The court reserves jurisdiction to consider a timely motion to tax costs and attorney's fees." If the Landlord is seeking a Default Final judgment - Damages (Residential Eviction), a copy of the motion and affidavit must be served on the Defendant. Within thirty calendar days of the filing of this Final Judgment and every forty-five calendar days thereafter until the divestiture has been completed whether pursuant to Section IV or Section VI of this Final Judgment, Enova shall, with respect to Divestiture Assets, deliver to Plaintiff an affidavit as to the fact and manner of Defendant's compliance with Sections IV or VI of this Final Judgment. F. "Divestiture Assets" means the Encina and South Bay electricity generation facilities owned by Enova at Carlsbad and Chula Vista, California, including, but not limited to, all real property rights necessary to the operation of the facilities; buildings, generation equipment, inventory, fixed assets and fixtures, materials, supplies, on-site warehouses or storage facilities, and other tangible property or improvements used in the operation of the facilities; licenses, permits (including but not limited to environmental permits and all permits from federal or state agencies), and authorizations issued by any governmental organization relating to the facilities, and all work in progress on permits or studies undertaken in order to obtain permits; plans for design or redesign of these electricity generating assets; contracts (including but not limited to customer contracts), agreements, leases, commitments, and understandings pertaining to the facilities and their operations; customer lists, and marketing or consumer surveys relating to these electricity generating assets; contracts for firm capacity and energy of longer than three months relating to these assets; records maintained by Enova necessary to operation of these assets; and all other interests, assets or improvements customarily used in the generation of electricity at these facilities. Defendant is hereby ordered and directed, in accordance with the terms of this Final Judgment, and specifically in accordance with the schedule in this section, to divest the Divestiture Assets to a purchaser or purchasers acceptable to the United States, in its sole discretion. After approval by the Court of the trustee's accounting, including fees for its services and those of any professionals and agents retained by the trustee, all remaining money shall be paid to Enova and the trust shall then be terminated. I hereby certify that on this date I have caused to be served by first class mail, postage prepaid, or by hand, if so indicated, a copy of the foregoing Motion for Entry of Final Judgment upon the following person, counsel for defendant in the matter of United States of America v. Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc.: Martha J. Talley D.C. Bar No. For full print and download access, please subscribe at What Is a Motion for Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict. K. The terms "Auction Procedures" and "California Auction Procedures" mean the auction procedures set forth in a decision addressing Enova's application under section 851 of the California Public Utilities Code to divest the Divestiture Assets. Summary judgment is a stage in many Florida personal injury cases in which one or both parties ask the judge to rule in their favor prior to trial. The Final Judgment may be entered at this time without further hearing if the Court determines that entry is in the public interest. Dana J. Watts, Attorney for Plai Florida Bar Number: 02921741 1620 Main Street Suite One . E. Defendant shall provide and maintain sufficient working capital to maintain the Divestiture Assets as viable ongoing businesses. If that party fails to file any response such as a motion directed toward the pleading, or an answer to the lawsuit, the plaintiff may seek what is called a clerk's default. Plaintiff moves for a default judgment based on the following: 1. This form also tells you about your rights and lists the date the form was mailed to you. Upon objection by Defendant under the proviso in Section VI(C), a divestiture proposed under Section VI shall not be consummated. Provided, however, a proposed divestiture pursuant to the Auction Procedures approved by the United States under Section IV(D)(3) of this Final Judgment shall be deemed acceptable to the United States under this section. Entry of default is an interlocutory order and is therefore not immediately appealable. Your alert tracking was successfully added. We noticed that you're using an AdBlocker, MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT - (JOINT MOTION). You must email this COMPLETED checklist with all documents required herein _____ Petition: (Including U.C.C.J.A. In Florida, a party in most cases has 20 days to answer a lawsuit. Defendant shall make available such information to Plaintiff at the same time that such information is made available to any other person. It is now appropriate for the Court to make the public interest determination required by 15 U.S.C. D. The trustee shall serve at the cost and expense of Defendant, on such terms and conditions as the Court may prescribe, and shall account for all monies derived from the sale of the assets sold by the trustee and all costs and expenses so incurred. How to Structure the Motion. The payments to be made by the Settling Defendants under this Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Counsel need only file a motion for entry of final judgment after default and set the motion for hearing. Direct Dial: (305) 982-6380 . The APPA requires a sixty-day period for the submission of public comments on the proposed Final Judgment. A general principle is that a motion for attorneys' fees must be filed in the trial court within a reasonable time after final judgment. The following packets, must contain 2 Notice of Social Security forms - one for each party, - Packet D. FL Statute: 12.902 (j) B. by This is one lesson of Fricker v. Peters & Calhoun Co., 21 Fla. 254 (1885). (b) Property Recovery. Plaintiff requests the court review this complaint and grant this motion for order to show cause for entry of final judgment of foreclosure, and grant such further relief as may be awarded at law or in equity. 9 A corollary to this general principle is that a motion for fees should be filed soon after judgment, even where an appeal is taken. when new changes related to " are available. Upon publication of the comments and the Response in the Federal Register on March 13, 1995, the procedures required by the APPA prior to entry of the proposed Final Judgment were completed. Rule 7 and/or Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1, moves for summary disposition and/or summary judgment in its favor and against Plaintiff and entry of Final Judgment. C. Within twenty calendar days of the filing of this Final Judgment, Defendant shall deliver to Plaintiff an affidavit which describes in detail all actions Defendant has taken and all steps Defendant has implemented on an on-going basis to preserve the Divestiture Assets pursuant to Section X of this Final Judgment and describes the functions, duties and actions taken by or undertaken at the supervision of the individuals described at Section X(J) of this Final Judgment with respect to Defendant's efforts to preserve the Divestiture Assets. Evident partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator; 2. Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. against The Stipulation and proposed Final Judgment also require Enova to ensure that until the divestiture mandated by the proposed Final Judgment has been accomplished, the management of any electricity generating facilities will be kept separate and apart from the management of Enova's other businesses. If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, The Certificate of Compliance filed by the United States with this Court simultaneously with this Motion demonstrates that all the requirements of the APPA have been met. Track Judges New Case, Integrale Investments Llc The defendant files a motion for summary judgment seeking dismissal of the claims for negligence and breach . PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT Pursuant to Section 2 (b) of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ("APPA"), 15 U.S.C.A. FORM 1.998. ____________________________ United States District Judge. The United States is authorized by counsel for the State of Maryland, the State of Florida and the defendant to state that the State of Maryland, the State of Florida and the defendant join in this motion. The Notice of Entry of Judgment (SC-130) is a court form that states the judge's decision. Please wait a moment while we load this page. Fawcett Memorial Hospital, 18 (West 1997). Subject to Section VI(D) of this Final Judgment, the trustee shall have the power and authority to hire at the cost and expense of Defendant any investment bankers, attorneys, or other agents reasonably necessary in the judgment of the trustee to assist in the divestiture, and such professionals and agents shall be accountable solely to the trustee. 246330 Dewey Ballantine 1775 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. fair, adequate, and reasonable. A Certificate of Compliance, certifying that the parties have complied with all applicable provisions of the APPA and that the waiting period has expired, has been filed simultaneously with this Court. Acquisitions above the cap--In any event, the Defendant may acquire or control, California Generation Facilities in excess of 500 MW, subject to the prior approval of the United States as provided in Paragraphs V(A)(1) and V(A)(2). Official websites use .gov H. Defendant, shall, at minimum, permit prospective purchasers of the Divestiture Assets to have reasonable access to personnel and to make such inspection of the Divestiture Assets, and any and all financial, operational, or other documents and information customarily provided as part of a due diligence process. United States' Certificate of Compliance with the Provisions of the Antitrust Procedures and Penalties Act ("the Certificate of Compliance"), setting forth the steps taken by the parties to comply with all applicable provisions of the APPA and certifying that the statutory waiting period has expired, has been filed simultaneously with this Motion. Cogeneration facilities--Defendant may own, operate, or control any cogeneration or renewable generation facilities in California. You may find this rule at through the link to the Rules of Judicial Administration provided under either Family Law Forms: Getting Started, FINAL DISPOSITION FORM This form shall be filed by the prevailing party for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of reporting judicial workload data pursuant to Florida Statute 25.075. E. After the appointment of the trustee becomes effective, Defendant shall take no action to interfere with or impede the trustee's accomplishment of the required divestiture, and shall use its best efforts to assist the trustee in accomplishing the required divestiture, including best efforts to effect all necessary regulatory approvals. Judge Farfante, Darren. FL Statute: 12.930 (a) Packets: n/a. A. The applicable Statutes, Rules and the Florida Supreme Court holding in Expedia establish that Sarasota County acted improperly in assessing T DT against Plaintiff. This form is the general form for a judgment after default, not including recovery for prejudgment interest and attorneys' fees: FINAL JUDGMENT This action was heard after entry of default against defendant and A. 16 (b)- (h), the United States of America moves for entry of the proposed Final Judgment in this civil antitrust proceeding. Motion for Contempt-Enforcement Pay Traffic Ticket Online Search Online Court Records Remember. This is where doing nothing to defend yourself can hurt you. Courts have the authority to determine the legal owners of a property. L. The term "Southern California" means the counties in California currently served by Pacific's gas pipelines. Autec v. Southlake Holdings, LLC, 171 N.C. App. This Final Judgment will expire on the tenth anniversary of the date of its entry unless the Final Judgment is terminated pursuant to Section XIII(B); provided, however, the Final Judgment will terminate when the United States notifies Enova and the Court that Enova has provided to the United States documentation sufficient to prove (1) that the merger between Enova and Pacific identified in the Complaint has been terminated; or (2) that an Independent System Operator has assumed control of Pacific's gas pipelines within California in a manner satisfactory to the United States. Final judgments after default may be entered by the court at any time, but no judgment may be entered against an infant or incompetent person unless represented in the action by a general guardian, committee, conservator, or other representative who has appeared in it or unless the court has made an order under rule 1.210 (b) providing that no Motion for Entry of Default Final Judgment Case (s): U.S. v. Scuba Retailers Association Date: Wednesday, April 17, 1996 Document Type: Motions and Memoranda - Miscellaneous This document is available in two formats: this web page (for browsing content) and PDF (comparable to original document formatting). ASSENTED-TO MOTION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT Plaintiff Commonwealth of Massachusetts moves for entry of the Judgment . G. If the trustee has not accomplished the divestiture required by Section IV of this Final Judgment within six months after the appointment of the trustee becomes effective, the trustee shall promptly file with the Court a report setting forth (1) the trustee's efforts to accomplish the required divestiture, (2) the reasons, in the trustee's judgment, why the required divestiture has not been accomplished, and (3) the trustee's recommendations; provided, however, that to the extent such reports contain information that the trustee deems confidential, such reports shall not be filed in the public docket of the Court. Attach the pdf of the Motion for Default Judgment. In a judicial partition, the property of co-owners is partitioned by the courts based on the evidence produced by the parties. Chapter 501, Florida Statutes, 501.201 et. 16 (b)-(h) (West 1997), Plaintiff United States moves for entry of the proposed Final Judgment annexed hereto in this civil antitrust proceeding. The APPA requires a sixty-day period for the submission of public comments on the proposed Final Judgment, 15 U.S.C. the competitive impact of such judgment, including termination of alleged violations, provisions for enforcement and modification, duration or relief sought, anticipated effects of alternative remedies actually considered, and any other considerations bearing upon the adequacy of such judgment; the impact of entry of such judgment upon the public generally and individuals alleging specific injury from the violations set forth in the complaint including consideration of the public benefit, if any, to be derived from a determination of the issues at trial. The Complaint alleges that Pacific is a California gas utility company and Enova is a California electric utility company, and that this transaction would give the combined company ("PE/Enova") both the incentive and the ability to lessen competition in the market for electricity in California. The compensation of such trustee and of any professionals and agents retained by the trustee shall be reasonable in light of the value of the Divestiture Assets and based on a fee arrangement providing the trustee with an incentive based on the price and terms of the divestiture and the speed with which it is accomplished. Defendant shall take no action that would jeopardize its ability to divest the Divestiture Assets as viable, ongoing businesses. try clicking the minimize button instead. Such prior approval shall be within the sole discretion of the United States. MEANS OF FINAL . In its CIS previously filed with the Court on June 8, 1998, the United States has explained the meaning and proper application of the public interest standard under the APPA and incorporates those statements here by reference. For the reasons set forth in this Motion, in the CIS, and Plaintiff's Response, the Court should find that the proposed Final Judgment is in the public interest and should enter the proposed Final Judgment without further hearings. Accessing Verdicts requires a change to your plan. F. In accomplishing the divestiture ordered by this Final Judgment, Defendant promptly shall make known, by usual and customary means, the availability of the Divestiture Assets. One of the most common challenges to a default judgment in Florida is a challenge to the jurisdiction of the court over your person because of lack of personal jurisdiction or defective service of process. The defendant then has a specified time period to refute the judgment, pay on the judgment, or risk contempt of court. The Florida Rules of Civil Procedure do not authorize rehearing of non-final orders, and so filing . Defendant shall permit prospective purchasers of the Divestiture Assets to have access to personnel and to make such inspection of physical facilities and any and all financial, operational or other documents and information as may be relevant to the divestiture required by this Final Judgment. Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. SETTLEMENT PAYMENTS A. Defendant may request that information in such reports that has been provided as confidential by the Defendant be deemed confidential by the trustee. 15 U.S.C.A. You will lose the information in your envelope. The United States shall take all appropriate and necessary steps to keep the information received pursuant to this section confidential. vs. For the reasons set forth in this Motion, in the Competitive Impact Statement and in the Comments on the proposed Final Judgment and the United States' Response to the Comments, the Court should find that the proposed Final Judgment is in the public interest and should enter the proposed Final Judgment without further hearings. (2018).) Outside California--Defendant may own, operate, control, or acquire any electricity generation facilities other than California Generation Facilities. By the same token, in a judgment is not final simply because it is titled Final Judgment. B. Enova shall require, as a condition of the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets, or of a lesser business unit that includes Enova's business of intrastate transmission and retail distribution and sale of natural gas, that the transferee agree to be bound by the provisions of this Final Judgment. Each such affidavit shall include, inter alia, the name, address, and telephone number of each person who, at any time after the period covered by the last such report, made an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring, entered into negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an inquiry about acquiring, any interest in the Divestiture Assets, and shall describe in detail each contact with any such person during that period. Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.220( e) provides that class actions "shall not be voluntarily withdrawn, dismissed, or compromised without approval of the court after notice and Except as provided in Section VI, these divestitures shall occur through the Auction Procedures and shall be subject to necessary approvals by the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") and other governmental authorities. 3d 596, 598 citing 682.15, Fla. Stat. A. On May 17, 2007, Appellee filed a Motion for Entry of Default Final Judgment seeking Judgment against Appellants on May 23, 2007, granting judgment in favor of Appellee in the Procedure Form 1.977 within forty-five days from date of the Final Judgment, unless it is satisfied or post-judgment discovery is stayed. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 862-1014, U.S. and Plaintiff States v. Browning-Ferris Industries, This document is available in two formats: this web page (for browsing content), and. II. The Rule in Florida for a Clerk's entered default is 1.500 (a), which provides: by (See instructions on the reverse of the form.) If the trustee is responsible, it shall similarly notify Defendant. We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. Jurisdiction is retained by this Court for the purpose of enabling any of the parties to this Final Judgment to apply to this Court at any time for such further orders and directions as may be necessary or appropriate for the construction or carrying out of this Final Judgment, for the modification of any of the provisions hereof, for the enforcement of compliance herewith, and for the punishment of any violations hereof. Such reports shall include the name, address and telephone number of each person who, during the preceding month, made an offer to acquire, expressed an interest in acquiring, entered into negotiations to acquire, or was contacted or made an inquiry about acquiring, any interest in the Divestiture Assets, and shall describe in detail each contact with any such person during that period. Until final judgment is entered, Rule 54(b) allows revision of the default judgment at . It is now appropriate for the Court to make the public interest determination required by 15 U.S.C.A. Before Enova can accept a bid by a potential purchaser received under the Auction Procedures with respect to any of the Divestiture Assets to be divested, the bid must be screened by the United States as specified in this section. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. will be able to access it on trellis. J. allegations / or separate affidavit if Children) _____ Restoration of former name pled? 2. 16(e) and to enter the Final Judgment. Ritsema, 5D18-762 (Fla. 5th DCA January 24, 2020) in which the court entered an amended final judgment ten months after the original final judgment was entered. Tolling agreements--Defendant may enter into tolling and reverse tolling agreements with any electricity generation facilities in California, provided Defendant does not control such facilities; provided further, that all such tolling and reverse tolling agreements include the following provision: "In accordance with the Final Judgment in. You will lose the information in your envelope, FAWCETT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL et al vs LLOYD MD, BETH. The APPA requires that any proposal for a when new changes related to " are available. Within thirty calendar days after receipt of the notice or within twenty calendar days after Plaintiff has been provided the additional information requested from Defendant, the proposed purchaser, any third party, and the trustee, if there is one, whichever is later, the United States shall provide written notice to Defendant and the trustee, if there is one, stating whether or not it objects to the proposed divestiture. P. 54 filed within 14 days of entry of judgment if a district court extends the time for appeal under Rule 58; I. 4. If the United States does not notify Enova that a proposed bid is unacceptable within the applicable time period specified above, the purchaser making such bid shall be deemed acceptable by the United States with respect to all of the Divestiture Assets specified in that bid. Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and Bouknight, Jr. David R. Roll James B. Moorhead Steptoe & Johnson LLP 1330 Connecticut Ave., N.W. The notice shall set forth the details of the proposed transaction and list the name, address, and telephone number of each person not previously identified who offered to, or expressed an interest in or a desire to, acquire any ownership interest in the assets that are the subject of the binding contract, together with full details of same. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 73 West Flagler Street, Room 138. The United States filed Comments on the Proposed Final Judgment and the United States' Response to the Comments on March 2, 1995. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Perkins, No. It also requires BFI to offer new, less restrictive contracts to its small containerized hauling customers in Broward County, FL; Polk County, FL; and the greater Baltimore, MD metropolitan area. WHEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and Order, the Plaintiff demands entry of a Final Judgment against Thomas Ritzmann and Cindy Aylsworth, Joint and severely in the amount of $846,216.25, plus interest, attorney's fees and costs. Defendant shall pay post judgment interest on any delinquent amounts . A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. P. 52(b) filed within 28 days of entry of judgment; Motions to alter or amend the judgment or to grant a new trial under Fed. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. A motion for default judgment is an official court document filed by a creditor or debt collector (known as the plaintiff to the case), notifying the court that the person being sued (known as the defendant) never responded to the case Summons and Complaint. Defendant . 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