We provide a variety of content and ongoing opportunities for you to do together with your spouse and/or your family, right at home, every day or every week of the year.  

Daily on social media – Every day during the week on social media (Facebook and Instagram) we post one of the following: discussions (for spouses and families), practical challenges (for spouses and families), original videos, family prayer, resources, & more.  As well, we keep you updated with all the events and offerings from School of Love.

Weekly via email – Then, once each week, on Sunday, we send an email compilation of all the various content and opportunities posted daily during that week on our social media.  So the email contains all the same great discussions, challenges, videos, prayer, & resources from social media, only all at one time and all in one place… your inbox.

All the content for an entire month is related (and based on one of our “12 Tenets of a Catholic Marriage & Family Spirituality“) to help you go deep in one area of your faith+marriage+family.

Subscribe to one or both of the options below:



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