Welcome! We are very excited that you have chosen Pier to aid you in your family prayer. We believe you are embarking on something very impactful.
After a long night of unsuccessful fishing Peter, James, and John were asked by the Lord to put out into the deep for a catch. They reluctantly obeyed, expecting very little. Then they pulled in the largest catch of their lives. The Lord is inviting us all to not be afraid to put out into the deep.
It has been the desire of School of Love to provide “a pier” into the deep for couples and families. We are as excited about this initiative as any we have done. Repeated exposure to Christ in the Gospels is an unparalleled formation. It will affect your relationships, your mind, you souls. Whatever your attitude as you set out, if you choose to listen to Christ as Peter, James, and John did your life will never be the same.
You are embarking on a great and powerful thing for yourself, your family, your home, and for the world. Thank you.
“Duc in altum!”