Heres what you need to know about why cats purr and what your cat may be telling you when her motor is running. Instead it has become a world of greed. He had an MRI and it came out good. All went well until this morning. I am so worried about her I called to explain and was told to feed her chicken and rice and if she isn't improved take her to Emergency Vet Hospital. I dont know. Now tremors started. Call the FDA. In a weak moment last week she prescribed Simparica for a flea problem my 5 year old Springer was having. We gave our one year old Simparica tonight and he started having trimmers that lasted on and off for about 30 minutes. The following day she got diarrhea and was extreemly quiet. I am so mad at myself for letting the vet talk me into this. Hi how is your pup now? I called the vet and they said it was likely brought on by stress. Our vet recommended putting him on phenobarbital. She's not drinking water or eating all she wants to do is sleep. He had ONE dose that evening and completely lost his appetite within a couple days. Considerations Just like any other medication, Simparica has the potential to interact with other drugs your dog is taking. Sorry for the late replywe took our boy to the ER and after 2 days on fluids and a shot of Percorton, he was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. He returned to vet, rec'd an allergy injection, first in his life, plus Penicillin x 10 days. Gave Simparica yesterday and am suspect. My vet never informed me of any issues with this medication and I'm kicking myself hard now after reading all of these horrible experiences with everyone's fur companions. She is absolutely miserable and we're hoping she makes it. Her heartbeat was more of a vibration than a beat and the vet wanted her to see a cardiologist. She has been the healthiest, happiest dog. I have an 8 year old Labrador. Mine is. After being ingested by a dog, sarolaner is distributed throughout the body. Its crazy to think they dont recover and can die in a few months. She nearly died. She has been taking Trifexis for years with no problem. Today shes acting better, finally, but her back legs are still collapsing and she is weak. This is worth the cost to buy a six-pack of protection. The main side effect of Simparica Trio is the risk of heartworm disease in dogs. Follow up: my Labradoodle visited the ER on T-Day for 2 hrs. We are currently going through this with our nine year old dachshund. He has never done this, and when I heard it and woke up he couldn't stop. They have increased and worsened over the last 3 months. Yep days ago started vomiting and having seizures. I am SO angry with my vet and so mad at myself for not researching first. I gave my 2 year old dog her monthly dose on Saturday and she started having tremors that night. All said, we are over $8K into vet bills and growing, Given that he had no noted medical issues prior, his vet and the urgent care vet both feel is was likely the Simparico. If you think that your dog has had an overdose of Simparica, contact your vet immediately to seek treatment. After reading all your entries, i'm thrilled i chose to take her off of it. Another call to vet asking for an appt - seems like an an emergency now? He has no appetite. The reason I had stopped it , I saw a Instagram where a girls dog took the. Was checking out before using . Tremors continued, on and off, for 2 hours. The simparica pushed his body into an Addison's Crisis - his body was literally shutting down. And now I'm upset with myself for giving this to my dog without doing research. However, since on the market there have been thousands of reports of seizure in otherwise healthy dogs. We nurses him back into a happy healthy puppy and now this. My 11 year old terrier mix has been weak, uncoordinated and pacing up and down the hallway most of the day, sometimes stopping and staring at the wall. Will it get worse Will he get better? All they did was give me a pill in a bag with possible side effects of vomiting or diarrhea. He will be laying then start shaking all over..Has tremors every 5 minutes for 2 hours now. Heartworm medicine alone should be ok. Oh my god I'm so glad I found this group. Any other alternatives that are not harmful? thank you. Simparica Trio should be used with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. I also am seeking information as to if there is a class action suit against this company because there should be. We ended up encouraging him to eat something by spoon feeding him. No more of this med! They won't be taking another dose, I cannot recommend this medication especially if you have a small dog. Plus I spent a fortune for the crap We gave our Pomeranian the first dose of simpatica on 4/30 - yesterday (5/11) she had a seizure and just had another one tonight. Simparica only offers chewables. He has never acted like he was in pain. Simparica has caused my 12 pound 5 year old Jack Russel Terrior mix to have leg tremors and have trouble walking, jumping, or running. I realized he had no control over his body . Im still confused. He loves the taste of Simparica Trio and it's like a treat for him. After reading all reviews, im taking no chances on giving The MED to my 9 mo old maltipoo rescue. We gave our 3.5 month old Aussie pup a dose of Simparica today (vet's prescription), and I did not see the warnings about giving it to dogs under 6 months. Different vet. I've had to syringe water in his mouth. My 9 month old puppy started acting very lethargic after taking simparica trio. and you expect people to give this to their beloved pets? corgi lying in grass next to woman's feet. After about a week, she started to improve. My aunt gave her 5.5-kg, 13-year-old female shih tzu the first dose of Simparica and she has never been the same as she shows symptoms of cardiopulmonary illness: lethargy, loss of appetite, vomit, coughing, seizure and excessive drinking. All oral tick meds are a risk. He looked like he was having spasms. This is terrible. I should have know it was a sign when he spat it out. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday he slept all day, was hesitant to get up, wouldn't play with his ball, continued to drink excessively and shivered. The diarrhea also went away yesterday evening. This doesn't not sound like it would have anything to do with the action of Simparico. I went to zoetis and Expressed my views and they said the FDA report meant nothing and it was in America. If your dog doesn't like the taste, you can try some tricks to hide the pill in a tasty treat or Pill Pocket. Please, nobody ever give SIMPERICA I have always given Frontline never anything else never had any problems my vet which was not my vet, but a person that was hired in there suggested some Perica that was the worst mistake of my entire life. Used my own intuition and knowledge to make a good choice for my pet .good luck to everyone one here ! The only thing the vet can say, was a sore neck. I wish I would have seen this site before I gave it my Matty. Im so terribly sorry about your puppy. Simparica Trio contains three active ingredients . Vet took blood yesterday should get results today. Did you ever do an MRI or spinal tap? This has gone on for about half of the day. What Are The Side Effects Of Simparica Trio For Dogs? Our dog was killed by this poison within 15 hours after taking one dose. Chris, there is hope, for me, after about 35 days from when I gave my dog simparica trio all side affects went away, his blood levels where normal and no longer pies and drinks water non stop. She had been on the Seresto collar and Tri-Heart for 8 years with no issues. Im going to keep a close watch on him over the next few days. This time he is having seizures. MONEY!!. It's important to ensure that your dog eats the whole dose and that part of the dose is not lost or spit out, so I always watch my dog eat and make sure she got it all. She probabpy had some in her system (which is quite common, even for well-cated-for puppies), which would explain her diarrhea. Her poor top underside of her tail has raw skin the hair is completely gone like burnt off from diarrhea. I hope and pray for no long term affects. Later in the fall I noticed some leg tremors when she squatted. She has not had any of the reactions everyone seems to be describing but she had respiratory distress. I am convinced this medicine is HORRIBLE and is causing this. Even with what she has been through we have to wait until Dec 1st to see the Neurologist as there is only one in the State of Maine. Will NEVER give this to my dog again. Seizures continue and its Monday. (My first warning sign right there). This medication must really be strong to do Flea tic and heart worm etc. If only one percent of dogs have reaction to these drugs and 100,000 pups are given the drugs, think how many that would be that are either killed or made unable to function. Has anyone recently started simpatico trio on their fur baby and noticed any kidney problems? Very "out of it". Ive spent over $3,000 on vet bills for at least four visits to the ER and follow up lab work including X-rays. Anyway, he prescribed him pain relief for 7 days. We all want to protect our pets from fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry, but some treatments can come with nasty side effects. So new pup goes on garlic tabs-as he growing I'm upping the amount because I wanted him to be protected. It is better but not gone. Never ever again with this med for him. It's now March 23, he still has falls but not like at first. It's been the worst 2 months. Hey Sara I was wondering how you contacted Simparica because after taking her to animal emergency room then the vet next day. My vet is aware of this and prescribed simparica. I gave this to my 8 yr old chihuahua and a couple days later he started having seizures. Animal Health Literacy, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Fact Sheet for Pet Owners and Veterinarians about Potential Adverse Events Associated with Isoxazoline Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. Nexgard can cause lethargy and a loss of appetite in dogs. He is starting to get better. He seems back to his normal self and playing with his toys, but we will not continue the following doses! I had always thought how can something so lethal to fleas an ticks be safe to ingest? No problem eating. Sarah thanks for your response! However, your dog must have a history of negative test results for these diseases. I removed it immediately She just tested positive for Lyme's. They are monitoring her. Snores like a big dog. I argued with the vet that this is poison and she said why would I give your dog poison? She spent 4 nights at the University of Auburn emergency room and vet clinic. We just gave the first does to our 11 week old Sheepadoodle puppy yesterday. I have now taken all my animals off of chemicals and going to try a different route. Next day, he was suddenly 1000% worse, would not touch food, could not move. Is there any good outcomes from this tablet? Even when asked to go for a car ride he didn't respond. I'm using milk thistle and broccoli sprout powder, and going forward I'm going to use HWF Clean Heart for heartworm prevention. . I'm more concerned about fleas and heartworms and Trifexis is just fine for that. I bought chicken last night he ate some of that . Each month he got sicker and sicker. It all depends, sadly. I gave my 15 year old dog this medicine. Simparica Trio has been extensively tested on various breeds and on dogs of different ages. Our new vet has recommended Simperica, but I wont be giving it to my Collie. 4 1/2 yr old Yorkie on May 4,2022 and on May 28,2022 she had 7 seizures in 4 1/2 hrs. She does have an eye that appears to be looking to the East when facing South. This is whats happening to our pup, can you please tell me how long it lasted? My Lab mix has had 2 doses of this med. Simparica Trio is a veterinary medicine used to treat dogs with flea or tick infestations and roundworm or hookworm infections in the gut. Ticks are horrible here in Maine. Our two year old dog took the same thing and thank god she has no symptoms. My beautiful boxer lost his appetite after just one dose of Simparica. The reaction lasted less than 12 hours. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. Stressing out now. The following morning he had another small seizure. Im not sure if the simperica is the cause. I wish I would have researched this before giving it to my puppy who is only 10 weeks, he has the same symptoms . I gave the 1st one to my dog, 1st of this month. Buy Simparica Trio Chewable Tablet for Dogs, 44.1-88 lbs, (Green Box), 12 Chewable Tablets (12-mos. Side-Effects Of Simparica Trio Tablets There are some mild side effects like Vomiting Diarrhea Loss of appetite Dog owners should be aware that these tablets are not suitable for all dogs. However a spinal tap of the fluid surrounding the spinal cord would be need to prove your dog indeed has spinal meningitis and then to treat for the specific bacterium or viral causes. This will kill fleas and ticks. They must get some kind of monetary bonus for only selling Simparica. The very next day he had diarrhea, and had it for 6 days. Our boy Axel had been on Heartgard his entire life. Side effects of Simparica Let us now look at possible side effects when administering Simparica. Severity: Severity is mild to moderate to severe Read more. Just gave my three year old Poodle this crap and his hind quarters gave out and he started having a seizure. If fact it specifically states on the product label "Not for use in humans". My poor puppy has to go under anesthesia on top of. That trip cost $400 and the result was he needed Simparica flea treatment. These dog training tips will help you get started. its only been about 4 days since and its been a steady decline. I am also going to contact the vet who gave it to me and tell him all this stuff. We are now at about 45 days since last simparica and he is back to his old self. Please do NOT try Simparica Trio, I went to the Vets office to pick up Dukes Revolution Heart Worm meds, and they talked me into switching to Simparica Trio, we gave Duke his first dosage on March 1st, March 2nd, he would fall down while walking, he would fall down trying to get up, he's NEVER done this before! First time for this adverse reaction. The next day she had diarrhea. Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin and pyrantel) tablets for dogs Revolution Plus (selamectin and sarolaner) topical solution for cats These products are approved for the treatment and. This dog was my partner and friend. I did find another one in New Hampshire but I know like everyone else that all we be negative just like all tests done so far. The vet has not been able to diagnose a cause. We just brought him home from hospital today. The FDA considers products in the isoxazoline class to be safe and effective for dogs and cats but is providing this information so that pet owners and veterinarians can take it into consideration when choosing flea and tick products for their pets. The vet did a nasal lavage under anesthesia and got a lot of mucus. Blood work + urine sample. They have become so bad that she cries and whimpers any time she is laying down. Thousands more wasted with antibodies test for the Lepto guess (different ER vet) to also come back false positive due to vaccines.. my poor baby already had a rough life being abandoned. Mine has tremors once in a while and now I know why! It's getting better and I decided to just wait and hope when this stuff clears out in 30 days he goes back to normal. Even when we specifically mentioned the new information he still had nothing but the original tests to go off of. (145 Reviews) $15.50 - $31.09. She had some itching and a bit lethargic but is eating very well. Puppy Simparico Trio for the first time 2 days ago. . After about 35 days he was back to normal. My two cavapoos (two months shy of turning three years old), have had three doses of simparica trio for three months now. My dog had to be rushed to the vet in the middle of the night because she could walk, had dialated pupils, constant vomitting, facial swelling in the throat and muzzle and diarrhea. Hi, I was just wondering how long you continued on with the steroids with your puppy. Today started diarrhea & he has gone 5 times so far while not eating much. Eight hours later and she has terrible diarrhea and vomiting, now she is not eating. Do you have a homeopathic vet in your area? Is it possible that Simparica could cause neurological issues with my dog. The representative for the company says the half life is 16 days. I pray for my baby to be ok and all of you who are in this battle. She hasn't had any of the diarrhea or eating issues, but has had one of her eyes that gets red and the inner eyelid partially covers her pupil. Which Type of Dog Fence Is Right For Your Pet? I just wanted to get another opinion before we move forward. Since she is young, the vet started us with Keppra. I keep praying she will recover and I feel so guilty for giving it to her. Very dissapointed with my vet for not informing me of the risk this has on my dog. I'm besides myself. SIMPARICA TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is a flavored, chewable tablet for administration to dogs 8 weeks of age and older. This behavior is so inconsistent and confusing. And yeah he ate today 4 chicken breast and appeared to want it even better. Our Pickles died last year after just 3 doses, and our vet basically said we were crazy. Giving our sweet dog Simparica was the biggest mistake we have ever made as far as our pets. Its been 10 days since I have my dog this drug and they are now telling me he has meningitis. He had soft poop right after I give him the pill then got worse yellow diarrhea for about a week also vomiting he fine now they changed the medication. He is now acting like he has dementia, having seizures more frequently, not barking, lashing out at his dog brothers- jut not his self. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. My wife and I didn't understand why. All three drugs are pesticides that work by attacking the nervous system of the fleas and ticks, causing death. Side effects are rare and may include: Neurologic side effects have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. Another one of our dogs also has had several episodes of suddenly crying as if she is in great pain and also began within a week of administering the poison (please don't call this a medicine, it is a poison intended to kill fleas and other bugs and in this case it can also kill your doggie). - she's had several episodes since then. The ONLY thing that could cause such a huge change in behavior and personality had to be giving him the Simparico Trio the previous week. She is only 6 and was so full of life and energy. I just almost had a similar incident with my 16wk cavapoo. iI hope she will not have any other problems. Hope your pup is doing better!! Her protein levels dropped to almost nothing and stomach filled with fluid. I gave my morkie poo simparica trio from age 4 months until age 1 on advice of his vet. Just hoping you can give me something good and tell me your dog recovered. He has been low energy since. Gave Simparica to my dog yesterday. Two weeks after first simparica dose.parasites gone. He was a dog you could pick up anytime and he was good as gold. I took him to the ER they checked his vitals and sent me home. Is the added expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet? Im done with this drug! Thankfully there have been no other side effects. His immune system is destroying his red blood cells . I'm at a loss We had same issues. I will not be giving this medication again! In our case the damage was permanent. Is your dog still having tremors? Not to worry you, and I hope yours is different outcome! Heartworm-positive dogs may still be treated with Simparica Trio, but only with close veterinary supervision. There is also a chance that hell need a surgery. old . I'm kicking myself I didn't research this drug. The product can be purchased directly from your vet, from your vet's online pharmacy, or through an external online pharmacy with a valid prescription. The whole packet is going in the bin !! Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a history of seizures. From classic to celeb-inspired and funny to food-based, this list of cute cat names is sure to inspire your naming adventures. They were taking Simperica for flea/tick and Heartguard to prevent heart worms. Certain age, breed predispositions. I never saw a flea because he has a very thick coat. I don't know if the lump came from it or something else. She uses drops 4 times a year on the top of the neck for fleas etc and told me to address the heart worm problem with the vet. Yes Id like to know that answer myself. Only some dogs show this symptom. I am sorry you are going through this! Reading all of these comments I too think it is the drug that has caused his body to be toxic for him. Previously B was on Heartgard and Advantix worked well I guess we switch back. It comes in a pack of six or 12, but veterinarians typically sell individual doses for growing puppies. We did get a little symptom improvement from prednisone if they are having other neurological issues. If you accidentally ingest a pet medication, call your physician or the national Poison Control Center hotline at 800-222-1222. I feel horrible for listening to the vet without researching this on my own. We are beyond sad that this has happened to him and pray he makes a full recovery. I gave my dog his first dose April 8th. She has had tremors, very lethargic, drinking lots of water. . The most common side effects of Simparica in dogs are vomiting and diarrhea. So, I gave it to him. He is my first dog, he is 5yrs old now, and this is all new. Our 3 mo.old Boston Terrier, 10 lbs, had her first dose of Simparaco yesterday. Our baby isnt the same at all since his one and only dose of Simparica. I have a chihuahua/miniature pincher mix dog thats 9 yrs. If your dog has reactions to this medicine, push fluids! It's been a little over two months since her last dose and feel certain that is what almost killed her. Any tips on how to flush it from her system ? Customer: My 10 year old dog Ella was prescribed Simparica Trio and was given first dose on 07/30. This medicine is making her shaky/tremor, anxious, and she is panting a ton. My vet recommended Simparica Trio for both my dogs (13 year old healthy Collie mix 7 lb chihuahua mix). My pup is scheduled to see a neurologist Monday ( today's friday) to evaluate. Banfield Hospital pushed" Simparica Trio" on our 16 year old Toy Poodle which caused a neurological disorder of sundowner to the point of him having two days straight of constant seizures, repetitive pacing and extreme agitation. I went and picked her up today and all she does is lay around and drink water, turns her nose up at anything food related. Simparica contains the active ingredient sarolaner, and is available as an oral chewable tablet used to treat and prevent fleas and certain ticks in dogs. Use topical or a collar if you are concerned. Not grass grazing either. If it has been a long period of time since the last dose was given, you may see fleas temporarily during the missed time. HELP!! Never had them ever and she's only 3 1/2 yrs old. It didnt even occur to me it could be the drug as my doctor just gave individual pills and I didnt get to read side effects. So sorry! When it came time to pick the right product for my own dog, I opted for Simparica Trio. Pyrantel works by paralyzing worms, which are then expelled from the body in feces. This stuff should be banned. Im at the 30 day mark from giving him the symparico and he no longer has pain but they want to continue him on a 4-6 months treatment of steroids as if its meningitis but I dont love the idea because the steroids have side effects too. Poor dog prob thinks HE did something wrong. They could either keep her there for observation or I could take her home to observe her.; Privacy Policy This links to a pdf file; Terms of Use This links to a pdf file My Pomeranian is on a steady decline after taking 1 dose. Will not be using this treatment again!!! He had gone to a new groomer and when he came home he had a seizure. He has been on just Simparica with no problems. But anyways - the other night , his feet collapsed from under him & he fainted . Get the dog moms and dads in your life something unique this year. Possible Side Effects. We have given him pedialyte. 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