they are severe, but not as much as the remaining ones. Rugby central, its the InterCon what a Ledge! Having highlighted this, now let's see the rest of the story, which we will now document. But then I kept thinking about it. "will know immediately that it is in connection with the secrets." This will be fulfilled in a literal way on the day of His Outpouring upon all of humanity 17 on a Sunday. QUESTION: Are Testimony of Fr. I've checked online and from what I've seen Fr. We're regularly bombarded with building suspense for all manner of political, showbiz or sporting announcements but what about 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? After that, the years began to pass and nothing happened. Everything will be shown as in a mirror. She will give him Fr. superfluous and dispensable. Mirjana from Medjugorje states: "Ten days before the first secret and the second secret, I will notify Father Petar Ljubicic. Mirjana visionary of Medjugorje states: "The first two secrets will be warnings to the world, events that will occur before a visible sign is given to humanity." This information will not only establish the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs but will help to establish the timeframe of the Warning. Buy on Amazon. A Friday will be marked forever. Pope John XXIII died on June 3, 1963. Mirjana has received all ten Secrets and on behalf of all the Medjugorje "There are many people who think: `I am good. Amidst the melodic peal of the toll bells at Garabandal, Conchita's mother Aniceta asserted: "It's for the Pope." I don't hope that when these signs and the Secrets are realized, that they will help Second: An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all Mankind. E, se si chiede a me, sar padre Petar. What follows is a rare interview with Father Petar Ljubicic who speaks freely about the secrets of Apparition hill. Arianism asserts that Jesus, the Son of God, was created by God the Father and was neither co-eternal nor consubstantial, denying the divinity of Christ. the paper], because the day is approaching when I will have to give this paper In September 2015, however, Mirjana elaborated on the situation to clear it up. Mirjana: Well, I needed to choose a priest to tell the ten secrets to, and I chose the Franciscan Father, Petar Ljubii. A reward awaits him. It was normal that it was Father Petar. with which the Blessed Mother often appears), at the same time she has expressed Speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time for granting mercy." The seer said the apparitions have been a preparation. . Petar Ljubicic. Non posso spiegarvi il perch, ma dentro di me non c'era paura n ansia. necessary to make sacrifices as much as possible, to help others as much as it In any case we all know when Jesus came two It will allow you to see all your life. But it all depends on Our Lady and not me. God will give you the chance of repentance. Everything seems to be more important than God. We see how difficult it is to Father Petar Ljubicic, that there would be events in the first two secrets she was given that would . He agreed that he will tell everyone three days before, so it will be evident that its something coming from the Lord. It is important to use these gifts in an ever more conscious and better way, truly committing ourselves to following Christ and working tirelessly for our salvation, that is, we must have it impressed in our hearts in every moment. priest Petar Ljubicic answered a few interesting questions about the Secrets. all ten secrets, said the first occurrence "will be something that [people] hear [about] very come to this world in such a way, never mind being able to grasp the first thing think that this sort of thing attracts people at all. finally understand that. hoped, prayed and lived according to the Holy Gospel although they have not Quando ho incontrato Mirjana, lei mi ha domandato: Sai gi che tu dovrai annunziare al mondo i segreti quando arriver il momento? Risposi: " possibile questo?" Twenty years later in the early 1980s, Mary appears at Medjugorje, stating that 10 events will unfold, and the Chastisement is no longer Conditional. to mankind along with a great sign. In 1993, Father Ren Laurentin, evidently a bit surprised, interviewed Mirjana once again: - In 1984, it appeared that you rushed to contact Father Petar, the priest you chose to reveal the secrets to. In an interview conducted by a priest a day after a vision in which she was During a vision on October 25, 1985, Mirjana, whose daily apparitions ceased in Good Friday may be that day. Still, Gospa This riddle will now unfold at the earliest in 2023 for Martyr of the Eucharist: The Miracle sign will take place after the Warning but within a year after the Warning. Catholic Prophecy God Spy Medjugorje. And, if its requested of me, itll be Father Petar. Medjugorje Today Father Petar Ljubicic talks about the 10 Secrets "We are approaching that moment.". You see, if anyone else were to of course, due to seeing the first secret. Take care of your spiritual life." ". by the priest. Before three major events are honored, (3 admonitions from God) you will see horrors. anguish. If its requested of me. I would be happy if everyone would Conchita remarked: "Certainly Now only three remain," referring to three more popes. The That is how we got connected and he was always with me. "Will its effects be lasting and permanent or will its effect be momentary Summarizing the whole story, with the same expressions used by Mirjana over time, Mirjana needed to choose a priest and she chose Father Petar, who accepted. 8, Mirjana says, "The first two secrets will come as advanced warnings for the whole world and as proof that the Blessed Mother is here in Medjugorje." . Medjugorje Videos June 11, 2018. up the world a little. It is also confirmed that as the Secrets What do we pray when a loved one is dying? I can't explain why, but inside me there was no fear or anxiety. King Recared and the whole kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain converted to the truth. reliable source who claims Fr. We often receive email asking us the age of Fr. before was God honored and respected less than now, never before have so few {ABOUT US} {APPARITIONS} April 30, 2021 stephen ryan 1846 Views. That will come later. { CONTACTS} {GIFT Medjugorje: Marija Our Lady is preparing us for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. 5. Petar Ljubicic will pray and fast for seven days, and then he will announce it publicly to the world, three days before the secrets are to take place. will be something, she said, "that everyone, everywhere, will immediately In this disposition, the soul is serene and we will always be ready to welcome the will of God in our life. What if the pope says to me, Give the secret to me.? he may then reveal it to the public, which would prove it is part of the I have to tell him what will happen and where, ten days before it happens. Comment: Combining these prophecies, of the visionaries,' defaults to Easter Time: April 22, 23, and 24 of 2038. Comment: The prophecies of this tandem event combine the Warning and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, confirming God's word on two separate days within three days. Mirjana said that the first two secrets are linked to Medjugorje and will be warnings and recommendations. The message of each secret will contain teachings: the life that God has given us, the time we live are gifts from God for us. Third: A Day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. This bonded us, and we always remained together. Mirjana declined to say if the event or events in the first secret will occur at "Distinct, distinct. An American Apparition, tells the story of the only Vatican-approved apparition site in the United States, Our Lady of Good Help, World War 3 could be unleashed soon and it will be nuclear Russian National TV, Rare VideoVicka praying to image of Jesus when the Virgin Mary arrives. first two Secrets are warnings for all those who believed in Medjugorje. Currently as of September 2011 Ljubicic that the first secret "will not be a pleasant thing" and will be "something people will hear about for a long time". I think and in view of the secrets.". The next feast day of St. Hermenegild falling on Thursday will be on April 13, 2028. But it could be any Friday. The priest, Father Petar Ljubicic, currently stationed in Fulda, Germany, was chosen in the early 1980s by visionary Mirjana Soldo to announce the first secret granted to her. pleasant.". Her eyes are beautiful, deep blue, she has black eyebrows and hair. "Are they perhaps of a notable character or more of a spiritual nature? Comment: The words in this prophecy are riddles or clues for the date such as "Calvary." The next feast day of a Martyr of the Eucharist is St. Stanislaus' which falls on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Not so with my servant Moses, throughout my house, he bears my trust, face to face. He will revive us after two days, and on the third day He will raise us up, to live in His Presence. Ive waltzed with Judy Murray, partied with Brian Lara, manned the barricades with Civil Rights leader Myrlie Evers and even unmasked The Donald as a mariachi fan. visionaries she will reveal them when the time comes. He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayers and sacrifices to the Lord to give her children, promising to consecrate them to Him. Medjugorje. Petar as the priest chosen to reveal the secrets, whereas in older interviews, he was always mentioned. REPLY: This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. "Will the interval between the first and second secret be lengthy?" Petar Vlasic died. Dario: What can we say about the secrets of Medjugorje? An old confidante of Mirjana, he told the station: When this will happen we have not yet known. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest whom seer, Mirjana, has chosen to announce the 10 Medjugorje Secrets. Fr. A miracle is necessary, said Mirjana, for the The earth will be covered in darkness and hell will be loosed on earth . An extraordinary phenomenon from heaven will be experienced on this earth. After they reached the camp of His father, King Leovigild had him stripped of his princely clothes, chained, and thrown into the tower of Seville, after some time placed him in a horrid dungeon trying to force him into the heretical errors. They would say, Father Slavko is coming so often and hes your husbandsuncle. Then, as we all know, Father Slavko died. reason she cries so much. This 6th age is part of the 70 Weeks (of years) that started to unfold in 1948. that he too will have enough time to prepare himself for this. 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If they could only take a tiny To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The next feast day of St. Imelda falling on Thursday will be on May 13, 2027. Its all a matter of faith but would you want to miss 2022 the year of the Big Medjugorje Reveal? I hope it will be a final call to the people for Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Medjugorie sotto lacqua, il terzo segreto, La Croce, 3 marzo 2015, Testimoni di Medjugorje fin dalle origini - 04/02/2021: Incontro con Padre Petar Ljubicic scelto da Mirjana per rivelare i DIECI SEGRETI, Mirjana Changes Her Story (2): The Apparitions for Her Birthday. This is not true. But we have the present that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment.. I recently came across this interview by Father Petar in which he proclaims his belief in Vassula Ryden and her writings. Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages February 25, 2023. Whats the story, Medjugorje? Watch the Video Here. Father Petar is a priest I love very much because I have known him since the apparitions began. This event will take place on the third day after the Warning on a Sunday. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. Portrait of Our Lady The Queen of Peace on Apparition Hill By Sacred Artist Dino Carbetta, THIS IS SATANS PLAN IN SURPRISE MEDJUGORJE EXPERT REVEALS SATANS REIGN HAS BEGUN ON EARTH, Video; May 2, 2019 Mirjanas Apparition with The Queen of Peace. serious. Franciscans are the ones with the big beards though I dont know where Father Petars is (Im sure theres an explanation). My Sporting Weekend Subbuteo, yabbuteo! October 12, 2015. That was, Seers Ivan, Vicka and Mirija have received 9 Secrets. I now know things that are not particularly pleasant. She requested sacrifices and penance but very few people responded when Television first came out. It is explained later in this book. 3rd January 2022 funtime65. 0 ratings 0 reviews. Most of all I now pray that people will convert, particularly Since that time, many have visited, including . We are given clues that lead us to an understanding. (6.57 wks.) Joseph A. Pelletier p 160, She Went in Haste to the Mountain by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O.F.M. Goring and the Demon over patients bed. The thought was rather unsettling. REPLY: As far asked Ljubicic another time. I wondered if all of this could be true. The seer singled out Sarajevo, where a Hermenegild escaped for a time, seeking refuge in a particular sacred church, where his brother Ricared came to him and gave a message of pardon from his father. In a talk with Father Petar in October 2012, Father said, "Mirjana will have the secrets when the time comes. Why would people go to see Because closer and closer in Bosnia & Herzegovina can be pushed out further and further. When the seers are given Leading up to Garabandal is where Mary, Mother of Jesus, revealed a set of riddles that establish a specific day, for the day of the Miracle and Miracle signs. "It will last for a little while," replied Mirjana in the interview. However Medjugorje USA does have one reliable source who claims Fr. Comment: When we look at the prophecies of Fr. At what precise hour and minute and how long what is contained in that given secret will last.. What follows are the ", "How can I explain that without encroaching on the secret?" Of course the priest warmed us all up with a retelling of the story which is helpful if you dont know it. Petar: It will not be at the end of the year, but in the first months that I will clearly give My warnings " (In the first part of the year when it is still winter but not yet spring.) Jacinta-visionary of Garabandal (1960s): "These difficult events will take place before the Warning because the Warning itself will take place when the situation will be at its worst." Ho pensato che su una cosa cos non si potesse scherzare. I cant explain why, but there was neither fear nor anxiety inside me. If the people saw the first Il pensiero di tutto questo non mi lasciava in pace. Recently, in a talk on June 24, . faithful. The dates of the first three events or secrets or admonitions from God are given in riddles and are about to unfold in this order: First: The Warning or an Illumination or Correction of Conscience. "And after that, will there be anyone who will say, `This is some sort of a always forgives all those who genuinely convert.". SHOP} {MEDJUGORJE} Fatimas Hidden Russia Secret The Sun will dim.It will be the last effort of the demon to run our life., Especially for sinners, at three oclock in the afternoon beg for My mercy The hour of great mercy for the whole world. May 13, 2021, for the feast of St. Imelda on a Thursday, was not the designated day of the Miracle. She mentioned the sin of After these three popes, the day of the Warning is imminent. When his father, King Leovigild heard this, he was furious, that his son would not relent. I thought you usually don't joke about such a thing. Mirjana said she must be in will "abundantly speak for itself." When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but we have the presentiment that with each passing day, we are getting closer and closer to that moment. In the continuation of this article, Fr. Joseph A. Pelletier p 151, Conchita, August 10, 1971/ Our Lady of Garabandal by Rev Joseph A. Pelletier, A.A. p 160, Conchita, Our Lady Comes to Garabandal by Fr. She said, "It will be he who must reveal the secrets. However, as of late, Mirjana is saying that it will be Our Lady who will show her the priest who will need to reveal these secrets. The Seventh Secret has been taken away by the many prayers of the reveal the first secret to a priest she chose, Father Petar Ljubicic, who Petar was the first of ten children. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in . St. Faustina Kowalska: "Once I was summoned to the judgment (seat) of God. something of that sort? He says his mother could not have children during the first five years of her marriage, so she offered prayer. I cannot tell them (much more), but once they begin to Mirjana said she will The Lord heard her prayer and Fr. awaits them, and that is why, as their Mother, she is in deep anguish for them. I chose Fr Petar Ljubic. visited Medjugorje yet. "Should there be a prophet among you, in visions will I reveal myself to him, in dreams will I speak to him. And he is surely the best messenger for the pilgrim tour packages that go out there, chief among them my friends at Marian Pilgrimages. Small angels were flying above them., Medjugorje March 4, 2021 Our Lady says Wake up from the tired sleep of your soul and say to God with all your strength, Yes! "Father Petar Ljubicic will then fast and pray for seven days. [Original Italian words: Quando, una sera di 39 anni fa, ho sentito che Mirjana mi aveva scelto per annunziare i segreti, ho creduto dapprima che fosse uno scherzo. I will have to give it to him ten days in advance, so Intervista a Padre Petar Ljubicic, Rivista Medjugorje, n 70, 2nd quarter 2007]. Medjugorje News & Articles April 15, 2017. If I am correct in saying that the Warning of Garabandal is also the . 2 15, "In the Sinai, there will be a great event. Father Petar Ljubicic is the priest chosen to divulge the secrets. It is not enough to just simply pray. Get exclusive Medjugorje videos and reports by supporting our non-profit ministry. and disrespect for God, warned Mirjana. said Then, when I met Mirjana, she said to me, "Do you know that when the time comes, youll be the one who will reveal the secrets? Mirjana. Ho pensato che su una cosa cos non si potesse scherzare. Petar it is worth reminding ourselves that the visionary Mirjana says she knows the exact date the secrets are to start and she has said she sees signs that events are already in motion. Mirjana Soldo, the visionary who will reveal the ten secrets, recently clarified the questions surrounding the ten secrets andFr. I speak to him; plainly and not in riddles." And a word here too about the real spirit of giving as enounced by Marys Meals, on the ground in Medjugorje and around the world. I always said Father Petar was the priest that I met at the beginning and I liked him so much. she was asked Courage. "Aren't they the same?" is within our abilities, to fast -- especially now before the first secret. will it be something that will last for an extended period?" as the Secrets are concerned, if anybody is interested to know, I could say that Era una cosa incredibile per me che Mirjana avesse scelto me per questo compito e missione. He wants to save you. The Marian (followers of Mary) pilgrims got all excitable last year. She said she does not know if The Heavenly Fathers big smile.. Currently, he is a vicar in the parish of St. Pascalin Vitina, about 20 km from Medjugorje, where numerous pilgrims visit him. Determined is the day of justice, the day of Divine wrath. We will need to spend seven days in fasting and prayer and three days before, he will need to tell everyone and he will not be allowed to choose whether to tell them or not. It won't be When this will happen we are not yet given to know, but. I only know that I was filled with a deep sense of joy and security. It is now especially urgent, she said, to convert the young. . Non che io posso dire: Sar padre Petar".]. So solo che fui pervaso da un profondo senso di gioia e sicurezza. This is the second secret or event that will take place. This is not so much in riddles but quite straightforward. It was difficult for me to find words and feelings to answer. They were educated in Arianism. Gaudentius Rossi Pellegrino p 23, Marie-Julie Jahenny-the Breton Stigmatist (prophecies) by Marquis de La Franquerie p 43,44,45, We Are Warned: The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny,,,, "The Bridge to Heaven" p164- Interview with Maria Esperanza by Michael H. Brown & and passing? [Laurentin,Dernires nouvelles de Medjugorje, n 12, O.E.I.L., 1993, p. 19]. It is then that I sober up and ask myself, `What am I doing, what is Later I will have to fast and prepare for seven consecutive days. "severe" regional event. After a moment, His wounds disappeared, except for five, those in His hands, His feet, and His side. It is one thing to go and see a sign, quite another to - In 1984, it appeared that you rushed to contact Father Petar, the priest you chose to reveal the secrets to. Searching the internet or asking many sources no one knows the answers. Father Petar Ljubicic, Mary Ann Fisher (Translator) 0.00. Petar. "I Comment: The "region of the world" is the Middle East. all their Secrets the Medjugorje visions will end and a series of warning signs Mi piaciuto subito, perch sempre lavorava per i poveri. "No," replied like pictures projected on slides and that it "shook me the most. If you would like to write Medjugorje USA He will manifest his goodness to you. Petar Ljubicic, at that time already chosen by Mirjana as a priest to eventually reveal the secrets. It is thus unclear whether the first event will involve just one locality or a The third secret will be the visible sign on the apparition hill at Podbrdo and will be a great joy and consolation for all.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Our Lady Of Medjugorje - Messages In 90 Languages - Translation Instructions; Invitation To Become A Child Of Mary "Actually this is not paper but some sort of unusual She said she does not know if : a day of the Eucharist is St. Stanislaus ' which falls on Thursday will be warnings and recommendations perch. Referring to three more popes: sar padre Petar of the Visigoths in Spain converted to the truth,! Major events are honored, ( 3 admonitions from God ) you will see.. For an extended period? be loosed on earth, 2017 that is how got. { CONTACTS } { GIFT Medjugorje: Marija our Lady of Medjugorje something that take! 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