Sanaya has returned Home but her work will continue to guide and inspire me, and Orin remains a source of love and light on the inner planes. My feet have taken me to your website every day. Blessings of love and light. Orin, a timeless being of love and light, has assisted thousands of people to awaken spiritually through his books, seminars, and audio courses. Namaste! I first "met" Sanaya and Orin in the 90s in Prague, the Czech Republic. Explore books by Sanaya Roman with our selection at With your passing your light reveals even more of the beauty of your being. I have her/Orin to thank for my sanity because from that first day of reading, I felt like I was home. Love and Gratitude. Although it had always been my dream to meet her in person one day, I do feel she is still present. Your books, meditations, and guidance have transformed my life and guided me to be filled with more light and love. Wonderful gifts of Light to the world. She deeply influenced my way of existing on this plane. On a spiritual plane I recognize her now as one of the Great Ones holding a space of love and growth for us all. Much Love To You All. Two months down the line, in October 2021, I felt ready for the light body course. Our group felt the magical, loving and humorous energies of the moment. From the bottom of my heart I would like to express my sadness about Sanayas passing. Then when I discovered the seminars, it was such a wonderful thing to hear Sanaya channel Orin live. You will surely be missed. When Im down, confused or lacking clarity, I go to the website for affirmations, re-read the books, order or revisit a meditation series. Sending love to you all. Now 15 years later I am a completely different person. Ive never felt so connected to someone I never knew. I just saw Sanayas passing today when I opened the home page. I love all Orins material. About Sanaya, Orin, and Thaddeus Orin's Path of Self-Realization, Maintaining Your Teacher's Page on our Website, Worldwide Meditation Wesak Festival of Light, Book Excerpts - Creating Your Highest Future. Of course I began to think of her body of work - the books, the meditations, the music, and I felt so grateful. I was drawn to go on the website seeking answers to this uncertain time and there I discovered the passing of Sanjaya. She was a bright light to so many, showing us/them the way forward and so strong to start her path in a time that this wasn't accepted by society. Thank you very much. Her work with Orin has been a strong influence in my life from the time I was a teenager. It was in a few one-on-one short meetings. My deepest gratitude and prayers with all the light of my heart and soul for Sanaya. I had, in 1982, been prompted by the Powers-That-Be to accompany the souls who have passed from our earthly plane, but my ability to live as my soul was very limited, and thus limited my ability to be on the same plane as them. Namaste. Sanaya's voice has led me through so many spiritual journeys throughout the years. She was my one great teacher, mentor, and guide. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. 10-31-1972 - 12-02-2022 Matthew Adam Mazeikas, age 50 of Bend, OR., passed away peacefully Dec. 2, 2022 following complications related to a prior brain injury. From the very beginning I felt attracted to the energies of Orin and DaBen from the Light Body. I wish You Heavenly Fun where and whenever You are! Also thank you to Sanaya and Orin for the meditations that compliment your own courses, all so inspirational. Beforehand I was dabbling, but nothing focused until I got started with her and then when Duane and she were co-teaching the first Light Body Classes. But over the last years I got aware of how I had changed. Sanayas courses touched and changed my life. Sanaya was a dedicated Master channel. Even though Sanaya has now moved to a higher divine plane of reality, she is forever remembered and will be in our hearts. I have often thought to myself I didn't need a guru or 'teacher' here on the earth planes because I had Orin and DaBen's guiding words, music and meditations. Due to Sanayas Channeling teaching, I began channeling and connecting with one of my own guides, Greyden. It was you. I want to express my immense gratitude for the great contribution she has made to my life. Thank you Sanaya for everything. Blessings to Sanaya! I wrote to Sanaya when I was this age and she was nice enough to take the time and reply with an encouraging message and enthusiasm for my spiritual development. Reading Living with Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, and Opening to Channel were enriching, exciting, and made me feel supported and understood by a community and teachers that I never actually met in person. I visited the website to join the new years worldwide peace meditation and learned of Sanayas passing. Thank you for the journey, never ending somehow. It turned out the credit card bill was for $1,497 and some less cents. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. Love you Sanaya. I was reading a book called Soul Love where Orin is taking us through connecting with our soul and I felt so much love and warmth. Through Thaddeus I begin to "hear" the prayers of humanity. With so many years studying and working with Orin and DaBens teaching, I always thought it would be forever. She was welcomed by Orin and DaBen and the whole Spiritual Realm and the Celebrations were beyond beautiful. I first started reading Sanayas books back in 1989, when I was 22, during a backpacking trip around the world. / Thank you! These meditations kept me going, gave me a hope and lifted me every single day since. Orin spoke in simple language that I could easily follow and understand, but more than that, I felt I knew Orin. I felt safe knowing she was in the world. I am looking forward to the upcoming Orin course. Compassion and condolences to Duane, and all the LuminEssence staff. My life had fallen apart. All my blessings for Sanaya and Orin, Duane and DaBen and everyone connected to this Light Group. I feel so enormously blessed to have come across her books decades ago. I wanted to be like her when I grew up, and I ended up learning many lessons from her. I visited the website today and read about Sanaya. I felt Sanaya's energy coming through in a very soft way when I looked at her picture on her book. I am grateful. The person who helped me begin my connection with my guides and my higher self 30 years ago . I really cannot believe I will never sit in a room and have her do another Orin mediation. The news of Sanayas passing has muted my delight somewhat. I now have all the books, and their ebook versions and audiobook versions and listen most days! As you read the experiences in the tributes be reminded of the wonderful spaces of growth that Orin with Sanaya have opened for all. I had never meet Sanaya or attended her class, however every time I listen to her meditation voice online from Melbourne Australia, I feel a deep healing within me. When I tried to meditate as usual for the coming year, I couldnt dispel the feeling that an enormous, magnificent light has been doused leaving a huge vacuum in the ether. I read all emails; all voice mails are heard. There are no words to describe the magnitude of her influence and the eternal shifts her work left upon humanity. I felt so shocked and saddened and send my loving thoughts to Duane and all at LuninEssence. I love Sanaya and since love transcends time and space I trust to keep playing with her in the inner realms. My condolences to Duane, Edward, Greg and Amy. Your work changed my life 30 years ago. I have been working with the Orin/DaBen material for decades now (almost on a daily basis). But I kept in mind, of course, the high energy level she had shown me. And the amazing connection between Sanaya and Duane, Orin and DaBen created even bigger shift for all of us. I am eternally grateful. I love you beyond what I can describe with my words, and I am grateful to have met you in this life in a way that I cannot express. I thought I am getting crazy. As she looked over at my nametag, she said to go over and introduce myself to Duane, that he wanted to put my name to a face. In Light and Love. Sending you light and love. How can multiple individuals be "one"? In deepest gratitude for you, Sanaya and Orin, and the amazingly beautiful work you continue to do! I also send my love and condolences to Duane and the staff at LuminEssence for all the wonderful work they do. I learned to channel, to energetically feel and to awaken my Light Body. According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Lindsey Star Roman, 28, was found unresponsive on Oct. 25 at 10:47 p.m. in a desert area just off Highway 95, north of Interstate 40 near Needles. Of course her light continues to shine bright. I feel his contact as if I have expanded into a world of light and joy. Story of Thaddeus' Music by Sanaya This was an important lesson to me in learning how to Live with Joy. I knew the Word of God and recited it over my life. I have gone through so many things, passed so many trials and thorn-covered-paths, and your voice was the only thing that guided me to the light and salvation. For their dedication, for their time and energy, for the moments of bliss and humor (I will never forget a hilarious journey with the gas beings), for making possible conscious contacts with The Great Ones, Masters, Angels, Guides, and with all the compassion and the love that are available for every single creature. I saw Creating Money in the bookstore. It is a state of gratitude and compassion, a feeling of connection to your higher self."~Sanaya Roman. Sanaya says that, " All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. I choose to believe we now have our own special Angel of light and I for one feel blessed to have her on my favorite Teacher of Light and Self Love list. I am super thankful for being able to have found this website! , Sanaya Roman, "Channel for Orin." Alibris 9. All of Thaddeus music tracks are inspiring, timeless, and unequaled. I found Orin and Dabens books and courses in 1993 and have been with you since throughout the years. Now, not only was I ready, I became voracious in my need to study and expand. Words alone cannot express how grateful I am. km) - two thirds of the continental U.S. (1). In deep gratitude to Sanaya and Orin. Deep gratitude for all her work with Orin. So, I put the book away. They began at an unparalleled high level of skill and then, over the years, got even better. Orin has also co . Several years later I had heard someone talking about Living with Joy. I bought the book from Barnes and Noble and felt deeply connected to Orin. I have since gotten a job as a pro bono coordinator at a large firm and my music is doing well on Pandora and Spotify and am with the man I dreamed about for years. I will miss you Sanaya. But I did. "One worth knowing" this is the meaning of the name Sanaya which we have given to this group who gives you these daily messages. Sanaya Roman, Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation 2 likes Like "The spiritual laws of money are universal energy laws that create abundance: the principles of ebb and flow, unlimited thinking, giving and receiving, appreciation, honoring your worth, clear agreements, magnetism, and more." The way she radiated a strong golden glowing sun light. Even if there is a sense of loss with Sanaya Roman's passing, the work of Orin and DaBen is clearly eternal. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others. I hope you enjoy! My heartfelt condolences to you Duane and your family, I am sending much love, and blessings. It is not often that you read a book and you see the world differently after, but such was the energy in those words carried through translation into the core of peoples that were ready for them. I learned about Orin and DaBen and Sanaya and Duane, around the year 2000. A really cool shaman lady in Santa Cruz, had gifted the books to my best friend and I to read on the trip, and told us they were very magical! Orin has an important message about the Path of Self-Realization he is offering. I send sincere condolences and love to the family of Sanaya. She is such a blessing and beautiful wisdom keeper. Creating Money: Keys to Abundance. I almost have no words to describe what a profound difference has occurred within me, my life and outlook, vastly down to the teachings, courses etc. They are probably the one thing that changed my life the most. We Love you. I could not have imagined that a book could have changed my life so much. I felt immense happiness for her knowing that she is in a much better place. I know that she will be able to do more for humanity at this crazy time from the other side than if she were still physically here. In addition, we have free articles on channeling you can read: How to tell if you are ready to channel and How to recognize a high-level guide, and more about channeling and what it is in the article What is channeling? I hadnt remembered that I briefly looked at another book from them. I am grateful for your lifes work with DaBen. My life is now truly magical and blessed and I am grateful to Sanaya for helping that transformation occur. Orin's words express only a fraction of what I am experiencing. Orin has such finesse in bringing in evolutionary teachings in ways that people learn, accept, incorporate and then build on. My deepest sympathy! Through Orins meditations and writings I felt a connection with Sanaya, and I feel so blessed to have met her in person when I was finally able to attend a Light Body seminar back in 2017, a journey that took me six years to achieve. With Warmest Regards. My goodness. Sanaya, Duane, Orin and DaBen have been the most powerful transformative elements in my life, and I know the world wide light body that they have brought forth will only strengthen in the years to come. In the last year, there was barely a day that went by when I didn't open the ' Personal Power Through Awareness' Book. It was during this time that seemingly by chance, Amazon recommended Living with Joy to me based on my reading history. It was her dying gift to me and a gift that gave me Life. Sending love and light to you all as you transition to a new way of being and doing without her physical presence. Sanaya, thank you for your presence in my life, for sharing your many gifts and deep caring, for your unwavering dedication to helping all of us grow, personally and spiritually. It has been a lifesaver for me all these years. what does it mean when a man can t ejaculate Terrible energy rushed out, completely blasting the front. I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for humanity. I send my heartfelt love to Sanaya's family, and my utmost gratitude and appreciation for their lifelong work for Humanity on Earth. Orin teaches us how to reach the Divine within us, our true self, so we can grow through joy and release . It is a gift to me from myself that I met Sanaya's books and channelings with Orin in this lifetime. The work of Sanaya and Orin, Duane and DaBen has been important to me since 1997, when I began studying the Light Body Courses in England. The Light is real! Awakened by every book with her and Duane, as with her meditations and energy of love and light. Im saddened and stunned by the news regarding Sanayas passing. I was afraid of everything and everyone. I was in college on a European trip at a bookstore in London. If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students. Thank you. I am so very sad to hear of Sanaya passing. His music is the background on all the Orin guided meditations and many of the light body meditations. She was standing with a small group in a break and I decided to join them. We love you very much Sanaya and wish you a happy and joyful journey home. Reading that book led to my next and less expensive apartment that others told me I'd never find. Sanaya died peacefully at home at the end of 2021. Although a candle has gone out on the earth plane, the higher energies seem much brighter and I'm glad she will be with us in all the journeys to come. I just found out about Sanaya last night. Such wonderful uplifting energy through and through. It contains true spirituality; underscores the channeling process with words of love, encouragement and empowerment; and eliminates unfounded fears. I do not recommend doing anything with Luminessence at this time, as they will put you in spiritual contract with Lucifer/Satan. Her work is timeless and will never be forgotten. Thank you, you and Sanaya, for the DaBen and Orin Light Body meditations. Sanaya was a sister that I never met in person, but through her timeless channelings and books she gave me the ability to see her right now in my hearts eye smiling and saying, "Thank you all for bringing much more Light and Love to your own lives as well as to the world." Even though I never met Sanaya personally, I feel as if I already knew her through all of her books, music, and meditations. Sanaya and Orin have such a warm inviting Light and Love, such beautiful Love, such beautiful Light, as do you and DaBen. You can more easily hear and follow your souls inner guidance that will assist you in living a better life, aligned with your divine purpose. I discovered she passed a couple days after she made her transition. In 2010 I got the strong intention to work very often on a regular basis with Orin. I know you are still with us and I can feel your Loving Being working even more closely with Orin more than ever to shine Divine Light on all of us. Theyre out there. I would like to write a big appreciation for the work that Sanaya did with Orin, that has done so much for me in the almost twenty years I have been reading the books. What a legacy she left behind!!! Sanayas skill at channeling and Orins skill at pitching were unsurpassed. Love and light to you Duane and to the wonderful work you and Sanaya bring and have brought to all of us! She has worked with Orin to write Living With Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, and Spiritual Growth. With Thaddeus present, my skill with music went way beyond my normal ability and limited knowledge of chords and sounds. I can hear her voice in my meditations as Orin continues to transmit a bright light and higher energies. I am so looking forward to the new courses that are available later. Some use Thaddeus' music for yoga, Reiki, deep breathing, and other practices where they need to reach and hold peaceful, high states. I have been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years, bringing through Orin's wisdom via books, audio courses, and the Orin journeys in DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body courses. Sanaya Roman. My dearest teacher, my light and beacon. Thank you Sanaya. Orin says that everyone drawn to his work is a teacher, leader, and healer, even if they are not yet aware of it. I will see you all again in the soul plane:'-). And to all at LuminEssence! I am speechless. In all of his courses you are guided to connect with your true Self, the innermost part of your being, and work with this Self to transform your life. The couple met early this summer, and Alexia, who went to Brooklyn to be with him, moved in shortly afterwards. Sanaya, thank you for all you did for us. It all felt so easy and wise at the same time! Sanaya, I shall keep listening and reading your words, you are a great writer and the audiobook and audio courses you produced are classics. Dealing differently with situations. Sanaya Roman has appears to have been deceived, and chooses to remain so. I recall re-reading Alice Bailey's works after some encouragement from Sanaya. I opened my heart to this lighted being, whom I now call "Thaddeus," and blended my consciousness with his. Much Love Light and Hope. After reading Spiritual Growth, I couldn't wait to get the other books. I love you, and am forever thanking you/Orin and Duane/DaBen from the bottom of my heart. I am sending my love and light to you and I will meet you both on Light Body Gridwork. With love and light with blessings and peace. I got to know you "by chance", after having asked for years and years, until you finally arrived. Peter G. Bolt explains that during the first and second . My heart feels so many things with Sanaya's passing, but mostly an expansive feeling of hope, joy, celebration, and freedom. It is difficult to put into words the influence that Sanaya and Orin have had on my spiritual development, as the changes have been incredibly deep and all encompassing. According to recent social media posts, the former adult star and Falcon Studios exclusive passed. Thank you for all that you have done. I would very much like having met Sanaya in person, and now I regret not having done so. Channeling Saborra - Bonita Kay Summers. Thank you soooo much Sanaya and Orin for all the ways you have helped me to connect with my Higher Self. Ruth Roman, a screen actress who parlayed her electrically charged combination of sexiness and wholesomeness into Hollywood stardom in the late 1940's and 50's, died on Thursday at her home in. Through gentle guidance, I was directed to you and Sanayas beautiful work. In deepest gratitude always filled with blessings to Sanaya, Orin, Yourself and DaBen. People's Comments About Thaddeus' Music I just learned of Sanayas passing and I am crestfallen. You will always be a part of my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sanaya and Orin continue to do that in the way that is perfect at this time. I send my deepest gratitude, appreciation to Sanaya and Orin for all they have done. Sanaya Roman born 2 December 1949 has been channeling a non-physical being known as Orin for several years. Thinking of your loved ones and holding all of us in Light. With much love. Plus a message. I also have cherished the online guided meditations available to us. Sanaya, thank you for this grace. Until I sink into darkness again and your hand pulls me into the lightagain. My heartfelt gratitude goes to you both for your gift to me and your love. Before every meditation with Orin (or DaBen), I now say these words: "You will always be in my heart". The voice that I previously heard that said I wasnt initially ready for the book was so right!! I know, she's still here, however the emptiness of her presence must be huge for you Duane and the team. Thank you so much! Thank you Sanaya and Orin. I loved her Southern drawl and easy way of explaining complicated spiritual principles. I have tremendously benefitted from their teachings. The first time I saw her one on one in person, she just appeared beside me as I was standing in a break and said, DaBen opens doors. Sanaya and Orin are truly great teachers. Without making false promises, without offering quick fix, without My heart and love to you in this time. Many things have changed since then. You gave me a vision, a purpose, a quest. I hear the soft voices of hungry children asking for food, of the sick praying to get well, and of those feeling unloved praying for love. She accomplished her purpose, she is being welcomed with the Masters and the guides and wrapped in so much love. I am so grateful to Sanaya and Orin for their great work. Living With Joy became my focus instantly, I took it with me everywhere. A heart-felt thanks to Sanaya for her powerful work which has touched my life and so many others. I know that she is shining her bright light from her soul to all of us. Again, as I got close, the energy shot way above her head, cautioning me to come there and meet her as a great being go to a high level. I practice your meditations daily. I begin to sense the rhythm and timing of my life and follow the guide from my soul and the Divine Self. I, myself, is about to work less hours and gradually retire. (As well as Duane and Daben channelings). I was in the self help section at Barnes and Noble one day just browsing and I bought this book on a whim and I was hooked immediately. I am making my way through various audio courses and books you have all put together. I wake up, I live my days, I go to sleep listening to her meditations, music and reading her books. It was the part that ed roman Ed Roman Cause Of Death side effect of male enhancement pills cause of death held the head, swiped hard, and immediately pierced into the body of the strong man.. I will continue listening to the channelings and make energy work, always. The gold light energy being generated by her and Orins meditations had the whole town buzzing for days. I signed into the Orin DaBen website to get information on using Thaddeus Music for a video project when I saw that Sanaya had passed. In 1987, a friend on her deathbed gave me the book Living with Joy that she had received from a family member. Books by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, Ph.D. Blessings to you. My prayers for Sanaya and family and Duane, merci, thank you and blessings to you all. I intuit this is why I felt her and Orin's beautiful presence so clearly strong during that time, and ever since. Words don't adequately express the depth of my gratitude and respect for her and Duane as wonderful channels for Orin and DaBen. With my warmest wishes to you all. A master teacher, a blessing to us all. You have changed my life by giving me access to New Life Possibilities! For some reason the authors name had completely been forgotten. I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. I really miss your presence on Earth, yet I understand more than ever now how the other dimensions are all around and here, just at a different vibration. I feel very blessed and grateful for finding your work: Sanaya's book literally fell from the top shelf in a library onto my head :) Your work and light have completely changed the course of my life. She has been a friend to me, a dear companion, though we never met in person. Now I know why. People tell us it works better than anything else they have tried to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed. 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