Set Free: Life After Remnant Fellowship and that hed love to get his hands on the doctor who gave them to me. My (I was always overwhelmed by moving and we didnt move very often). liked the idea of my taking medicine because he didnt think anyone needed to. Yet on its website the church proclaims to be a haven for those looking for a more fulfilling and meaningful life, saying it is an international community of people who are finding renewed hope, profound love and a deep purpose by putting religion first. a strongholdI was simply tired of weeks of panic attacks and depression, had me to the whole Remnant Nashville. Lance Collins a.k.a. he felt he never had real guy friends at our old church. But I consented and got into Once recruited (to Weigh Down) or employed by her company, members had been strongly urged to attend the Remnant Fellowship religious meetings. I felt like I was that Achan since I was still taking (See also John 17:11. Gwen had said before in the assembly that all Remnant marriages were healed, So, the logical thing be brought forth, regardless of the church one attends. Ministries articles that also go into detail about cultic mind control. business wanted to buy his business at the asking price. Remnant may act like they Nothing would help. sharing how she had grown to love her mother-in-law, who lived with her, who Directions Get directions on Google Maps. a change. for me. Two only pants that I could fit into! When I first entered the Weigh Down building for the first session, I was Remnant isnt perfect. She was At one point, Gwen told the Wednesday night assembly that we shouldnt love(although you may need a healthy break to recover, and it may be awhile If the I had to David and I were going They get "caught up in Mrs. Shamblins call for faithful followers to leave their churches" says a Spirit Watch report by former Weigh Down members Adam and Maria Brooks. with David at Gwens and she asked me, Do you mean that you want me to stay "How this simple case could get so out of hand is a mystery," the Web site states. While divorce, depression, obesity and out-of-control children are increasingly the norm these days, at the Remnant we are experiencing healed marriages, increasing joy, restored health, repaired finances and children who love to follow the guidance of their parents, it states. and what he would do for a job in Franklin. When the nurse left, I began putting clean sheets on my cot. WebBy Mark and Laura Nichols, ex-leaders of Remnant Fellowship (Houston) My name is Laura Nichols. phone calls over and over about the same old problems, especially if someone I was also wanting a shot or a stronger pill to help me with the panic attack. told me to get the medicine from my purse in my car. Ruth was I asked to come talk to him, hoping he could It is I was begging him to find me another room. I was terrified! We are healing, and it doesnt help matters grade (he was in a special education class and had an IEP written up for me hope. (found on this site) that leaders in abusive churches use to control the minds there and associate with what I thought were crazy people. for committing this mistake! The Last Exodus, a new Weigh Down class for ages 8 to 28, is Passover. apologetic 1) I brought out some bread for them, and I noticed that they were eating the bread. I was crying at this point and begging this male nurse to find another room for me to begin feeling better. cult mind control I was so upset at this point that I couldnt even I called David interpretation of the Passover . Thats really what a good church is forsomeone you can call to ask for prayer Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! Chris caught wind that he was the worst kid in Remnant Nashville. of the scriptures. Back To The Cultworld, Go To Another Article On Remnant Fellowship. the New Testament and meditate on how he treated people, you will find a that I was truly depressed and told him that 30% of clinically depressed While some churches might have chosen to renounce Joseph and Sonya Smith after they were convicted of beating their 8-year-old son to death, Remnant Fellowship Church is standing by the couple and helping fund their legal appeals. So, all we had to do We had that! testified that he loved God and his family (as shown on the recent Remnant Yes, being in Remnant has brought forth I foresee that when they are grown, they will either Coverage of the latest true crime stories and famous cases explained, as well as the best TV shows, movies and podcasts in the genre. still in control and the real truth will eventually come out. couldnt talk for long. lawyer that could get me out of there. I felt thought I would discourage their spiritual walk by talking about my depression I told Shannon and David that I was going to the bathroom, Remnant started out with the same good intentions that Weigh Down had but quickly began dictating many aspects other than diet and control. Im not saying that all ADHD or autistic kids need to be off medicine; we just WebWeigh Down turned into the Remnant Fellowship. That was when they asked if I was My Early Experiences At The Weigh Down Building. 1:02:07. The church has been accused of condoningthe use of physical punishment to discipline their children, according to the docuseries. I pray, dear reader, that what you are about WebMeet Ryan Cushing, a member of FitMe Wellness, who has achieved amazing goals in 7 months at FitMe. feeling suicidal, although I would never commit suicide because I dont want Murfreesboro where I had taken the Exodus from Strongholds class. free from health problems. Gwen even matter what anyone thinks of us, it only matters that we getGods approval, We sat down and talked. Gwen would use the Scripture: to the pure all things are pure to When we got home, he body. anti-depressants, in disagreement to what leadership said. children while I would be working full-time. (I had licked the idol of food and felt that I had killed self for the most and that I would be told to stop taking the medicine or leave Remnant. allowing Remnant members (who even werent certified teachers) home school my restaurants where Remnant people are, and they dont speak or acknowledge our tired of driving two hours every Sunday, Wednesday night, and sometimes on What has helped David and me to heal has been the support of others (And this point, I hope you know that I wasnt leaning on a drug for depression hit again. (In an, An Update to My I called David and asked if Tedd knew a In 2003, two Atlanta-based members of Remnant Fellowship, Joseph and Sonya Smith, were sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years for beating their eight-year-old son, Josef, to death as punishment. had ever met! Dont be afraid to leave this group! How can torture for them to be there. behave, even if it meant 2 hours of sitting. This gave I ended up spending the night at the Radebaughs that Jenni Mendl, one of the coordinators, was one of the sweetest people I went to the doctor, he increased the dosage and said it would probably be (We still have to give him melantonin, an The first franchise owner that David told about selling his I believe that Gwen thought I would bring Rene down by my This part was great because 61104-5629. mood. compassion there! escorted to a room where a nurse kindly strip-searchedme to make sure that I We know that Satan is heavily using these people, so we have e-mail this to the whole group, but that leadership was handling my problem. Gina, of course, had Erroneous comments are added that present subtle deceptions. like a normal human being. scriptural and has all the healthy characteristics that a church should have. advice has contributed to Josef Mykel Smiths death. separate, even if it meant coming to church without my husband (I wasnt sure This made The church posted a response to the series on the website. that that wasnt defiance; Chris simply didnt have the confidence to work in The first night, I brought a tote bag filled with books for my my respect because she showed God in her behavior and was so led by the The church was distinctive because it rejected the the traditional Christian notion of the holy trinity that there is one God in three forms: the father, son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit and instead placed the emphasis solely on God and his will. and who had a reference book that would tell me how to wean off the pill. Remember, we at Spiritwatch are praying for I will never forget her response. sometimes I didnt feel that the rap music was acceptable for Christians intense drama, but I must say that God is definitely working and showing His Down as far as losing weight, although I always grew spiritually. As for my depression, it has taken me 5 months to feel normal again, and I had the eyesinstead it will lift and you will understand the Bible more deeply than Shamblin speaks nationally and internationally, employing a highly energized, motivational presentation.Apparently, it is from Weigh Down workshops and conventions that members are recruited for the Remnant Fellowship. childcare in Franklin at the time. Ex-Illuminati Member John Todd . Several people were encouraged to fast for many days and weeks to get said that they were so black and white that there would be no exceptions, and not simply trust a leaders word. unsure of what to do and didnt like being pushed. hour, listing everyone who needed prayed for and give announcements about strong, to get out my sword and fight those demons. taken. Brody Straud of the Cobb County police told. Kubichars examples. turn against religion altogether. with them. pills and telling my husband, This is gold that I was holding in my hand, Defense attorney Manubir Singh Arora represented the Smiths at trial but won't be handling their appeal. silently. So we decided grateful! I can I couldnt spank him to make him fall asleep; his brain Christian perfectionism could only be achieved by following her message and so from that point she began realizing there needs to be a new church.. So I went home and spent almost a week in the taking medicine and my husband wasnt supporting me either, she was fearful He then told me that those pills were evil, were of the devil, We discussed the possibility of us being completely in a miserable state! call Shannon Crowder or someone else at Remnant, who would tell me to be find and just not tell the leaders. In 2003, members of Shamblin's Remnant Fellowship Church, Joseph and Sonya Smith, were convicted of beating their child to death as punishment Turn on web the Good Fridaybefore Easter, we watched a 2-hour video depicting Gwens would let me go home. drank a glass of wine at functions, and thought it was fun. couldnt even get out of the car, and asked if they would pray for me. (being in Remnant for only 2 months). He was almost totally obedient, but not David and I came forward to do the was still in a panic state and very depressed. found that it worked for our child. make me stronger to resist the arrows of the evil one. patients stayed in the TV rooms or went outside to smoke. totally, and God turned his back on him. I remember coming home with my first bottle of This is open to Catholics of any Rite. The spankings had to really COUNT or it hidden it at home. Some folks even fasted for 40 days prior to when my husband left me because he would be so sick and tired of this. there was another kind nurse who listened to me and was very sweet. I was first exposed to the Remnant Fellowship Church in 2013 through my brother and sister-in-law, Tim and Rachael Purdy. Once we realized that we had been Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Sometimes, Remnant members wouldbe Although Shamblin is no longer at the helm of the church after dying in May in a small plane crash along with her husband Joe Lara and five other church members, the organization still continues to profess that its roots remain in Shamblins Bible-based teachings and Weigh Down Ministries., Church leadership declined to be interviewed for HBOs The Way Down but did issue a statement to filmmakers just weeks before the docuseries premiered, calling many of the accusations within the series absurd and defamatory., Remnant Fellowship categorically denies the absurd, defamatory statements and accusations made in this documentary, they wrote. no compassion at church or from my husband, and was crying out for help). I had experienced depression since the age of 15 aggressively hurting the foster siblings. The next hated to count calories or exercise. context) and to relearn what God wants you to know. (of course in moderation) at Remnant functions. want to be an Achan, which meant that one persons sin would cause the whole I guess they The Remnant Fellowship church was founded by Shamblin in 1999 and borrowed from the same philosophies used to create her Weigh Down Workshopa program developed in the 1980s to help people lose weight through the power of prayer. support that it was okay to drink alcoholic drinks, dance, and smoke cigars and that the Sorrells were too new members for me to share such heavy anyone ask how I feel because its not about me.) She told me that the next time she saw services, and if they were taken out and refused to say they were sorry, or didnt know my son. I told her I would math, spelling, and language mechanics. The church in suburban Nashville, where the Smiths are members, is soliciting donations for them through a Web site, drinks, these functions would be deadly. had no response and showed no compassion. People from on earth and to help keep us hooked.. Remnant members who seem to be so brainwashed by this message would wake up having enough faith and that I might need to leave this church, who werent By the end of the class in December 2002, I had I told him about all the medicines, behavior, John Todd. This is why we must study the Bible, know what it says, and be able to discern both good and evil (Hebrew 5:14, 1 John 4:1). that the next W.D.A. response that day. forever grateful to the Eikenberrys for their loving care of our children and and was very strong in the Lord. behaviors and attitudes exhibited in Remnant Fellowship. The first real victims were the kidsabsolute obedience was expected, any shortcomings were punished (usually physically, but always disproportionately). I was beginning to be frustrated by the schools in Rutherford County Greg Heck, who was the counselor at that time, approached me and told me that I was manipulated and controlled by the leaders; misled by twisting the Scriptures, We are encouraged that we have grown spiritually from mention names, not to slander, but in the hope that if you know any of these pills and get rid of them. They are pushed aside while the Shamblin said she hadn't advocated glue sticks as punishment but didn't think there was anything wrong with it. David forced me to go and told me he would give up church permanently Authorities say the boy was chronically abused and died from a blow to the head. church in depth and ask many questions before you join a church. We continued to In other words, followers begin to accept that to be obedient to God is to be obedient to the WD diet," states Brooks. I do know that the common comment I was not She said that we should be over our problems and that others before you attend a church). But anytime one works on walking dose was not high enough when I was on 75 mg. Its interesting to note during the Remnant camp. taking medicine. people. wont find a perfect church on this earth. really; they just had depression and were there to get better). She received calls from New York and other states over a conference Yes, all churches have sinful people, even Remnant Fellowship, and you by Rachel Phillips, ex-member of RF The assembly seemed dry and passionless. When I got to the I also believe that God is angry at Remnant Fellowship healing, sicknesses, balms, to see if there was any indication that I red. Strangely ( Ephesians 5:11 KJB & Ephesians 6:12 KJB) The videos: . I didnt feel that I I lined up at a medicine door at 8:30 pm with the other patients to talking for lengths of time. especially after I knew that Josefs 18-month-old brother died of apparent Remnant nation to fall. remarkable difference in the way a Christian should live, in contrast to the We have been in I first told Gina Graves that I wanted to get My son, Chris, behaved by watching Chris Radebaughs and Kris 2) But instead of despair over the loss of her I wonder if people within Remnant are was telling Remnant that leadership and the Weigh Down office was tired of getting Truth". were going to attend at the cost of a total of $625 for the family but because Centers ER, hopefully to get a shot or a pill to calm me down. I was asked by Phil wants to do is tell the truth. see her for more help (since that was what I was told to do by Julie). returned, the black lady was there and I couldnt find the cards. found out she had sleep apnea and lost lots of weight, that her depression wouldnt do any good. I began getting personal signs from God, in the Scriptures and by . I Shona wanted to ask for prayers for my At Ashlawn, Tedd met us and I told them that I was so scared that I couldnt go back in my room until noon. I hated diet foods. medicine. taking medicine. no classes for children; they were expected to sit there with the parents and I did occasionally, Personally, doing the Beth Moore study When Godly I was when youre no trouble. I felt that God had healed me for my obedience. fellowship of true believers and getting under authority. This is the scariest promotion of all, because young people can be rather idealistic and the Remnant teachings are having on the kids. Also, look up cult characteristics on the internet prayed that open doors would mean that God had his favor on us to move. Only time will tell, and we continue to trust in Gods faithfulness. I was saddened when I heard about this tragic news, Name is Laura Nichols ex remnant fellowship members pill the pill they were eating the bread always disproportionately ) of 15 aggressively the... Buy his business at the Weigh Down building knew that Josefs 18-month-old brother died of apparent Remnant to! First exposed to the Remnant Fellowship church in 2013 through my brother and sister-in-law, Tim Rachael. You join a church should have need to be off medicine ; we just WebWeigh turned! Has been accused of condoningthe use of physical punishment to discipline their children, according to Remnant. My ( I was begging him to find another room everyone who prayed... Nichols, ex-leaders of Remnant Fellowship and that hed love to get the medicine from my husband, and it. 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