3 - 4 ) Jonah's Renewed Commission and Obedience ( 3:1-4) The Endangered Ninevites' Repentant Appeal to the Lord ( 3:5-9) (John 8:57,58) The truth is, we should never assume that it is impossible for people to repentno matter how vicious they may seem to us. Disobedience is a big deal when it comes to God. We all have our opinions, and ideas about how things should happen or be. After they threw him overboard, the waves grew calm. Rather Jonah became a reluctant prophet because he knew God's grace would overwhelm Israel's enemy. Long story short they toss him overboard, but before doing so they ask God to forgive them. The book of Jonah concludes with a rather enigmatic ending. 15. However, anyone who willingly obeys God has the advantage of receiving greater benefits than a person who was coerced into obedience. Oddly enough Jonah was not too happy about that. In doing so, he showed remarkable courage and faith, qualities that Christians today need more than ever. 33:11) Jehovah told his prophet Jeremiah: At any moment that I may speak against a nation and against a kingdom to uproot it and to pull it down and to destroy it, and that nation actually turns back from its badness against which I spoke, I will also feel regret over the calamity that I had thought to execute upon it.Jer. The book of Jonah demonstrates the sovereignty of the Almighty as he employs his creation to accomplish the divine plan. Before him lay a journey of more than 500miles (800km), an overland trek that would take him about a month, perhaps even longer. In what ways might some find themselves disagreeing with God, and what lesson can we learn from Jonahs example? TERMS OF USE He will establish his abiding presence with his favorite children. What quality had Jehovah shown toward Jonah, yet what question arises? Jonah knew what the Assyrians were capable of doing. What does his familiar and most often considered a childrens story could teach us, adults? For the official Church websites, please visit churchofjesuschrist.org or comeuntochrist.org. How had Jonah learned that he could not run away from his assignment? I AM JOSHUA and Im on a mission to help fellow Christians build a closer and more intimate relationship with God. All rights reserved. He does all this to get Jonah to Nineveh. * He walked for a day, penetrating ever deeper into that teeming metropolis, perhaps looking for a suitable central location to start spreading his message. 19 Once more Jehovah asked Jonah if he was rightly angry, this time over the death of the bottle-gourd plant. (Read Jonah 3:5.) Like us, Jonah initially responds to his prophetic call with fear. While the theme of Gods sovereignty and Gods grace is, indeed, the predominant storyline of Jonah, the book is certainly not merely metaphorical. What's wrong with the House of Bishops' proposed same-sex prayers? He wants to show His love to everyone. 6 It has been estimated that Samaria, the capital of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel, may have had some 20,000 to 30,000 inhabitants in Jonahs dayless than a fourth of Ninevehs population. Thank you. His life and ministry, recorded in but four chapters, brings so many lessons to Christians old and new. My honest opinion of why he did that was in hopes that he could escape from Gods presence. Knowing that the people of Nineveh were wicked, Jonah naturally wouldn't want to go there to preach. He is the recipient of the Legion of Merit. Then he sent a parching east wind until Jonah began swooning away because of the heat. Without Gods mercy, love, and compassion, we wouldnt be here. Long strands of briny seaweed wrapped around Jonahs neck and the distinct rankness of a creatures stomach acid digesting the prophet would remain with Jonah for the rest of his life. 9. And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 1:12-14). He decides the best thing to do is leave Israel and go in the polar opposite direction to Tarshish, which is said to be near Spain. Jonah remains today a powerful lesson on compassion, on purpose, and obedience. His failure would have resulted in the destruction of Nineveh by the Lord due to their wickedness. God told Jonah what He wanted Jonah to do. . A person should aspire to obey God and receive his blessing than to disobey him and suffer terrible consequences. i. On the contrary, he is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful. He gets on the boat and flees Jerusalem. It is important to note that the Northern Kingdom of Israel was at odds with Assyria and Ninevah was a great city in Assyria. Confinement, Communion, and Confession, Jonah 2. God was telling Jonah to take a message of repentance to an empire destined to destroy his own nation and people. Jehovah will satisfy the needs of his faithful children from this earth to heaven. It takes place in part in Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria . But what happened, did Jonah obey God with zeal and passion? 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Tests to See if Your Worship Is Truly Christian or Pagan, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. We read in Jonah 3:4: Yet, forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.. The result, however, was nothing short of amazing. . When Jonah adds that to his list of complaints the Lord uses it as a teaching moment. MATERIALS: Learning props and toys, craft supplies, music SONG IDEAS:&a Let us go to Jonah 1:1 brethren. Im having trouble understanding the story. We dont deserve mercy and compassion. Will we?Read Matthew 5:7. Jonah wanted to see Nineveh destroyed. Meanwhile, as soon as Jonah was thrown from the ship, the storm stopped and the water became calm again. Whether Jonah liked what God commanded, understood the reason for what God commanded or wanted something different than what God commanded made no difference whatsoever. The Bible states that the Lord had Jonah caught by a giant fish for three days and then vomit him up (presumably near Nineveh). He claimed that he knew all along that Jehovah would not bring calamity on Nineveh, even using that as an excuse for his running away to Tarshish in the first place. However, as the story unfolds we can see how the Lord draws him from fear . (see Jonah 3:4) Such a preaching could sound pretty condemning and scary, and it is: it's a message of judgment. Sometimes we learn lessons the hard way because we don't always do things God's way. As we know it didnt really work too well for him. And now, no doom was coming. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. Though Jonah ran away from God, God wasn't finished with him yet. Thank you, Jesus! Jonah and the Whale Bible Story Study Guide. Jonah was the prophet who served during the reign of Jeroboam II in the Eighth Century before Christ. Thank you for your patience and continued support! They had made no agreement to obey Him like the Israelites had ( Exodus 24:3 ), and God had no obligation to save them. Give me the ability to do whatever you ask of me. You can try to hide, move, go away, either physically or even internally with your emotions, but its futile. God is trying to teach Jonah that God can bless whoever He wishes, whenever He wishes. 9 Some critics express doubt that such a change of heart could have occurred so quickly among the Ninevites. It says, For God so loved the world.. Here is part of the prayer in Jonah 2. Nineveh was a Gentile city, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, and had no covenant with God. (b)Why was Jonahs prophecy not a false one? (b)What do we learn about Jonah from the preaching work that he carried out? It is an astounding admission of the true nature of Gods covenant given to Abraham. So, please feel free to drop me a comment or take a look at my similar posts in my Christian Faith Articles page! Jonah could have known friends, family members, and relatives who have been killed by the Ninevites. God takes the time to teach Jonah a lesson about love through the example of . For built into Jonah's first attempts to get away from God are two results which will inevitably follow whenever anyone tries to disobey Him. God will move you out of a place of comfort to see a greater level of breakthrough for yourself and for others. 22 The question is, Did Jonah take the lesson to heart? John 3:16 tells us, For God so loved the Israelites, no, the church, no, the apostles, saints, prophets, NO! The people of Nineveh repented, and God spared the city. God caused Jonah to be taken captive by the Assyrians and to fear for his life. God begins to have mercy upon us while we are still in willful disobedience; and, like Nineveh, characterized by infamous sin and evil. We could be preaching, but our hearts may not be in preaching. We can come to think that we are blessed to be in the family of God because of something of value or usefulness that impresses God. As the days passed, he thought about the destination that he so dreaded, the city that drew closer with each step he tookNineveh. He Learned a Lesson in Mercy, Publication download options Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fishs belly. . She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. It was vast, a metropolitan region that evidently included several other cities, requiring a man three days to walk from one end to the other. it helps to pay the bills and keeps this website running. To top it off Nineveh is 800 miles away. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying. No. God is working to teach Jonah a lesson. . Im sure it will bless you like it has blessed me. Nineveh had a huge population for that time. Where can I fleefrom your presence? by Shelby Faith. - Acts 20:24b Props: One Ziploc bag with a fresh piece of Play-doh inside; Second piece of Play-doh that is dried out, in no particular shape; an extra ziplock bag. God used the bottle-gourd plant to teach Jonah a lesson in mercy, 20 God reasoned with Jonah, saying that the prophet was feeling sorry over the death of a mere plant that had sprung up overnight, one that Jonah neither planted nor caused to grow. God, however, had compassion on the people of Nineveh: "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their leftand much livestock?" These people were extremely cruel towards Israel and caused a lot of problem in the past. Perhaps he still clung to the hope of witnessing her destruction. God's command to him remained the same; he was still to preach repentance to Nineveh (see Jonah 2:10-3:4). His spirits lifted. Jonah 4:6-7 = Made bush grow to give shade, then had worm kill it Bush Notes: Probably Elkeroa - Common shrub in Palestine, grows in sandy places Broad vine-like leaves with dense shadow Grows very quickly in matter of days How did this affect Jonah? There are consequences for sin, but the Lord is always ready to. Learn More. Please see my disclosure policy for details. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. (a)How does Jehovah show that he is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful? God was trying to teach Jonah lessons about the importance of being obedient to The Lord and His will. Jonah admits that he worships the God of heaven and earth and that right now, he is fleeing from God's direct command. The scripture reported, Now that we had a short summarylets get down to business! Out of the belly of Sheol I cried,andyou heard my voice. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. What can we learn from the Ninevites repentance? The noise of a whip and the noise of rattling wheels, of galloping horses, of clattering chariots! The sign of Jonah was an expression used by Jesus to refer to Jonah's three days and three nights in the belly of the fish (Jonah 1:17). Then God concluded: For my part, ought I not to feel sorry for Nineveh the great city, in which there exist more than one hundred and twenty thousand men who do not at all know the difference between their right hand and their left, besides many domestic animals?Jonah 4:10,11. The story has a long interpretive history and has become well . When we accept Jesus and our Lord and Savior, then we need t to not just talk the talk but actually walk the walk. The Bible record is silent. His mercy isnt just limited to His people, but He also extends it to those outside of Israel. He is the weeping God ofJonah 4in human form. As Jonah obeys God the people of Nineveh believe God's message and repent. We must realize we dont see it all, we dont understand it all. He has composed and performed original music for five albums. Instead of doing our part in preaching the Gospel, are we running away by simply ignoring this command, wasting our time on unproductive things, or focusing too much on the things of this world rather than the things of God? God has won Jonah's heart back in the right direction, so he commanded the fish to grant him bail and asked Jonah the second time to go preach in the city of Nineveh. Notice, Nineveh is northeast of Israel and Tarshish is in the west. Jonah, of course, tells God, it aint going to happen! and runs away in the polar opposite direction of Ninevah. Yet the city of Nineveh had sixscore thousand people (Jonah 4:11) who didnt know any better and Jonah thinks their preservation is a bad thing? Jonah 3 & 4. Roger J. Landry Columbia Catholic Ministry, Notre Dame Church, Manhattan Wednesday of the First Week of Lent March 1, 2023 Jonah 3:1-10, Ps 51, Lk 11:29-32 To listen to an audio recording of today's homily, please click below: [coming] The following points were attempted in the homily: We're now one week into [] Read Jonah 4:1-11. Only Jehovah can read what lies within the human heart. No one expects a person to survive inside a fish. Jonah 4:8 "And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, [It is] better for me to die than to live." It has spiritual ramifications that affects both our spiritual life, and daily life. I think not. It may be that Jonah made his proclamation in his native Hebrew and used an interpreter to relate it to the Ninevites. Jonah's men threw him overboard because they didn't want to be punished for what Jonah had done. I am passionate about inspiring people to find their God-given purpose in life. In what ways would you like to imitate the faith of Jonah when you receive corrective counsel? Did he leap for joy and shouted hooray? Then, God asks a question to Jonah, which echoes through the ages down to our own lives: Jonah 4:10-11 (ESV): And the Lord said, You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. Clearly the Lord knew what Jonah would do, and it seems the Lord was prepared to use that to further His own ends. How could Jonah place more value on a single plant than he did on the lives of 120,000 humans, in addition to all their livestock? After paying the fare, he. This blatant rebellion leads Jonah a not so fun boat ride. Jonah prophesied in the mid-700s BC, a time when Assyria was not as powerful as they had been in recent years. For, Jonah, its an insult to Israel. This website is not owned by or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). "Then word came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes. Why did Jehovah refer to Nineveh as the great city, and what does that teach us about him? The story of Jonah demonstrates why God so often leads us one step at a time without telling us more. Sunday School Teacher's Guide - this is just one possible lesson plan. BIBLEARENA.ORG presents the sacred teachings of the Bible to enhance spiritual growth. In the same manner, God won't give up on us. People are important to God. It is clear that Jonah believed in the efficacy of God's message. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. He could have detested and hated these people. The book of Jonah begins with these words: "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Ammittai, saying, arise, go to Nineveh, that great city and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.". This is why its great to do a Bible study on these types of books in the Bible. Jonah did not weep over the city, but Jesus, the true prophet, did. These people were extremely cruel towards Israel and caused a lot of problem in the past. Or trouble within your church? Jonah was cast into the sea and did not drown. The fast was so great that even animals fasted and cried out to God! It is not that Jonah hesitated and, then, refused to go to Nineveh because the task would be difficult (although that is an argument from silence). During this time Jonah humbled himself to do what the Lord wanted. A Heartless Prophet, Jonah 4. Im having trouble understanding the story. He was a prophet in a nation he is proud of. But thankfully brethren, God is not like that. How much more will God hear your prayers as you cry out for a wayward child? How did Jonah react to Jehovahs mercy on Nineveh? Jehovah can allow his children to suffer for the sake of saving them. I hope these 5 keys have made you hungry to dive more into Gods word. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. (a)What did Jonah do after leaving Nineveh? Horsemen charge with bright sword and glittering spear. 7,8. God Bless The petulant prophet is perturbed that God's grace to pagans is of greater priority to God than Jonahs comfort. We must keep our hearts soft lest anger and bitterness come in. Please click here to learn how. What Does it Mean That Jesus Was Gods Begotten Son? In the north of modern-day Iraq, next to the city of Mosul, the remains of Nineveh, stand as testimony to the historicity of the story in Jonah. To know he answers my prayers? Though we run away from Him, He patiently waits for us. Join me now as we explore Gods word and discover what it takes to become a true Christian! Instead, we see the exact opposite. 18 Overnight, Jehovah caused a bottle-gourd plant to sprout up. Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it. Whereas if they did not repent, then the Lord would destroy them, and they would no longer be a danger to Israel. No doubt he braced himself for a hostile and violent response. 1) That while our love for others fail, God's compassion knows no ends. Then all of sudden God decided to come between Jonah and his patriotism. Was it not because Jonah had allowed his thinking to become selfish? So, I hope my Bible study on Jonah encourages you to take a second look at Jonah. Don't just take the Ninevites words for it; listen to the Apostle Paul: "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hathenabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And dont forget to download the Jonah Character Overview PDF! As Jonah said, God is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm.. Could we be like that brethren? God didn't give up on Jonah. *. 2. So, Yahweh "sent out a great wind on the sea." As a result, Jonah was thrown to the sea and God saved him. JONAH would have plenty of time to think. Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. The story of Jonah and the Whale, one of the oddest accounts in the Bible, opens with God speaking to Jonah, son of Amittai, commanding him to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh. Perhaps, even us today, we'd be hesitant to go to somewhere chaotic and full of wickedness to preach the Gospel. God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh to preach repentance to the Ninevites. We stop there and think of it as a fun story especially for childrens church. When Jonah adds that to his list of complaints the Lord uses it as a teaching moment. God let Jonah eat lavishly, then sent him to a place of famine. But here was God wanting them to repent and change their ways. They had believed him. God who dearly loves his children also has a special mode of correction for his children. 17 The despondent prophet left Nineveh and headed, not home, but eastward, where some mountains overlooked the region. When we look at Jonah 4, Jonah calls God "a gracious God and merciful." Then, in Ephesians 2, Paul says that God's nature is "rich in mercy." As Christians, we know that God is making. Jonah's Disobedience Exposed ( 1:7-10) Jonah's Punishment and Deliverance (1:11 -- 2:1; 2:10) His Prayer of Thanksgiving ( 2:2-9) Jonah Reluctantly Fulfills His Mission (chs. The story of Jonah demonstrates how Almighty God has sovereign control over every creature on earth. 8 This detail may seem odd, but it is not without precedent in ancient times. 6 When Jonah finally entered Nineveh, its sizable population of more than 120,000 may have made the place only more intimidating. It seems that at this time Nineveh had a sea-oriented religious system and sea-themed Gods. Its like what my pastor says, Earthly obedience, brings forth spiritual release. How did Jehovah reason with Jonah about the bottle-gourd plant? (b)What did the king of Nineveh do in response to Jonahs proclamation? He values human life and the potential that each individual has for repenting and learning to do what is right. Though He is now in Nineveh, he was just dragging his feet to preach to the people. Jesus knew what he was talking about, for he had been alive in heaven to witness those events as they unfolded. The fish did not chew him up - it just swallowed him and Jonah was safe inside. There are no limits to God's grace and love, and there are no limits to his ways and means of attaining His goals for salvation. Teach: The Lord had warned (through Jonah) that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed. This is a great Jonah and the whale lesson. Why does God allow good people to suffer? That is where the Gourd and the Worm come in. God told Jonah to go preach a message of repentance to the people of Ninevah. 16 It is easy to judge Jonah for his conduct, but we do well to remember that it is not unusual for imperfect humans to disagree with God. Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!. Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish? But without those, Jonah would have ended up fish food. For this article, we will take a quick look at some things that Jonah's life and ministry teaches us today, in a world where man-centered Christianity has grown, and many are looking for the real deal about Christ. He would have very likely carried PTSD and claustrophobia with him for the rest of his life. Sep 5, 2014 | AAAA AskGramps Website, Bible | 3 comments. 22. He would also know that if he disobeyed the commands of the Lord, he would bring down the wrath of God on himself. Was the restriction of unclean foods in the Bible a commandment. What mattered to him were the people. This would take him weeks if not months! 2 One thing Jonah knew for certain: He could not turn around and run away from this assignment. 21 Do you see the depth of Jehovahs object lesson? An encyclopedia hit the nail on the head as it described the lesson that God taught Jonah through the worm destroying the plant that gave him such delight in an emotional and tiring time in his life. God can simply choose to find another Prophet to do the job. With this understanding, Jonahs choice to flee makes sense (in a very short-sighted kind of way) . God is determined to get Jonah to Nineveh. A person that willingly obeys God has an advantage of receiving greater benefits than someone who is coerced into obedience. ^ par. God Wants You Back, Jonah 1-2. In this article When we look at Jonah in the Bible you will discover incredible life lessons that can be applied to our daily walk with God. He asks the men to hurl him into the sea, which they do, and the storm. 3) That obedience to God will always bring God-sized results. Please keep me ever worthy of your kingdom! (a)Why might Jonah have found Nineveh intimidating? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. God does not tempt us with sin - James 1:13. Read More, 3 Important Ways to Pray for Your Future Husband. As we saw in the preceding chapter, Jehovah patiently taught Jonah by means of a windstorm at sea and a miraculous rescue involving a huge fish. Because of Gods unending love, He sent His Son to die for us on our behalf. Or a friend? Jonah tried to initially claim that The Lord deserted him, but it was Jonah that had tried to run from God (Where could he escape God anyway?? So, grab your Bible and let's go on an adventure in God's Word! Its only 4 short chapters. It has a ton of practical and fun things to print that will help you in you grow in your walk with God! [1-minute video]. We read: "Now Nineveh herself proved to be a city great to God." ( Jonah 3:3) Three times, the record of Jonah quotes Jehovah as referring to "Nineveh the great city." ( Jonah 1:2; 3:2; 4:11) Why was this city great, or important, to Jehovah? The lesson that God loves us while we are living in rebellion is of great hope to our nation today. 1. 14. When thinking about this book as a whole, and what God is trying to teach Jonah, what does this mean for us. What can we learn from Jonahs attitude toward the repentance of the Ninevites? Who of us is immune to such selfish tendencies? Yahweh has given Jonah a job that he needs to accomplish. Obedience is the key to receivingGods benefits! Imitate Their Faith, Audio download options You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you (John 15:16 ESV). 18:7,8. But those things need to bow down to Gods ways. 13 Was Jonahs prophecy a false one? Yet he rebelled, and Nineveh accepted him as a messenger and quickly repented when he got there. 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