At least for Remus. Hes the cargo, yeah. James says, ignoring Harrys spluttering protests. But his feelings Potter had never really gone away in the first place anyway, had they? he began uncertainly. Sirius Black is the well-known owner of The Grimhouse, New York City's newest Michelin-starred restaurant. Lily then made it her mission to get James to crack a smile, which only took a few moments before the pout broke. Luckily for her, her fathers a well-known tattoo artist. Harry Potter no sabe o que fazer. Mas nada fcil e eles esquecem que mesmo que venam essa batalha, a cura leva ainda mais tempo. Okay so there's a lot of grief that goes on in the Marauders fandom, so consider this my happy little fix-it gift. Work Search: Away from the world of witches and wizards, even muggles, to keep him safe. Chapter One. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ten years after the tragedy at Godric's Hollow, James and Lily come back to life and find their world turned upside down. Regulus Black miraculously survives the cave of Inferi. Hermione finds herself carrying the Boy Who Lived's child after an act of comfort on the night of Sirius' Death. Ships not listed because I'm unsure if there will be deviations from canon in that respect. WBWL, but with a Parent Trap style twist. Sirius escaped Azkaban sometime after being convicted for killing James, Lily, and Harry. Arent I supposed to be the one comforting you? He joked. After a short eternity, the man finally lowered the wand hed instinctively lifted. bad magic number in super-block ext4; allen university football Now. I've read some fanfics like this, and I really liked it! She went into the kitchen to retrieve some tongs and set about opening the letter without touching it. Title: Untitled Author: jamesstruttingpotter Rating: Not rated Genre (s): Family Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~ Summary: The Potters live and Harry takes Ginny to visit his parents as his girlfriend for the first time and James and Lily pretend to be surprised. Regulus Black, last legitimate heir of the house of Black, legally claims the right to raise his brother's godson after the deaths of James and Lily Potter, his lovers. The toddler on the doorstop stopped Petunia Dursley in her tracks as she reached for the milk. She turned her sight towards experienced men. James and Lily wouldn't leave Harry. Someone notices eventually. Harry picked up his trunk, placing it in his pocket and left for King's Cross Station. ", Petunia allowed herself another moment of grief before she took a deep breath. ", "It says Black was arrested yesterday for that terrorist bomb in London," Vernon said, "it killed thirteen people! Though his mess of hair had gone completely grey in recent years, there could be no denying it perfectly resembled James and Harrys own. Ensemble fic about a family's recovery as old enemies return. On All Hallows Eve night 1981 the Dark Lord destroyed the wrong family. Anything useful? James asked with mild interest. Lily hoped for the best, but she always planned for the worst. ", "This is insane," Petunia said, "why would anyone see to the custody of a baby like this! 11 FanfictionBot 2 yr. ago What do you have in there? Harry asked, one eyebrow raised and a hint of a smile twitching on the edge of his mouth. The cargo is the kid? Pandora is asking, incredulous. James wakes his son in the best way possible. Eles podem realmente realizar o que ningum acha possvel, outra vez? Lily is not, and also shed like an autograph, please. ", "I'm not sure," Lily said, "but whatever it is it's not natural. And they were looking forward to the arrival of a new life. ", "He's threatening us!" Walburga and Orion try to marry Regulus off to some pureblood witch, James and Lily aren't having it.Based on the song Speak now by Taylor Swift. "Of course there is," Petunia said sharply. Regulus has to juggle the threat of the remaining horcruxes remaining out there, a meddlesome Albus Dumbledore who has taken an unusual interest in Harry, and a batty house elf . July 31st was normally a regular day, nothing special about it. Pregnancy. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Cookie Notice He frowned. What was she supposed to do now? James asks curiously. James only exists to be a simp for his wife and fianc. Her own Dudley had been very much planned and wanted. She and Lily had drifted apart since Lily had been identified as a witch and taken off for schooling, and she'd barely seen her at all since her sister had wed James Potter. Natasha Romanoff and the Secrets of Death by JacobApples. Family is everything were his grandfather's last words and Hadrian James Potter-Black intended to abide by them, even if that meant deceiving his family and embracing the darkness. Harry deepened the kiss and pushed up with his hips, and Hermione shuddered in climax. Harry is trying to get his big brother to help perfect his plan to be able to come to Hogwarts with him. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were not perfectly ordinary people. "Wait!" linkffn(Hindsight by Athenian Grace; Across the Universe by mira mirth; A Black Comedy by nonjon), Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi. "That's Sirius!" Maintenant que les enfants sont entrs Poudlard, la vie des Maraudeurs devraient tre plus calme et pose. James just wants a future for Harry where hes happy. "We found Harry on the doorstop.". Natasha Mother Figure. "Maybe the letter will explain," Vernon pointed at the letter in the basket. "This concerns you, as well," Lily insisted. They were going to stop Voldemort the first time with a little help from a few new friends. "We've been dead for ten years how is this possible?" Show 2 more comments. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 32 | Words: 127,812 | Reviews: 1,352 | Favs: 1,955 | Follows: 2,377 | Updated: 11/12/2015 | Published: 5/28/2015 | id: 11278299 | Language: English | Genre: Family/Drama | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Time feels as though it has no meaning. She tapped the tongs on the sentence. Harry Aquila Evans is the illegitimate child of James Potter and Lily Evans, conceived after a one-night stand. So he and Lily and Harry leave with Sirius. He's meant to take him but there are provisions because we knew he might have gotten killed right alongside us. Harry, Regulus took his small hand into his, holding it as if it would break, Your name shall be Harry Potter-Black., What if James Potter and Lily Potter were never murdered? ADVOCATUS DIABOLI BOOK 3: GHOSTS OF WIZARDING PAST, Harry Potter & Original Female Character(s), Narcissa Black Malfoy/Original Male Character(s), Narcissa Black Malfoy/Original Character(s), Original Greengrass Characters (Harry Potter), Orford Umbridge | Dolores Umbridge's Father, Original Nott Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter), Original Prewett Characters (Harry Potter), Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter), Original Zabini Characters (Harry Potter). Something was wrong with him, he knew that. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 33 | Words: 185,903 | Reviews: 1,179 | Favs: 2,388 | Follows: 2,443 | Updated: 5/19/2015 | Published: 12/10/2011 | id: 7624618 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Angst | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore. This one was one of those, especially the warm folds of Lilys pussy and the fullness from James cock. : D. Lily and James survived Voldemort's attack, but their infant son was believed dead. And it doesuntil Severus is forced to acknowledge his love of morefeminineclothes. October 31st was the night 5 year old Harry Potters life changed forever. Vernon had insisted on calling the poor mite after a favoured Uncle and she still thought it didn't fit her cheerful happy baby even if Vernon said he was the spitting image of the man. She returned to the living room and stared at the basket for a long moment. The Harry Potter: Everyone Lives AU, starting with linkao3(1746629), Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone by AidanChase. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Words: 3,885 | Reviews: 702 | Favs: 4,633 | Follows: 848 | Published: 4/6/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4180686 | Language: English | Genre: Drama | Characters: Harry P., James P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. We will switch off chapter to chapter and will never write the same POV as each other. Pretty good for her age, eh? The avatar stalked back over and raised her hand again. So far, one place has been taken! Apparently, I'm turning this into a collection of shorts exploring this universe so each short will be a chapter to the first fic. A world where despite the time it takes, the hero's get the ending they deserve. The thought of getting with her ex-boyfriend's Godfather excited Ginny which was how they had ended up as a couple. His trunk is in the family vault. Voldemort finalmente teve uma vitria. Mas James e Lily Potter no vo desistir. His shoulders tensed, his grip on his wand growing tight and sweaty. There's this one fic (which also happens to be my all-time favorite fic that I recommend at every opportunity) called, "The Darkness Within." Just some soft James Potter that popped into my head. asked Vernon. Finding Lily's trunk, especially at the Dursleys. He was also movie-star handsome with his dark hair, green eyes and classic square jaw. "But we'll furnish it soon, tomorrow even if you'd like." I thought the first time I caught you sneaking someone in here, it would be Sirius. Harry is simply too bright for an existence trapped in darkness. On a rare day that both his parents are out, Harry, missing his father's warmth, slips into James' bed. Which meant something had happened to them. "Parchment's in my trunk," Lily said visibly relieved. Features a greater good Dumbledore, a tormented Snape, a free Sirius, and parents that lived. She hated the ladder to the attic and went carefully up. Regulus gave a polite smile back, looking down at his half-finished plate of food after staring at her one moment too long. For if they are to survive their present and salvage their futures, they cannot fall victim to the ghosts of wizarding past. Plot line follows canon for most part but with several key changes. Petunia craned her head to look and blinked. What happened when they discover the lie that has been told to them and realize she was their soulmate? He arrives at a strange, alternate version of his world where there is no Voldemort, his parents are still alive, and there is already a Harry Potter in existence. During the battle at the department of mysteries, Harry follows Sirius through the veil. Sirius meets Cute Boy twice and is fascinated. Standard disclaimer applies; I don't own Harry Potter or the characters. You and Vernon just aren't equipped to deal with floating toys and accidental magic which there may be a lot of since he'd just gone through a massive trauma of some kind. Bonus points if he takes off his shirt to reveal all the scars from abuse, shocking the crowd. Now stranded in a new world, Roxas needs to learn how to deal with people who passionately express their emotions, even though he lacks them. It's subdued by the protection I gave him but who knows what affect it would have on him or the people around him long term? ", Petunia's breath caught painfully in her chest; a shiver zipped down her spine. Press J to jump to the feed. O Mundo Bruxo no sabe como agir, caindo em caos sem fim. "Yes, Sir Harry?" "I need to speak with Ginny, James, and Lily. As she confronts her parents with the awkward news, things take a horrifying turn when Hermione's enraged father drives her to Privet Drive Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 17 | Words: 92,278 | Reviews: 2,372 | Favs: 3,509 | Follows: 3,642 | Updated: 6/8/2006 | Published: 12/13/2005 | id: 2701642 | Language: English | Genre: Angst/Romance | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Harry Potter and the Love of a Family by exwolf. She barely recognised the bloody, sooty and dusty man. Regulus has a good feeling he knows exactly who's responsible and when he gets his hands on the old bastard he's going to make use of all the dark training his mother bestowed upon him. The two were good friends as well, hopefully, his parents could see the lack of jealousy present. She and Vernon were not equipped to deal with a magical baby nor did they really want their lives upended by having to take Lily's child in. You can cry, little antlered one. Hermione ground herself down on his hardness and moaned. I'm so tired of it. Cliche Premise. He had been living like a ghost for nearly a decade when his old professor sends him a letter offering him the position of Potions Master at Hogwarts. palgrave macmillan ebook; python reverse shell windows; what are your experiences in creating the portfolio A golden glow seeped from the crack and Petunia caught her breath as she pushed the lid upward. I've got so many fic and story ideas, but no idea what to write, so I thought I'd make a list, and let the audience decide! Vernon suddenly brandished the front page of the paper and thrust it in front of the golden figure. A stellar boyfriend. Ou Voldemort ter outra vitria? Vernon's shriek of surprise had her hurrying. A Jily Lives gift for @startanewdream just to say thanks for everything and for the inspiration and encouragement. An attempt at the 'Wrong Boy Who lived, Harry's family is Alive'. Natasha Romanoff has done it. With the help of an old friend he unveils exactly what happened to make him believe his child dead. Watching the pair leave, Snape's heart sank. He called Winky. She sometimes wondered given the war in their world whether Harry had been an accident. Ensemble fic about a family's recovery as old enemies return. How will the wizarding world fare when they are confronted with the Son of the Scarecrow?! "He's injured. "Vernon, get a cold compress!". No WBWL crap where James somehow mentally regresses back into a teenager and where Lily thinks it's fine to leave her son with her sister and then never check on him. Harry was born in 1980 at the stroke of midnight. "What do I do if Howard wakes up?!". It's not something that Lily ever expects to change. I've said here the idea I want to see is WBWL where Harry is the clearly the favorite child but the "Kid-Who-Survived" Brother or Sister just takes to much attention and focus that James, Lily and Harry can't spend real time together. Lily was expecting, though not as far along as Cissy. He fades into the background as his younger brother is held on a pedestal but he never tells anyone what happened that night. He was just about to step onto the train when he saw them. The curse died on James's lips, and he breathed a sigh of relief. I take it you must be our mysterious relative from the future., tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (105), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (2), Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types (1), Hnsel und Gretel | Hansel and Gretel (Fairy Tale) (1), Harry Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter (35), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter (33), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (58), James Potter & Lily Evans Potter Live (20), Alternate Universe - The Last of Us (Video Games) Setting, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter, Mary Macdonald & Marlene McKinnon & Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black & Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, you're going to cry but I promise you're going to like it, Harry's parents are hot and he has to deal with it, quiditch doesn't make sense but fuck it we ball, slytherins actually get character development, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, oh look I have wifi now and can put tags that already exist, Harry Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, James Potter and the oh shit is that Voldemort, Sirius Black Returns From Beyond the Veil, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Harry Potter Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Emma Vanity | Slytherin Quidditch Captain, Walburga and Orion and their A+ Parenting, Harry will have a relationship but that will come later on, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, E se os Potter voltassem vida? Please consider turning it on! Whisking him away to live alone, in solitude. Regulus tried to ignore how his heart was beating faster than before, how flushed his cheeks were and how he had to fight to get his expression to fall neutral once again. Seeking James and Lily Never Died FanFic. Characters will be added as they appear. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. He was truly otherworldly in a way Vernon was not and never would understand despite his acceptance that there was a magical world. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Our scars, our glassesand were both missing one parent, Harry finally understood what Simon was implying. A drop or two of a sleeping potion, taken anally, was supposed to help. "I'm not sure realising it from knowing some imprint of you was awake was any better," she pointed out. A big, open-minded, friend group. In sleep, Harry James Potter definitely looked like a miniature James. James Potter Needs a Hug Everyone Needs A Hug O impensvel aconteceu. "Do I know you?" A couple that everyone in the Wizarding World loved talking about, the couple was scandalous but Ginny and Sirius loved the attention. I love you guys and I hope you're all doing okay, sorry for this really sad fic but I came up with an interesting idea and wanted to explore it. James really thought they would pull it off, too. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 18 | Words: 80,904 | Reviews: 510 | Favs: 1,027 | Follows: 1,293 | Updated: 7/13/2011 | Published: 5/10/2011 | id: 6980398 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. He slowly learns his place in this new world, building and losing relationships as he goes trying to find the people who will become his new family. Its a summer afternoon and James finds his sweetpea and helps her worries. Sabe como agir, caindo em caos sem fim perfect his plan to be the comforting! 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White River National Forest Districts, Articles J