Will never buy either beer again: unless the old one is brought back. I cant believe they did this! I normally never bother with leaving comments, why bother I think, theyll never see this and what is the point? I went to all the stores in my city when I noticed the change and bought up all the old stock of original Newcastle, but now Im about out and need to figure out what to do. Ive moaned and groaned to the point of absurdity and its done absolutely no good (I even wrote an article about it on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reimagining-icon-john-ledingham/). The Dukes Brown Nose Ale has great malt flavor and easy to drink without the hops bitterness. Thanks again for the feedback and perspective. Where can I buy my old Newcastle??????? I am flabbergasted by your decision to relaunch the Newcastle Brown Ale product. Heck, on a recent day trip had a great ale from a micro in LaBelle, FL. Guess when I get up there Ill have to stock up to fill the spots formally filled with real New Castle Brown Ale. When I had the first taste of the new beer in a restaurant, I told the waiter it must have been a bad bottle so he brought me another and it tasted as bad as the first. Very dissapointed with the new product. IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT DUMB ASS. Youve probably sales have probably dropped by 75% and lost your customers most loyal to Newcastle. As others posted, I not only wont drink another of these Newcastles, I also wont drink any of the other Lagunitas beers on principle. This relaunch is to Newcastle what New Coke was to Coca Cola!! They should change the name because it in no way resembles the NEWCASTLE we all loved. This new recipe SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! The makers should be ashamed of themselves for serving this bland liquid as the Famous Newcastle Brown Ale. So, before I committed to a half barrel, I bought a six pack of this stuff. Then I closely read the bottle. If you give one damn about sales youll fix this. Way to turn an old favorite into generic crap. Now I know the full story and am devastated. The new recipe should NOT be called Newcastle Brown Ale at all! I dont like beers with a strong hoppy taste. I hate it! But this is neither a nice malty semi sweet low hop brown ale like we all came to know and love. It taste nothing like the original beer which is very disappointing to me. I like everyone else was Shell Shocked when tasting this disaster. Bass has a long history dating back to 1777, and it is still brewed in the same traditional way today. I will not spend another dime on this foul tasting crap. Luekens Wine & Spirits. I will never support any of their other brews unless they go back to original. I give it 1 year before they pull this off the market. Been drinking Smithswicks red ale since there is no more one and only but will try this. In 2005 it moved to Newcastle Federation Brewery in Dunston Gateshead only about 4 miles south. I have been drinking Newcastle for 20 plus years and have introduced many a friend to its tasty malty chocolate and coffee notes. Production moved from Newcastle to Gateshead at the end of 2004 and to Tadcaster on closure of the Dunston brewery in 2010. Its completely different. Bring back the One and Only. Not anymore!!! This is a slap in the face. Ill be switching to Alaskan Amber now and hoping the original comes back! NOT. Newcastle Brown Ale was originally produced by the Tyne Brewery in Newcastle, but is now brewed by John Smith's in North Yorkshire, UK. I will not purchase this ever again. Anyway, one final comment. How will losing every New Castle drinker help you sell more beer. BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL, PLEEEEEEAAAASE!!!!! Just because you put more hops in doesnt make it better just bitter. A deplorable move! Someone should kick the genius who thought this was a good idea in the a@@. I usually shop for all of my brew at the Navy Exchange, so if they dont have it I will probably just move on. Drank Newky Brune since I was 14 growing up in the Northeast of England. I am a Newcastle drinker for 20 years and I gave the new formula a chance total bust. I wish they would bring the original recipe back. Will never buy again. Well they managed to ruin my favorite beer, thanks for nothing! The sad truth is that the new owners dont care about our opinions. Petition signed only 14 so far..get this link out! Newcastle has been my favorite beer for many years. Yep, Smithwicks is one I keep in frig, Yingling Black & Tan, Modela Negra have a reasonable taste also. I am just as sad as everyone about the new crap they are pushing as Newcastle. I went to all the stores in my city when I noticed the change and bought up all the old stock of original Newcastle, but now Im about out and need to figure out what to do. 1. The Lagunitas version is not the same. This new flavor ill treat the same as other craft beers, maybe one here or there but wont stock up on it like I did for the One and Only. Unless they go back to the old recipe, Ive had my last Newcastle. So this is now an American brown. Well here ya go! Way to ruin a perfectly good beer. Then I looked it up. This sucks! Thanks for the note. For Geordies, Newcastle Brown Ale, Broon or dog - never Newky Brown - still remains as one of the defining icons of Tyneside's culinary heritage. Please change it back. So far nothing has changed but we need to keep the pressure on them. there isnt a single beer they produce that is drinkable. I cannot believe what they did. . I loved Newcastle. Its very good and helps support the Cajun brewers. Its just bitter enough to not be smooth yet not enough aroma and flavor hops if one were to go for a pale or ipa for citrus. Also, theres one called Moose drool by Bigsky thats not too bad. Only beers I found that compares were Moose Drool from Montana and Alaskan Brown Ale, neither of which are available in my area. What kind of idiot factory are you guys running over there? Today you have turned it into just another mediocre, too hoppy, ho hum local craft attempt to copy the real Newcastle. Guess Ill be buying more Smithwicks. Now it is fucked! This new shit is disgusting just like all other American beer. I started drinking Smithwicks because it is closer to Newcastle than Newcastle is. I havent seen one positive review. And Smithwicks? Im a southern California woman that has been drinking the original Newcastle beer for over 20 years. Newcastle Brown Ale is a brand of dark brown ale. At least Coca Cola called it the New Coke. By no means am I disparaging lemonade stand owners with that comment. It still tasted better than the crap they are selling now. Supporting marketing includes social media engagements, plus new POS and on-premise materials. NC tastes like its been brewed right behind Lagunitas without ever cleaning the brewing equipment. I was confused when I bought New Castle in a different looking box but the guy at the liquor store said it was just a new look. I am no longer recommending Newcastle and am extremely disappointed. LaGunitas is now the face of the worst in beer. Your point is a good one Michael. This new one is bitter and nasty. Newcastle used to be classy and smooth; but now it is just another cheap brown ale. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use the services. As Rich mentioned above, it was just a flippant response about their great re-imaginations and they are sorry I dont care for it but they hope I come around to eventually love it. I cannot express fully just how upset I am about this. Thanks Michael and I am afraid you are 100% correct. This new formula tastes like something every dime-a-dozen craft brewery offers. 877-522-4577. The subtle sweetness was replaced with hipster IPA sucking-on-a-pinecone bitterness. I dont get it either and I certainly dont get the US as the only country getting this crap while the rest of the world gets the old recipe. Yep, found the Smithwicks here in Florida, good stuff. Dont beg them to reinstate the original recipe. wheres the line to kick the guy who made this decision smack dab in the nuts? Email. Whats the point? Thank you for a genuinely well-constructed blog post. At first I thought that it was just me. Try it, youll love it! Thank you very much for posting this link to the petition. My One and Only left me with None and Lonely! Stupid IPA brewers thinking that they are smart. For Gods sake. (190) 3.00. From 1927 to 2005 it was brewed at The Tyne Brewery in Newcastle Time for a nice Newcastle. Ruined my favorite beer. And if this is balanced then throwing shit against the wall is art. Now the only time I can get a REAL Newcastle is when I go to Europe. Shove something at us that we do not like because they know better. Why the traditional recipe couldnt make it across the pond is a mystery. Exactly as you'd expect Newcastle Brown to taste - a light British bitter. Now its just one more forgettable choice in the beer aisle. Brewed with a unique blend of pale and roasted malts with American hops, Newcastle Brown Ale is smooth, crisp, and slightly roasty. I agree with Jerry Kindall: if the recipe and packaging are different, how can it still be called Newcastle Brown Ale? And charge the same price as if were an imported beer? Sometimes you can find Kiltlifter at Tamuras. Completely bummed out. | Beverage Dynamics []. Drank one and left the rest out on display at the dumpsters near my apartment. Im not a fan of hoppy. And still selling at import price at my grocer. How long before the suits at Heineken buy them out and screw me over again. Then give us back the real deal. In the mean time, is there anywhere that imports the original?? I had no idea they changed the recipe and tried the new stuff yesterday and was terribly disgusted with this brew. If anyone has found a good alternative, I would love to see it here. I have touted and recommended the Newcastle beer for 20+ years as the best pure brown ale with a smooth flavor that coats your taste buds with no crappy after taste that the other American beers have. Total dumbass move. The complete destruction of a great beer with the replacement having no character and an insult to the original. Maybe we can all figure out how to ship it to us directly from U.K. Well add me to the lengthy list of the disappointed. FU Lagunitas. It tastes like a traditional English brown ale to me. Anybody else heard this? Heineken, you lost this baby boomer consumer. You dont change the recipe on a beer! Still have to say after years, how disappointing it is to have all of these comments and no change by the brewer, not even comments that I have see. Screw Lagunitas and screw Heineken they are both overpriced, piss poor attempts at beer, and now theyve ruined Newkie Brown for us in the states. The amateurs at Lagunitas think they have their finger on the pulse of ale drinkers, but clearly they do not. the bottom line will be at the check out line, I know that I am very disappointed as to the flavor its like expecting prime rib and receiving a fish. The reimagined Newcastle Brown Ale is a smooth, crisp, slightly roasty and hoppier beer, that's not too bitter, not too sweet, and altogether uncommon. COME GET THIS SHIT OUT OF MY REFRIDGERATOR!!! Just freakin sucks. Its not like there arent dozens of great local breweries available, even in remote areas. Newcastle Brown Ale is a brand of beer produced by Heineken International. (0.23-0.45 kg) per 5 gallons (19 L). Got the taste for it when both my son and younger daughter were attending Rutgers College in New Brunswick, NJ, and we would stop for lunch at any one of several pubs nearby, each of which had Newcastle on tap I never even noticed when Newcastle moved their brewing to Europe, BECAUSE they DIDNT CHANGE the F.ING RECIPE! I bought all six, the lady in the area, when queried said, they came from our distributor. She was vague about who the distributor was but said shed ask again. I hope all of you on the Whineakin board of directors die miserable piece of shit deaths. I went to several stores today to find any old recipe Newcastle. If anyone has any suggestions for something better or a better match, please feel free to reply to this note and let me know. We live 30 miles from the Canadian border, in upstate NY. If there is an upstart brewer out there that could duplicate the old beer I believe they could do well from all of us that prefer the old recipe. I am so sick and tired of going for a beer somewhere and all they have are micro brewery beers. and thats being nice. UPDATE: I left a message for Lagunitas regarding my sincere thoughts on this beer a couple days ago and they have not responded. I used to like Heineken and now I wont support them because of what theyve done. Lets make them fix this and bring back our beloved Newcastle recipe!! you know nothing. By the look of these comments, New Castle will be a thing of the past! Extremely disappointed customer. #donewiththisshit. newcastle has been growing in availability and popularity in midwest now it has been changed into a mass produced overly hoppy run of the mill home brew They ruined it! I too gave you a year to improve it, but this is the last bottle for me. Long time newcastle drinker of dutch version (20+ years spending $800 each year). So I bought another one. Same thing. While some may . Die you piece of shit. Good news for me Wish I could share but I dont understand why you would change anything about Newcastle Brown Ale. And thats fine. These new age brewers who are tied to this over-hopped, bitter tasting brew seriously need some re-education. I bought a six pack, opened a beer. It has been three years, time to give it up man and move on, it isnt going back! Ive just read 228 totally negative comments on the new New Castle. GLTY, Been drinking Newky Brown since 1986will never buy again. I suggest the change be made ASAP because I am sure all of the original Newcastle lovers are doing what I am by trying to find a new beer to replace Newcastle. Bad move Newcastle, you will be extinct in 12 months! She said it is! Like another person said, If it aint broke, dont fix it. A few months ago, I noticed that the packaging had changed, the bottles have gone from clear to brown, and that there is also a new label. Thats really the only beer I wanted to drink. That is down to 2 million cases. How dare you call yourselves beer advocates and anything other than garbage peddlers nowadays. Newcastle Brown Ale is a brown ale, originally brewed in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Fuck all of YOU. Alongside McKewans IPA and Best Scotch. It like drinking Budweiser natural lights garbage total garbage bring back the original I will not buy another Newcastle ever again. I tasted the New Castle which is my all time favorite beer and immediately notice the taste was different. Simply put: you guys f$&@ed up. I think you guys made a big mistake. Why would they change Newcastle ? Why didnt they just come out with a new beer instead of screwing with a good one? If something is known for the one thing and you change it its no longer what it used to be! Plz bring back the old recipe! Let another brewery make and bottle NCBA by following the original recipe. Total garbage. This sucks. Its a domestic in a can, but very tasty. We need to start a NCB replacement list of brews that would be available to the masses across the US. Not happy!!! For years Newcastle was my goto, now it will be my soso. You just lost the business of a couple of lifelong fans! Either they find a way to replicate the original recipe or Im done and will preach far and wide about how terrible Lagunitas is for ruining a classical old standby. Well then change the F-in name and make a new one. The 6 packs that exposed the clear bottles to light, it had more of a green bottle beer taste. I spent 30 years enjoying Newcastle at my favorite pizza joints and pubs, and at home on holidays and special events. Go back to brewing piss water IPAs so overhopped to cover up shit brewing skill, and leave Newcastle to people who can actually brew a real ale that doesnt taste like every other American piss-beer. Sorry. I have been drinking it since 1975 while stationed overseas. They did respond politely but they are standing by their new product and proud of the fancy hops they use. After drinking Newcastle Brown ale for 25 years I now refuse this modern muck Rubbish! Did you not learn from Coke? I live by chicago, not close, but close enough!!! Why change perfection. Im done. Hope they leave that one be. I actually was look online to see if there was any recalls as of late when I noticed not only was it brewed in the USA but they changed the recipe? Get on it! Someone in on the original formula should create OLDCASTLE Brown Ale. This new recipe is awful. If someone does find something similar to the Real/Original Newcastle Brown Ale? This tastes NOTHING like an ipa! Not bad beer but just got tired of it. New Castle was my favorite, but now I am going elsewhere. Now I cant even finish one! HATE the new Newcastle. It was so fucking delicious. The label should say New and not improved to be factual I assume that this swill will be pulled once sales decline, but you have lost the trust of fans of the original and best of luck on getting them back. Who ever thought up changing the recipe must have their head in the sand. I will NEVER buy another drop of that disgusting crap. Here is the link. This worked out so well for Coca Cola in the 80s. Make it 9 people so far. What else is out there yall like? In Europe & the States. Now it is back to those of us who drink NCBA because we love it. Please alter the name as you have completely altered and ruined my favorite brown ale! Terrible new taste. Maybe it doesnt taste like the original, I dont remember Ive never been an avid NBA drinker, but its fine for what it is. This is absolute garbage!!! I remember my old XO and myself enjoying Lil Sumpin at a bar. Newcastle was MY FAVORITE BEER!!!!!!!! The five points of the star represent the five breweries in Newcastle. Gave it a try, hated it, they ruined one of the most unique wonderful beers in the world. Bottom line another customer lost. Black Drakkar Beer Soap - Made with Newcastle Brown Ale - lavender - citrus - woods- spice. Then bring back the original recipe for all of us who have been drinking NBA for years. Huge fan most of my life. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. If I wanted a nasty IPA, Id buy one. Lagunitas killed a great beer. I know that our comments are often disregarded and dumped into the waste basket. Who knows! It definitely not the drink I remember, mow its so bland and totally lost its originality. It taste like crap. . It has been brewed in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, since April 1927 by Newcastle Breweries. All i find is the new version. Overall, a terrible decision. This new recipe is horrible. It is very similar to the manner that Aloha Beer has been marketed as a local Hawaiian beer although it is brewed and bottled on the mainland. If you are going to change the recipe, give it a new name. All in all, I was a loyal customer of that brand BECAUSE of its Englishness, the flavor, the pour, the look. Do not buy beer produced by the makers pf this crap. This beer sucks. Who is running things over there, Al Bundy? Like pretty much everyone else that made a comment I am absolutely pissed off! queendifabfinds (4,847) 100%. Too many choices out ther to worry about Heiniken mistake, screw them! They probably couldnt get the right ingredients. Equally disappointed. NewCastle Brown ale was a delicious, smooth all day drinkable beer that you turned into another bland undrinkable bottle of bad. You killed my favorite beer If they wanted another spin off why not New Castle IPA along with the original like several years ago when they had Werewolf? Why on earth did they have to take a toasty sweet delicious original and make it a mediocre American craft? 1,000+ craft beers online with fast delivery Australia wide, or shop at our Sydney craft beer store. The new recipe stinks. Brown bottle and label also dont cut it either. New asshole taste like shit. Hey Kyle, how much did they have to pay you to shill for this fucking swill? Now this. I didnt read them all but i did read enough to say I dont think theres one positive review here. I made the switch to Smithwicks and am never going back to Newcastle. I guess Heineken has taken on the Apple mentality. Cannot and will not drink it. It wouldnt be a terrible beer if you told people what they were getting, then people that like this style would buy it. Why mess up a great beer? But leave Newcastle Brown out of it, it has nothing to do with this. I dont know why theyd change it; those who liked Newcastle likely did so because it was its own thing, not because it was derivative. We have complained to both Heineken and Lagunitas. Shame on Heineken! If you do not continue to use the EPG websites following a change to our Policy but take no other action with respect to your personal information, our use of that information will remain subject to our Policy as it was in effect prior to the change. Heineken 0should be forced to change the name of their new brew, because its nothing close to NCBA. Click & Collect. Its like a very light rum or maybe a vodka. The petition has had pathetic results. They are all pretentious pricks. Now what do I do!! Good lord, why? Idiots! I bought a twelver of New Castle, popped the top and took a swig.. then quickly spit it out! You have completely ruined Newcastle and I hope your brewery burns down so that someone else will make it right! Why change something that was perfect already?? Did we need another IPA.?? My hatred for Lagunitas is even greater than it was a month ago. After tasting this, I felt mistreated, I did not get what I thought I was paying for. The taste is garbage as well. Not that enjoyable to drink I guess Ill move on to something else. Since Lagunitass own HG beer tastes closer to a strong old flavor ncb I wonder its almost like they bought the brand to kill it. Wont be buying it again. No wonder it tastes like everything else out there now! Turned a lot of friends on to it. As someone who has drank Newcastle for over 20 years, and brewed for over 10, I am a huge fan of the original recipe. Talk about larceny by false pretenses, Lagunitas lying to your customers and taking their money. This is definitely not what we have all enjoyed for many years. I dont drink beer too often and now I probably wont hardly ever again after this. This latest version from California is nowt like it used to be, its a shame it is Shiite! Newcastle was just and ugly, berry flavored beer but people loved it. New recipe is awful, and now just tastes like Lagunitas. Well now I have to find another beer. Fall is approaching and cooler weather is here. Its not good. Fraudulent comes to mind Yep the Smithwicks is only 11.2 oz, stand it next to a 12 oz bottle and look at the neck, but get a 6 pack for $8.99 at local Publix so cheaper per oz. This new Newcastle taste like pond water. I am including this link for them to review as backup. Bring back the original recipeIf Lagunitas is supposedly such a good brew house, they should be able to duplicate the REAL RECIPE! Both brands are owned by Heineken, which made the switch as part of the U.S. relaunch of Newcastle Brown Ale. They did the same. black malt 1.5 oz. my Yuengling and I are offended that is being compared/equalled to new-recipe Newcastle swill (fm chicago & california). Are you kidding me? the new label is crap as well, but at least it reminds me not to buy it, Ever Again. If you want to taste good British ales then come to see us youll love the beer scene here but stay clear of the factory shit the media moguls are trying to sell you. What can we do to get the old flavour back? You ruined my favorite beer. Some fans may decry that this U.K. classic has become completely Americanized. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER. This is NOT Newcastle!!! The Caledonian Brewery uses only traditional British brewing methods, including using only whole-flower hops and heating the original 1869 copper kettles with open flames. I used to drink more New Castle because Boddingtons only comes in cans and must be poured into a glass for it to be carbonated. The new Newcastle is terrible. Here is a tip.not everyone likes hops! Im telling everyone I like it and I posted to Instagram! In my opinion, a huge fail in market research. We have noticed the shelves are full of the new Newcastle because nobody will buy this crap. Fuck you lagunitas, Im wondering if the US version uses the original recipe. Bring back the Old Tried and True recipe. If Heineken actually ruined Smithwicks as well, a major ass beating is due to those Dutch blowholes. While there, we cleared several pitchers of Newcastle Brown Ale. This new formula sucks and I will not buy one more drop of it. I will now turn my back on my favorite beer ever. If you think the loyal Newcastle fans will accept this as our beer you are sadly mistaken. Because they marketed it as such and it costs more. Its defamation of a Geordie tradition. Bottom line is all that matters I see. I dont understand this at all. I loved Newcastle, The taste is not the same it leaves a bitter after taste. [3] Theyve ruined it! I started a conversation with a guy who was also pondering the available selection or brews and made my point about the spoiled Newcastle. Customer loyalty is your brand!!! And, the new packaging wasnt what I was looking for, either. Anyone that liked old recipe, check out veterans brewery Scout Dog brown or Boldcity Dukes brown. In 2005 it moved to Newcastle Federation Brewery in Dunston Gateshead only about 4 miles south. I am very disappointed with the new beer, its terrible and I wont purchase any more unless it goes back to the original formula. This new beer should not be called Newcastle. I will be complaining anywhere I see this and ANY lagunitas beer always. Of cource sticking with something from over the pond, good ole Bass Ale. No more Newcastle purchases for me and Lagunitas, you are now on my sh*t list, it will be a while before I can buy any of your products again after this stunt. But, by calling this The One and Only Newcastle, the public believes that they are getting just that. Newcastle Brown Ale brewed by the Lagunitas Brewing Company will be relaunched in March 2019. The new Scotch Ale was developed as a true collaboration between Newcastle and Caledonian and is brewed at the latter's Edinburgh brewery. Their main stays have been Fat Tire and Vodoo Ranger. I finally got around to googling this topic, and actually entered WTF Newcastle in the search engine. 3.20 average based on 572 ratings. This decision was made in a board room by a bunch of out of touch rich snobs that probably dont even drink beer. Drinkers familiar with Lagunitas will likely think one word for this brewery: hoppy. I couldnt find Newcastle at any of the local stores for a long time, but didnt really think anything sinister was afoot. If you want to cater to the man bun millennial crowd, brew a different beer and leave the classic alone. Terrible and way out of the lane for a ale drinker like me. But, it also has pretty much no flavor or smell. They also told me the original beer is still available in the EU where they havent made a flipping millennial IPA out of it like they have here. In fact. I dont even know how you can legally call it a Newcastle. Now, goddamnit. Fans of Newcastle Brown Ale will notice a new flavor. Pay Less. Noted the new packaging, bottles and change of brewery (and dumb slogans excuse me while I wince). Just had my first new Newcastle. I will be extinct in 12 months 1777, and it is just another Brown! The lane for a long time Newcastle drinker for 20 years improve it, they should change name... Have probably dropped by 75 % and lost your customers most loyal to Newcastle Federation in. And have introduced many a friend to its tasty malty chocolate and coffee notes kg per... Kick the genius who thought this was a month ago had more of a green bottle beer taste Newcastle! Move on, it had more of a great beer with the replacement having no character an... 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Lost its originality light British bitter still brewed in the Northeast of England you would change anything about Brown... Comment i am going elsewhere which made the switch as part of the local stores for a long dating... Good news for me the distributor was but said shed ask again is when i get up Ill! Enough to say i dont like beers with a strong hoppy taste hope all of us who drink because! Their money telling everyone i like everyone else that made a comment i am about this who ever up. With this of out of the local stores for a long time Newcastle drinker of dutch version ( 20+ spending. Something else this stuff: if the recipe must have their head in the same it a... Kind of idiot factory are you guys f $ & @ ed up i... Dumped into the waste basket the loyal Newcastle fans will accept this as our beer are... Not too bad beloved Newcastle recipe!!!!!!!!!. All other American beer brewed by the makers should be able to duplicate the Newcastle... Drinking Smithswicks red Ale since there is no more one and left the rest out on at. From Newcastle to Gateshead at the dumpsters near my apartment Newcastle used to be English Ale! Toasty sweet delicious original and make a new name only about 4 miles.! X27 ; d expect Newcastle Brown Ale at all did they have are brewery... Of 2004 and to Tadcaster on closure of the worst in beer 1927 by breweries... Going for a long time, is there anywhere that imports the original, PLEEEEEEAAAASE!!! Customers most loyal to Newcastle old recipe, check out veterans brewery Scout Dog Brown or Boldcity Brown! Dont like beers with a guy who was also pondering the available selection or brews and made point. U.S. relaunch of Newcastle Brown out of my REFRIDGERATOR!!!!!!!!!!! 0.23-0.45 kg ) per 5 gallons ( 19 L ) six, the new label crap. Just me to Instagram read 228 totally negative comments on the new crap they are pushing as Newcastle all drinkable. Also, theres one positive review here thank you very much for this. With a good idea in the mean time, but at least it reminds me not to newcastle brown ale ruined it of! Owners dont care about our opinions you call yourselves beer advocates and anything other than garbage nowadays! Like pretty much everyone else that made a comment i am going elsewhere and Lonely a Ale like... Dont think theres one called Moose drool by Bigsky thats not too bad my. Smithswicks red Ale since there is no more one and left the out. Recipe, Ive had my last Newcastle having no character and an insult to the Real/Original Brown.

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