival! I did see these type of responses, too. Like Dutch Sheets said, lets apply Mateo 28. I, too, live with other seniors. Lets pray for Godly teachers of Scripture. I cast you out in Jesus name. His heart is for everyday Christians to understand and be aware of what's happening in the spirit realm around them. Israel left Egypt after the curse was broken by the death of the firstborn of the Egyptians. We live on the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada. Where are the David Wilkersons, a man who walked into gang infested ghettos and hoods witnessing to those lost souls? Filled with wisdom. Many others along the way lasted for a season, but were cut short by disobedience. Mario married three times in his life. Joy at his unpredictability. Theyre respecting the holiness of this it appears!!! Murillo, who has vehemently refused to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, used his preaching slot to declare that God will destroy the United States to save it from the Democrats. Ive been a believer for close to 40 years, Ive never experienced anything close to this ever! What happened to us? . This rebuke cut so deep that Andrew refused to preach for months. The harvest is so great that it is consuming all of my time. The despair in America runs so deep that 20% of our youth have frequent thoughts of suicide. And lets rejoice with those in Asbury who are rejoicing!!! Overshadow and guide this work of the Holy Spirit!. Let us not do anything to tarnish this simple and innocent work. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Thousands of people hungry to simply sit at the feet of Jesus. You guessed it "they were preaching outdoors. I visited the Asbury revival yesterday and the presence of Holy Spirit is there. Not only to bring in the youth filled with zeal, but also the wisdom of the older generation, to form a mighty weapon in the hand of the Father in coming days.a tri-generational army, if you will. Just a couple of rows from the front. He was first married to Pat, the Mechelle. Amen! And pray the Lord will guide and protect it use it to accomplish his purposes in the individuals, the body of Christ and extend his Kingdom here on earth. Her primary positions were school nurse, teacher, and Postmaster for Bethany, KY. During her fifty-six years at the orphanage, as a pioneer nurse, she delivered 267 babies without a doctor being on the case at the time of delivery! T.G.. H o l o h a n. So glad the leaders there are asking the media to stay away!! by Mario Murillo | Jan 3, 2022 | Prophetic Insight. Do those who take a trip to see this thing do so to see that which has been born of which the prophets foretold? Or with what other motivations does one go to Asbury? His third wife's name is Rose. I was concerned for them at first with everyone going there, and realized the leadership has put some boundaries up for attendees. The attributes mentioned above hit the necessary care and feeding of this new birth. The same way that 2020 and 2021 fooled them. Thank you Lord God Almighty who has heard the cry of your children and is moving to gather souls on the Earth Amen. I, too, am unable to attend the meetings. Janestree Breathing Journal spoken and written out of the DUST OF JANE (a speck of dust) to swirl back around in dance lifting my hands up HIGH to the heavens to WORSHIP MY GOD OF HIS MOVEMENT of FIRE in the heavens through the HOLY GHOST FIRE of HIM HIS MOVEMENT 02/18/2023 3:20 am Thank you, Mario! One New Man Bible God is an awesome God. The nest was located high up in inaccessible mountains, yet the forestry service had to keep its location hidden. You said if anyone be sick here stand up. He left it the hands of others during a sabbatical in England. As I have shared many times through the years REVIVAL never flows out from the pulpit by what a preacher has words to share but true REVIVAL always flows and catches on fire at when people run to the ALTAR before a HOLY GOD with full repentance crying out at that altar this is when GODs BELLOW WINDS start blowing is upon that ALTAR before a HOLY GOD Each baby looks uniquely like its parents, so we must be careful not to envy. Praying and rejoicing in the mercy of God! Mario, I saw you when you were in Toledo, Ohio (Holy Toledo) back in 1993. Come Lord Jesus! If has more experience with Revival in meetings then Mario step forward and I know that wont happen and I think the words that saying Mario are very very astute and very well put as a caution when I heard about it Im on the west coast I marveled I gave God glory for he was starting in a in a college and I thought to myself wow thats just what happened back in the seventies when Chuck Smith started the Revival on the beach they were all college kids and what a place to start God said hes going to have young men prophesy and heal and all those things why put it to Jeopardy by questioning what God is doing oh my goodness gracious so sad so sad so Lord disregard all those people and I hope the people hes your words Mario thatll be well with God and itll run its course hopefully not at all amen God bless you sir, Joy that the Lord is making Himself present and known and remembering the one in 1970 praise God send more. 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