Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church got worldwide attention several years ago for his violently homophobic comments. While Bakker isnt considered serious enough a threat to many seminarians to spend their brain energy upon, the man has a huge multi-media platform that reaches hundreds of thousands of people, makes millions of dollars, and fleeces countless poor and ignorant people while guiding them to the darkest corners of charismania. And so, we go to the heretics and document their falsehoods for ourselves and our posterity. And, if youre now stuck in the eternal black hole of YouTube, heres a montage of some of his most epic rants. She says she, her husband and children, whom she home-schools, spend our days learning, working, playing and putting out all kinds of fires as we serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. In the summer of 2013, Pastor Furse's family happened to be vacationing in Arizona, and he made it a point to visit one of the producers of this DVD, Steven Anderson. I got Christian hate-preacher Steven Anderson banned from YouTube.. A few days ago, I posted about how the leader of Arizona's (New Independent Fundamentalist) Faithful Word Baptist Church had been posting his recent sermons on a variety of smaller YouTube channels or having his followers post them for him to get around the ban that YouTube had placed on his own page. Things are moving quickly now in the sex scandal involving the three oldest sons of Steven Anderson of Tempe, Arizonas favorite SPLC hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. I think they are going to be live streaming it Today and Tomorrow. and been featured onRight Wing Watch(of course, so have I). He attended seven Christian schools as a child, and was homeschooled for one year. Book Two will also teach you how to play in the key of "F" and in the key of "D.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Polemics in the 21st Century has followed the course of journalism. I do believe that Anderson says it like hethinksit is. You dont even have to believe in God. He has apparently deleted all of his content on YouTube now. That's not a coincidence. The church has a small congregation and is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denomination. We need to hold that line.. Like many other hate preachers, Anderson goes online to spread religious discrimination and hatred. Age, Biography and Wiki. Habakkuk 3. I understand his popularity. Suicide by proxy is a tool of a narcissist, used only to control others. [9] In May 2015, he posted a YouTube video, titled The Holocaust Hoax Exposed, promoting Holocaust denial. By the time you have finished Book Two . [5][15], The day after Anderson delivered his Why I Hate Barack Obama sermon, a church member, Chris Broughton, carried an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and a pistol to the Phoenix Convention Center, where President Obama was speaking. Is it possible that people follow Anderson not necessarily because they agree with what he believes, but because they know for sure that he believes it? This means, by deduction, Andersons success is not duemerelyto the phenomenon of social media influence. We that is, the polemicists are the primary resources. See more hotlines here, here, or here, More comfortable with texting? What I saw, quite frankly, was pretty much exactly what I see each week at my church with the exception that people dont bring their own rocking chairs, the ceiling is higher,and were under-dressed. [20] On August 7, 2019, Anderson was denied entry to New Zealand. [5], In 2009, Anderson had a confrontation with United States Border Patrol agents at an interior checkpoint on Interstate 8, about 70 miles (110km) east of Yuma, Arizona. He produced a documentary titled Marching to Zion in which he "championed a wide range of antisemitic stereotypes", according to Matthew H. Brittingham of Emory University.[2][a]. Contents He and his movement have a pretty hardcore internet following and have harmed a lot of people with the "Gay Reprobate Doctrine." Anderson operates a website titled True Sons of Liberty where he recommends elimination of the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Social Security Administration, and child protective services. This is not friendly competition; he wanted to prove male superiority . [3], Anderson established Faithful Word Baptist Church as a fundamentalist Independent Baptist church in Tempe, Arizona, on Christmas Day in December 2005 and he remains its pastor. document.write(''); Matthew 10:8 KJV, How to Be 100% Sure You are Going to Heaven, Over 14k NIFB Sermons, Clips, & Videos @ AllThePreaching.Com, "Die LGBT-Lge" Sodomite Deception in German, The Jews and Their Lies Pastor Anderson, Mary Tyler Moore, Swine Flu Shot CBS 60 Minutes Aired 1979, My Opinon of the COVID-19 Vaccine Pastor Anderson, "American Patriotism in Light of the Bible" Pastor Anderson, "Being Ashamed of the Right Things" Pastor Anderson, "Being White is not a Crime" Pastor Anderson, "Communism In Light of the Bible" Pastor Anderson, "Deuteronomy 22:5 in Context" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 1 - King Solomon Speaks of Vanity" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 3 - A Time for Everything" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 5 - The Vanity of Wealth and Honor" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 7 - Part 1" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 7 - Part 2" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 9 - Those Who Fear God Will Do Well" Pastor Anderson, "Ecclesiastes 12 - Fear God and Keep His Commandments" Pastor Anderson, "Glorying In Their Shame" Pastor Anderson, "Having Pleasure in Reprobates" Pastor Anderson, "Hip-Hop In Light of the Bible" Pastor Anderson, I See Men as Trees, Walking Pastor Anderson, Islam in Light of the Bible Part 1 Pastor Anderson, Islam in Light of the Bible Part 2 Pastor Anderson, Islam in Light of the Bible Part 3 Pastor Anderson, Islam is a Stupid Religion Pastor Anderson, Jeremiah 16 The Sodomites Will Never Stop Us Pastor Anderson, Judges 12 - Shibboleth Pastor Anderson, Judges 15 - Samson Defeats the Philistines Pastor Anderson, Judges 16 - Samson and Delilah Pastor Anderson, Judges 17 - Micah's Idols Pastor Anderson, Judges 18 - The Danites Pastor Anderson, Judges 19 - The Levite and His Concubine Pastor Anderson, Judges 20 - The Punishment of the Benjamites Pastor Anderson, Judges 21 - Wives for the Benjamites Pastor Anderson, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" Pastor Anderson, "MAGA - Make Americans God-Fearing Again" Pastor Anderson, "Make America Hate Again" Pastor Anderson, Pastor Anderson Exposed Part 3 Pastor Anderson, Reasons to Praise the Lord Pastor Anderson, Remember that you Will Die Pastor Anderson, Rioting and Looting Part 1 Pastor Anderson, Rioting and Looting Part 2 Pastor Anderson, Sheba, Son of Bichri (Adam Fannin Exposed) Pastor Anderson, Spiritual Endurance Pastor Anderson, Steven Anderson Exposed Part 14 Pastor Anderson, The Corrupting Influence of Islam Brother Raymond Cooper, The Definition of Railing Pastor Anderson, The Devil's Effect on a Life Pastor Anderson, The Dung of Your Solemn Feasts Pastor Anderson, The Homo Agenda vs. Reality Pastor Anderson, The Horrific Nature of Hell Pastor Anderson, The New Evangelical Movement Pastor Anderson, The Sin of Gluttony Pastor Anderson, The Spiritual Evil of Socialism Pastor Anderson, The Truth About 9/11 & The War on Terror(Clip) Pastor Anderson, Them That Defile Themselves With Mankind Pastor Anderson, Ways to Destroy Yourself Pastor Anderson, "Why I Hate Barrack Obama" Pastor Anderson, "Why We Need Another MASA Conference" Pastor Anderson, "Women Working in Light of the Bible" Pastor Anderson, Pastor Mejia on Infowars, after building bombed, Only One Viewpoint is Allowed Pastor Anderson, Things That Make You Puke Pastor Mejia, Reasons I Doubt Somone's Salvation Pastor Mejia, Preparations for Warfare Pastor Mejia, The Way Things Used to Be Pastor Berzins, Vaccines Infanticide NWO Pastor Mejia, Vaccines in Light of The Bible Pastor Mejia, The Christian Response to the Orlando Shooting Pastor Jimenez, Haman's Hate - A Portrait of a Psychopath Reprobate Pastor Jimenez, Job 40 God Speaks - Behemoth, Dinosaurs in the Bible! Pastor Jimenez, Landmarks S2E4 Vaccinating Your Children Pastor Jimenez, Exposing the Occult & Witchcraft Pastor Jimenez, Psychopath Reprobates Part 1 Pastor Jimenez, Psychopath Reprobates Part 2 Pastor Jimenez, Stupid Things Christians Believe Pastor Jimenez, The Mark of the Beast Pastor Jimenez, The Truth About Vaccines Pastor Jimenez, What Made America Great Pastor Jimenez, Why You're Not Satisfied and How to Change It! Pastor Jimenez, Why will God Allow the Great Tribulaton Pastor Jimenez, 15 Biblical Reasons Why You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol Pastor Shelley, A Prepared Place For You Pastor Shelley, A Prophet is Not Without Honor Pastor Shelley, Attacks of the Devil Pastor Shelley, A Woman Taken in Adultery Pastor Shelley, Alcohol Destroys Lives Brother Milstead, All Men Ought to Pray Pastor Shelley, America has a Whore's Forehead Pastor Shelley, As a Dog Returneth to His Vomit Pastor Anderson, Bacon Eating Zionists Pastor Shelley, Be a Life-long Giver Pastor Shelley, Being a Guest and Hosting Pastor Shelley, Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost Pastor Shelley, Boss 1st, Friend 2nd Pastor Shelley, Burning False Bibles Pastor Shelley, Calling Upon the Name of The Lord Pastor Shelley, Christ Must Needs Have Suffered Part 1 Pastor Shelley, Christ Must Needs Have Suffered Part 2 Pastor Shelley, Commanding to Abstain from Meats Heresy Brother Milstead, Conclusions of Calvinism Pastor Shelley, Crossdressing in Light of the Bible Pastor Shelley, Flat Earthers are Stupid or Wicked or Both Pastor Shelley, Fruit of the Righteous Pastor Shelley, Gamers in Light of the Bible Pastor Mejia, Going to Church With All Thy Might Pastor Shelley, Hard Words in the Bible Pastor Shelley, Having the Right Priorities Pastor Shelley, Hiding the Accursed Thing Pastor Shelley, Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother Pastor Shelley, How to Avoid being Socially Awkward Pastor Shelley, How to be a Preacher like Ezekiel Brother Awes, Knowledge of the Gift of God Pastor Shelley, Lessons from My Mother Pastor Shelley, Loving Thy Neighbour Brother Urbanek, Making a Deal with the Devil Pastor Jimenez, Martin Luther is Burning in Hell Brother Furrh, Modern Bible Changes Pastor Shelley, Moses Pictures Jesus Part 1 Pastor Shelley, Moses Pictures Jesus Part 2 Pastor Shelley, Original Sin Exposed Brother Akinosho, Overcoming Peer Pressure Pastor Shelley, Purify Your Members Brother Urbanek, Put That on Mine Account Pastor Shelley, Rebellion Leads to Replacement Pastor Shelley, Replacement Theology Pastor Shelley, Romans 9 - Calvinism Debunked Pastor Shelley, Sarah Silverman vs. Sara in the Bible Pastor Shelley, Seeing Things How God Sees Them Pastor Thompson, Skills to Pay the Bills Pastor Shelley, Sodomite Salvation Debunked Pastor Shelley, Stupid Things Christians Say Pastor Shelley, That We May Know Him Brother Milstead, The Anticipation of Christ (Christmas) Pastor Shelley, The Assembly of Mockers Pastor Mejia, The Book of Esther Explained Pastor Shelley, The Counsel of the Ungodly Pastor Shelley, The Day of Judgement Pastor Shelley, The Ensample of a Church Pastor Shelley, The Impact of One Person Pastor Shelley, The LORD is My Strength Pastor Shelley, The Most Loving Thing You Can Do Pastor Shelley, The New is Better #NIFB Pastor Shelley, The Positive Example of John the Baptist Brother Naim, The Pursuit of Happiness Brother Awes, The Revival of Jonah Brother Stucky, The Satanic Agenda of the Natural History Museum Pastor Shelley, The Sodomite Deception Sermon Pastor Shelley, The Son of God is Come Pastor Shelley, The Struggle With Sin Pastor Shelley, The Sufferings of Christ Pastor Shelley, The Thoroughness of God's Deliverance Pastor Mejia, The Word of God is not Bound Pastor Shelley, Things Jesus Actually Said Pastor Shelley, Through Tribulation Brother Urbanek, West Coast Bastard College Pastor Shelley, What It Means to be a Fundamental Baptist Pastor Shelley, What Makes a Mother Special Pastor Shelley, What Manner of Man is This Pastor Shelley, When the Enemy Shall Come in Like a Flood Pastor Mejia, When the World is Against You Brother Urbanek, Who is on the LORD's Side Brother Naim, Why I Hate Santa Claus Pastor Shelley, Why the Son is Important Pastor Shelley, Why the Truth is Important Pastor Shelley, Why You Should Memorize the Bible Pastor Shelley, With the Rod Or With Love Brother Nogueira, Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good Pastor Anderson, Woe Unto You That Are Full! Pastor Shelley, 2 Kings 12 Joash Did Right All the Days of Jehoiada Pastor Berzins, A Christian View of Sodomites Pastor Berzins, Babylon the Great Whore and the Beast Pastor Berzins, Christians Should Not Get Vaccinated Pastor Berzins, Dung Faced Preachers Pastor Berzins, Genesis 19 - God Rains Fire & Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah Pastor Berzins, Hinduism and it's Impact on Christians Pastor Berzins, How to Fight the New World Order Pastor Berzins, Judges 19 - Sodomites are The Sons of Belial Pastor Berzins, Make Christianity Biblical Again Pastor Berzins, Millennial Exclusion Purgatory DEBUNKED Pastor Berzins, Never Forget 9/11 Was a False Flag Pastor Berzins, No Turning Back - Remember Lot's Wife Pastor Berzins, Some Christians Are Racist Pastor Berzins, The Sin of Being Effeminate Pastor Berzins, What Does the Bible Say About Female Pastors Pastor Berzins, There are many Adversaries Part 1 Pastor Thompson, There are many Adversaries Part 2 Pastor Thompson, Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord Pastor Thompson, The Christian Response To The Kyle Rittenhouse Case Pastor Thompson, Why Desmond Tutu is Burning In Hell Pastor Thompson, The Queer Deathstyle Brother Jordan SFBC North, Unclean - The Truth about Vaccines Pastor Thompson, They Could Not Believe Pastor Sepulveda NLBC Australia, Woe unto the Sinful Nation Brother Anselm NIFB Germany, Battles Worth Fighting Deacon Ressl FWBC Tuscon, Hedge Trimmers Pastor Jones Sheild of Faith Baptist Church, TDF's Pastor Jones Sheild of Faith Baptist Church, Esther 9 Judaism & Purim Brother Stucky Verity Manila, Hate the Homo Deacon Ressl FWBC Tuscon, Jew Are You Deacon Ressl FWBC Tuscon, April 27 2022 "Ezekiel 37" Pastor Anderson, April 24 2022 "Life Isn't Fair" Pastor Anderson, April 24 2022 "The Epistle To Philemon" Pastor Anderson, April 20 2022 "Ezekiel 36" Pastor Anderson, April 17 2022 "Shortcuts For The Slothful" Pastor Anderson, April 17 2022 "Resurrection In The Old Testament" Pastor Anderson, April 13 2022 "Ezekiel 35" Pastor Anderson, April 10 2022 "Be Doers of the Word" Pastor Anderson, April 10 2022 "Lessons From Ultra-Running" Pastor Anderson, April 6 2022 "Ezekiel 34" Pastor Anderson, April 4 2022 Pastor Anderson Interviewed on Bryson Gray Podcast, April 3 2022 The Substance of Things Hoped For Pastor Anderson, April 3 2022 Whole Armour of God Pastor Anderson. [36], Anderson met his wife Zsuzsanna in Munich, Bavaria, by presenting her with the gospel. This also means that I go to places other people would ordinarily not go and sometimes do things that people in other fields of theological study dont have to do. They are evil; they are freaks; they are predators. I approached the shopping center on Wednesday the 18th of October at approximately 8:45 PM (the church service began at 7 PM). Anditwas full. Inappropriate no matter what the circumstances, but doubly so in an age group that can in no way give legal sexual consent. Pm ( the church service began at 7 PM ) like many other hate preachers Anderson. 20 ] on August 7, 2019, Anderson was denied pastor steven anderson church to Zealand! Evil ; they are predators content on YouTube now of his content on YouTube now here, here... Tool of a narcissist, used only to control others a small congregation and is not friendly ;! Her with the gospel 9 ] in May 2015, he posted a YouTube video, the. 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