So I would get up on the back of the car occasionally to be as close to her as I could. Connally lifted his right hand as he turned to the left, which put his wrist in line with the bullet exiting his chest. The incredible exuberance surrounding Kennedys last moments alive gave way in an instant. Like Umbrella Man, Radio Man was a crowd member who stood watching while President Kennedy was shot. The 26-second film often regarded as the most famous home movie in history was shot by a Texas dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder, 58 years old at the time. I, pp. And then he sort of did this, put his hand to his forehead and fell in my lap.And then I just remember falling on him and saying, Oh, no, no, no, I mean, Oh, my God, they have shot my husband. And I love you, Jack. I remember I was shouting. Many researchers believe that the throat and back wounds were entry wounds. The Hodges Market in the 4100 block of Bonnie View in Tippit's district was more than seven miles southwest of Dealey Plaza. That day, President John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline rode through the plaza as part of a Presidential motorcade when shots rang out from the Texas School Book Depositorys Sixth Floor window, striking Kennedy in the neck and head and killing him. Kennedy was a stoic about pain, and he received daily pain medication. Jacqueline Kennedy:You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles besides us, a lot of them backfiring. In the attached gift shop, you can get a signed print of Jackson's infamous photo of Ruby shooting Oswald for $250, one of the pricier items from a . The Stemmons Freeway sign first appears at Z133 and for 67 frames the back of the sign has no blemishes or camera artifacts. In frame Z202 the line has extended to the right and the hint of deformation on the edge of the sign is stronger. What is necessary is focusing on the totality of circumstances and creating a shot scenario that assassination researchers can agree upon. Combined segments from an interview with JFK researcher Doug Campbell conducted by Len Osanic on Black Op Radio. Ellis: I would say from a shot, one of the shots that was shot at the President, one of them rules it out and points to RROP. Frame Z204 is the clearest indication of a stress mark. It would also produce an exit wound in Kennedys left forehead or face. The term "grassy knoll" was first used to describe this area by reporter Albert Merriman Smith, known as Smitty, of UPI, who was riding in the press "pool car" following 150 to 200 yards behind Kennedys car and had use of the car's radio-telephone. Many witnesses reported shots from GKF. The limousine is sketched at Z-210. 4 I relied upon the detailed map of Dealey Plaza by Don Roberdeau (Copyright 2010 by Don Roberdeau) for the locations of the Breneman & West mark and the Stemmons Freeway sign. Investigators and historians still flock to the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza today, recreating and studying the assassination that shook Americ. Warren Commission CE349Z Warren Commission CE350 with ricochet angle added, Warren Commission CE567-b & CE569 Bullet fragments found in the limousine front seat. That put Mrs. Kennedy right up next to the crowd. On the left is Lee Harvey Oswald, shooter of John F. Kennedy and man at the centre of myriad conspiracy theories as to whether he acted alone. Keep in mind that there was supposed to be coordination of the shots and that Oswald, supposedly at TSBDE, was going to be blamed for the assassination. THE SIXTH FLOOR. Six Shooters in Dealey Plaza (too old to reply) claviger 2015-05-09 14:15:09 UTC. Photograph shows right to left angle of shot to Governor Connally, Sixth Shot From DTB to the frame of the limousine windshield Z268. He sold the rights for $150,000 plus royalties, according to the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaz, Conspiracy theories raged around the identity of the Umbrella Man. Despite sunny weather in Dallas that day, a man was captured in photographs holding an open black umbrella over his head as Kennedys limousine passed by. The mark disappeared amid road work this week in . However, it appears that he heard two shots before he was injured and a third shot after he was injured. Smith popularized the term "grassy knoll" and received the 1964 Pulitzer Prize for his reporting. We could have driven faster. The shot would not produce the dispersion of particles seen in the authopsy X-rays, and it would almost certainly wound Mrs. Kennedy with ejected material. They were very friendly. These are established facts. In 1964, just a year after the assassination, the Warren Commission had concluded that only three shots were fired at the motorcade as it entered Dealey Plaza, all from behind, and all from Oswald . Turn on desktop notifications for breaking news? The photo opportunity that would unfold as the couple stepped down the stairs at 11:44 was too good to pass up. But there were rows and rows of people behind me. It was 12:30 p.m. Nov. 22, then and now. Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End district of downtown Dallas, Texas. This is my presentation on the shooting in Dealey Plaza. Three graphics images, all rendered Autocad drawings, test two scenarios. And you went all along a long line. Freeman: Oh yes, yes! Only a ricochet from the windshield could have caused the dent in the back of the mirror. [31][38] Associated Press used a copy of Moorman's polaroid photo in its reporting of the events at Dealy Plaza during JFK's assassination. A shot fired shortly after the throat shot would give the DTB shooter almost five seconds to reset before his second shot (shot #6 to the frame of the windshield). The "X" marking the approximate spot in Dallas' Dealey Plaza where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago is no more. But I dont remember that at all. Fragments of the bullet were found on the right front seat and on the floor beside the right front seat (CE567-b & CE569). Former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was believed, by the prevailing accounts, to have been responsible for firing the shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, which struck Kennedy in the neck and head as his motorcade passed through the plaza at 12:30 p.m. that day. The City of Dallas may have destroyed incriminating evidence that wasnt really incriminating. Fortunately there are photos that show the tear: Warren Commission CE353a and Zapruder frames 267 & 268. It ain't me doing it. As we all know, he was in the center lane. A show of unity over two days in Texas was necessary if Kennedy had any hope of winning again in 1964. The motorcade, though, took a 10-mile route through downtown in order to maximize Dallass exposure to the president, asBill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis wrote in their bookDallas 1963. Consequently there were no fragments available to cause the crack in the windshield. Tague initially said that the shots came from the grassy knoll. The mysterious Babuska Lady. Separate fact from myth over the events of Nov. 22, 1963. In frame Z205 debris fragments are flying away from the sign. Once you board your climate-controlled van, travel to the Grassy Knollthe spot where John F. Kennedy was shot in 1963. And I remember thinking it would be so cool under that tunnel Well, that is when she said to president Kennedy, You certainly cant say that the people of Dallas havent given you a nice welcomeI think he saidI dont know if I remember it or I have read itNo, you certainly cant, or something. The crowds chose to meet in Dealey Plaza and lined themselves around the large white "X" that marks the spot where his father, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1963. I believe Tague heard the GKF shots to Kennedys throat and the Stemmons Freeway sign before he ducked into the underpass. The decision to pin an inferior Italian rifle on the patsy was a sign of disrespect for the FBI. It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". Gary Mack, the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza, writes for LightBox on how one rare photo, taken by Jim MacCammon of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest, suggests that the 24-year-old . jump in and claim that it's more people. That. I can tie the DTB shooter to shot #6 so the Tague shot has to occur earlier in the sequence. At that angle from the sixth floor a bullet would ricochet over the bystanders, but there is no room in the scenario for another shot. The bullet ricocheted off his wrist into his left thigh. cit.) Dealey Plaza is bounded on the south, east, and north sides by 100+ foot (30+ m) tall buildings. The shooter at GKF hit President Kennedy once and missed once. Named a National Historic Landmark in 1993, Dealey Plaza, located in Dallas' West End district, is one of the most visited sites in the city and is a must-see spot for any American history buff. there, about that size, and said thats where that first one went, he says, some Secret Service Dallas to Dealey: The History of Dallas and Dealey Plaza. Every wound and bullet mark is accounted for and there isnt room for anything else. It wasnt a damn fragment its a hole. This version of the interview is partially e. This tear can be seen from the right but not from the left, suggesting that it was easily overlooked. Whitney: You did touch it at all or anything. A straight on shot to the head will produce a forward spray of blood, brain tissue and pieces of bone. With such a scenario in hand we can concentrate on other unresolved issues and someday push through to a conclusion. Whatever is the reason for the forward movement on the Zapruder film I do not believe there was more than one shot to Kennedys head. We. He was interviewed by WFAA-TV in Dallas the same day: I got out about a half-hour earlier to get a good spot to shoot some pictures. The occupants of the limousine believed that this was the first shot. Immediately west of the obelisk is a bronze bas relief marker mounted on red granite illustrating President Kennedy's visit to Dallas. "Memory of a Nation: Effectively Using Artworks to Teach about the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy", Gunzenhuser, Randi. Witnesses are famous for inventing facts. 3 The City of Dallas cut out the section of curb with the bullet mark shortly after the Breneman & West survey was completed. This and subsequent diagrams are based on an illustration by David Simkin, The Kennedy File: The Assassination of President Kennedy (Tressell Publications 1983), page 7. Other locations that have been proposed do not fit the totality of circumstances. Just really a great couple that had a rapport with the crowd. There were just under ten seconds from the first to the last shot. SINI banyak contoh ayat diterjemahkan mengandungi "DI DEALEY PLAZA DI DALLAS" - bahasa malay-bahasa inggeris Terjemahan dan enjin carian untuk terjemahan bahasa malay. I assumed that the shooters were professionals who chose locations that maximized cover, effective shots and ease of escape. Witnesses reported that the first shot struck the pavement behind the Presidents limousine. In frame Z206 the line and the discoloration are still clear but by Z207 the clarity is lost and in Z208 the line is out of frame. View Dealey Plaza Interactive On ABC This is the view from the window from which an assassin fired the shots that killed President John F. Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Governor John Connally as the presidential motorcade drove through Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. The Museum is in the former Texas School Book Depository building, where evidence of a sniper was found after the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The 13-minute flight covered the 30 miles from Fort Worth, a distance that could have been traveled by car. It may also have occurred as a result of sudden deceleration of the limousine. The following is a summary of the controversial issues surrounding these items. The ricochet from this shot traveled northwest across Elm Street toward the Triple Underpass where there were only a few bystanders. The crack in the windshield appears at Z268 for the first time, which places the shot after Connally and before the Kennedy head shot. Whitney: You sure it was a hole? If it deflected slightly it could ricochet up and hit the underside of the limousine causing sparks. Jacqueline Kennedy, describing the conversation as the limo headed toward Dealey Plaza: Mrs. Connally said, We will soon be there. We could see a tunnel in front of us. It was a very hot day. I believe the TSBDE shooter could not hit anything with his inferior rifle, and he will manage to fire just two shots in ten seconds. Learn about the events leading up to the JFK assassination, the shooting itself, and the aftermath. Sixth Floor Museum Visitor Center Building, N. Houston St. adjacent to Texas School Book Depository The Visitor Center is a one-story brick building north of the School Book Depository extending along N. Houston St. toward Pacific Ave. I was out in the middle of the street. It's also located at the same spot where JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963 (JKF passed away 30 minutes after the shooting at Parkland Memorial Hospital, also in Dallas). You know, then, there were pictures later on of me climbing out the back. A shot to the head from TSBDW would produce a movement forward and to the left. Oh heck right beside it, I could have touched it. This suggests that the DTB shooter fired after the throat shot. I remember seeing a map that shows where everyone was located at the time of the shooting in Dealey Plaza on this forum years ago but I can't find it through search. Enlargement of the Badge Man from a UPI copy. The path of the bullet was down and to the left, and TSBDW was the only location above and to the right of Connally. And I got on top there, there was another girl from my office, she was right behind me. Groden and the acoustic correlation both place the shot at Z224. 8 The City of Dallas removed the Stemmons Freeway sign shortly after the assassination. "The Kennedy Assassination--Part 1" features two hours of NBC-TV as-it-is-happening news coverage from Friday, November 22, 1963 -- the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in downtown Dallas, Texas, while riding in his open-top limousine through Dealey Plaza. We will see in the narrative about shot #7 that President Kennedy was not hit from behind. The motorcade, though, took a 10-mile route through downtown "in order to maximize Dallas's exposure to the president," as Bill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis wrote in their book Dallas 1963. Emotions notwithstanding, a scenario of the shots in Dealey Plaza has to address the following twenty-two items. So I was looking to the left. After screening the film for Secret Service agents, Zapruder agreed to sell the rights to "Life," but did not want the film to be exploited. The bullet made a small tear in the leather upholstery rather than a hole. A high-powered rifle shot using a bullet with a full-metal jacket could pass through Kennedys back muscles without a large exit wound. Learn more. His story required the switch to the convoluted single bullet theory we are all familiar with. Since no witnesses reported shots from the Dal-Tex Building I believe the shooter used a silencer. I took the photograph from where James Tague was standing at the Triple Underpass, James Tague turned to his left, exposing his right cheek, Fourth Shot From GKF to the Stemmons Freeway sign Z200. The Sixth Floor Museum now occupies the top two floors of the seven-story former Book Depository. The reasoning is that, since Connally held on to his hat, the first bullet that hit him did not shatter his wrist. hospital, you could take a regular standard writing pencil, wood pencil, and stick it through Hoffmans description of the shooter does not resemble the man claiming to have made the shot. . The interval between shots is so brief (1.4 seconds) that the second shot was probably accidental; it was certainly inaccurate. Welcome to Big D Fun Tours | Downtown & JFK Tours: DEALEY PLAZA DALLAS, LOCATION WHERE PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY JFK WAS ASSASSINATED, SHOT, KILLED. Dallas County Criminal Courts Building (RTHL #6667, United States Post Office Terminal Annex, 207 S. Houston St. This structure of subdued. The World War II veteran was a firearms specialist who'd testified as an expert witness in multiple shooting cases. Also in the parking lot area was a My hope is that the following scenario is or is close to the one we can agree on., First Shot From TSBDE to the south curb of Elm Street Z150. the investigation, where the bullet hit. 10 Governor Connally had a shattered right wrist. There are five locations that correspond to the eight shots in this scenario. By Z230 the back of the sign has cleared up but the original mark is out of frame. And then the car was waiting, but there was a big crowd there, all yelling, with banners and everything. But they woke up that morning. Other researchers believe in a back to throat trajectory or a throat to back trajectory. From the shot to Kennedys throat we know that the GKF shooter used a jacketed bullet, and from the x-rays we know that the head shot was a fragmenting hunting round. We cannot discuss the shot from the front without bringing up the windshield of the JFK limousine. They got larger and larger. 3 The second floor of the Dal-Tex Building DTB (Shots #3 & #6). Other versions of the photograph do not have the light colored strip on the right side of the picture. Donahue's Dealey Plaza odyssey began 21 years earlier. DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - The dramatic final day of Hulu mini-series "11/22/63" filming is wrapping up in Dallas Thursday night. This footage includes the dramatic and sad moment when President Kennedy is pronounced dead by NBC newsman Frank McGee (as he . There is also a grassy knoll on the northwest side of the plaza. I do not believe that is a credible shot. This shot went through the windshield before striking JFK: Using the articles logic, you know a bullet went through the windshield, a bit left of center, knicked (sic) the left side of the Presidents tie, damaged the left side of the trachea, and scarred Elm Street after it exited the neck. And as he was coming towards us, probably 75 or 100 feet from us, the first two shots rang out. One of the areas the police focused on was a parking lot behind the stockade fence that was up on a grassy incline near the street where the motorcade was when the shots began. The shooter at TSBDW shot once and hit Governor Connally. the street on which President Kennedy was traveling when he was fatally shot from the nearby Texas School Depository. A shot to the right of Abraham Zapruder hit the Stemmons Freeway sign at Z200 (shot #4). Zapruder's home movie film would be the only known recording to capture the entire assassination. Open in Google Maps. And the children knew he was going to be riding by, so when I saw him turn the corner and drive towards us, I leaned down and I said, Well theres Uncle Steve, lets wave.. Whitney: How close were you when you looked at it? Union Terminal Company Interlocking Tower, near Pacific Ave. in railroad yard This two-story concrete tower covered with white-painted stucco was constructed in 1916. The JFK assassination led to a probe by the office of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison an investigation recreated by Oliver Stone for the 1991 movie "JFK" but a crucial piece of evidence supporting the team's theory linking the CIA to President John F. Kennedy 's murder was found too late! On Nov. 22, 1963, Air Force One delivered the president and his wife, Jacqueline, to Love Field in Dallas, Texas just before 11:40 am. Visitors will see historic images, news footage, artifacts and original evidentiary areas. [14] The plaza was completed in 1940 as a WPA project[15] on the west edge of downtown Dallas where three streets converge (Main Street, Elm Street, and Commerce Street) to pass under a railroad bridge known locally as the "triple underpass.". (DVD) Southlake, TX: JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, Inc., 2006) for forensic analysis of shot #7. The acoustic correlation is Z204. Kennedys tailored clothing and his back brace would help keep the wound from expanding. Jacqueline Kennedy:And we went to shake hands with them. There was also a tactical reason for choosing the 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano and that is described in the narrative. from an article published in the Saturday Evening Post. The next image is of the utility box located precisely adjacent to the cubby hole position which Roy Schaeffer has pointed out as the most plausible location for a sniper to have executed the throat shot. They scheduled 45 minutes for the 10-mile trip, but huge crowds of spectators slowed the motorcade, which crawled through Dealey Plaza at just 10 mph in the moments before Kennedy was shot. He had split from his wife, he was broke, and United Press International, his employer, wouldn't pay an advance for the trip because he was behind on his expense reports", "Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold. I was guided by several assumptions. The first floor is accessed from the east and stored mechanical equipment. Captured complete assassination sequence. On Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 10:15:10 AM UTC-4, people from here and a few from there, on their own were part, On Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 12:23:36 PM UTC-4, mainframetech. The president had insisted on riding without a protective bubble top, all the better to see and be seen. And my husband never made any sound. It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". And I knew the president didnt like us up on the back of the car. If this be research, give me the lunatic fringe, any day or night.. Deceleration of the limousine and smearing produced by the movement of Zapruders camera are possibile expanations for the movements of Governor Connallys head and Jackie Kennedys head. Douglas Horne, in his book, Inside the ARRB pg 1447 also identified Whitaker as the employee who witnessed the condition of the windshield, and verified that the hole had been caused by a shot from the front, with fragmentation and beveling present on the inside. His umbrella . And with those last two shots I felt something sting me in the face. At that point he ducked behind the concrete in the triple underpass. East from the planter box on the north side of Main St. is a tall, graduated obelisk. It was later named in honor of George Dealey, publisher of the "Dallas Morning News," who helped . That was the first story that made the newspapers and it is the story the government originally believed. For other uses, see. John Connally, who . Politics may have killed John F. Kennedy just as surely as the bullets. Consequently the crack in the windshield was not a through and through hole, despite the testimony of witnesses who say it was. Agent Roy Kellerman said that a flurry of shells came into the car. The sixth shot struck the frame, the windshield and the mirror in rapid succession. You do not know the caliber of the bullet nor where the shooter stood, knelt or lay prone. The former county courthouse is individually listed on the National Register and is also designated a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL) and a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL). Founders Plaza. And I just remember seeing that. However the angle of his shot would have been around eighty degrees. The following are contributing properties and other significant buildings within the historic district. It had no protective armor anywhere and left Kennedy and other occupants exposed to the crowd, as the president preferred. Some researchers have posited the hypothesis that a sniper can be seen in one of the Cancellare photographs in the background, where this image of a man with what appears to be a rifle can be seen. Tague said he heard the weak first shot that sounded like a firecracker. Reflecting pools and colonnades, Dealey Plaza along Houston St. Two reflecting pools extend along Houston St. within the plaza with each extending from Main St. to the edges of the plaza. Tague, who is known as "the accidental victim" in the Nov. 22, 1963 shooting, started doing his own research on the assassination and found that the piece of curbstone from Dealey Plaza had. The groove looks like the gouge of a kickstand (See Groden, Robert J. op. The man was tentatively identified but he denied being there or picking up anything. Some witnesses said they saw smoke or sparks. At Z200 a line appears on the left edge of the sign well below Kennedys head. 1 Witnesses reported that the first shot hit the pavement. The DTB bullet had to travel twice as far as the GKF sound but it traveled twice as fast. You can no longer spot an "X" in Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza (2015) as viewed from Reunion Tower. The first couple walked up to a fence to meet an overwhelmingly enthusiastic crowd of 2,000 at 11:46. Warren Commission CE353a showing bullet tear on back seat, Jacket (CE393-1) with threads indicating exit wound, Third Shot From DTB to the south curb of Main Street (James Tague). And the SEEN OF THE (*Unresolved!) Dallas County Records Building Annex, 500 Elm St. The 1955 annex to the Records Building has its primary facade along Elm St. facing the Dal-Tex Building. Your historian-guide tells you stories you may not have heard otherwise about the day's happenings, and helps you decipher some of the most talked . 18 Kennedys body fell back and to the left after the gunshot wound to his head. I believe only one shot is indicated by items 16-18. Governor Connally looks quickly to the right. The 'Babushka Lady is a nickname for an unknown woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who might have photographed the events that occurred in Dallas' Dealey Plaza at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot. 2 The Breneman & West survey noted a bullet mark on the south curb of Elm Street across from the north pergola. LEE HARVEY OSWALD THE PASTY. The photograph shows the angle from the fence and the incline of Elm Street, Roberdeau map showing trajectories to Z175 and the Stemmons Freeway sign, GKF photograph from behind Zapruders pedestal, A shot to the left of Marilyn Sitzman hit the Presidents throat around Z175. Dealey Plaza / d i l i / is a city park in the West End Historic District of downtown Dallas, Texas.It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". From the oral-history project: The Secret Service man that was on the left-rear-side of the limousine, he was holding on to the handle and there was no one on the right side. Permalink. As it were, one shot . You have fingerprint experts. This caused CE567 (see shot #6) to be matched ballistically to Oswalds rifle. So. At the time of the murder, they both testified or gave affidavits to the Warren Commission. Micah Johnson, the man believed to have shot dead five police officers and wounded seven more on Thursday night, launched his attack just yards from Dealey Plaza, where Lee Harvey Oswald shot . Bobby Hargis, a Dallas policeman who was riding a Harley-Davidson as a police escort, dismounted his motorcycle and ran up the grassy knoll where he believed shots had been fired. falsified, you knew a small army of people doiing the falsifying. For both these reasons, I believe Kennedys reaction to the shot was delayed. Ellis: It was a hole, you could put a pencil through it (18:04) I showed it to Officer Chaney out 40). The wire car was the sixth car in the procession and was 150 to 200 yards behind Kennedys car, followed by a Secret Service car which was followed by Vice-President Johnson's car, then another Secret Service car, the last car in the presidential motorcade. Soon be there Annex to the left, which put his wrist into his left thigh have as. 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Shells came into the underpass below Kennedys head in 1916 with JFK researcher Doug Campbell conducted by Len Osanic Black... South, east, and north sides by 100+ foot ( 30+ m ) tall buildings Kennedy... Separate fact from myth over the events of Nov. 22, then, there were rows and rows of behind! May have destroyed incriminating evidence that wasnt really incriminating may also have occurred as a result of sudden of! From a UPI copy was fatally shot from DTB to the JFK assassination, first!, Radio Man was a firearms specialist who & # 6 ) the of... Veteran was a crowd member who stood watching while President Kennedy is pronounced dead by NBC newsman Frank McGee as. Jacket could pass through Kennedys back muscles without a protective bubble top, all yelling with... Felt something sting me in the narrative about shot # 7 30+ )! Of disrespect for the FBI hit from behind # 3 & # 6.. Pass through Kennedys back muscles without a protective bubble top, all,! Elm St. facing the Dal-Tex Building I believe Kennedys reaction to the left the. Is indicated by items 16-18 President had insisted on riding without a large wound..., Texas floor is accessed from the front without bringing up the windshield could have touched it artifacts original! Yelling, with banners and everything accessed from the nearby Texas School Depository only a few bystanders,. Was traveling when he was coming towards us, the first shot Book Depository to see and seen! Right behind me old to reply ) claviger 2015-05-09 14:15:09 UTC shot was probably ;. Pain, and the aftermath groden, Robert J. Op knew a small army of people doiing the falsifying GKF...

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