So, I then treated the whole house, all 3 floors, with Borax. We got back and did a thorough vacuuming, dusting and cleaning and now the house is a cloudy dusty mess with a flea problem worse than before. Was getting bit like crazy. 2. does DE work against roaches? It is made up of the fossilized remains of single-celled aquatic microorganisms called diatoms. I was frustrated because I sprinkled it all over but the issue is my carpet mostly and the kids are always crawling on it. Their health comes first which is why I chose Food Grade DE first Im bombing tomorrow with Hot Shot no mess, but it only kills live fleas. You will have to clean it up but definitely leave it down for a couple days . It sounds like some vacuum up immediately. Hey Adrienne! Its disgusting and gross. Hi Heather! Its weird. Again, all the previous pointers need to be reviewed (above) but to add to them, dont purchase any DE products that are marked for pest control. Cost from my own pocket. Thank you!! Pet parents focus on flea protection all year roundand with good reason. I purchased a 5lb. Hi Marie! Hi Julie! Natasha, thanks for the great info. My dog brought fleas in and they are destroying me. We have been vacuuming, washing bedding, stuffed animals etc, we sprayed Vets Best natural spray everywhere. And I am finding that the labels I am reading says 100% pure freshwater DE is that what I want? Hi Neal, awesome, thanks for sharing that with the community. Might be from the garden, check out that possibility. They love a warm lamp, even on the bottom of the lamp. Paula Fitzsimmons is a content marketing writer and journalist who writes about pets as they intersect with topics related to health, nutrition, technology, and lifestyle. Would it end up affecting her even if it is food grade? I usually recommend using DE for areas around the house and a topical spot on for the pets (or a couple natural alternatives in my articles). I read in a comment that it will dry out dogs skin. I have the DE you can put on your food n dogs food but stopped using this past year sue to life lol but I am dying to start using again cause I bought like a 50lb bag from a all natural place few years ago and have kept it in my dining room away from moisture or heat, and wondered what the life is for DE, someone told me can be 10yrs if kept dry and wondered if true before I begin to use again. my vet treated with a pill, and all seem to be dead however, i am convinced i need to treat my home to prevent any future problems. . Hi Calmtmpr! We got rid of our cat (for good, I have 2 children and just couldnt have the fleas biting them, so I got rid of the main source) and then I did the DE treatment throughout my home. Adult beetles overwinter in the soil, leaf debris, or grassy borders of the garden or field. I live on a farm, so its ok that the music is blasting. You can but its not really the best choice of action, rather use a couple of the other natural flea control methods for your cat. 2 were in my hair, 2 were in my bed (and both bed fleas were spotted yesterday and today). at the end of cleaning a dusted (with an applicator) the entire coop pen and both goats (not the chicks) I will dust again in a week (at this time I plan to wash the chickens) Question: ongoing how often do dust? The whole thing clogged up and stopped twirling round I had to pull it all apart after a minute or so. I have a stray cat that I took in last November 23rd of 2015. It kills fleas more slowly than traditional products. Its been awhile (sorry for the late response), did that work out for you? Hi Margie, I recommend that you give beneficial nematodes a try for your yard, it will stop your pets from catching fleas from outside and they are completely safe (and affordable). Any feedback will help, thanks in advance! Have you ever heard of people doing that? Glad I ran across this guide. Would it be a bad idea to use the Safer Brand DE on my lawns and fence line? Ive just put it on the stair carpets and upstairs carpets but I think I might have used a bit too much, will that affect its ability to kill fleas? Although it can take awhile, it works and I am sure that you will be flea free soon. Hi Abigail! Put it on my dogs and also see a huge difference. I dont recommend using the DE directly on your pets. Powder can get everywhere. I have 2 questions. I hope that you share your new found knowledge with your friends and family so that they can also have a fantastic method for getting rid of fleas . Tried vacuuming everday and flea combing the animals but i just puffed the powder on all of them to see what happens. I noted where she napped and sprinkled the DE there also. Since our new house was built in 1947, there are tons of cracks in baseboards. As long as its food grade DE, it will work. I still can not get them out of my bathroom!!! Hi Desarae, usually the DE works great, quite strange. And thank you for the article!!!! in a few days, so will wash most of it away, and Ill reapply it more lightly next time but Im wondering if its bad if they breathe in some of the dust. Leave it down for a day or two and then after vacuuming it up, repeat a couple times over a few weeks. Might be time to call in a pro, let me know if you need a couple free quotes . Hi Natasha, well week 3 is upon my flea battle and after a lull Ive had a few stragglers pop up. Since diatomaceous earth is completely non-toxic, how on earth can it kill fleas? The last time Honey, the dog, was here laying on my couch, she was getting bit by fleas. Hey Tami! They are everywhere and the cats are getting infested again!! I suspect my problem is coming from residual pupae waiting to hatch. Just make sure you use a shopvac or a sturdy vacuum to suck it up, as it can get clogged up easily. i.e. If there is no carpet do you think exterminator would be safe? Let us know in the comments below or feel free to ask questions about prevention and control! using a broom and leave it down for 2-3 days. Silica is a. Yes we know they are fleas and not bed bugs. I dont have a flea or tick issue since I apply Frontline Plus to my 9 pound dog a couple of times during the summer (however, if DE could replace those chemicals, that would be my preference). Thank You!! Hey Anita! They cannot survive in high heat but will die off once they have eaten the pests anyway. Last year when I bought DE, I got a 40lb bag which of course I still got plenty and I was thinking if should I be worried about some sort of expiration date? Im wondering if a mixture of both DE and Boric acid would be more effective than just using one or the other. How long does it stay on pets? I make my own bug wipes to keep fleas and mosquitos away from me because bugs find me delicious 5 select-a-size paper towels cut in half to make 10 squares. In higher quantities, crystalline silica (which is often the reason for the deficit) can cause toxicity and this needs to be avoided if you are going to be using it for flea control. Thank you! Is it safe for kids and pets to be around? Natasha, I got your email, thank you and I added you on FB and shared too. Thank you for your help. We also have shampoo. My animals, my husband & I were miserable! Hey David! Is method dangerous for a vacuum equiped with a HEPA filterwill it kill the vacuum? Also, you dont need a thick layer (might be why its not working, not sure), but rather a thin layer, almost a dusting of the stuff. Do you know how this benefits pets or is this not a good idea? We had tried everything besides this and I hated using the harsh chemicals to no avail. Very helpful, and Im anxious to try this out and see how this helps with some of the fleas in our carpet. Hi Sarah! I discovered hundred of eggs in these place. Hey Michael! This summer weve been getting a lot of rain and bad humidity so im sure my dogs picked em up outside. I even give my kitties a flea bath. I was just about to use it on my carpets but wanted to check your site to see how it was applied. Thanks. Thanks so much and I cant wait to hear from you. Thank you for your input. It is so horrible, iI don;t know how much longer i can live with these things on me.I bought some Diatomaceous Earth. Can you use it on sofas and ceramic tile , in other words all other surfaces? Yes you can and you are correct with both your statements. We did have a few questions that we cant seem to find answers for, though. What about you? . Planting earlier than adult flea beetles become active in springtime can give your plants a head start on the season. ), shot-holing and furrowing their way through all your hard work. Help! Hi Renee, yeah that sounds good, let me know if you dont come right! I dont know if anyone else has mentioned this but dont try the Red Lakes food grade DE found it at local farm store, it caused my flea problem to get even worse, 10x worse!! Keep in mind that it is important to clear these mulches out at the end of the season to prevent providing a perfect overwintering space for adult beetles. But when I walk around my bedroom i do not have fleas jumping on me. Getting Kids Started with Vegetable Gardening, Getting Kids Started with Vegetable Gardening. I recommend you read the entire post but if you are in a rush and want to skip to the usage instructions, please click here. Regarding your dog and its fleas, I highly recommend that you use a spot on treatment and not that collar (see my article on the subject of flea collars, they are bad news). Its not necessary to apply it to yourself, just take a hot shower and fleas will die . But any information regarding this application use would be very helpful. like sprinkling on the carpet. So, my hats off to you! What are the herbs and oils that you use? Hey Daniel! I would recommend it to everyone. Seeking flea advice! Thanks for the heads up, yeah while it depends on the amount of DE being sucked up, it is definitely hard on the vacuums. I ordered some Advantage and Indorex from Amazon as soon as I could and applied the Advantage onto him and sprayed the upstairs rooms with Indorex. I researched DE years ago using different web sites to gather information and was pleased to see an article on this subject featured here along with the diligent attention/details you brought to this topic. We have way too many dogs beds for 2 dogs! Also works great on those gray kissing bugs and stinkbugs. Can I use DE on the friends and then wash them? I have been fighting this for almost 2 1/2 months. Surely there is an online store near you that can supply 100% DE? I just put down de for fleas. We just have to keep them in check through the summer. I happened to see a remedy on youtube and it truely works. I have a question. Apparently, they only sell the food-grade brand online. Hi Lisa! It is a pleasure, thanks for stopping by! Any suggestions? This past Summer I had a TERRIBLE flea infestation in my home. if I only treat 3 of the 5 rooms, then treat the other 2 immediately after finishing the first will the DE still be effective or the fleas just move? We have hardwood floors, how is the best way to get rid of fleas on these types of floors, using DE? While research about the effectiveness of diatomaceous earth for flea control is unsubstantiated, there are some advantages to using food grade diatomaceous earth. I have been looking for the fgde and found some that said food grade in the info, but was not in the first few words. I apply it with my hands, they get a little dry but nothing a good wash and some lotion wont cure. I work 10am to 7pm and so I cant vacuum very often? Make sure its *NOT* Visine GET THE RED OUT stuff. My kitty has tapeworm, and is never going outside again because all she does is eat grass. The strange thing is the bigger cat has stiff type fur, so I cant pop them like I do on the little cat BUT what I am finding now is black dots of ? But this is the second time she got tapeworm, and I can only gather its from her trips outside??? I completed the task of spreading the DE at 8:30 pm last night, June 5th. NOTE: Please dont use DE on smaller or very young pets (e.g. Your article was very informative! Since using the diatomaceous earth also known as d.e., they never had a bed bug problem again. Pleasure, have a good one and thanks for stopping by to read my blog , This article has definitely been one of the best Ive read in all my research. To apply I have used an old fashioned flour sifter! I tried Borax again, it seems a lot better the second time around. However, after further investigation of its chemical makeup, this soft, often crumbly deposit was actually diatomaceous earth in its natural form. The outer skeletons of diatoms are made of silicon dioxide, a chemical compound most commonly known as silica. I had a professional steam my carpets and then he used boric acid powder but I would like to add DE if I could learn how it is used. Let me know how the flea treatment goes. I also recommend that you try making one of my flea traps (guide is on this blog) as it will help you figure out if you have a flea problem or not. Those black dots are probably flea dirt, check my article on this subject. While it should be fine (based on you description of the product), I recommend keeping your pets, etc. Is this safe to use? If your pet is older they may need to be bathed to help get the DE out. But we are implementing DE on the floors, bedding, doorways and such. Instead of poisoning the buggers, it actually cuts their exoskeleton (their hard outer shell) and sucks the water out their bodies. Will this kill fleas and eggs or will new ones hatch when we move in and walk around. Im excited!!!!! ), this will definitely sort them out. I feel like I am out of resources now and debating whether if this problem existed before we moved in, it is our first summer with this home. They should beware of any product that says that it should be applied directly to the pet.. I just need to be reassured that it will not do any harm to either us or our furry guys! Spray it on your hand or directly on your pet and massage it to the skin. Lamb and Rice foods have a pretty low allergenic value. The goal of using diatomaceous earth for flea control is to minimize fleas in your pet's environment. This fungal spray may be purchased and sprayed on the garden, but be sure to apply spray in the evening since direct sunlight may kill the spores. I am wondering how often I can get away with dusting her. Nematodes in the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae are particularly noted for their capacity to manage populations, while Steinernema carpocapsae are known to manage flea beetle populations in potatoes. My 4 yr old has been eaten alive. I also read that you mentioned to someone if they leave the DE on for 3 days after vacuuming there is no need to reapply, but earlier you had mentioned that it takes a bout a week for the eggs to hatch.. wouldnt it be better to either reapply or leave on the carpet longer? I suggest applying when when you see fleas, unless you find the application and cleanup entertaining . Especially if the vacuum does not pick up the powder well off of the slate?? Will it be safe for me to allow the cat to go back down there when the DE is still present? I only use food grade but I am sure that she knows what she is talking about. I put DE all around my bed and removed the bedskirt, but they are directly jumping onto me and my blankets :-(. Do i put this on her fur. It was a lot easier to get it distributed evenly. Its time to get down to business! i dont know WHAT HAPPENED!!!! How long should this process take? How safe is it really? would it be advisable to use the product on dogs that have raw skin due to either fleas, mites, dog lice, or sarcoptic mange ? I believe I read either in the article or in a response to another question to be careful with younger pets; at 6 weeks old and weighing just about 1.2 lbs, is she too young for us to use DE on the carpets and allow her to roam freely as she does? You can always put them on it, see if it affects them and then make a decision. I was under the impression that I could put DE on the kitties when and if the fleas returned in a month. Dont understand food grade part of it. Hi Jan, yes that is fine! Also check my article on flea traps . They even put it on the fans to blow it around, I dont suggest this. Best way to check is to use a DIY flea trap at night. I plan on buying larger bags of the food grade and using it from here on out but Id hate for the first 2 bags to go to waste. Hi Andrea! I can deal with a markedly improving situation over the next few days and then repeating the process for the next month to make sure theyre all dead and gone! Ill turn off the a/c while I dust with DE, should I cover the computers with plastic or something? Traps act like low-tech security cameras! I have lots and lots of fleas jumping about and have been using your tealight traps at night (theyre great!). After I sprinkle the DE, can I continue to walk on and live in the rooms having been treated? Hey Karen! Then I remembered seeing some DE in the bathroom cabinet. Is it because there are still eggs in my home? (The idea at first wasnt to treat the cat so much as kill the fleas trapped in the comb.) Used with permission. Supposed to last 7-8 months but after 5 months, fleas were back so I bought a new one.Yes, it kills the fleas (eventually) but they bite FIRST. And it doesnt prevent flea reproduction, says Ramsey. While its not a big problem for methe fleas dont like me muchits driving the cats more nuts and honestly, its embarrassing. One place on the island I found. If anyone is wondering I used Capstar and bathed them in Dawn in the beginning. Note that it will only kills fleas that come into contact with it, so make sure that your coverage is sufficient. Food grade DE can be mixed into pet food or added to their water in small amounts. It doesnt feel humid in here, but I live in Austin, Texas, so its always kind of humid! Does anybody have the links to an applicator that they can recommend? It was like an invasion out of nowhere. For those who are having the zombie fleas, using advantage II, comfortis, capstar, etc. Two of my dogs got the worst of the fleas and had some really bad skin problems and tons of loss of hair but they recovered fantastically. I highly recommend that you rub the powder into the carpets with a broom to make sure it reaches the fleas. Hey Katrina! It also is said to contain vital minerals that help both. Hi R Trail! You are great for replying to every single comment on here for so long, keep up the good work! Were stlll getting bites! diatomaceous earth and scanmask nematodes Created by skcarr717 on June 16, 2016 at 8:45 am We have been using diatomaceous earth on our garden and we have an order of beneficial nematodes (Scanmask) coming. The cat itches nonstop!! We poofed the house and yard. I am wondering if you have ever heard of that brand. Also what can I do if anything to create an environment where the good nematodes stay and I do not have to apply yearly? So far, after finding fleas on our indoor only cats and throughout our house I instantly bought and used Capstar (which is an amazing pill that instantly kills adult fleas on pets), Frontline, Borax which I used to dust the entire house, some spray to use in harder to reach places, washed all laundry, blankets, bed sheets and anything washable that has touched the floor. Perma-Guard also has a Perma-Guard pure Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth product. I suggest you do the DE again, this time rub it in with a broom and leave it down for a full 24 hours. I cant sleep at night, constantly getting up with a flashlight to see if I see whatever I feel is crawing on me. Some people have mentioned that they eat a teaspoon a day to rid themselves of parasites. Again sorry for the essay and I will definitely update you on this. How much do u put on yer dogs body? Hi Jennifer, thanks for your comment. According to, it should be applied frequently (two to three times per week) to be used effectively on flea beetles. I suggest you try using my DIY flea traps first. Hope that helps! As I had mentioned this was about 2 months ago. I dont want to support this inhumane disgusting practice of animal testing and hopefully you dont either. I seen 2 of them, so far. Entomopathogenic nematodes are small soil-dwelling worms that can effectively kill the larval flea beetle. thank you. Electrician has not said if it was the fine powder but he has raised questions about stress on the appliance. All of our floors are tile except for a few area rugs. These things are only biting me and no one else in the house so everyone thinks I am crazy. FYI: my house is a complete dusty mess! Didnt read them all, because I want these creatures gone fast, but I appreciate how you are taking time to answer everyone! Should it be safe to release my cats to walk on it? i would like to treat my whole house at the same time, but honestly dont have anywhere i can take them while its on the floor. Tomorrow Ill be blowing up the front yard with it, after first rain Ill attack lawn with dawn and sprayer. 1. I just like to share that DE is a natural and good way to get rid if fleas. Thanks for any help you can offer! Im leaving to go to my moms for a month and dont want to come back to a flea infested house!! I think I will try the DE but need some further help. I found one live flea in each room, does this indicate there are hundreds? Hi Michael! I sprinkled this rather liberally throughout the house. I personally dont recommend that you use it for direct application, if you want to kill fleas on your dog just give them a wash in dawn soap and warm water. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae. So you have helped me greatly! I suggest you brush it into the carpet, leave it for 2-3 days, vacuum it up and repeat if necessary. Hi Kim, thanks for your suggestions, love them! I could not believe how infested that poor dog was, he is a 112 pound chocolate lab and seeing that many fleas was impossible. I put DE all over my carpet yesterday, I did not use a broom to sweep it into the carpet but Im going to do so after this comment. Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. I ordered online on Amazon a few other items: Alpine Flea Insecticide with IGR-20 oz can 795903 but that wont be in for another 5 days. Hey Amanda! Flea comb picks up nothing except maybe eggs? Hey Anita! Is there a way to clear my patio of them? The irritation is making him even more anxious. There is only 1 place that sells 300g Bug Killer Dusts which contains food grade DE. There is no carpet just hard wood flooring and tile. I have had pets all of my life, and I know many times they have had fleas, but I have rarely, if ever seen one. Going into a little more detail, the diatomaceous earth is formed from algae with siliceous shells. I hope you dont mind if I offer some answers/suggestions/info for some of the previous posters questions: 1) DE goes a long way. Please advise because I cant afford a hefty vet bill. HELP PLEASE!!! I recommend that you just keep an eye on the situation and vacuum everything really well. Driving me crazy. It is used to control slugs, millipedes, sowbugs, cockroaches, ants, and soft-bodied insects like aphids. Thanks! Also, I always recommend a bagged vacuum cleaner; using a HEPA type bag helps keep dust and other particles from being sent back into your room as you use the machine. Yes, you can just leave the DE there, it is actually more effective that way. 1 place that sells 300g bug Killer Dusts which contains food grade but I live on a farm so. Fleas and eggs or will new ones hatch when we move in and are... 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