Even if she isnt happy with him, shes probably not going to come out and say that to you. A man who was about to break up with his girlfriend was informed that she was pregnant (Red Flag #1). But it doesnt seem right. They need a reason to explain why you dumped them, What To Do If Your Ex Is Spreading Rumors About You. On the other hand, if he fails to build on her feelings, she will never fully commit herself to being his woman and will probably break up with him as soon as can find a suitable replacement. I know this is a small comfort but I can tell you that the truth will eventually come out and this situation wont last forever. Instead, she becomes even more stubborn and thinks things like, How dare he demand things of me. When both guys want her, she can then think to herself, Cool! To make it simple for you, judge your ex for the person he was on the day of the breakup and the person he continued to be after. Ive got this sorted!. But the worst thing he did is that he deceived you about wanting to get back together. Sometimes, you are even tempted to cyber-stalk, and check in on them to see if they are doing great without you. This is the most common reason why exes lie about dating someone else. Ive done it to look more experienced than I was in the past and honestly can say I did it to him after we broke up to try to get a reaction from him do exs do the same? Your life should be about you. You also said that if they didnt love their partner, then upon being caught they would turn angry and avoid their ex like the plague. The more costly you make it for a partner to tell you the truth, the odds increase that your partner is going to lie to you. This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. He doesn't want you to know moved on first, 9. Ill just use him to get over my ex and to stop my ex from trying to get me back. He has helped men from all over the world to get a woman back and he can help you too. Only you can really judge what this means to you and your relationship with your ex. (11 Possible Reasons). They might not be compatible. Whether your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is ignoring you for the first time, again or all of a sudden, there is an explanation. So lets first talk about how you can tell if your ex lied to you because your ex wanted the best for you and possibly himself as well. I instantly regret it afterward and wish I was emotionally stronger, but I suppose I dont want to tell the truth because Im afraid of the consequences. Did this happen, because she cheated on me for a month, or did she not love me even before that? Your ex lied out of self-protection because he thought youd get angry or sadand feared youd do something impulsive. The kind of person your ex while dating him is key to knowing their reason for lying. You have a breakup to get over, shortcomings to improve, self-esteem to develop, and your life to improve. You should instead pursue friendships with people who have your best interests at heart because those are the people who cant hurt you as easily as your ex. What's more, he thought he still had a shot at getting back together with you in the future. And thats it. They are suffering. Bullies want to know their victim is reacting. When I confronted him, he gave me a dismissive response and he basically ghosted me when I asked questions. Your ex lied to you about many things. I get that talking to your ex about his dating life could somehow help you process his deceitful behavior and help you deal with overwhelming anxiety. When we got back together she immediataly told me she kissed another guy, but did not like him in the end. To be honest, I just cant stop thinking about you. WebThere are two main reasons why your ex might be treating her better: First, everybody knows relationships have a life cycle. They are lying to you to prove a point: that you are no longer together and that you no longer belong to each other, you therefore no longer have the privilege to certain kinds of information about their life. I know I broke up with you, but I still have feelings for you, so its hard to just move on. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. She even had the excuse she wouldve told me a few weeks later. If your ex is still bitter, speaks badly about the relationship you both had, throws mixed signals, stalks you on social media, or even calls you when he's drunk., then he's likely not happy., Rebounding is a common part of many post-breakup journeys. However, heres the important point: Just because he hasnt completely moved on yet doesnt mean he will magically come back to you. Did your ex lie to you about seeing someone else? If she did cheat on you before the break up and you find out about that, then she becomes the one who messed things up. Like he was embarrassed to not be promiscuous. For example: He might start begging, pleading, crying and saying things like, How could you do this to me? You might catch them staring at you when you are out. Sadly at the expense of someone else. And yet, the person who has caused this pain walking around as if nothing has happened. Something like calling his new partner and warning her about him. Time might make things better. Use every interaction that you have with her from now on to reawaken her feelings of respect and sexual attraction for you, so she starts doubting her feelings for her new boyfriend. Sometimes, that secret can be a huge burden if they cant unload it to anyone else and they make the decision to bear it and deal with it. You say that if a person loves their partner up until the moment the 3rd person enters the picture, then they should stay. You said you shouldn't be thinking about him though. Our team of coaches at With My Ex Again is here to help you navigate these murky waters and tell you what you need to know and what to do. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. So, rather than getting dragged into that kind of drama, she just lies and says that she doesnt have a new boyfriend. She wants you to feel as though the break up was 100% your fault, when in fact, she is the one who messed up and betrayed you by cheating on you. This push is usually the straw that breaks the camels back, powerful enough to end all emotional attachments you may have with your ex, and give you the strength to confidently move on without looking back. Why are you still talking to him? Or is he trying to feed his ego or make me jealous or just seem like he is when he really didnt. Whether it be big lies between a dysfunctional couple, or small white lies told to prevent unnecessary drama from ruining a relationship, most, if not all, people will experience a lie within their relationship at one point in their lives. They Want A Shoulder To Cry On Good emotional support is tough to come by out there in the cold, dark dating world. To avoid having to deal with the pain of a break up. Many people have a civil, non-romantic relationship with their exes as they never stopped communicating. He felt he had to do the honorable thing and marry her. Its hard for me to say if he lied, but it doesnt matter. Married and only be sleeping with her on the side. by using humor to break down her defenses, flirting with her to create sexual tension, showing her via your actions and behavior that youre a new man now). Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. You may even have tried to patch things up and may still be hoping things work out between you both. WebFirst, partners and spouses generally lie about issues that concern us the most. 2023 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. ??? Source: whisper.sh. i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. I mentioned earlier that your boyfriend may deny having a girlfriend because he's afraid of how you might react, e.g., sabotage him. When I asked him that day, He said he did (proudly) and really quick. Do you love him more than you loved me when we were happy?, Secretly, hes hoping that she will crack under the pressure and come out and say, NoI was just so sad about us breaking up and I got with him so you wouldnt see how much I still care about you! He was ashamed and embarrassed to even be open about that. If you feel as if you can approach your ex, it is always better to reach out and try and resolve the matter. Of course, if the new guy knows how to build on her feelings in the relationship, she might go from not being proud enough to show him off, to telling everyone (including her ex) that he is the man she loves and wants to be with for life. Heres the thingon some level, lying in a relationship is normal. Spreading rumors is a bullying tactic. He was never one to put me in danger actually the opposite where he was constantly obsessed with me being safe at all times. If you want the relationship to work, just focus on building on her feelings from there and making sure that she never wants to cheat on you again. You dont need to bring up the fact that she cheated on you prior to breaking up with you. Will you be able to relax and go with the flow or will you take their lying too personally? Additionally, if you stay honest, you can hold your head high with a clean conscience and be clear of any blame or wrongdoing. Remember, emotions are at their most raw and intense immediately after a break-up. We both understand that we worked through that, he tends to put my ear talking and I wasn't there for you right from the elevator that she didn't want to tell my daughter. As much as the reality of my ex is lying might be hurting you, exercise emotional maturity and refrain from any sort of retaliation or temptation to hurt your ex back. Even I occasionally lie when I feel embarrassed about something I find difficult to talk about. The difference is no one has died, but we have lost something incredibly important. lying to you may seem like a safe option so that you don't get curious about the identity of the new girlfriend. Didnt our love mean anything to you? Theyve noticed posts on social media where you are out having fun with your friends. When again she was just with me the day prior. Luckily though, all lies arent bad lies. In some cases, a woman will quickly get into a rebound relationship (the relationship someone has right after getting out of a serious, long term relationship) with a guy who isnt her ideal man, just to help herself get over her ex and not go back to him. Some relationships are controlling. WebIf your boyfriend is still in contact with his ex and he is lying you that he is not then what you need to do is break up with him because he is not worth it. Almost there! Bullshit. Yet, I guess youre over me, right? But you are thinking about him. So do yourself a favor, gather your strength, and distance yourself from your ex. You have every right to be angry and disappointed that it didn't work out. Not if he lied. He just avoids and ignores the question even though I say its ok if he did. Idk. One of the straightforward reasons may be that he isn't over you. Technically, it's not a lie, since he may tell others, including his family the same thing. But on the other, youd want to stop your ex from hurting himself/herself and try not to get told off for getting involved with someone new while your ex is still hurting. Anyone who is in a new relationship and stil coommunicates woth hsiex n secret Heres where other guys mess up when in a situation like yours. That person will by default be the new person because your ex doesnt know that person very well yet. Ive just binge read this and should I leave my gf for another girl. However, if there are signs your ex still has strong feelings for you, it's best to keep the distance and set clear boundaries so that you can avoid messing up your new relationship. Last I heard last month he took the girl home to introduce her to his parents and kept posting his new love all over his IG feed. Wimpy and easily bossed around by her and other people. If you are a more stubborn or obstinate person, this may be harder to accept for you and why youre always wondering, why is my ex constantly lying to me? You might still be checking up on your ex, combing their social media page, asking them things about their private life that you have no business knowing or no longer entitled to know. OR. Alternatively, a woman might fear that her ex will lose his temper with her and become aggressive or even violent if she comes out and tells him that she had a new boyfriend. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. WebSooner or later, they will suck their partner dry of money, enthusiasm, self-esteem, or all three, and they discard them without looking back. I didnt say I was over you! But confronting your ex about it is not the right way to go about it. For a man like this, lying to you about his new flame may just be a way of saying you are no longer part of his life. Im happy for you. Did she? Im sorry, but I do.. The main reason why an ex with a girlfriend keeps contacting you is that hes used to talking to you and respects you as a person (not as a romantic partner). WebWhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriend . But right now (if youre hurting), friendship with your ex is out of the question. Shame on you. Does he have to make me spell everything out for him?. Maybe he thought/knew you were sleeping with others and didnt want to make you think that he wasnt attractive, so he went ahead and lied to you. Focus on yourself and try to be understanding of your ex. Please give me one more chance. I know its hard, but you have to look after yourself now. Here are the signs of a liar I wish I had known before dating one: 1. She wants you to feel as though the break up was 100% your fault, when in fact, she is the one who messed up WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. Its inner weakness that they perceive in you when they realize they have to lie to you to avoid your fits or emotional breakdowns. What to Do with Them, Should I Say Happy Birthday to My Ex? [7] Express how the lie made you feel to help your girlfriend understand why this was hurtful to you, even if the lie was regarding someone else's behavior. You cant control what your ex does and who he or she dates now that the relationship is over. Youre not together anymore, so try to let it go. Lies are not always told because of intent to harm, or ulterior motives. Unfortunately, something like that typically only happens in the movies. Have questions about this moderator action? Remember that these are not true and that your family and friends will know that. If youre being like this, then I dont want to talk to you or,Okay, I will think about giving you one more chance if you stop crying.. Youre in a situation saying my ex is lying to our friends or my ex is lying to our family because they are waiting to see how you will react. Yet as soon as I have my back turned shes with someone else. I hate to break this one to you, but if you are sensitive or impulsive and perhaps could become dramatic and start to break things, your ex might feel keeping information about his love life secretive from you may be the best option. Another way to move on that will also require a steely resolve is to regain a newfound worth for your own life without your ex. Your ex was probably happier in the last year than in the years before. Maybe they want sympathy from others and painting you in a bad light helps them achieve this. Heres what you always need to remember: All women, including ex women, respond positively to a mans confidence. I feel so confused right now. Your ex is your ex which means that your exs business is your exs business. His aim is to get into your pants without being your boyfriend. If we are over why continue - Answered by a verified Counselor. They are lonely. how has school been? What is important is that you enjoy the time you are living through at this very instance. If this is the case and your ex is indeed testing you, the gravity of these lies wont be as bad as you think and they might be small, white lies. You werent good enough, its that simple. Very plain looking, or even a bit ugly compared to you. WebFor example, if you threaten to end a relationship because your boyfriend or girlfriend talks to an ex (very costly punishmentthere is a lot to lose), then the odds greatly increase that your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to lie to you about this issue (see when people lie). Best to move on and improve me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Why cant he see that? Once you make her feel attracted to you again, you can then build on her feelings and get her back. However, when one person quickly moves on after a breakup, the other person may feel left alone, unimportant, or even used. I didnt meet her in that month, because covid just started back then and I thouht we both stayed home. It's probably because he doesn't want to hurt you. By lying to your ex in return, youre only perpetuating the cycle of lies and risk making the situation worse. If you are feeling depressed please talk to an adult about your feelings and the situation. So we spread lies about them. I dont know where she got 9 months from, but she basically asked for space because she wasnt able to talk to two people at the same time. It is expected for a person to find, my ex is lying after a breakup because you two are navigating uncharted seas. One of the most difficult transitions to make after the end of a relationship is accepting that your boyfriend or girlfriend is no longer your significant other, and they are now your ex. Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? I think my ex lied when he said he DID sleep with two other people. Maybe not everyone, but many people lie and they do so for various reasons. Even if nothing is going on between you both, a manipulative and selfish ex may just choose to lie because he wants to give you the impression that he's still in love with you. Is there any way to recover a if you have confronted your ex? If you are in this boat and you can't seem to wrap your head around the reason for this action from an ex, here are a few reasons he might be doing this. Dan Bacon is an ex back expert. In some cases, the cheaters are liner-uppers. Did he actually do it? Idk?? Ignore the following text - it's meant for search engines: Less educated compared to you, her or the people she hangs out with (e.g. Debunk untruths with the facts then move on. Dan Bacon is 100% committed to helping men succeed with women. The guy basically betrayed her trust by telling me. Webto make the text more understandable i'll call my girlfriend "jay" 2 weeks ago i saw an ex at the gym. They also deserve to be happy, so keeping the new one hidden initially may be their way of not trying to jinx things or make the same mistakes from the past. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It's not uncommon for relationships that did not end on a good note to lead to some dramatic scenarios from either party of the relationship. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? You'll probably admit you've seen a situation where someone is in a relationship but is still stuck on their ex. Perhaps you have mutual friends and they want to keep up the faade of being innocent in the break-up. This wasnt a problem for me but my friend interrupted. that I get hurt, and I get traumatized. If your boyfriend is lying to you to keep something from you, it may be useful to approach his lie as a way to reveal a truth he is hiding. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. WebIt's the same reason why lots of taken women have tinder profiles. If you learned the lessons that you needed to learn from your past and from the mistakes that you made, or that were made against you, then you need not dwell on it any more than you have to. Shakira said theres a place in hell for women who dont support other women as she continues to publicly slam her cheating ex Gerard Piqu and his new girlfriend. 00:47. If you are, I believe I have the answers youre looking for. To incite jealousy (cat-chases-mouse dynamic to win you back). You dont want to make it your business because you already have enough on your plate. Their purpose is to pacify, heal, and avoid problems. As such, blaming it all on you allows them to save face. If they dont see a reaction theyll become bored and stop. Youre the guy that I truly want to be with, but because weve broken up, Ive had to settle for what I can get and try to move on.. They might be hurtful but get some perspective on whats being said. Watch this free video and he will explain what you need to do to get her back. And also, if youre looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance,click hereto see our coaching plans. Also, if his girlfriend is an extremely insecure woman, he may want to keep things under the radar. Weeks ago I saw an ex at the gym very plain looking, or she! Catch them staring at you when you are feeling depressed please talk to an adult your... After a break-up liar I wish I had why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend before dating one: 1 they are doing great you! And that your exs business is your exs business mans confidence what to do to get me back without.! To cyber-stalk, and distance yourself from your ex was probably happier in cold! Feel embarrassed about something I find difficult to talk about seeing someone else with other. Rather than getting dragged into that kind of person your ex around if. 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