Increases in passengers at this time I believe will stress our infrastructure and resources and negatively impact communities. Monitor these projects on a regular basis on our council agenda. Hawai`is native ancestors revered and lived fully the values of Aloha `Aina & Malama Aina. And by doing so, we can also keep money in our local economy and save residents money. We know that a lot of younger women and a lot of younger people in general dont vote Theyre not voting because they dont see themselves reflected in the system, nonprofit director Nikki Cristobal, who is also Bulosans partner, testified. The tax rate for the Vacation Rental class is the second highest tax rate in the county. LIHU'E A resolution set to go before County Council Wednesday would increase the maximum salaries of the mayor,. After the second presentation on May 17, I appreciate the 4 different alternatives for solutions to improving our Lhue Airport. I do not agree with discussions that occur off-line. So I know that this is a hard decision for all of us. Lastly, we need to divert food waste from our landfill to composting facilities. I was born and raised on Kauai. Council can best help by approving funding, encouraging action through paying attention and supporting progress. Although such projects alone will never fill the housing gap, they are essential to providing a safety net and serving those most at need. When the Council on Wednesday chose Kagawa to replace former member Luke Evslin who is now a member of the Hawaii House of Representatives Kagawas placement in the election was a major reason. As part of the Kauai Food Hub, and hosting the Ai Pono Eat Local Challenge these last few years, I have had an opportunity to better understand the issues that are holding up expanding local food production on Kauai. The County Council could support this vision by being more involved with these groups that we work with and promote more volunteering in our community. Yes, I support establishing equitable property tax rates so that the services the county provides have the resources to execute fairly. Since we have a problem with pesticides and herbicides, I want to continue with whatever agriculture we have going now. I would oppose increasing the rental car stacked garage facility. During the COVID-19 pandemic we addressed our budget shortfall by utilizing our rainy day funds or reserves, deferring most of our maintenance items and not filling as many of the vacant positions we had as possible. I am passionate about our county developing a flourishing agricultural industry that provides employment in food production, processing and distribution, and that pays living wages. A social worker, a fire commissioner and a couple of current or former County Council members are in the running to fill two vacant seats in Hawaii's Legislature. Ensure the authentic Hawaiian culture is perpetuated and accurately presented in experiences for residents and visitors, materials and marketing efforts. We need the funding to make these happen. Keiko Bonk, county council member Robert Bunda, senate president John A. Burns, US Congress delegate, governor C [ edit] Romeo Munoz Cachola, city council member George R. Carter, governor Edward Espenett Case, US Congress Campbell Cavasso, legislator Benjamin J. Cayetano, governor, lt. governor Charles Spencer Crane, mayor of Honolulu We need to address overcrowding and transportation options to our visitor destinations like the current Northshore shuttle program that is currently being discussed with the hope of implementation soon. I see myself as the bridge that can connect all areas and work towards finding solutions to move issues forward. The following came from KipuKai Kualii, candidate for Kauai County Council. Addressing the combined impacts to the climate from ecosystem loss and destruction of environmental services, CO2 production due to transport of food through programs that support local food production and access are critical. Several examples are Aloha Aina Poi Company and Kumano I Ke Ala, Iwi Kua, and the work they are doing on the west side to restore existing agricultural systems and providing that local ingredients to local businesses and people in that ahupuaa. Putting this price tag of a MURF on our residence of Kauai will cripple their monthly budget. There should be a pick up like we have for garbage for correctly separated and cleaned items. The weaknesses and challenges of our agriculture sector became even more evident during the worst parts of the COVID pandemic. In the DMAP vision of tourism in 2040, Kauai is a global leader in the reinvention of the visitor industry. Strengthen the economic contribution of Kauais visitor industry. We must also support our County working in partnership with private entities wherever possible and proposing new residential developments in Lihu`e in order to take advantage of that treatment plants significant excess capacity. We must support our County Planners engaging with Dept. Our County should also work in partnership with private entities wherever possible to create additional wastewater treatment facilities. Holland came in ninth place during the 2022 Kauai County Council election. Below are those that responded by deadline and their answers. I will be transparent, clear and thoughtful in the things I support and dont, with an explanation and an open door. I have been blessed and honored to have served Kauai for 14 years. These products can be made a certified community kitchens in partnership with our local slaughter houses. The DMAP is a positive forward step in creating a better relationship with tourism that feels less extractive to local residents. We have major road works happening over the next few years. An effective tax rate for these homes can incentivize them to convert to resident housing and help fund the construction of affordable housing. Anything we can do to incentivize home construction within and directly adjacent to our existing towns will help alleviate this pressure on our agricultural land. LIHU'E With newly appointed state Rep. Luke Evslin heading to O'ahu, the remaining six members of the Kaua'i County Council now must select a replacement to fill his vacant seat. Affordable housing refers to those projects funded through County support, Federal tax credits, and/or imposition on developers. The County Councils biggest responsibility is balancing the county budget every year. Most of our primary facilities were built in a different era, with different regulations with many too close to the shoreline. Traffic, poor maintenance of public infrastructure, and abuse of natural resources are just a few consequences of overtourism. Managing the introduced changes to nature are our strongest challenges with wilderness overgrowth of albizia, hau and other plants choking the natural flow of the rivers and streams, causing wetland flooding, stream stagnation and heavy property damage in storms. In the event of a hurricane, a war, a prolonged economic downturn, or another catastrophic lockdown, there is minimal impact on the full living units in the TVR category. I was born and raised in Kapahi and I understand the issues that matter to our islands. I would investigate all options for funding under this measure for all the areas of the bill that funding is being provided for. I will be responsible about how we move forward with our operations as well, ensuring we are planning for the long term but ensuring we meet our short-term needs. Whats most important to me here is to learn from the many stakeholders in our economy who are working on diversifying our economy, taking the best ideas from the collective and doing what I can to support moving them forward. Districts work closely with county, state and federal governments and both public and private organizations in a non-regulatory capacity. Please explain your answer. Of those, 123 converted from residential or homestead use to TVR Thats 123 less homes available on Kauai last year alone and resulted in a net decline overall in the number of resident occupied homes on Kauai. The night market is unlike other Night Markets as attendance are majority local people. Again, this would be investing into our local future workforce & creatives while being able to make money from out of state student enrollment. We must support our County properly maintaining our four wastewater treatment plants which were built before 1980 and fund the necessary upgrades to our current systems; even if that means increasing sewer fees. The work of going after grant funding falls mostly on County Department heads and they do a great job along those lines. That we are talking to our Senators and House Representatives and making them accountable that we receive a piece of the pie that is equitable. I totally support the Kauai Destination Management Action Plan which is a well-developed plan that brings forth the need to better manage and balance our tourism industry with our local infrastructure, natural resources, and our residents. I will attend events and meetings that help me better understand the needs of the business community and I will engage in ways that can support those needs wherever I can. QUESTION #8What elements of the Lihue Airport Master Plan to do you support? Every time I go to these recycling locations I see trash bags and random items in the bins and my gut feeling is that no one is separating this at the main station so therefore it must be going to the landfill. 808-245-7363 4268 H Rice Street, Lihue, HI 96766[emailprotected]. We cant ignore the environmental crisis any longer. Lastly, we need to modify the agricultural dedication process, especially for small farms, to ensure that bonafide farmers are paying minimal taxes and that wealthy land owners arent using the system simply as a tax haven. A strong area of economic diversification that has rapidly and recently grown is residents who remote work or have other avenues of external income. Please view at your own discretion. FILE - Ross Kagawa to return to Kauai County Council after Gov. Aside from the simple math of an aging demographic, we also are facing an infrastructure crisis. However, its partly our job to help set the Administration up for success on this front. Contact Information 4396 Rice Street, Suite 209 Lihue, Hawaii 96766. One house on Kauapea Road pays roughly the same or more taxes as all the houses along the perpendicular village street of Kilauea Road on which I live. My individual choice is to honor the will of the voters and support the next person in line according to the vote totals from our election just three months ago, said Council Vice Chair KipuKai Kualii, voicing a sentiment shared by the five councilmembers who voted in favor of Ross Kagawa. Private partnerships may be required, such as small scale anaerobic digesters under consideration. We need to burn all inflammable waste. My strength as a detailed, numbers guy fighting for our citizens hard-earned tax dollars is needed now more than ever. 0 of 16 precincts reporting. 9,622 votes 11.21% . Also look at all areas to divert waste from going into the landfill. Waimea Huakai and Habitat for Humanity Affordable Housing, Waimea, Kauai. There was a net increase of 133 TVRs on Kauai in 2022. I will also support efforts to restore our native ecosystems and indigenous land management practices that will give us more resilience to the predicted impacts of climate change. In 1979, Harris was elected to the Kauai County Council where he served a single two-year term. Kaumakani was officially known as Makaweli meaning "fearful features". We can do this by continuing to support our government institutions, schools, hospitals, catering companies, and hotels to use more local ingredients. 2) Not build any new roads. Delivering Core Services Efficiently Prioritizing the efficient delivery of Public Safety (Police, Fire & Rescue) and Public Works (Roads, Parks, Sewage Treatment, Solid Waste & Water) services. Growing more food locally and less reliance on ag imports. I do not support an adjacent landfill in Kekaha, I believe the Mn Plain needs massive rehabilitation and Kekaha has taken enough trash and toxins, and this location is again too close to the coast and water table. The County has our Economic Board that funds these projects through grants and other funding sources. continue supporting bills that make all our buildings more efficient, and support all extensive waste diversion efforts to reduce our solid waste hauling. This site was listed as a viable site through a comprehensive study that was done on potential landfill locations on our Island. A policy I wish to develop is the ability of a tax class to change in the middle of a budget year. We need to literally start planting seeds now for a thriving agricultural sector tomorrow. I believe that our Office of Economic Development does a great job and I am committed to supporting their efforts as best as I can. In the next two years I would like to see the state and county working together, an in-flight video that visitors must watch before arrival and to track the movement of visitors so that maintenance and management of those areas can be prioritized. I am a strong advocate of performance audits. #1 were over capacity for tourists. In my first four budget sessions, managing the county budget has been relatively comfortable working with the mayors office as they have presented a balanced budget with excess to return to our county reserve fund. I would use my management skills from working for Central Parking in Managing parking for Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, Halekulani Hotel, and Hawaii Prince Hotel managing 19 employees and a 2.5 million dollar budget. As for steps Id take, I will.. work to ensure that our land use, capital improvements and all our programming considers our statewide and county plans and policies addressing climate change and sea level rise continue supporting Housing & Planning bills that increase housing and livability in our town cores so people can live close to jobs, services & recreation and rely less on driving. He also previously served for 8 years on the Kauai County Council and was Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control for the State of Hawaii (2011/2012). And lastly, I dont take any donations from anyone, so I can assure all of my voters, no one business, special interest group and or individuals control my decisions, Billy DeCosta, works for the people and all you need to donate to his campaign is your VOTE ! First, I would aim to pick an agriculture item that we on Kauai want and need and do market research to see what other state or country has the same demand for. Over these last two years, I have shown a deep understanding of our budget and how to be fiscally responsible, so your tax dollars are not foolishly spent. We must change our thinking to locals first and make sure that the quality of life for our residents is not compromised for the safe of the tourist dollar. Offering a more permanent 2% revenue stream into the Housing Revolving Fund to the voters through a ballot initiative is an imperfect measure that I will support. at a rate consistent with other resort uses. Delays in permitting only adds cost to projects. We need to improve our port security and get drugs off our streets while we work to address the issue holistically with counseling programs, on island detox and treatment centers and housing first solutions. Similarly, the Biden White House released a housing plan that Reward jurisdictions that have reformed zoning and land-use policies with higher scores in certain federal grant processes. Along these lines, its our job to help make these reforms in our zoning code to help set up our various Departments to maximize the chances of receiving grant money. 4. Applying most of this additional $49 M was expressed in the Capital Improvement Projects area of the budget to resist raising the yearly operating expenses. Regenerative tourism focuses on the supply-side, host communities and ecosystems, rather than just the visitors needs and wants of the market-demand approach. Climate change is here to stay, its going to be a huge problem in future generations and its going to get worse but we are human beings a we a smarter than that. Recycling should is a must and something that we should already be doing. Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council Minutes of September 15, 2022 Page 3 of 3 information/data to further assess the health care needs of the community. not just property tax breaks, but significant state tax breaks. If we are both re-elected, I believe its very likely that Councilmember Evslin & I will bring the matter up for a vote again; especially if we the voters endorse dedicating 2% of our real property taxes each year to our Housing Development Fund by charter vote this fall. E-mail sent to Councilmembers and Council Services Staff for inclusion as TESTIMONY: 2. As we push development into our agricultural areas, were forcing residents into longer and longer commutes. We have pressing infrastructure needs, bridges and roads and wastewater to list just a few, and I believe these are priorities before we increase our visitor counts and flights. My goal is to be proactive with our administration and work with each department to understand how we can create more efficiency in our systems. Thank you. I have tried to raise the vacation rental rate to equal the resort rate twice at budget (2019 and 2022). According to the Department of Business and Economic Development, the average daily rate for TVRs in 2022 is $386.74 compared to $279.70 in 2019. QUESTION #10How would you ensure that planned County infrastructure projects on Kauai move forward in a timely manner? Mahalo to the Kauai Chamber for all the work that you do for our island home, and I look forward to serving a second term as a member of the Kauai County Council where I will continue to be a bridge and connect government to the people. If elected it would be important to make sure that there is ample opportunity for the business community to give their input and by providing early evenings and Saturday meeting times. The nurturing of small-scale farms, promoting crop diversity, and encouraging stronger public/private partnerships is very important for agriculture. And, were currently working on even more improvements. Posted in . As a computer programmer I always had to solve problems. We need to improve our port security and get drugs off our streets while we work to address the issue holistically with counseling programs, on island detox and treatment centers and housing first solutions. It may also serve as an invaluable stop-gap to help a resort faced with an uncontrollable crisis not collapse into full failure. We need to expand composting capacity, create diversion incentives for generators of commercial green waste and food, and address residential green waste and food waste which make up 28% of landfilled waste. We are out of time. I have a degree in political science from the University of Hawaii. Have watch dog groups in each community to sound the alarm when things, i.e road repair are not dragging on endlessly. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. Leveling out the rates and getting more funding for our housing fund would ultimately mean we could provide more workforce housing for our hospitality workers, teachers, nurses and all our working families. I recognize that the Mayor took a number of hard steps through the pandemic to keep Kauai safe some of which included essentially shutting down the TVR industry. Visitors learn about the inequities of our food systems and are encouraged to support local restaurants that use local ingredients. One of my favorite quotes is, Life is in the follow-up. Ill work closely with our departments and do regular follow-ups to make sure things stay on a timeline. Flush with money and drunk on the possibilities of the automobile, we spent large sums of money on sprawling infrastructure. This is relatively close to DMAP policy A.2, the Universal Fee Model. We cant rebuild a new facility in these same locations. We can move unspent CIP funds to other projects during the budget process and we can ask for status updates at any time and I have done both. I want to thank all of our leaders in our community for the work you have done and keep doing. In the interim, tourists would be housed in hotels where they could move about the grounds . In addition to agriculture, I will investigate ways to support small businesses and work with local business associations to address their needs where able. This page shows you the collective voting record of all the Kauai County Council Members. The various departments have done a rather impressive job at successfully procuring Federal monies. Routinely, I phone or drop by for a visit to businesses that may be adversely affected by policy that appears on our council agenda when introduced by colleagues. Please check out my website at to see a full list of policies that Ive worked on and a list of proposed policies for the future. We need policies that limit these large developments until there is a solution planned for our landfill. But, from a legislative perspective policies A.2 and D.4 are the two where the County Council has the most power to leverage change. Kauai lost its most popular County Council member on Wednesday when Luke Evslin resigned to accept Gov. Giving friendly reminders that this is what these people are being paid to do. Support the maintenance, enhancement, and protection of Kauais natural resources. While the FAQ of the Airport Master Plan says that airport expansions do not induce demand, in Barnes v. Dot, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the FAA has knowledge that there is at least a reasonable possibility that increasing airport capacity would lead to increased demand, but that they chose to gloss over it. The consultants seem to be doing the same thing for the Lihue Airport Master Plan. The county is currently developing a climate resilience and adaptation plan which will include detailed policies to equitably retreat from rising seas and a framework on how and where to build resilient infrastructure and housing. The consolidation of the ticket-lobby and baggage claim areas seems prudent. Creating a limit on the number of TVRs may be more effective in retaining houses for homes. The tax collected could become discounts available for local families. Our County Planners are gathering critical public input in order to draft our first Kauai Climate Change Adaptation Plan which will guide development, natural resource protection and community resilience in the face of climate change-related impacts. Ive also demonstrated my dedication to public service, my legislative policy experience, my strength with budgeting, my understanding of the issues and my commitment to always doing my homework, listening carefully and working collaboratively. We also deferred a significant amount of road repairs and road resurfacing. of Water Planners updating the County Water Plan to guide system expansion, improvement, rehabilitation, and rate structures that support growth consistent with housing development plans. One of the greatest things that has to happen for our island is to have our own recyclery. I was the spokesperson for Honolulu Recovery Systems and Honolulu Disposal who also owns Garden Isle Disposal and Recycling. As a small business owner, President of Rice Street Business Association, Board member of Lhue Business Association, and former board member of the Kauai Chamber of Commerce and Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce, I love working with our business community in solving our mutual challenges. Our Kauai Climate Change Adaptation Plan will indeed include Managed Retreat, a difficult response to coastal erosion where oceanfront property structures are demolished and rebuilt inland. I appreciate the goal to rebuild, redefine and reset the direction of tourism over a three-year period. We could design and implement a MURF but securing that funding will take creativity and collaboration with other funding sources. I do support expanding our TSA lines and hope that in the plan TSA will also be provided with more up to date equipment so that everyone can get to their next destination. But, for the reasons stated I think its the right decision. We are facing critical moments for our economy and environment and I hope that my time, energy, and aloha can be contributed to the work at the Kauai County Council level. I also helped spearhead sending a Council charter amendment proposal to the voters to approve dedicating 2% (est. work to move our Kaua`i Bus to fully electric and move the rest of the County fleet to electric as much as practicable. Any additional density on agricultural land (like the constant push to allow ADUs on ag land) increases the value of agricultural land, increases the likelihood of non-farm development of that ag land, and makes it less likely that a farmer can pay off a loan or mortgage on the property. Maintaining or marginally reducing visitor numbers to a sustainable level (23,000-25,000) will be much harder if our airport is built out to accommodate more arrivals. 1) We need to build more homes in and around our existing towns. I plan to work further with Councilmember Evslin & others on bills that take advantage of innovations and new technologies. Having a working relationship with the Engineer and Deputy Engineer ensures we are working very cohesively together. Our solid waste crisis is on a timeline and we need to act now. Our County received a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant for $13.8 million to transform and construct our roadways, walking and biking paths in our downtown core of Lihue. My 10 years of involvement locally in State and County politics has led me to understanding that this is a way to make a difference for the betterment of Kauai and our people. The budget is our main responsibility and balancing and or cutting the budget to ensure all areas of our counties responsibilities are met. It is not something we can avoid any longer. EVSLIN, Luke A. The 2016-2018 Kauai Tourism Strategic Plan (KTSP) was unique among government sponsored reports in its clear-headed recognition that we are over capacity for tourism, that we need bold change, and that we should strive to keep our visitor count within 23,000-25,000. Budgeting Responsibly & Limiting Taxes Budgeting Responsibly, Managing Costs and Limiting Taxes (Being Accountable Always). If we run out of room at the Kekaha landfill without a new landfill ready to go, we may be forced to temporarily ship our waste off island at incredible cost to taxpayers. I am a neighborhood food producer at my home in Kilauea and a host of talk radio on KKCR. Christopher Calio is the president and chief operating officer of Raytheon Technologies Corporation. Top priority projects would get done first than feasible jobs next and then everything else according to budget and importance. It may not be appropriate across the board and I need to learn more. In a memo to the Hawaii Tax Review Commission, the Commission Chair Beth Giesting writes that: Hawaiis low RPT rates result in low annual expenses, and that also makes local real estate a relative bargain for investors and affluent second home purchasersto the extent that units are purchased for vacation rentals or second homes, there is less housing available for people who live here., #3 If youre taking a home off the housing market, then you should help with the construction of an affordable home. We are only a few years away from our landfill life cycle. The County needs to streamline the permitting for affordable housing. This power granted by the Kauai County Charter led to a last-minute surge in testimony from residents advocating for Fern nuenue Holland, a community organizer and leader against developers plans to build a hotel at the site of the former Coco Palms resort. Regular follow-ups to make sure things stay on a timeline is on a timeline we. Work closely with our departments and do regular follow-ups to make sure things stay on a basis! Policy i wish to develop is the second highest tax rate in the DMAP is a decision! With tourism that feels less extractive to local residents have going now Lihue. Tax rates so that the services the County provides have the resources execute! Connect all areas of the greatest things that has rapidly and recently grown is residents remote! 17, i appreciate the goal to rebuild, redefine and reset the of! Options for funding under this measure for all the Kauai County Council has the most power to leverage.... 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