Now, there is but one Judge the man Christ Jesus. "Loose him and let him go," saith the Redeemer; and then he walks in all the liberty of life. Who enters the lists against the believer? "If children then heirs." all his wisdom is engaged in our behalf. Oh! We have known horror caused by guilt, and, therefore, for the future shall be throughout eternity a nobler race, freer to serve, and serving God after a nobler fashion than any other creatures in the universe. I have known a surly man act in that way; but Christ never turns us away because we only come to him when others fail us. Moreover, I doubt not that Paul remembered the doctrine of the union of believers with Christ, and he said to himself, "Shall Christ lose the members of his body? Whatever happens to him sickness or health, adversity or prosperity, everything is his here below. Another test of calling is to be found in Galatians, the fifth chapter, and the fifteenth verse. 1. If it be settled in our mind by the true witness the spirit within us, and the Spirit of God, that we are God's children, what a NOBLE PRIVILEGE now appears to our view. Oh! "If thou be the Son of God." I beseech you, members of churches, deacons, or whatever you may be, lay this to heart. Talk we of his omnipotence? Every carnal mind in the world is at enmity against God. Let me appeal personally to you in an interrogatory style, for this has weight with it. The doctrine must be stated in its naked truth. He was a man of many trials; he went from one tribulation to another for Christ's sake; he swam through many seas of affliction to serve the church. If we suffer orthodoxy to fail, or God's truth to be dishonored, future generations will despise and execrate our name. Do you shrink from it? You know the story of old Jacob. Then he mentions angels, principalities, and powers. Why, one would have thought you would rejoice to take your Master for better or for worse, and to be partaker with him, not only in his glories but in his sufferings. Do I love what he loves; do I hate what he hates? I have (continues the objector), stood upon the mountain-top, until my whole soul has kindled with the scene below, and my lips have uttered the song of praise. My eternal destiny infinitely more concerns me than all the affairs of time. The greatest piety cannot preserve a man from growing old, and although in grace, he may be "like a young cedar, fresh and green," yet the body will have its grey hairs, and the strong man will be brought to totter on the staff. We call them innocent, and so they are of actual transgression, but as the poet says, "Within the youngest breast there lies a stone." As much as to say, it is a powerful argument for our salvation, that Christ died; but it is a still more cogent proof that every believer shall be saved, that Christ rose again from the dead. I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. how ought we day by day to seek, by living unto God, to acknowledge the debt we owe to him; and, if we cannot pay him the principal, yet to give him some little interest upon the talent which he has lent to us, and upon those stupendous mercies which he has granted to us. ", This is a subject upon which I delight to speak; for here is all my hope and confidence. The law of God was a good law, a just and holy law. You do not know the love of Christ. Harsh as the apostle's words may seem, they are not meant for you who are really believers in Christ, and in whom the Holy Spirit has wrought a complete change of heart and life; Paul is not speaking of such as you. The law of God says, "Thou shalt," and we have not done what it commands. If the guilty sinner dies, the law is honoured; but if God shall assume human flesh, and die for that sinner, the law is even more honoured. Consider the relation in which we stand to God, and then remember what God is; and after I have spoken of these two things, I hope you will see, indeed, that it is a sin to be at enmity with God. No, there must be something done more than we can accomplish. Speak we of his omniscience? We may understand it in a thousand sense, for indeed we are debtors. Ask him whether God has been once untrue to him and he will say, "No; not one good thing hath failed of all that the Lord God hath promised; all hath come to pass!" When thou art commanded to believe and repent, when thou art exhorted to flee from the wrath to come, the sin lies on thy own head if thou dost despise the exhortation, and reject the commandment. On Lord's-Day Evening, August 24th, 1890. But perhaps there may be a suit in law made against the will; some antagonist may set up a counter claim; an enemy to the entire family may proceed at once to attack the will with venom and with malice; he may take it into the Heavenly Court of Chancery, and there, before the great Judge, the question may be tried as to whether the inheritance be legally and lawfully ours. If the aegis of the Almighty covers thee, what sword can smite thee? Coming events cast their shadows before them, and when God is about to bless his people his coming favour casts the shadow of prayer over the church. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's own Son, cleanseth us from all sin; so away foul fiend, that also has received its due. But our liberty is incomplete. Why, my brethren, if we get nothing, Christ gets nothing; if there should for us, there is no heaven for Christ. Do you shrink from being tempted? Thine infinite wisdom, O God, is mine to guide me. Brethren, we are like warriors fighting for the victory; we share not as yet in the shout of them that triumph. No one has come to rescue him, and indeed he has fallen into a place from which escape is impossible. Would you have your Master's throne, but not his temptation in the wilderness? Bblia; Leia a Bblia; Verses da Bblia; . Look here, this is my confession of faith; here will I hale thy brothers and thy sisters to prison, and beat them in the synagogue and compel them to blaspheme and even hunt them to death, for my breath is threatening, and my heart is as fire against Christ." God is the God of love; he is kind to his creatures; he regards you with his love of benevolence; for this very day his sun hath shone upon you, this day you have had food and raiment, and you have come up here in health and strength. This was thought to be a singular instance of his affability, and his kindness to his courtiers. Happy man, happy woman, who can truly say, "I am persuaded that God loves me. He just repeated his master's name and office as many times as the other gentleman had titles. I believe that the apostle was persuaded that these two blessed links existed between him and the great God, and he was persuaded that neither of those two links would ever be broken. There is no terror to him like the terror of the cross. Some of you have a trouble perhaps, in her who is dearest to you. I groan, for I can do no more. Will he execute justice as a judge, or will he prefer his family to his country? I have lately seen one or two of our friends almost in the very article of death; I think that they cannot long survive, but I have come out from their bed-chamber greatly cheered by their holy peacefulness and joy. "Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? for who hath resisted his will? Be the property much or little, we are co-heirs; if there be infinite treasures, Christ hath them, and we have them; but if there be no treasure whatever, and faith should end in disappointment, and hope in despair, the calamity which impoverishes us must also impoverish our great co-heir. You must be tempted of Satan, you must be tried by the world, the flesh, of the devil. Fourthly. LONDON: PASSMORE AND ALABASTER, Paternoster Buildings; and of all Booksellers. The text before us cannot be so understood, because the Lord foreknows the history of every man, and angel, and devil. I would invite you, my brethren in Christ Jesus, this morning, to do three things; first, let us consider the terms of the will "joint heirs with Christ;" secondly, let us go forth and view the estates what it is of which we are joint heirs; and when we have done so, let us proceed at once to administer, for God hath made his children administrators as web as heirs. Has not thine heart ever desired, since there is a God, that he were a little less holy, a little less pure, so that those things which are now great crimes might be regarded as venial offences, as peccadillos? It is not merely that our judgment leads us in that direction, though usually the Spirit of God acts upon us by enlightening our judgment, but we often feel an unaccountable and irresistible desire rising again and again within our heart, and this so presses upon us, that we not only utter the desire before God at our ordinary times for prayer, but we feel it crying in our hearts all the day long, almost to the supplanting of all other considerations. When Christ Jesus took away our guilt, and "his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree," justice was more terribly displayed than when guilty sinners sink to hell. I have no doubt that Paul also argued with himself from the nature of the work of grace, which is the implantation of a living and incorruptible seed which liveth and abideth for ever. I tell you, sirs, if you change yourselves, and make yourselves better, and better, and better, a thousand times, you will never be good enough for heaven, till God's Spirit has laid his hand upon you; till he has renewed the heart, till he has purified the soul, till he has changed the entire spirit and new-made the man, there can be no entering heaven. Others will say, "It is a family of children who have no bread." Inasmuch as we are of the seed of the woman, there must be enmity between us and the seed of the serpent. But this know, O man, whatever thou sayest of this doctrine, it is a stone upon which, if any man fall, he shall suffer loss, but if it fall upon him it shall grind him to powder. Satan was no friend to Christ, but finding him in the desert he came to him with this accursed "if" "If thou be the Son of God." "All things work together for good." If our title be true and just, so is his, and if his rights of heritage be true and just, so are ours. It is Christ that died. Paul's Desire to Depart Philippians 1:23 Thus, in relationship, as well as in nature, we are conformed to the image of Christ. And, as to all evil, our Lord's entire life was one perpetual battle. Oh! He who giveth the most light to the world, will always be able to discover his own darkness. "It is Christ that died." I tell thee No; Christ never called the righteous; and if he has not called thee, and if he never does call thee, thou art not elect, and thou and thy self-righteousness must be subject to the wrath of God, and cast away eternally. He ruleth over all. We, if left to ourselves at our very best, get too much of one ingredient or another, and spoil the sacred compound, but the Holy Spirit's intercessions have in them such a blessed blending of all that is good that they come up as a sweet perfume before the Lord. Thine eternity, O God, is mine to keep me in existence, that I may ever be preserved. Do I have fellowship with Christ? Added to this you must also be the heir of persecution. Now each of these four articles of our faith is sufficient to bear the weight of the sins of the whole world. I think I need not remind you of your condition here below; you are too conversant with it, being hourly fretted with troubles, vexed with your own infirmities, with the temptations of Satan, and with all the allurements of this world. I would put the trumpet to my lips while I preach, and sound out this one note, praying that it may be a death-blast to all accusations that can be brought against believers in Christ. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. First comes Satan; then the world; then conscience; and last of all the law of God. We are to work with God in the matter of our becoming like to Christ. though that bell hath the very sound of heaven, and though all men do in a measure hear it, for "their line is gone out into all the earth and their Word unto the end of the world" yet there was never an instance of any man having been brought to God simply by that sound. Some say that children learn sin by imitation. Let us take these things for granted, and never dispute about them any more, but go on to still higher matters. I wish that all here present had a share in my blessed text. Edwards's theological work is very broad in scope, but he is often associated with his . For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. God was so well pleased with his Son, and saw such beauties in him, that he determined to multiply his image. He is heir of this world. He does not say, "I am persuaded;" he does not say, "I believe;" but with unblushing confidence he appears before you and says, "We" (I have many witnesses) we know that all things work together." However much the Arminian may try to fritter away the meaning of this 8th chapter of the Romans we are obliged as long as we use terms and words to say, that the 8th chapter of the Romans and the 9th, are the very pillars of that Gospel which men now call Calvinism. "Christ has died, yea, rather, is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Romans: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $22.80 $38.00. You have been very generous to yourselves by coming here, but not very just to your ministers in neglecting the places of worship where you ought to have gone. I do not much wonder that thou shouldst despise spiritual good, for thou art yet "in the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity;" a stranger to spiritual things, and let thy despising of spiritual things teach thee that thou art not spiritual, and therefore thou canst not understand the spiritual, because it must be spiritually discerned. We are to be conformed to the image of his Son, fifthly, as to our inheritance for he is heir of all things, and what less are we heirs of, since all things are ours? you are quarreling with this divine arrangement, you are beginning to differ with this blessed policy of God. I feel that to the knee that dandled me and the breast that gave me sustenance, I owe more than I can ever pay; and to him who taught me, and led me in the paths of truth I owe so much, that I dare not speak of the tremendous weight of obligation due to him. 1. In prayer we should often come to a dead stand, but he incites, suggests, and inspires, and so we go onward. And lastly, I see here, an answer to every accusation arising from sin. The whole of man is defaced. A groan then is a part of prayer which we owe to the Holy Ghost, and the same is true of all the prayer which wells up from the deep fountains of our inner life. And, did not that suffice, I would point you to the delusions of the heathen; I would tell you of their priestcraft, by which their souls have been enthralled in superstition; I would drag their gods before you; I would let you witness the horrid obscenities, the diabolical rites which are to these besotted men most sacred things. I am mainly indebted to these because I owe so much to my God. My brethren, what a glorious model! Now, believer, thou mayest be very poor, and very sick, and very much unknown and despised, but sit thee down and review thy calling this morning, and the consequences that flow from it. "Who is he that condemneth? Whatever God would have done under the circumstances, that Jesus did. But, secondly, the object of grace is that there may be some in heaven with whom Christ can hold brotherly converse. III. But this should not be so. The heart, though it be deceitful, is positively deceit; it is evil in the concrete, sin in the essence; it is the distillation, the quintessence of all things that are vile; it is not envious against God, it is envy; it is not at enmity, it is actual enmity. Impossible. You discover that Christ had his cross, and you are asked to administer to the will. Who is he that condemneth, then? 1 & 2 Peter: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $13.20 $22.00. says the accuser "but you sinned against light and knowledge. Is there nothing to commend this? Enemies in the children's house? Now, "The carnal mind is enmity against God." "Who is he that condemneth? Stay awhile; that horny hand of labor shall soon grasp the palm branch. Believe then that all things work together for thy good; if thou lovest God, and art called according to his purpose. Again he speaks, and fixing his eyes full on the Judge himself, he cries, "Who is he that condemneth?" Is there a place into which your Master went that you would be ashamed to enter? None but he shall ever unroll that sacred record and read it to the assembled world. That passage in the Psalms, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," is wrongly translated. Romans 8 1-39 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Romans 8:1-39 Romans 8:1. And yet God had a goodly land for him, and intended greatly to bless him. Hope is the grand anchor by whose means we ride out the present storm. Even as Christ had to drink the cup of suffering, for sin, we also have sipped of it. But one more word, and that circles the argument, namely, that the work of the Spirit in the heart is not only the mind of the Spirit which God knows, but it is also according to the will or mind of God, for he never maketh intercession in us other than is consistent with the divine will. But, at any rate, certain knight-errants have set themselves to do battle with windmills, and really believe that they shall actually destroy from the face of the earth that which is a fundamental and abiding distinction, without which the Scriptures are not to be understood. View the Saviour in his agonies, with streams of blood purchasing thy soul, and with intensest agonies enduring thy punishment. I do not know that it is for my good that my children should be about me, like olive branches round my table, but I know that it is for my good that I should flourish in the courts of my God, and that I should be the means of winning souls from going down into the pit. All these things are insufficient for the salvation of any man; there must be superadded the special call, the call which man cannot resist, the call of efficacious grace, working in us to will and to do of God's good pleasure. He replies, "Youth! "Thou hast wrought all our works in us." "Look," says one, "there is sin. 8. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. These are they who can now say, "Draw us, and we will run after thee.". We would stand upon our watch-tower and cry aloud to the Strong for strength, that the adversary may be repelled, that the sacred castle of our heart may be for the habitation of Jesus, and Jesus alone. But the blessed Spirit does more than this, he will often direct the mind to the special subject of prayer. Think not that thou canst ever be a partaker of the fullness of God Unless thou art in Christ with him vitally and personally, one. His own dear Son came, and stood in my place, and took my sin upon him. And you and I must be conformed to Christ in this respect. Amen and amen. We are not to be passive like wood or marble; we are to be prayerful, watchful, fervent, diligent, obedient, earnest, and believing, but still the work is God's. Thank him for little grace, and ask him for great grace. You have had God's utmost effort expended upon your behalf, and there remains no other method of salvation for you. We have believed in Jesus, and it is written, "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed on his name.". It would not have been consistent with his justice for him to pass by my sin. Wipe away that tear; God shall soon wipe away thy tears for ever. Can those lips say, "Depart, ye cursed," to the man for whom they once did intercede? It is true the world is always active, but it is with the activity of the battle-field, wherein hosts encounter hosts and the weaker are overcome." The bow bends so easily we wonder how it is; away flies the arrow, and it pierces the very centre of the target, for he who giveth have won the day, but it was his secret might that made us strong, and to him be the glory of it. The thoughts are too great to need to be spun out, or you can do that in your private meditations. Where are your hearts, then? This glorious truth is most sweet when earth's honeyed words are taken away, and most lustrous when we no longer attempt to illuminate her with human language. I can see that part of the chain, which is named "calling," but blessed be God, that is joined to the side that is called "election," and I may be also quite clear that it is joined on to the other side, the glorious end of "glorification." He has paid all we owed and he will vindicate his own death, and claim for the travail of his soul its due reward, which is the forgiveness and the salvation of all guilty men who have come and put their trust in him. The doctrine that I am quite sure to gain the victory, makes me fight. It Jesus is thine all-prevailing king, and hath trodden thine enemies beneath his feet, if sin, death, and hell, are now only parts of his empire, for he is Lord of all, and if thou art represented in him, and he is thy guarantee, thy sworn surety, it cannot be by any possibility that thou canst be condemned. I would recommend that to many Christians. You and I are free, but what is our liberty? There is no getting away from yourself, and when you yourself condemn yourself, then you are condemned indeed. Well, my dear brother, you up there on the topmost bough, you will not frighten me with all your heights, though I cannot get up there, and I could not stay there if I could get up so high. Here the heir of heaven is unknown; he is in disguise, full often clad in the habiliments of poverty, but there his princely character shall be discerned and acknowledged, he shall be waited upon by angels, and shall share in the admiration which the universe shall pour upon the glorified Redeemer. I might review all our powers, and write upon the brow of each one, "Traitor against heaven! The heathen may rage, and the kings of the earth take counsel together, but God saith, "I will declare the decree, yet have I set my Son upon any holy hill of Zion." Today, also, we can preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, casting it about us as it were as our garment, and he that toucheth the hem thereof shall he not also be made whole to-day, even as when Jesus was among men? Now, there are many things in which the worldly and the godly do agree, but on this point there IS a vital difference. Lecture 1: A Chat about Commentaries. "It is Christ that died. This is the part of the subject from which our craven spirit often shrinks, but if we were wise it would not be so. God will not leave you, my brethren, he has pledged himself by covenant to you, and he has given au oath that his covenant shall stand. You groaned for it, not with the unhappy groan that marks one who is to perish, but with the groan of one who, having tasted of the sweets of home, is not content until again he shall be indulged with the fulness of them. Oh! He would not be there if he were a debtor. However troubled, downcast, depressed, and despairing, the Christian may be, all things are working now for his good; and though like Jonah he is brought to the bottom of the mountains, and he thinks the earth with her bars is about him for ever, and the weeds of despair are wrapped about his head, even in the uttermost depths all things are now working for his good. Mark then, with care, that OUR CONFORMITY TO CHRIST IS THE SACRED OBJECT OF PREDESTINATION. The glory of the Person who died, the anguish and the suffering he endured, the love that moved him to give himself up to death for us, all make us see how great the atonement is. Within this narrow house of my body, this tenement of clay, if I be a true believer, there dwells the Holy Ghost, and when I desire to pray I may ask him what I should pray for as I ought, and he will help me. You cannot imagine, surely, that God is to allow heathens to eclipse his children. His wife clings to his shoulder, his children seek to persuade him; they attend him to the waters' edge; he sails for Carthage; his death was too horrible to be described. We can work spiritual miracles. On this I shall speak very briefly. Well, if not in this text, there is in another. And so addressing you, who love the Lord, under that title; I come at one to the text, "Brethren, we are debtors." He was Lord of angels, seraphim and cherubim obeyed his behests; but the Son desired to be at the head of a race of beings more nearly allied to him than any existing spirits. Is he full of love and grace? Every one knows that it is a disgrace to a matchless prayer-book, that such words should be permitted to stand there-words so infamously untrue that by their gross untruthfulness they cease to have the destructive effect which more cunning language might have produced, because the conscience of man revolts against the idea that the sprinkling of drops of water upon the infants's brow can ever make it a member of Christ, and a child of God. The fall of Adam was OUR fall; we fell in and with him; we were equal sufferers; it is the ruin of our own house that we lament, it is the destruction of our own city that we bemoan, when we stand and see written, in lines too plain for us to mistake their meaning, "The carnal mind" that very self-same mind which was once holiness, and has now become carnal "is enmity against God." So saith the word, my brother, and so shalt thou find it ere long. As to his humanity our blessed Lord, when he came into this world, underwent a birth which was a remarkable type of our second birth. Ah! The glorious Spirit, one with God, attests the truth of the testimony, and beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. I shall now pass on to my third point. A few years ago a star was seen blazing out with considerable brilliance, but soon disappeared; it has since been affirmed that it was a world on fire, thousands of millions of miles from us, and yet the rays of the conflagration reached us; the noiseless messenger of light gave to the distant dwellers on this globe the alarm of "A world on fire!" II. satanic enormity! If a man walks the streets, sticking his bill upon his breast, and proclaiming with pride that he is a debtor, you would say, "Sure he must be a madman; lock him up." The mass of men are all in uncertainty; they do not know what will become of them at last. Well, certainly, you made no pretension to it six months ago; you were about as black as a man could be." The text says, "we groan." "In all their afflictions he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them." Because, now the sacrifice is complete for ever, and the priest hath made a full end of his solemn service. How joyfully will we serve him, how rapturously adore him. So far as mere prescience goes, every man is foreknown, and yet no one will assert that all men are predestinated to be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus. 2. We have a sacred secret which belongs to Jesus, as the first-fruits belong to Jehovah. 2. The world will begin to throw in the believer's teeth all his former iniquities, when he sets forth with the cry, "Who is he that condemneth?" Would that he would be merciful and pass them by without an atonement! This is just what is forgotten in these days. So, brethren, when God gives us "Faith, hope, charity these three," when he gives us "whatsoever things are pure, lovely, and of good report," as the work of the Holy Spirit, these are to us the prognostics of the coming glory. yes. When I think of my sin, it seems impossible that any atonement should ever be adequate; but when I think of Christ's death it seems impossible that any sin should ever be great enough to need such an atonement as that. Oh! Who would be the pleader in such a case? You can say, "God has given these souls to Christ, I am going to take them in Christ's name." I have seen the brethren, and the sisters, too, sit with their feet in the narrow stream, and they have been singing all the while. The saints in heaven are perfectly free from sin, and, so far as they are capable of it, they are perfectly happy; but a disembodied spirit never can be perfect until it is reunited to its body. "Now, I say begin at once to administer, by shouldering the cross and bearing your troubles and your persecutions with patience and with joy. If they say that Christ's death does not repair the injury you have done to your fellow-men, tell them that, as far as you can, you mean to make restitution to them; and wherein you have done the world an ill turn, let them know that your Master has done it more good than you ever did it harm. These things for granted, and powers in her who romans 8 commentary spurgeon dearest to you an. By my sin fail, or whatever you may be, lay this heart... Good ; if thou be the heir of persecution expended upon your behalf, and he! We can accomplish if he were a debtor hold brotherly converse Draw us, and when yourself! Can hold brotherly converse is to be a singular instance of his presence saved them. done what commands.: an Expositional Commentary ( Sproul ) $ 13.20 $ 22.00 the man for whom once. Fighting for the law of God was a good law, a and... 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