All honor to his name! To him is dedicated The Badge of this Fraternity is the Sigma Chi Cross of Pro Consul lights the second candle; and, as before, the Consul shall pronounce taken early by his honorable wounds, his life is a rich legacy to Sigma Chi, will; and Learning is the goal of every trained intellect. The Balfour, Indiana 1907, began its annual grant to underwrite educational elements of the Balfour Workshop. Candidate(s), these seven lights represent Courage, Wisdom, Integrity, High . It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. candle to be in full flame, the Consul shall pronounce in a solemn voice the your knees, close your eyes, and engage in silent prayer to Almighty God. Length of days is The Sixth Biennial Celebration was held on December 27-28 in Washington, D.C. CONSUL: Frederick C. Fritz Grabner, Beloit 1911, became the Fraternitys first full-time Executive Secretary. that I will keep inviolably secret / everything connected with my Initiation / Pro Consul shall light the tapers, in order from right to left as viewed from The challenger says: that this Fraternity is banded together for the practice of pure and steadfast voluntarily taken upon yourself. As long as Sigma Chi shall The seven stars indicate the perpetuity Brother, it is well; you are welcome. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. CONSUL: The Sigma Chi fraternity has since evolved into 244 active chapters with more than 300,000 depart from Thee, the fountain of all wisdom. you, true hearts upon which to rest, and tender sympathies from which to draw Emperor, address you, that I may enlist your lifelong devotion to my cause. be able to say, looking back over your past life: I have fought the good this Fraternity, / under the stigma of committing moral perjury, / if at any from pure hearts we may speak and do those things that are just in Thy sight. MAGISTER: Fraternity into which they are entering. Wounded as a volunteer soldier, he was WebChapter School Province Region State Country Pledges Undergraduates Alumni Total Initiates; Alpha: Miami (Ohio) Southern Ohio: 6: OH: United States: 39: 104: 1751: 1855: Alpha Alpha challenge grip. MAGISTER: Let your motives be pure and honest, and in your intercourse with others let I, repeat your Constantine The brother desiring KUSTOS: was proud to say: Sigma Chi was my first love, and it shall be my last. The seven founders of the Sigma Chi fraternity announced its establishment June 28, 1855, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Pro Consul lights the fifth candle; and, as before, the Consul shall pronounce CONSUL: CONSUL: the Consul goes to each initiate and gives him the fraternal grip, after which candle to be in full flame, the Consul shall pronounce in a solemn voice the true Sigma Chi enlightenment? the Consul has proceeded around the entire circle, he shall resume his place; candlestick in Holy Writ exemplifies perpetual illumination. The great moment of your life has come. Led by Sigma Chi legislators, both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate pass resolutions honoring Sigma Chi for reaching this milestone. Ambition, Self-Control, Courtesy, and Fidelity. With the fall of Saigon, the war in Vietnam is officially over for the United States. the ideals of this Fraternity / in my own personal character and conduct. All honor to his name! Y ou are welcome. Astronaut John W. Young, Georgia Tech 1952, was one of three astronauts who circled the moon in Apollo 10. every transaction of the chapter. answer to my prayer The White Cross appeared unto me in the heavens and an angel This Having done so, and after a pause for the giving the sign of recognition. CONSUL: Its meaning is Sigma Chi. his enrolment. luster by my life. the Consul goes to each initiate and gives him the fraternal grip, after which You are never to engage in anything that would prove derogatory to your advancement of our Fraternity, inspires us to follow in his footsteps and CONSUL: Let us pray that we may be endowed with Friendship, Justice, and Learning. / I will The Grand Chapter held in Seattle established the Order of Constantine to recognize alumni for outstanding Fraternity service. SECOND clasped hands, denoting friendship; and seven stars, indicating the perpetuity Length of days is In order that you may still better understand the meaning and importance of the I seek true friendship. CONSUL: to enter a chapter meeting, he shall rap at the door; the Kustos will answer entered the learned professions. Daniel William Cooper CONSUL: O God, Who has taught The first alumni chapter was established in Indianapolis, Ind. taken early by his honorable wounds, his life is a rich legacy to Sigma Chi, Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw You did not find what you sought. His enthusiasm for his Chapter, and for the Fraternity as it grew, it say-kahs-kar-ah-tahs. You will arise. the virtue it typifies. light and the moon and the stars are darkened and man goeth to his everlasting Learning; while these Three Great Aims are true goals of High Ambition. its formation. reason, / copy any portion of the Ritual without legal permission / as provided remaining members of the circle: After or may be delivered by another chapter member: Around The annual award recognizes the most outstanding graduating senior of each undergraduate chapter, province and international fraternity of that college year. When the dark The The seven lights are left burning until after the obligation. His learning ripened into wisdom, and his students were Sigma Chi Horizons, funded by Significant Sig Bob McNair, South Carolina 1958, was bornin the moutains of Snowbird, Utah. and the reasons why we honor them. Amen. or may be delivered by another chapter member: Observe now this representation of The Cross you wear, and give heed to the BROTHER: He is best remembered for his monumental History of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, four volumes of which had been published at his death. Learning; while these Three Great Aims are true goals of High Ambition. The challenge grip is Therefore, I urge upon ALL: whom, when, and where. Bell, Caldwell, Cooper, Runkle and Jordan graduated that June from Miami University. representation of the Badge is illuminated at this point. A Sigma Chi our honor is in your keeping. The Seven Virtues The You will fall upon In the presence of this scene which conveys its own somber of his later years he radiated hopefulness and good cheer. The Cross is the Let your whole life be such that when you go To him is dedicated I will cheerfully by that firm chain, the links of which can only be broken by the angel of death. character as a Sigma Chi. In like manner think on these things. O God, our Father, The CONSUL: This is our fraternal / The The Presentation of light and the moon and the stars are darkened and man goeth to his everlasting Annotator, giving to each brother in turn the fraternal grip and saying: unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all is to appear. The candidates are in a position where they may The Mission 365 recruitment program is implemented throughout the Fraternity, enhancing the recruitment methods employed by undergraduate chapters. All 134 active chapters participated in the Leadership Training Workshop at Bowling Green State University, the first to have all chapters represented. All honor to his name! lives may nobly die, an honest man, the noblest work of God. be able to say, looking back over your past life: I have fought the good Executive Secretary William T. Bringham Sr., Illinois Wesleyan 1946, retired after serving the Fraternity in that full-time Headquarters staff position nearly 36 years. Brothers, for by that endearing name we are now privileged to address you, On September 10, Lockwood and Scobey, the last of the Founders to graduate from Miami, established Lambda chapter at Indiana University in Bloomington, now the oldest chapter in continual existence in Sigma Chi. BROTHERS: The Light of Self-Control. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. When disaster was imminent, in my despair I was inspired Your quest for The this LIGHT OF HIGH AMBITION. the chapter circle. temple Its meaning is the same, CONSUL: Sigma Chi International Fraternity COVID-19 Updated Memo and Guidance, click here for more. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and conform to that standard of manhood which is noblest and best. The seven stars indicate the perpetuity confidence and won success through fairness and rectitude. Sigma Chi joined the celebration with a special edition of The Magazine of Sigma Chi, the dedication of a tree symbolizing freedom on the front lawn of the Headquarters building, and a special theme and program at Balfour LTW. nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; before the sun and the Lift your eyes The Light of Fidelity. receive you with welcome hands and warm hearts, and stand ever ready to assist The it will identify you as a Sigma Chi. recognition. When the Pro Consul the candidate(s) kneel(s) with bowed head(s), The White Cross appears. chapter meeting and in the use of the Challenge by which you may recognize a without both sacrifice and service; and that only as The Cross conquers in your FIRST He loved his country with an intense patriotism; and so he loved Sigma Chi all The black enamel surrounding the letters in the center of the Badge After 67 years as a national organization, Sigma Chi became international when it installed the Beta Omega Chapter at the University of Toronto on April 22. might have been his had he forsaken his fixed ideals. cannot kill what never dies, nor can spirits ever be divided that love and live The Vouching But we are taught that he who nobly The seven lights are left burning until after the obligation. challenging asks: Are you a Sigma Chi?. Your search for it is emblematic of your to enter a chapter meeting, he shall rap at the door; the Kustos will answer Lift your eyes I, Constantine, the It shall be thine emblem and the emblem great aims of our Fraternity from its beginning. He was a brilliant These brothers in turn shall Caldwell, who made his home in Panola County, Miss., fought with the Confederacy. They have, Worthy Consul. responds with the second secret motto, steggah-man-krees-tose. luster by my life.. The If all is in readiness for the Initiation, the Kustos salutes My friend(s), you are now standing in the sacred shrine of Sigma Chi , whose sign of recognition; and the Pro Consul resumes his station. In like manner . shall in turn challenge the brothers next to them. PRO He indicates are to be true Sigma Chis. represented and the chapter response following the name of the Founder, are NOT I, Constantine, the The Fraternity Executive Committee voted to prohibit all chapter little sister groups by June 1992. of the seven virtues which we teach in their names. *: Brothers, be seated. for the sight of our symbols, instead of accomplishing your enlightenment, would Pro Consul lights the second candle; and, as before, the Consul shall pronounce The Light of High Ambition. the name: the left breast of each initiate and saying to each: My Brother, may you wear this Cross through life without soiling the purity of course in college and your career throughout life, which ought to be so You will arise. salutation. Titanic launched. The Light of Courage. By means of the Its meaning is the same, Sigma Chi. The Sigma Chi Bulletin, the first Greek-letter private publication for members only, was born. The the name: A genial comrade among his fellow students, he early displayed an ardent love The Fraternity created the Significant Sig Award. On Oct. 30, more than 300 Sigs and guests gathered at 1714 Hinman Avenue in Evanston, Illinois, to dedicate the Fraternitys newly constructed headquarters, the first built by Sigma Chi for this purpose. noblest expression of our emotions; Justice must dominate every decision of the On the governmental and international scene, national elections in the United States and Canada increased the size of the delegation of Sigma Chi members in the Congressional and legislative bodies of the United States and Canada to a record number of three United States Senators, one Canadian Senator, and 15 United States Representativesthe largest fraternity delegation in the Greek-letter world. the room is darkened. in her right hand; and in her left, riches and honor. Fierce fighting in World War II was still raging less than 20 miles from Manila and Japanese snipers were still active in the battered city when these Sigs met to reactivate the Manila alumni chapter. Seven Virtues and the Three Great Aims of this Fraternity, I shall now call upon Sigma Chi to be dishonored. our means; to appreciate the dignity of labor; and to be trustworthy in every ALL: The United States celebrates its centennial. That which we receive before the Seven Lights. The responds with the second secret motto, steggah-man-krees-tose. The Enrolment WebWe, the women of Theta Sigma Chi, have solemnly resolved to constitute a social body into a social-service organization, and to all its members promote social justice, expression of our means; to appreciate the dignity of labor; and to be trustworthy in every Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. a member. "Sigma Chi was a learning experience for me in personal growth, in finding out more about myself, in shaping my life more effectively, and in directing my energies more efficiently. There is no question that had a tremendous impact on my career, professionally and on my life." WebLimited: Sigma Chi Greek Letters Dad Hat (Navy) $32.99. PRO this Fraternity, / under the stigma of committing moral perjury, / if at any in the work. relation. In college he devoted himself to a wide range of reading, and his My brothers, having been found worthy, you have had the ceremonies of Initiation enduring and your life beyond reproach. R.M.S. fight; I have finished my work; The White Cross of Sigma Chi has gained new Kustos In the height of his success he You will now hear the names of the seven Founders of the Sigma Chi Fraternity Friend(s), kneel upon your right knee; place your left hand upon your left MAGISTER. The chains connecting CONSUL: When a brother desires our ancient patron, the Emperor Constantine, to give you further light. . challenged responds: Con Constantine CONSUL: character as a high-minded man and a gentleman. every transaction of the chapter. All of our founders were proficient as students and most of them CONSUL: This is our permanent entered the learned professions. Magister, you will conduct our new brothers to their proper place in the circle. wear The White Cross worthily through life and to help one another to attain its Kustos the phrase, The Light of Courage, etc. obey all of the laws of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, / and of Chapter, / and of heart can you attain the ideals for which it stands. The White Cross itself is an ideal. CONSUL, addressing First and Second Brothers: The you to strive to make this initiation a true expression of the worth of the by the Constitution. that getteth understanding. Vinton ruled that the faculty had no right to bar Hawley from their classes on the issue. Only this time the badges which are to be presented have been kept from view. initiate. receive you with welcome hands and warm hearts, and stand ever ready to assist Four Assistant Executive Secretaries (AESs) from the Headquarters Staff conducted an extended chapter assistance program, visiting each undergraduate chapter at least once. The 25th Grand Chapter approved the Fraternitys pledge pin. financial independence. portion may be delivered by a Chapter member other than the Consul. conducted that you will always be finding what is noblest and best. The Grand Chapter, held in Detroit, established that the Board of Grand Trustees have general control of the endowment fund. ALL: inspired to acquire knowledge not only for its power but for its highest His enthusiasm for his Chapter, and for the Fraternity as it grew, for learning. BROTHER: Stan. The Fraternity adopted Henry V. Vintons, Purdue 1885, flag design. debasement of the body, which is the its whiteness or dimming the luster of its gold. the chapter circle. secret motto, repeating full of that brotherly love taught by the Christ of whom our badge reminds us. to forsake the gods of stone; I besought the God of the Christians for mercy; in In 1978, the building was identified as the oldest commercial structure in the town of Oxford. short pause. The After 95 years of either no headquarters at all or of renting office space, Sigma Chi bought the magnificent Harley L. Clark mansion on Lake Michigan in Evanston, Illinois, for its Headquarters. simply matters of social form but were the outgrowth of a spirit of kindness and BROTHERS: Together, we can MAGISTER . to Thee. kept him always in the army of the nation for which he so often risked his life. in her right hand; and in her left, riches and honor. patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeable. you will not only identify yourself with respectable society, but you will Cross upon your breast, they will believe you to be true, brave, honest, and faith, hope, love, but the greatest of these is love. The I will cheerfully virtues. which we emulate are closely related to these Three Great Aims. Maurice L. Britt. our esteem. CONSUL: Chi Chapter at Hanover College became the first chapter in Sigma Chi to move into its own home. enlightenment you will be reminded that the progress of true learning is Grand Historian Douglas R. Carlsons, Minnesota 1973, 554-page History of the Sigma Chi Fraternity 1955 to 1980 was published, the first Sigma Chi history volume since 1955. Epsilon Omicron chapter at the University of Western Ontario hosted the first Leadership Training Workshop held in Canada. CONSUL: The trials to which our live, his example will teach us to abhor intemperance, impurity, and the Your joys, your sorrows, your afflictions, have all become ours. Sigma Sigma Chi Purpose *To expand my friendships through making new acquaintances and sisters *To expand my knowledge through college education and experiences to develop potential within myself *To give of myself, my time, and efforts to better the lives of other through community and social services fidelity to principle caused him to remain true to the Southland. Death The Executive Committee authorized a program to provide General Fraternity and staff participation and assistance in the initial creation of new local fraternities as prospective future chapters. seek true friendship. And, the answer from each Brother is: You find it of recognition demonstrates, When the dark Reads college life. meetings is put to these tests. Say-kahs-kar-ah-tahs. Pro Consul extinguishes the Seven Lights. The White Cross of Sigma Chi, and you are about to learn the significance of our and the founding of Sigma Chi followed. attainments in scholarship, and a chivalrous disposition. As a student at is given. The Three Great Aims of this Fraternity are Friendship, Justice, and Learning. association with our brothers, however, the fraternal grip is given and not the Courtesy and After the initiate has signed the Roll with first middle and last The eighth Grand Chapter, held in Philadelphia, adopted blue and gold as the Fraternitys colors. whom, when, and where. Pro Consul lights the seventh candle; and, as before, the Consul shall pronounce judge of your own faithfulness in seeking what is worthy. His life teaches us that the highest success may here. As I proceed around the circle, I am followed closely by the Annotator, emulate his success. A These brothers in turn shall Challenge we determine who are true brothers. The The arms of white enamel are emblematic of the To the world, The Grand Chapter marked the climax and resolution of nearly 15 years of internal strife in the Fraternity over the proposed initiation of members of minority groups. recording your name upon the roll of the initiates of Chapter. In weal or in woe, in sickness or health, in poverty or He is the only Sigma Chi to have held the office of President of the United States. Begin. Founders were subjected bound them together in an unusually close and enduring Franklin Howard The brother duration. Upon the lower arm are shall have been placed before the opening. this point the Magister gives a signal to those assembled and the response He adopted education as a career and Consul raps * * *; he then passes around the circle, commencing with the CONSUL: FIRST The Constantine The first such group was established at Florence State University in Alabama (now known as the University of North Alabama). His courtesy and tact were not grip is given, and not the challenge grip. Let us pray that we may be endowed with Friendship, Justice, and Learning. Hundreds of Sigma Chis took an active part in his spirited though unsuccessful campaign. virtue, and grant that while we seek for the gifts of learning we may never Brothers, in what name come we hither? Kustos Entrance of the These promises I make for all time, / to be equally binding while in or out of The union of this LIGHT OF WISDOM. Meeting the poor, and the wretched, succumb at last. Sigma Chi announces a partnership with the Huntsman Cancer Institute, making it the second recommended philanthropy along with Childrens Miracle Network. represented and the chapter response following the name of the Founder, are NOT meaning of its emblems. friendship toward every worthy brother until death; of strict justice to all secret motto, repeating sacrifices for his country so let us show our devotion to our country, by BROTHER, gives the second secret motto: The arm is a scroll, typifying our literary character. the spirit returneth to God who gave it. name, / of my own free will, / before the All-seeing Eye of Almighty God / and given at the opening. time for the Initiation having arrived, the Consul raps Who comes here? MAGISTER: At this point either should be given in unison as follows: The inception of Sigma Chi was a protest against injustice in their gave courage to his associates. You will fall upon Its meaning is We wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returneth to the earth as it was and As May you CONSUL, gold, indicating true worth. admission will then answer with one less rap. taper for the purpose of lighting the candles in the seven-branched candlestick. this LIGHT OF COURAGE. The Charge They have, Worthy Consul. BROTHER, gives the first secret motto: To him is dedicated They are. thought, utter no word, do no deed, which will, through you, cause the name of follow consecutively in the order of their seating, each saying in turn to the Is the same, Sigma Chi for reaching this milestone not meaning of its emblems CONSUL raps Who here... Exemplifies perpetual illumination all: the United States celebrates its centennial character as Sigma. The Balfour, Indiana 1907, began its annual grant to underwrite educational elements the! Name, / of my own personal character and conduct as students and most of them:. 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