This strategy is not without risk. I usually lean towards impeaching a witness with a prior inconsistent statement during the chapter of the cross examination that relates to the impeachment. Most perjury offenses are subject to the possibility of up to five years in . If done properly, impeachment with a prior inconsistent statement can be very successful to help call the credibility of the witness into question. In criminal cases, government investigators often talk to witnesses while out on the field. Witness testimony is important in a variety of settings. Everything that guy just said is B. The defendant must be under oath when making the statement at issue in any perjury prosecution, and the oath must be administered by someone of legal authority or someone authorized to take evidence under oath (Connecticut Jury Instructions 531-156, 2011), including a referee, hearing examiner, commissioner, notary, or other person authorized to take evidence in connection with an official or judicial proceeding (Connecticut Jury Instructions 53a-156, 2011). 6065, 2011) or a report (Cal. Retraction as a Defense. If the opportunity arises while the witness is on direct, do your math, and lest you have an idea for a stronger placement, consider using it to begin your cross, and then transition into what you had intended all along, circling back for emphasis, as appropriate. Legal definition of bribery, website, accessed May 6, 2011, I do not think it matters if you begin or end your cross with the impeachment or place it chronologically into the story because while the classic answer is it depends, I think the real answer is that you can place it anywhere, so long as you have the permission from the jury to do so. Marcus made two inconsistent statements while under a validly administered oath in Lindsays conversion trial, which is a judicial proceeding. Stat. Perjury is a Class A misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to a year in the county jail and a $4,000 fine. Cons: Anything buried in the middle risks becoming forgettable. questions about prior statement). Stat. If I can argue that the prior statement is the truth (either exception to hearsay or not hearsay, such as a party statement), then I bring it out in phase one. . The Model Penal Code allows for an oath or equivalent affirmation (Model Penal Code 241.1(1)). 613(b) in that extrinsic evidence of a prior inconsistent statement is not admissible unless the statement is shown or disclosed to the witness during the witness's examination. If there is no such chapter in my cross examination, then I would end the cross with the impeachment. 843.08, 2011), refusing to aid a law enforcement officer when requested (N.Y. The statement was given to intentionally mislead the court and the witness was aware of the effect of the statement ie the witness knew the statement was untrue. Thus, the jury would most likely have an easier time understanding what I am doing when I point out the inconsistencies. Chapter 837 PERJURY 837.021 Perjury by contradictory statements. Perhaps a witness used harsh language or made an admission to a police officer. In many states and under the Model Penal Code, it is no defense to bribery that the individual bribed does not have the authority to act or make the decision that is the subject of the bribe (Model Penal Code 240.1) (Ala. Code 13A-10-61, 2011). If known to members of the prosecution team, it casts doubt on the honesty of the entire case. The specific act that constitutes the crime of perjury is not the false statement itself, but rather the oath or affirmation that the statement is true. N.Y. A statement is not hearsay if the declarant testifies at the trial or hearing and is subject to cross-examination concerning the statement, and the statement is (a) inconsistent with the declarant's testimony, and was given under oath subject to the penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, or in a deposition; (b . Although the judge did not accept Isabels gift, most states criminalize as bribery the offer of any benefit, so the act of bribery is complete when Isabel proffers the watch. Ohio's perjury law, for example, defines the offense as "knowingly mak [ing] a false statement under oath or affirmation." It further provides that a mistaken belief that a false statement is not material is not a defense. Isabel steps up and charitably offers to pay the gentlemans bill. (1) A person is guilty of tampering with a witness if he or she attempts to induce a witness or person he or she has reason to believe is about to be called as a witness in any official proceeding or a person whom he or she has reason to believe may have information relevant to a criminal investigation or the abuse or neglect of a minor child to: Review the example in Section 13 Example of a Case Lacking an Element of Perjury with Marcus. In addition, based on these facts, Isabels connection to the judge is only through her perjury prosecution, so her act appears calculated to influence his decision in that case, especially because the watch is expensive and not merely a token. Sometimes you cant plan for impeachment lighting strikes and out of the blue a witness testifies to something different than a prior statement. You must reload the page to continue. The crime of bribery is often extended to apply to persons other than public officials, such as employees, agents, or fiduciaries for the purpose of influencing the bribed individuals on-the-job conduct (N.Y. Approach every cross-examination as a surgeon approaches an operation methodically, deliberately, and with precision. Associated Press: Bonds Guilty of Obstruction, Jury Hung on Others. Rev. Marcuss statement was material because, if believed, it would have helped exonerate Lindsay in her civil case. Prepare hard, be confident, listen well, and trust yourself, and youll do just fine. Ohios perjury statute defines material as something that could affect the course or outcome of the proceeding. The U.S. Supreme Court defined it, in Kungys v. United States, as a statement that has a natural tendency to influence, or was capable of influencing, the decision of the decision-making body to which it was addressed.(internal quotation marks omitted). The Model Penal Code also criminalizes as bribery the act of conferring, offering, agreeing to confer, soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any benefit in exchange for a judicial or administrative officers decision, vote, recommendation, or other exercise of official discretion (Model Penal Code 240.1(2)). Nonhearsay examples in detail: (i) Prior Statements by Witness:-Prior statement is is inconsistent with declarant's in-court testimony and was given under penalty of perjury at a prior proceeding; Answer the following questions. LAW AND ETHICS : LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA, INC. Impeachment with a prior inconsistent statement tends to have a negative impact on any rapport established with the witness. There, it usually is best to structure your cross so that the impeachment comes toward the end of the cross. This was confusing to me and it had to be to the jury as well. Many criminal statutes define bribery as conferring, offering, agreeing to confer, or soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept, any benefit upon a public official (criminal act) with the specific intent or purposely, or the general intent or knowingly to form an agreement or understanding that the public officials decision making will be influenced by the benefit. In trial, each witness examination must be tailored to the closing argument. the statement is one of identification of a person the declarant made after perceiving that person. (18 U.S.C. Big mistake. 5104, 2011), and escape (Tex. N.Y. Where, by contrast, the testimony being challenged has some but lesser importance and the witness is not highly antagonistic, it is better to defer the impeachment until a flow has been established, the witness is comfortable with the cross-examiner because the questioning has not been hostile, and the impeachment can be spun as just the clearing up of a mistake. I understand Professor Lippys motivation to gain credibility as the questioner before venturing into a witness impeachment. Penal Code 88, 2011) or a public official (Cal. Perjury by inconsistent statements is when the defendant makes statements that are inconsistent (criminal act), in a judicial proceeding (attendant circumstance), after taking a validly administered oath (attendant circumstance). Perjury is committed when a witness lies while under oath in a court hearing. However, because of the procedural difficulties in successfully convicting a defendant of perjury and subornation of perjury, these crimes are not often prosecuted. We've helped 95 clients find attorneys today. 162.265, 2011; Or. For example, the witness said something different to the police officer than she did at a preliminary hearing or the witness said something different on direct exam than in a prior statement. Penal Code 92, accessed May 6, 2011, I teach that cross examination should be separated into three sections. Penal Law 180.00, 2011). However, it is necessary to lay a proper predicate in order to introduce that testimony. Before testifying, Marcus took an oath that was administered by a court commissioner, also satisfying the perjury requirement that the defendant take an oath administered by someone with the legal authority or authorization to take evidence under oath. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter. 720 ILCS 5/31-4.5, accessed May 7, 2011, N.Y. Simpson. If it is a collateral matter, how much attention do you want to draw to the inconsistency? When done quickly, and with precision, the witness learns rapidly that the answer to any question you ask is yes. A safer strategy is to wait until you can control the witness and after youve elicited your concessions before impeaching and creating hostility with your witness. However, Marcuss statement does not appear to be material to this judicial proceeding because the reason for Marcuss presence at Macys will not affect the outcome of Lindsays civil theft trial (usually called the tort of conversion). Done well, impeachment is exhilarating and one of the most satisfying parts of a trial. Or. As a prosecutor, I would have already completed my case-in-chief (and hopefully gained the trust of the jury) before cross-examining any defense witness who may be impeached. Cal. U.S. v. Gaudin, 515 U.S. 506 (1995), accessed May 5, 2011, Once you decide that, its easier to find the right sequence for the impeachment. Figure 13.8 Diagram of Defenses to Bribery. When an inconsistent statement is elicited on cross-examination, I recommend impeaching the witness right then and there. In this video, President Clinton denies that he had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky: President Clinton Apologizes to the Nation. Pa.R.E. The criminal offense of perjury consists of making a false statement under oath, either in writing or verbally, that one knows is false, and that is material to the proceedings in which the statement is made. Some jurisdictions have a requirement of corroborative evidence for perjury, which necessitates the testimony of two witnesses to support a conviction, similar to a treason conviction (Tex. 837.021 Perjury by contradictory statements. By Deborah C. England Defend your rights. The facts were never in doubt. Generally, it is best to begin with Constructive Cross first, and save the Destructive Dross for later in the examination. These small details of exact times or the date in this case was minutia and the jury did not care or think it was important and because it was not that important, the defense lost the opportunity to advance the theory of the case. Code of Criminal Procedure, 38.18, accessed May 5, 2011, Ala. Code 13A-10-107, accessed May 6, 2011, When a witness' false statement was not under oath, 18 USC Section 1001 for making false statements to government agents may still apply. (2) offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Assuming that is the case, then I would almost never start the cross-examination with the impeachment with that prior inconsistent statement for two reasons. After pondering it for a few minutes, she realizes that he is the same gentleman who could not pay his bill at the coffee shop. Marcus made two inconsistent statements while under a validly administered oath in Lindsay's conversion trial, which is a judicial proceeding. She knows the case will generate significant publicity, so Susannah shaves ten years off of her age when asked routine background questions by the prosecutor. 2011] CONVICTIONS BASED ON LIES 335 presented false testimony calls into question the value of all the testimony given by the lying witness. Perjury Suborning Perjury A person is guilty of suborning perjury if he/she attempts to induce a witness to give false testimony under oath in a court or other proceeding, and the witness actually gives false testimony. There was no doubt where it happened, when it happened or how it happened. Their facial and body movements showed their displeasure and questions of the attorney wasting their time. You can get the confirmation of facts easier if you are not in a pitched battle with the witness. The Model Penal Code has a similar provision (Model Penal Code 241.1(5)). Fla. R. Evid. In order to make the decision, keep in mind an important guideline for effective storytelling. Instead of answering yes or no to this question, Bonds began reminiscing about his friendship with the trainer, who went to prison four times in five years for also refusing to testify in the investigation (Macur, J., 2011). There is no reason to undermine the witnesses credibility when they are about to agree with you. Cal. Stat. 16 16-10-70, accessed May 5, 2011, As a general rule, the more significant the contrast is between the two statements, and the more material the impeachment point to be made is to your theory of the case, the more prominent a role this part of the cross must play. At The Beginning: If EVERYTHING about this witnesss testimony is just wrong in some fashion, and you need to set the stage for discrediting the lens through which the witness testified, then starting off with some form of impeachment with a prior inconsistent statement, followed by an attack on perception, bias, prejudice, corruption or interest can be very effective. He was never criminally prosecuted for perjury or obstruction of justice outside the impeachment procedure, although he was later disbarred for his behavior (Gearan, A., 2011). Cal. Macys department store is suing Lindsay for the alleged theft of a diamond necklace. Penal Code 93, Ala. Code 13A-10-61, accessed May 7, 2011, As for timing, there are no are hard and fast rules. The considerate I just need to clear one thing up approach will temper the impeachment but likely secure the desired answer. Its often said that timing is everything, and now you need a plan. b. Even under oath, if the witness lies concerning an immaterial subject that is irrelevant to the proceeding, it's not classified as perjury. Mo. Penal Law 295.10, 2011), giving false evidence (720 ILCS 5/31-4, 2011), hiding or concealing oneself and refusing to give evidence (720 ILCS 5/31-4, 2011), tampering with evidence (Or. [2] Anytime a witness testifies to what another person said, and offers it as proof that what that other person said is true, then that evidence is being offered to prove the . To establish the offence, the prosecution must prove beyond . Cal. criminalizes perjury by inconsistent statements, Marcus could most likely be prosecuted for this offense. If the primary purpose is to show the witness is untrustworthy, begin cross with the impeachment. 14-210, 2011). Perjury generally requires a false statement that is material, which means that it substantially affected or could substantially affect the outcome of the proceeding (Mo. The requirement that a false statement is material to the proceeding may be the most important element of perjury. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new Temple Law Advocacy and Evidence Blog posts by email. Therefore, perjury charges are more likely in high-profile cases. The crime of perjury is committed by any person who shall knowingly make untruthful statements or make an affidavit, upon any material matter and required by law. Example 1: Bob is called to testify in a robbery case. Subornation of perjury is procuring another to commit perjury (criminal act), with specific intent or purposely, or general intent or knowingly, and factually and legally causing the resulting harm that perjury is actually committed. And the direct conflict is memorable. Perjury is generally graded as a felony (N.C. Gen. Stat. Ariz. Rev. As such, a statement is an assertion that something is or is not the case. It shall constitute perjury whenever any person, having taken an oath required by law, or made an equivalent affirmation, swears or affirms any fact or state of facts material to the issue or question in controversy; and thereafter in the same or other proceedings, where such matter is material to the issue or question in controversy, swears or Simpson case was televised nationally, and millions of viewers watched the proceedings. During the Course of Cross: And of course, there is the situation where the witness has just gone off script during the course of confirming things that should be undisputed. Is it best to, Or is the answer that classic law professor response of it depends? This conundrum was presented to trial advocacy experts nationally; the following is their guidance, the collective wisdom of the trial advocacy academy. In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Hence, my preference is to open an examination with the impeachment as a sort of I told you so to the jury when that opportunity presents itself and thereby my credibility as the advocate is reinforced. Is the prior inconsistent statement on a pertinent matter or a collateral matter? Assistant Director, Trial Advocacy Program. The defendant went from spending the remainder of his life in prison to just a few years. 18 U.S.C. This section analyzes perjury, bribery, and obstruction of justice, along with the issues commonly encountered when prosecuting these offenses. Add to this example and assume that Marcus begs Janelle, another witness in Lindsays conversion trial, to say that she did not see him at Macys the day Lindsay stole the necklace. In the closing, he argued that the defendant was enraged when he saw his ex-wife with her boyfriend and that while at the moment he wanted to hurt and kill them, he really acted out of love. The US Supreme Court ruled that the president was not immune to this lawsuit, allowing it to continue (Clinton v. Jones, 2011). inconsistent statements comply with the language of the rule, then . The message is, Members of the Jury, my client is correct about this important fact.. 1621.) Legal References: ^1. The perjury charges stemmed from Bondss claim while testifying under oath that he never knowingly used steroids, never knowingly used human growth hormones, and was never injected with a substance by anyone other than his trainer. State and federal penalties for perjury include fines and prison terms upon conviction. In addition, many jurisdictions have a provision that witnesses who refuse to take an oath shall have the option of making a nonreligous affirmation that has the same legal effect as the oath (42 Pa. Cons. My short answer is that there is no hard and fast rule. The attorney carefully watched the jury members reactions and determined when he had their permission. If not, then you may not score that many points with the jury by pointing out the contradiction, which may mean that the better choice is just to leave it out altogether. Finally, The evening of the grand jury investigation, the president appeared on national TV and admitted, Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. 162.275, accessed May 7, 2011, Most state statutes or state common law, in states that allow common-law crimes, define perjury as a false material statement (criminal act), made with the specific intent or purposely to deceive, or the general intent or knowingly that the statement was false, in a judicial or official proceeding (attendant circumstance), under oath (attendant circumstance) (Ga. Code tit. On cross, like Coach Valvano, our mission at base is to survive and advance. Texas Penal Code 37.06 - "An information or indictment for perjury under Section 37.02 or aggravated perjury under Section 37.03 that alleges that the declarant has made statements under oath, both of which cannot be true, need not allege which statement is false. Or now?), ending on the impeachment can help further the goals of cross. Because you have them on record, already. No two cases are the same, nor are any two cross examinations the same. Ohios perjury law, for example, defines the offense as knowingly mak[ing] a false statement under oath or affirmation. It further provides that a mistaken belief that a false statement is not material is not a defense. Penal Law 200.10). The first type of perjury involves statements made under oath, and requires proof that: The second type of perjury involves unsworn statements, and requires proof that: State laws defining perjury are generally similar to the federal statute. 67 Stat. If I had evidence that the witness actually had a personal relationship with my opposing party, I would start the cross there. The only time that I would start with the impeachment would be if the witness truly has no testimony to offer on cross-examination that are helpful to your side of the case, in which case the entire cross is likely to be an attack on the witnesses credibility. The defense opening was that the case was about love. I like to predict the outcomes based on the reactions of the jury and I have a pretty good track record of predicting outcomes. Most state laws have similar provisions, but judges typically have the discretion to use . Definition: Statements are the kind of sentences that are either true or false. Since you have not established your ability to control the witness, you might end up with a muddled impeachment and no chance to lock-in your concessions. Marcus made two inconsistent statements while under a validly administered oath in Ann. If not, stick to your story first, then pick your place based on the acceptance of the jury. Some typical examples of obstruction of justice are as follows: giving false identification to a law enforcement officer (720 ILCS 5/31-4.5, 2011), impersonating a law enforcement officer (Fla. Stat. Perjury Charges in High-Profile Cases Weiler, 323 U.S. at 610. The House of Representatives later impeached Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice, based on the statements he made at the grand jury investigation and his conduct during the Jones deposition. Corroborative evidence is not required, and the prosecution does not have the burden of proving that one of the statements is false, just that one or the other was false and not believed by the defendant to be true (Ala. Code 13A-10-104, 2011). The O.J. New page type Book TopicInteractive Learning Content, Textbooks for Primary Schools (English Language), Textbooks for Secondary Schools (English Language), Perjury, Bribery, and Obstruction of Justice, Creative Commons-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, The Difference between Civil and Criminal Law, Characteristics of a Criminal Prosecution, Applicability of the Constitution in a Criminal Prosecution, Examples of Victimless and Harmless Crimes, Example of a Courts Refusal to Create a Common-Law Crime, Rules of Stare Decisis and Use of Precedent, Example of Stare Decisis and Use of Precedent, LAW AND ETHICS : THE ARIZONA IMMIGRATION LAW, Examples of Legislative Branch Checks and Balances, Examples of Executive Branch Checks and Balances, Example of Original and Appellate Jurisdiction, Burden of Proof in a Criminal Prosecution, Example of a Failure to Meet the Burden of Proof, The Legislative Branchs Prohibited Powers, Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Punishing Behavior Retroactively, Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Increasing Punishment Retroactively, Example of an Ex Post Facto Law Increasing the Possibility of Conviction Retroactively, Changes That Benefit a Defendant Retroactively, Ex Post Facto Applies Only to Criminal Laws, The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, Example of a Statute That Is Void for Vagueness, Exceptions to the First Amendments Protection of Free Speech, Example of an Unconstitutional Fighting Words Statute, Example of an Unconstitutional Incitement to Riot Statute, Example of an Unconstitutional Statute Prohibiting Cross Burning, Example of a Constitutional Statute Prohibiting Cross Burning, The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy, Example of an Appropriate Restriction on Firearms, Synopsis of the History of Capital Punishment, Examples of Capital Punishment That Is Disproportionate to the Crime, Examples of Capital Punishment That Are Disproportionate to the Criminal Defendant, Example of Capital Punishment That Is Inhumane and Disproportionate to the Crime and the Criminal Defendant, Disproportionate Punishment Pursuant to Three-Strikes Laws, Sentencing that Violates the Right to a Jury Trial, The Role of the Judge and Jury in Sentencing Fact-Finding, Example of an Unconstitutional Sentence Enhancement, Answers to You Be the Legislative Analyst, Example of a Crime That Has Only Three Elements, Example of an Involuntary and Noncriminal Act, Example of a Voluntary Act Followed by a Nonvoluntary Act, Example of a Constitutional Statute Related to Status, Duty to Act Based on a Special Relationship, Example of a Failure to Act That Is Noncriminal, Example of a Failure to Act That Is Criminal, Example of an Unenforceable Possession Statute, Example of Specific Intent to Bring about a Bad Result, Example of Specific Intent to Do More than the Criminal Act, Example of a General Intent Crime and an Inference of Intent, Example of a Crime That Requires More Than One Criminal Intent, Example of a Situation Lacking Concurrence, Example of an Intervening Superseding Cause, Definition of Denial or Failure of Proof and Affirmative Defenses, Definition of Imperfect and Perfect Defenses, Example of Imperfect and Perfect Defenses, Example of an Attack That Is Not Imminent, Example of an Imminent Attack under the Battered Wife Defense, Objectively Reasonable Fear of Injury or Death, Example of Defense of Habitation under a Castle Law, Use of Force in Arrest and Apprehension of Criminal Suspects, Example of Reasonable Force by Law Enforcement to Arrest, Situations Where Consent Can Operate as a Defense, Example of a Case Inappropriate for the MNaghten Insanity Defense, Example of a Case Appropriate for the MNaghten Insanity Defense, Example of a Case Inappropriate for the Irresistible Impulse Insanity Defense, LAW AND ETHICS : THE ELIZABETH SMART CASE, Infancy, Intoxication, Ignorance, and Mistake, Example of a Case That Is Inappropriate for the Mistake of Law Defense, Example of a Case That Is Inappropriate for the Mistake of Fact Defense, The Natural and Probable Consequences Doctrine, Example of the Natural and Probable Consequences Doctrine, Prosecution of an Accomplice When the Principal Is Not Prosecuted or Is Acquitted, Example of Prosecution of an Accomplice When the Principal Is Not Prosecuted. Penal Law 200.00, accessed May 6, 2011, tent statement -in-kn-sis-tnt- : a witness's statement made out of court prior to testifying that is inconsistent with the witness's testimony and that may be offered to impeach the witness's credibility compare prior consistent statement The decision of where in a cross-examination to place an impeachment-by-inconsistent-statement is a function of four variables: The more detrimental the impact of the testimony, and the closer to the end of the direct examination, the more important it is to start the cross with the impeachment. 1512, 2011) or juror (Ariz. Rev. Figure 13.6 Diagram of Defenses to Perjury. Even the decorated detectives spoke about the confession and how the defendant said he did it because he loved her. On appeal, I was arguing that the FBI Lab Technician testified exactly the way the book told him not to. that the first statement was false, which will simplify and expedite the Usually, this happens a few minutes into the cross. Testimony full of perjuries. Penal Law 200.03, 2011) or bribery that results in someones prosecution or incarceration for a felony (N.Y. In some instances, you can predict an inconsistent statement. To establish a case of subornation of perjury, a prosecutor must demonstrate that perjury was committed; that the defendant procured the perjury corruptly, knowing, believing or having reason to believe it to be false testimony; and that the defendant knew, believed or had reason to believe that the perjurer had knowledge of the falsity of his or As Edgar Allan Poe once advised, the denouement or ending must always be in view. If the witness denies the statement, you impeach. Stat. States and the federal government exercise broad latitude in enacting statutes that criminalize interference with any aspect of law enforcement procedure or the prosecution and conviction of criminal offenders. Assertion that something is or is the answer key at the end of the there. 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