The companys agents sent people down to Franklin & Armfields slavepens (another word that has disappeared) in Alexandria, just nine miles south of the U.S. Capitol: seamstresses, nurses, valets, field hands, hostlers, carpenters, cooks, houseboys, coachmen, laundresses, boatmen. In 1833, John Armfield shipped a gang of people to Natchez, where Isaac Franklin received them. You know they took advantage of the black women, and there were no repercussions there. Tell me, aint you my child whom I left on the road near Mr. Moores before the war? I broke down and began to cry. It was a part of life in those days. She lives 25 miles from Gallatin, in a pretty brick, ranch-style house with white shutters. Commission merchants--Southern States--History--19th century. It is a fact that the ones over here are far ahead of the ones over there in Africa. Behind the men were the women and girls, another hundred. This forced resettlement was 20 times larger than Andrew Jacksons Indian removal campaigns of the 1830s, which gave rise to the original Trail of Tears as it drove tribes of Native Americans out of Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. Armfield watched and smoked. These were stores and taverns with places to sleep in the back. The remainder of the gang pushed on to Natchez. Isaac Franklin had no children who survived, Thomson had told me on the phone. Born in 1797 to lapsed Quakers who farmed several hundred acres in North Carolina and owned a small number of enslaved people, Armfield spent his early adulthood pursuing a variety of unsuccessful ventures, including a small mercantile shop which he was forced to abandon after his affair. He does not make small talk. He became interested in Franklin and Armfield after perceiving a relative paucity of books or articles about the duo what he called a gaping hole in all of the literature on the slave trade.. Never heard of it. Your Privacy Rights His trip on the Slave Trail, like most others, would end in Natchez and New Orleans. No buildings on that half-acre. The house bursts with 19th-century chairs, rugs, settees, tables and pictures. soon moved the BUcks COunty, PA where he taught school and had 5 sons and 3 daughters. The city government passed an ordinance that banned all long-distance dealers selling people within the city limits. He worked for a partnership of slave dealers called Franklin & Armfield, run by his uncle. The tan clapboard housefolding chairs and a hammock in the front yard, cinder blocks and planks for front stepsoverflows inside with books, LPs, folk art, old newspapers, knickknacks, clothes in piles and unidentifiable hoards of objects. Several of Thomas Dabneys children lie beneath granite stones. Dabney told him that I must not take less than my pricethey were worth it., He later wrote home, I have sold! New Orleans, the biggest slave market in the country, had about 50 people-selling companies in the 1840s. Ballard, Rice C. (Rice Carter), -1860. It is a fine country for the slave to live in and for the master to make money in. And by the way, The negroes are not only well, but appear happy and pleased with the country and prospect before them., At the village of Benton a week before Christmas 1847, Waller huddled with his gang in a ferocious storm. One thing that is hard to document but impossible to ignore is the fancy trade. New Orleans had a niche market. login . John Armfield (abt. There was a pair of carriages for the whites. In a front room, a paralleldozens of photos of the slave factories of Ghana and Sierra Leone, where captives were held before being sent to the Americas. I ask him to play a debating game. This movement lasted longer and grabbed up more people than any other migration in North America before 1900. Mystery solved, she says. He was a strict Quaker and a school teacher by profession. James Ware, Wallers broker, was having no luck selling the truncated coffle in Mississippi. As he pushed his hands down the pike, Waller felt guilty about Sarah and Indian, he told his wife. His humanity was not always visible, but it was there. Today in New Orleans, the number of monuments, markers and historic sites that refer in some way to the domestic slave trade is quite small. As the country marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Jamestown, Americans are being forced to confront the brutality of slavery and of the people who profited from it. Remnants of the original Trace remain out in the woods, 100 yards from the breakdown lane, mostly untouched. But he had three brothers, and there are hundreds of their descendants living all around the country. And Ill tell you what nobody ever talks about. I am now waiting for a safe boat to set out for you, he wrote. And then they were goneout to plantations in northern Louisiana, or central Mississippi, or southern Alabama. Daniel is pleasant, happy to talk about his hardscrabble days. He had a long dark coat and wore a mustache-less beard. Many things in the Old Testament are pretty barbaric, but they are part of our evolution.. In 1857 alone, the sale of people in Richmond amounted to $4 million, McInnis said. In Roanoke, at a tourist information outlet called Virginias Blue Ridge. Fairvue was a working plantation, but it was also an announcement that the boy from Gallatin had returned to his humble roots in majesty. After Swan Creek, McLishs Stand. A Bible from the family of John Armfield. Waller reached Mississippi by that November. My name was Mary, and I was nine years old when sold to a trader named Walker, who carried us to North Carolina. That was possible largely because of the traders willingness to be unusually cruel and heartless even for a business built around the sale of human beings as they committed atrocities they appeared to relish. This is one of the richest portions of the state and perhaps one of the most healthy, he wrote home. Franklin & Armfield put more people on the market than anyoneperhaps 25,000broke up the most families and made the most money. Ball was bought by a slave trader on Marylands Eastern Shore, and later wrote a memoir. On April 1, Waller reached home. Hundreds of thousands crossed this waymigrants, enslaved people, whites, Indians. He turns. The older I get, the more tolerant I become. This is the only child I have and I desire to find him much. William Waller and his gang, and other hundreds of thousands arriving by foot, did not leave traces in government records. 1730) John. One in particular gives the flavor. Which means that Isaac Franklin was my great-great-great-great-uncle., It is an important gloss, as it turns out: You see, Thomson said, my forebear James Franklin was the family member who introduced Isaac Franklin to the slave business., Taking a seat in an armchair upholstered in wine-colored brocade, he picks up the story. Men on one side, in order of height and weight, women on the other. Waller had never been to such a big city. He came home to Natchez in 1995 and discovered Forks of the Road. Actually, Uncle Isaac sent her off because he didnt want her around after he married.. Armfield crossed them on flatboats. At the same time, that doesnt mean that he didnt have bad habits, Thomson clarifies. It meant hiring someone who could write. The only reason your black behind is here at all is because somebody survived that deal. But because of their background and lack of education, they just sort of slid into slavery. It worked like this: Relying on a network of headhunters spread across Virginia, Maryland and the District, Armfield would round up enslaved people, holding them in an open-air pen behind the house in Alexandria or sometimes in its crowded, filthy basement until hed amassed a sufficient number: usually between 100 and 200. In Virginia, the coffles marched from town to town. Kenneth Thomson brings out some daguerreotypes of the Franklins and others in his family tree. At the Forks, there were no auctions, only haggling. In my family, people looked after their slaves, he said. It is plain that in this branch of the Franklin family, the past cannot be unremembered. But if New Orleans was the Kennedy Airport of the Slave Trail, the grass at Forks of the Road was its OHare. On the dark slope after 40, since you ask. They first came over here as indentured servants, as did the whites. It meant compliant, gentle and not broken by overwork. John Armfield: Muttenz Descendants, Inc. Muttenz Descendants, Inc. Muttenz Descendants, a not-for-profit tax-exempt corporation portraying and honoring the frontier heritage of Muttenz descendants and their neighbors. It was designed by North Carolina's first registered architect, William G. Armfield. The partners employed stringersheadhunters who worked on commissioncollecting enslaved people up and down the East Coast, knocking on doors, asking tobacco and rice planters whether they would sell. He was so smooth he managed to impress even a New England abolitionist who visited Alexandria in the 1830s. Are we responsible for what the slave traders did? He was the co-founder of Franklin & Armfield, "the largest slave trading firm" in the United States. Today, on the same spot, a six-lane bridge crosses the New River, and there is a town called Radford, population 16,000. All to as kind masters as can be found., Sarah Waller wrote in return, I was much pleased to learn by your letter that you had sold at such fine prices. Then she added, I wish you could have sold more of them., Waller himself was a little defensive about this people-selling business. It is peculiar that a man can pity himself for being unable to sell a roomful of teenagers he has known since their birth, but as Florence Blair says, thats what it was. But here, they were marching through wilderness. Machines did not replace human hands until the 1960s. In NC by 1760 - aound then came to NC with son William (oldest ), and 20 other men exploring. In the kitchen are mammy salt shakers, black lawn jockeys, Uncle Tom figurines and memorabilia of other irritating kindslithographs of pickaninnies eating watermelon, an African figure in a grass skirt, a poster for Country Style Corn Meal featuring a bandanna-wearing, 200-pound black woman. John Armfield Barrister and Mediator John specialises in estate litigation. They didnt buy slaves in order to free them, but to make money.. Caravans like Armfields covered about 20 miles a day. In 1839, at age 50, he married a woman named Adelicia Hayes, age 22, the daughter of a Nashville attorney. If any man lost his footing, everyone could be washed downstream, yanked one after another by the chain. There were so-called fancy girls, young women who would work mainly as concubines. This year, she curated an exhibition at the Historic New Orleans Collection, Purchased Lives: New Orleans and the Domestic Slave Trade, 1808-1865.. I was sold to Joseph Bruin, who took me to New Orleans. You need to look that up. They were guarding 200 men and boys lined up in twos, their wrists handcuffed together, a chain running the length of 100 pairs of hands. Thomson warms up, shifts in his seat. On Tuesday, October 19, the troop headed southwest, Waller leading from his horse and his friend James Taliaferro bringing up the rear, both men armed. Waller planned to sell all of them. Also, an elderly black woman named Charity, whom he and Sarah had kept at home, knowing that no one would offer money for her. Numerous fires were gleaming through the forest: it was the bivouac of the gang, wrote the traveler, George Featherstonhaugh. I started following its footsteps, hoping to find traces of the Slave Trail of Tears. With that signal from Natchez, Armfield began vacuuming up people from the Virginia countryside. Katrina was cataclysmic, and it changed the way people thought about our collective history, Greenwald says. In Gallatin, I drive out to look at the old Franklin estate. Boxley is 75. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine The phrase sold down the river, for instance. They were sorted by sex and size and made to stand in sequence. Franklin worked with a few partners over the years but connected with his longest-lasting collaborator the man who became his closest friend, confidant and nephew by marriage in the early 1820s. 1695 ENG d. 1792 NC Julie Avedikian 2/13/00 Re: John Armfield b. All these people came from Virginia, she says. An act of Congress is needed. No commands given by anyone, no noise about it, no talking in the ranks, no laughter or merriment, just marching, round and round. On holidays it is something, we have to rent a community center. I had plenty of money for the trip, he said. The surveyor talked to him for a few hours and saw him as sordid, illiterate and vulgar. Armfield, it seems, had overpowering bad breath, because he loved raw onions. Human bondage began I dont know when, but early, thousands of years ago. But until recently, the Slave Trail was buried in memory. And that includes about Isaac Franklin. There is great demand for fancy maids, [but] I was disappointed in not finding your Charlottesville maid that you promised me. Franklin told the Virginia office to send the Charlottesville maid right away by ship. It was bigger than the immigration of Jews into the United States during the 19th century, when some 500,000 arrived from Russia and Eastern Europe. The slave cabins were vacant. On the lintel above the door you can see in faded paint its old sign, which reads, ___ CHANGE. The St. Louis Hotel was razed in 1916, but it was in the hotel that the Slave Trail ended in the most spectacular scenes. Bettie was sold to a man named Reed, and I was sold and carried to New Orleans and from there to Texas. And it was really past time.. The headline reads, Isaac Franklin was a Well-liked Slave Trader. The thousand-word piece is the only thing Thomson has published on the subject of his family. And I think something like that has happened over and again, symbolically.. So Isaac had at least one black child, but this daughter of his left the state of Tennessee, and nobody knows what happened to her. Isaac Franklin and John Armfield first met in 1824, when Armfield seems to have been at loose ends. And you see a lot of records in which there are an unusual number of 10-year-olds alone. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 4 daughters. You see, our history is often buried, she says. A sudden, loud drone from every direction, the natural music of Mississippi. It was all he did for the rest of his professional life, right up until he retired. Spindly pine and oaks away off the roadbed, a third-growth woods. It never occurs to them to think slavery might be bad: Slavery is what made their society work, it made them rich, it was a given that that was what black people were for, Rothman said. And, always, children. In Maine and Tennessee, Maryland and Texas, the descendants of Isaac Franklin were galvanized by the news of white supremacists rallying against the removal of Confederate statues at the. Thats on the Internet. White. Born in 1797 in Guilford County, North Carolina, Armfield was coming off a brief stint running a mercantile business and, unsure of what to do next, he may have turned to the slave trade at Franklin's suggestion. I could not shake off my chains, nor move a yard without the consent of my master., (My own ancestors held slaves in South Carolina for six generations. Greenwald stands in front of two beige livery coats hanging behind a pane of glass. After examining the people on display, a buyer would talk to a seller and negotiate. The gang headed down the Great Wagon Road, a route that came from Pennsylvania, already some centuries oldmade by the Indians, in the euphemism. I mean, people who do not understand the old lifestylestheir standpoint on life, and their education, are what today we consider limited. Franklin & Armfields marches began in the late summer, sometimes the fall, and they took two to four months. The trace was a 450-mile roadtrace being the colonial word for a native trail through forestand the only overland route from the plateau west of the Appalachian Range leading to the Gulf of Mexico. In fact, it is more your story than it is mine.. I wouldnt have made it too well in slavery days, because I am the kind of person who just could not imagine you would treat me the way they treated people. The children were asleep in some tents; and the males, in chains, were lying on the ground, in groups of about a dozen each. Meanwhile, the white menwere standing about with whips in their hands.. Its been six years since Rothman began his research, crisscrossing the country to scour old documents such as property transactions in Louisiana, court cases in Mississippi, ship manifests in Alexandria. The marchers and the roadwork gangs, slaves all, traded long looks. In May 1765 the caravan reached the various destinations of these Pennsylvania travelers. Armfield may have been less extroverted, but he, too, drew accolades for his social graces. As she talks and points out objects, I notice something I had never seen during many visits to this archive: black people. They were turning out the new Valley Turnpike, a macadam surface with ditches at the sides. They came to look at my negroes & wanted to buy seven or eight, but they objected to the price, Waller said. History, too, has largely let them off scot-free, Schermerhorn said. I had a brother, Sam, and a sister, Annie, who were left with mother. You got the wrong person to ask about sparing your feelings, Boxley replies. It is an easy chat between strangers, until I bring up the slave days. Their location was also prime, perched so they could collect enslaved people from plantations across Virginia and Maryland and sending them on forced marches in groups of several hundred known as coffles or on tightly packed ships along the Atlantic Coast to the Deep South. One of her proudest accomplishments in politics, she says, has been to throw new light on an alternate history. But what it says is wrong. It was like that. It is rare to have a glimpse of slaves enchained in a coffle, because the documentary evidence is thin, but Wallers march is an exception. We had a nurse, a woman who used to be called a mammy. Its been a long time. He had some of those. His four children all died before they grew up. Armfields marriage never yielded any children, and Franklins children with Hayes all died without producing offspring, according to Rothman, so the two men have no direct white descendants living today. We studied hundreds of shipping manifests and compiled data on 70,000 individuals. Every few miles, Armfield and his chained-up gang came to a toll station. Then, hed send the group on an arduous 1,000-mile march to slave markets in Natchez or New Orleans or hed stuff them into one of the companys three massive ships to make the same journey by water. Her research is like a poke salad, she says, dropping a Tennessee-ism. He complained that his wifes brother Samuel had condescended to him a few months before. There was one place en route, however, with a small slave marketAberdeen, Mississippi. All the servants were black. The man may be gone, but generations later, some of his people are still around. People do know, however, about Civil War battles. Four or five tents were spread, and the large wagons, which were to accompany the expedition, were stationed where they could be piled high with provisions and other necessaries. New clothes were loaded in bundles. Slaves for sale wore a uniform of sorts. (Video: Ashleigh Joplin/The Washington Post). So one of his men picked a shallow place and tested it by sending over a wagon and four horses. . At Fairvue, Key found a partner in a woman named Hannah. After he died, in 1846, his body was shipped from Louisiana to Fairvue in a whiskey barrel. You know, I have been around blacks all my life. Their plan was to leave a few slaves behind with Sarah as house servants and for William to march nearly all the rest to Natchez and New Orleans. William Waller left for New Orleans during the second week of January 1848, taking an 18-hour steamboat ride. In 1833, he wrote the office back in Virginia about fancy girls he had on hand, and about one in particular whom he wanted. You then have to squeeze through a countless multitude of men, women, and children of all ages, tongues, and colors of the earth until you get into the city proper., He had heard bad things about New Orleans, expected to be frightened by it, and was. In their heyday, Isaac Franklin and John Armfield sold between 1,000 and 2,000 enslaved people per year, and by the time Franklin died in 1846, his estate was valued at $710,000 almost $24. When visitors came to the Alexandria townhouse, he always opened the door for them, made elegant small talk and offered them something nice to drink, McInnis said. Franklin and Armfield each fathered at least one child with an enslaved woman, Rothman said. Ten thousand dollars was a considerable sum in 1834the equivalent of nearly $300,000 today. Slave traders brought a banjo or two and demanded music. She points to a beautiful piece of silk printed with the sentence, Slaves must be cleared at the Customs House. Its a sign that probably hung in staterooms on steamships. A kind of check-your-luggage announcement. Isaac Franklin put a building right where that muffler shop issee the peach-colored shed, across the street? I never heard of any mistreatment. What do you think about Isaac Franklin? The fancy trade meant women sold as forcible sex partners. This morning finds us six miles west of Abingdon, Waller wrote home from one of the richer towns. I am drafted by the inactivity of others to do history work, he tells me. He writes me word that a neighbor of his will take six if we can agree upon price.. You cannot imagine it, he wrote home. Who was my mother, says Florence Blair. In 1835, it was 4,723. The great fall in cotton has so alarmed the people that there is not the slightest prospect of our selling our negroes at almost any price, he wrote home. And we had all these servants till they died. No steamboats for this group. Northern Shenandoah was wheat country then, with one in five people enslaved and hoeing in the fields. One lost friend wrote: Mr. EditorI was bred and born in Virginia, but am unable to name the county, for I was so young that I dont recollect it; but I remember I lived twelve miles from a town called Danville.I was sold to a speculator whose name was Wm. In 1820, the number of ships carrying slaves from Eastern ports into New Orleans was 604. Maurie McInnis, a historian and vice provost at the University of Virginia, who curated the Richmond exhibit, stood in front of a slave dealers red flag that she tracked down in Charleston, South Carolina, where it had lain unseen in a box for more than 50 years. You find them repeatedly. There were free blacks in the South that owned slaves. Red flags fluttered down the streets in Richmond, on Wall Street in Shockoe Bottom, she said. She moved with her parents to New Garden Monthly Meeting in Guilford County, North Carolina. Armfield has at least one direct black descendant, Rodney Williams, who wrote about his heritage - which he said he discovered through DNA testing - in an essay included in "Slavery's. We are not accountable for what happened then. It is 12 feet wide, 25 feet long and covered with kudzu, buried beneath mud and brush. To get rid of their attitudes.. Many of their descendants own the cottages today. It ran to 900 pages. Some names in the lists are familiar. Then she came to me and said, Aint you my child? Glenn recalled. The site is empty but for the five markers, paid for by the City of Natchez. A group of Franklins indirect white descendants learned of their relationship to the slave trader a few years ago and, in 2018, donated money and relics to the Alexandria museum located where their ancestors business once stood. She points to a document from the steamerHibernia, which arrived from Louisville in 1831. A few people launch into stories about the brave Confederates. You see the names. 1695 ENG d. 1792 NC 10/07/99 Re: John Armfield b. After Emancipation, now a freedman of about 20, Glenn remembered the name of his hometownRoxboro. Sometimes, he finds it difficult to keep going. Lucy $550.Col. Dabney has taken Henry and is security for the balancethe three sisters to one man. He was relieved. It was not an easy matter to place an ad. Surnames; Search People; Over the next decade, with Armfield based in Alexandria and Isaac Franklin in New Orleans, the two became the undisputed tycoons of the domestic slave trade, with an economic impact that is hard to overstate. I walk First Street next to the river and stop in front of a shop, Memories Past and PresentAntiques and Collectibles. A man named Daniel starts a conversation. Well, Germans and Scots-Irish settled the Shenandoah, thats who was here. Not long ago I was reading some old letters at the library of the University of North Carolina, doing a little unearthing of my own. I pull in at various towns and ask around. The fireflies come out in the dwindling dusk. As the steamboat churned to dock, it passed ships berthed five or six deep, miles of them, from all nations of the earth, bringing in their products and carrying away ours. The arrival, gangplank on the levee, cargo everywhere. Their good reputations persisted after retirement. And this is one of its most horrific chapters.. They were made to go, deported, you could say, having been sold. But as Waller drifted through Mississippi, he couldnt sell anyone. Here, too, in the St. Louis Hotels beautiful vaulted room, families at the end of the Slave Trail were divided. First registered architect, william G. Armfield still around other men exploring one! In Virginia, the more tolerant I become the Franklins and others in his.... Richest portions of the richer towns thing that is hard to document but impossible to ignore is the only I! 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