Early diagnosis followed by restriction of activities and symptomatic treatment of pain generally allows for healing of lesions over a period of 812weeks [30, 31, 149]. Bruises a blow can cause small bleeds into the skin. Sports injuries are most commonly caused by poor training methods; structural abnormalities; weakness in muscles, tendons, ligaments; and unsafe exercising environments. Clin Orthop. Proper mechanics are crucial for weight lifting. If strain becomes excessive or adequate rest is not implemented, stress reaction and eventually a stress fracture can results [126, 127]. by Barry Halliwell and John M. C. Gutteridge. 2006;15:184551. Sports Med. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. Twenty-two percent of stress fractures were recurrent, and 20% resulted in season-ending injuries [128]. What is the energy difference between the cl2 molecule and the separated atoms? This series of coupled redox reactions leads to the formation of ATP with molecular oxygen the ultimate electron acceptor and being reduced to water [45, 46]. In 2003 more than 3.5 million children under age 15 suffered a sports injury that required medical treatment, thats about one attended injury for every 10 players, and seventy-five percent of those injuries were the result of overuse (Hyman, 2009). 2000;376:113. Abate M, Di Carlo L, Verna S, Di Gregorio P, Schiavone C, Salini V. Syner gistic activity of platelet rich plasma and high volume image guided injection for patellar tendinopathy. [33,34,38-40]. Stress fractures of the tarsal navicular bone: CT findings in 55 cases. Theme: News Way by Themeansar. Is adiposity an under-recognized risk factor for tendinopathy? AT is particularly prevalent in athletes whose sport involve running and jumping activities [87, 88] and is thus common in sports such as soccer. The typical history of a stress fracture is localized pain of insidious onset which is initially not present at the start but occurs toward the end of a run. When teaching young athletes, technique must come first. Google Scholar. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Sharma P, Maffulli N. Basic biology of tendon injury and healing. 1996;25:5774. Ji LL, Leeuwenburgh C, Leichtweis S, Gore M, Fiebig R, Hollander J, et al. Ekstrand J, Hagglund M, Walden M. Injury incidence and injury patterns in professional football: the UEFA injury study. A displaced femoral neck stress fracture in an amenorrheic adolescent female runner. 2007;28:660 author reply 660-661. Longo UG, Olivia F, Denaro V, Maffulli N. Oxygen species and overuse tendinopathy in athletes. The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck support your head and allow for motion. The Four Stages of an Overuse Injury: The discomfort disappears during warm-up. Thus, underuse of a tendon may result in an imbalance between matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases), with resultant tendon degradation [34]. How to fix bad baseball throwing mechanics? Hirai S, Takahashi N, Goto T, Lin S, Uemura T, Yu R, et al. The risk of developing OA increases with age and symptoms generally, but not always, appear in people over 50. Overuse injuries can lead to pain, inflammation, and tendon damage. Poor technique and structural abnormalities can also contribute to the development of chronic injuries. Free Radic Biol Med. Am J Sports Med. The rate of stress fracture was highest among endurance athletes and higher in women than in men. The tendons transfer the force produced from muscular contraction to the bone. At higher levels, ROS may initiate and/or execute the demise of the cell through programmed as well as necrotic cell death mechanisms [50,51,52]. J Bone Jt Surg - Ser A. Yang JS, Bogunovic L, Wright RW. "Tendon injuries account more or less for 30 to 50. Sports Med Auckl NZ. Recently, it has been demonstrated the presence of an independent relationship between impaired insulin sensitivity and the development of chronic low-grade inflammation through a protein, the levels of which are normally physiologically inhibited by insulin, called FOXO1, a key upregulator of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-b [35]. The peripheral neuronal phenotype is important in the pathogenesis of painful human tendinopathy: a systematic review. 2008;30:156371. Muscle Imbalance. As we know any area of sports requires training to master the sport, this begins with physically preparing the sportsman or athlete. 2010;11:217786. Jabs T. Reactive oxygen intermediates as mediators of programmed cell death in plants and animals. Aruoma OI. Rizzone et al. So can improper progression. Overuse. Pohl MB, Mullineaux DR, Milner CE, Hamill J, Davis IS. statement and An underloaded tendon may become unable to cope with increased demands imposed on it. 1979;7:157. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Bone microarchitecture is impaired in adolescent amenorrheic athletes compared with eumenorrheic athletes and nonathletic controls. Perhaps the classic sports model for overuse injuries of the upper extremity is baseball. Am J Sports Med. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This was supported by evidence from human and animal biopsies that showed that both peritendinitis and a failed healing response, wrongly labeled tendinosis, could be present concurrently [36]. Ackerman KE, Sokoloff NC, De NM, Clarke HM, Lee H, Misra M. Fractures in relation to menstrual status and bone parameters in young athletes. Rees JD, Maffulli N, Cook J. This page has been produced in consultation with and approved Many overuse injuries are attributed to doing repetitive actions with poor technique; this can cause excessive pressure to be applied to particular joints or muscles which can contribute to an injury; tennis elbow, for example, is often caused by having poor backhand technique. Treatment is based on the stability of the lesion and the status of the overlying cartilage. How fast should a skill be executed in a given situation? https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-018-1017-5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-018-1017-5. Jacob feels like Suzy must not like him because she will not speak t Stress fractures particularly in the lower limbs. 1996;3:6370. Different Types of Training Methods For Athletes. Aerobics is associated with a significant number of medically treated sports injuries. 2010;92:260413. Pp. Google Scholar. Tendors are the tough fibers that connect muscle to bone. Overuse tendinopathy induces in the affected tendon pain and swelling, and associated decreased load tolerance and function during exercise of the limb [9, 10]. Prevalence of childhood and adolescent soccer-related overuse injuries. 2017; Available from: http://natajournals.org/doi/10.4085/1062-6050-52.8.01. Good technique, on the other hand, protects against injury and produces a better performance. The most common cricket injuries are from yourself. Common symptoms of overuse injuries. Take anti-inflammatory medications. Spontaneous healing of the lesion is the usual outcome in children and adolescents with open distal femoral physis. CLINORTHOP. The most common site of JOCD is the medial femoral condyle, accounting for 85% of the cases [28]. Making minor changes can alleviate or prevent the condition. For example, if a swimmer continues to perform the front crawl stroke incorrectly with their arms, they may be prone to shoulder or elbow injuries. Terms in this set (31) Term currently used to describe occupational injury. Ramchurn N, Mashamba C, Leitch E, Arutchelvam V, Narayanan K, Weaver J, et al. Much of our epidemiological knowledge about stress fractures originates from research on military recruits [124] and high school athletes [25]. When training for sports, most expert trainers and coaches are now including sports psychology techniques as one complete aspect of learning and development, along with physical training. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Sports Med. [113], in a RTC, concludes that polidocanol injections are a safe treatment, but in the mid-term, the effects are the same of a placebo treatment for chronic Achilles tendinopathy. How do training and competition workloads relate to injury? The lesion may be unstable or loose, and these cases as well as in those athletes with large effusions or with marked symptoms which do not improve with conservative care may go to surgery for drilling, reattachment, or excision of the osteochondral lesion [31]. Tennis technique. The examination may reveal mild effusion or limitation of motion of the knee. Further research is required to improve our knowledge on tendon and bone healing, enabling specific treatment strategies to be developed for the management of overuse injuries. The most common running injuries are listed below Patellofemoral pain Pain behind the knee cap, related to anatomical factors and muscle imbalances of the hips and knees - Illiotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome Pain on the lateral outside of the knee related to friction most likely due poor technique and imbalances of the foot and hip Khan KM, Maffulli N. Tendinopathy: an Achilles heel for athletes and clinicians. Less promising results with sclerosing ethoxysclerol injections for midportion Achilles tendinopathy: a retrospective study. 2014;42:3206. For example, the incidence of tendinopathy is increased in individuals with obesity and decreased insulin sensitivity, as seen in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T1/T2DM) [10, 32,33,34]. Cause #4: Failure to continuously monitor equipment. [128] investigated the epidemiology of stress fractures in 671 collegiate student-athletes for the academic years 20042005 through 20132014. 2009;11:235. In most instances, sports-related tendinopathies present well-defined histopathological lesions, providing an explanation for the chronicity of symptoms which often occur in athletes with tendinopathies [5,6,7,8]. Clin Sports Med. Improper form may mean you are targeting unintended muscles or muscle groups. Incorrect form is one thing that will always make a trainer wince. Someone with good technique is biomechanically efficient. Many overuse injuries are attributed to doing repetitive actions with poor technique; this can cause excessive pressure to be applied to particular joints or muscles which can contribute to an injury; tennis elbow, for example, is often caused by having poor backhand technique. :), According to federal guidelines, how much time should an adult perform moderate exercise each week, in addition to strength training, Suzy likes Jacob, but she ignores him when he comes around because she feels shy. 1994;76:2634. 2011;45:40710. Br J Sports Med. Repeat strain injuries impact muscles, Discomfort that gets worse during the activity Pain or discomfort all the time. How does bad technique cause injuries? 1998;854:10217. CAS Front Biosci - Elite. Rotator cuff tendinopathy: is there a role for polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants? 2008;41:11605. Dean BJF, Franklin SL, Carr AJ. Other factors in addition to training errors may lead to increased loading of the tendon, such as poor technique [92, 93] or inadequate athletic equipment [94]. MG JF and C. Lateral and medial epicondylitis of the elbow. Required fields are marked *. Barrack MT, Gibbs JC, De S, Williams NI, Nichols JF, Rauh MJ, et al. CAS Electrical stimulation for bone growth has some support in delayed unions and non-unions, but only in uncontrolled trials for stress fractures [142]. (5 points) Question 3 20 seconds Q. Am J Sports Med. Google Scholar. Surgeon. The acute inflammatory phase noted in the first few days after a tendon injury is marked by the migration of inflammatory cells such as macrophages and monocytes [36]. Article Types and epidemiology of tendinopathy. Groin strain symptoms include pain and swelling. 1995;73:34965. Take frequent short breaks and go for a walk, or do stretching exercises at your desk. If you don't have time for a . What is subluxation of the shoulder mechanics? Google Scholar. Changes in training pattern, poor technique, monotonous, asymmetric, and . Dont exert yourself beyond your level of fitness. STRESS FRACTURE AND OSTEOARTHRITIS OVERUSE Repetitive high impact stress Activity 4: Acute Injury 1. Banes AJ, Tsuzaki M, Yamamoto J, Fischer T, Brigman B, Brown T, et al. Juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD) is a frequent cause of pain in adolescents, both athletes and non-athletes. ROS may be involved in tendinopathies or other stress reactions: indeed, synthesis, structure, and integrity of connective tissues are influenced by them. Clin J Sport Med Off J Can Acad Sport Med. In tendinopathic samples, there is unequal and irregular crimping, loosening, and increased waviness of collagen fibers, with an increase in type III (reparative) collagen [17, 19, 68,69,70,71]. Do cross-training exercises to build strength and endurance in all parts of your body. However, in themselves, O2 and H2O2 are not potent biological oxidizers [45], although certain proteins may be prone to direct modification by these species. The treatment of a stress reaction should be the same as for a diagnosed stress fracture [123]. Management of osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: current concepts review. Szomor ZL, Appleyard RC, Murrell GAC. An essential role for free radicals and derived species in signal transduction. Disabil Rehabil. In a recent systematic review [111], only ultrasound-guided sclerosing polidocanol injections seemed to yield promising results, but these results do not appear to have been duplicated outside Scandinavia [112]: indeed, Ebbesen et al. All tendons can develop tendinopathy [5, 84]. 1998;6:16980. Second, poor mechanics can also lead to joint instability. Kvist M, Jzsa L, Jrvinen M, Kvist H. Fine structural alterations in chronic Achilles paratenonitis in athletes. Overlying swelling, erythema, or warmth are other potential examination findings. Normally, collagen fibers in tendons are tightly bundled in a parallel fashion. Szab C. DNA strand breakage and activation of poly-ADP ribosyltransferase: a cytotoxic pathway triggered by peroxynitrite. Stretch calf muscles. CAS There are six different variables that fit into the intrinsic factors category and they are Flexibility and joint laxity, Nutrition, Leg length discrepancies, Fitness levels, Age and finally weight and your size. 2005;39:2126 discussion 212-216. Most tendon injuries occur near joints, such as the shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle. Kumar V, Bhatnagar N, Lodhi JS. Sports Health. Describe how poor technique contributes to overuse injury. Another technique consists in multiple percutaneous longitudinal tenotomies, which can be performed under ultrasound guidance [120, 121]. Br J Sports Med. Kiuru MJ, Pihlajamaki HK, Hietanen HJ, Ahovuo JA. Injuries are not the only by-product of poor technique; performance levels will also be decreased by bad technique as this will prevent optimum strength, power and speed in the particular movement or shot. The aim of the present article is to investigate the physiopathology, clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, and management of the most common overuse sport injuries. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They can cause: inflammation (pain and swelling) muscle strain tissue damage This stress generally is from repeating the same movements over and over again. What happens if you use the wrong weight training technique? Highly active athletes present with a history of aching and gradual onset of knee pain of several days to weeks duration, typically located over the anterior portion of the knee, worse during activity. Hyperthermia is a feature of tendon use inducing ROS production. Principles of rehabilitation after chronic tendon injuries. 2004;182:32131. Dennery PA. Introduction to serial review on the role of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. Sharma P, Maffulli N. Tendon injury and tendinopathy: healing and repair. Cause #5: Bad (or no) reliability culture. Alfredson H, Pietil T, Jonsson P, Lorentzon R. Heavy-load eccentric calf muscle training for the treatment of chronic Achilles tendinosis. Giza E, Mithfer K, Farrell L, Zarins B, Gill T. Injuries in womens professional soccer. Acta Radiol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Recent biomechanical studies about failure modes of the muscle-tendon units have shown that failure occurs within the muscle near the muscle-tendon junction [95, 96]. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Br J Sports Med. Functional food targeting the regulation of obesity-induced inflammatory responses and pathologies. Johanson MA. Free Radic Res. Stress fracture injury in young military men and women. Compressing your physical activity for the week into two days can lead to an overuse injury. The authors declare that they did not have any funding. Clinical history and examination are essential for diagnosis. 2000;28:63442. 1 The most common of these includes rotator cuff injuries, back injuries . 2013;25:4651. Treatment of injury depends upon its type and severity. 1978;6:4050. Tendon injuries give rise to substantial morbidity, and current understanding of the mechanisms involved in tendon injury and repair is limited. Weakness and Inflexibility: unbalanced, improper training sessions. Many overuse injuries are attributed to doing repetitive actions with poor technique; this can cause excessive pressure to be applied to particular joints or muscles which can contribute to an injury; tennis elbow, for example, is often caused by having poor backhand technique. It has been defined to occur as a result of chronic stress that causes a young athlete to cease participation in a previously enjoyable activity. Harper M-E, Bevilacqua L, Hagopian K, Weindruch R, Ramsey JJ. Lift weights. 2009;17:11226. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Paoloni JA, Appleyard RC, Nelson J, Murrell GAC. Rotator cuff injury. The supraspinatus, common wrist extensor, quadriceps, patellar, posterior tibialis, and Achilles tendons are probably the most commonly affected tendons. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Cuts and abrasions are usually caused by falls. Incorrect weight training technique can lead to sprains, strains, fractures and other painful injuries that may hamper your weight training efforts. Minimally invasive therapies which strip the paratenon from the tendon, either directly [118] or indirectly with high-volume fluid injection [115], have shown good initial results in relieving the symptoms of non-insertional AT [103, 119]. What does a ball and socket joint resist mechanics? 1991;80:8193. Higher rates among female athletes were found not only in cross-country athletes, indoor track, and outdoor track athletes, but also in basketball and soccer athletes. Foot Ankle Surg Off J Eur Soc Foot Ankle Surg. . Children who are born to parents with light skin living far from the equator Postural Injuries. Furthermore, in the first part of this study, to better understand the changes of the bone, muscle, and tendon structures, we mention different mechanisms present in an overuse situation. Acta Orthop. The injury got its name because it played a backhand in Tennis with poor technique surefire way to cause injury. However, it can induce apoptosis by induction of enhanced mitochondrial ROS generation [65]. xxxviii + 905. Fullem BW. 1996;22:287305. For the purposes of our review, we used several combinations of the following keywords: overuse, injury, tendon, tendinopathy, stress fracture, stress reaction, and juvenile osteochondritis dissecans. The response of the bone to repetitive stress is increased osteoclastic activity over osteoblastic new bone formation, which results in temporary weakening of the bone [125]. 1992;2:1225. Disabil Rehabil. Waldecker U, Hofmann G, Drewitz S. Epidemiologic investigation of 1394 feet: coincidence of hindfoot malalignment and Achilles tendon disorders. Thanks!! Aerobics injuries are usually caused by trauma and overuse, but can be prevented by using the right techniques and equipment. Certain subpopulations, including runners, gymnasts, and female athletes, exhibit higher rates of stress fractures [24, 25]. Overuse injuries occur over a long peroid of time and occur after repetitive micro trama to th . However, anti-inflammatory agents are largely unsuccessful in the treatment of the condition [15, 66], and with the increase in histopathological data showing degenerative changes but little inflammation, the inflammatory hypothesis in overuse tendon injury became decreasingly popular [10, 15, 36, 67]. Acta Crystallogr Sect Struct Biol. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; 2017. p. 24973. In addition, factors contributing to stress fractures increase the risk for osteoporosis, a substantial long-term health concern [27]. When did Amerigo Vespucci become an explorer? Bennell KL, Malcolm SA, Thomas SA, Wark JD, Brukner PD. A good . Am J Sports Med. Regarding the intrinsic factors, Bennell et al. 2014;61:36973. Evidence suggest that ROS constitute a stress factor during not-hard exercise [49]. High-volume image-guided injections (HVIGI) significantly reduce pain and improve function in patients with resistant AT [115]. Clinical diagnosis of Achilles tendinopathy with tendinosis. Grade I osteochondritis dissecans in a young professional athlete. Concussion mild reversible brain injury from a blow to the head, which may be associated with loss of consciousness. Consider tai chi, yoga and weight-bearing exercises that challenge your balance. Am J Sports Med. 1992;276:1826. Overuse: too much, too soon, and too often. Kibler WB, Chandler TJ, Pace BK. During fibrogenesis, ROS, primarily derived from specialized phagocytes and products arising from lipid peroxidation, induce overexpression of fibrogenic cytokines and increase the synthesis of collagen [61]. Tenocytes are motile and highly proliferative and rapidly increase in number following injury [62]. The ligaments, tendons or cartilage can be affected. Runner's knee: An irritation of the cartilage underneath your kneecap that makes up about 40% of all running injuries. Overuse injuries in sport: a comprehensive overview, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-018-1017-5, http://chiromt.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12998-017-0135-1, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-54181-4_21, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10708988, http://natajournals.org/doi/10.4085/1062-6050-52.8.01, https://www.ncaapublications.com/p-4177-1981-82-2008-09-ncaa-sports-sponsorship-and-participation-rates-report.aspx, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Ankle sprain symptoms include pain, swelling and stiffness. Am J Sports Med. Rettig AC, Shelbourne KD, McCarroll JR, Bisesi M, Watts J. Clin Sports Med. Uppstrom TJ, Gausden EB, Green DW. 1998;26:3606. Always warm-up before training or performances. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Findings may also vary depending on the stage of the disease [147]. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Lander HM. This can cause the joint to move in unnatural ways, which can also lead to inflammation and micro-tears. Pascual-Garrido C, Moran CJ, Green DW, Cole BJ. What kind of techniques are used in sports? The specific definition of overuse injury was most commonly based on the concept of an injury occurring in the absence of a single, identifiable traumatic cause [1]. Magra M, Maffulli N. Genetic aspects of tendinopathy. Age. 2009;37:185567. Provide three tips for avoiding an overuse injury. Biochem Cell Biol Biochim Biol Cell. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Off J ESSKA. Finally, poor mechanics can also lead to impingement of the nerves or blood vessels around the joint, which can also lead to pain and disability. Lead a healthy lifestyle and get to know your body. Replace running shoes every 400 to 600 miles. Foot Ankle Int. The etiology remains unclear, but repetitive microtrauma, such as that typical of overuse injury, is considered the significant factor leading to JOCD [28, 29]. Massage arch of foot. Exhaustive exercise in cross-country skiers produced neutrophil mobilization and increased ROS generation on subsequent stimulation. J Sci Med Sport. Tenforde AS, Sayres LC, McCurdy ML, Collado H, Sainani KL, Fredericson M. Overuse injuries in high school runners: lifetime prevalence and prevention strategies. TENDINPATHY AND BURSITIS OVERUSE Repetitive movement using poor technique 22. Harrast MA, Colonno D. Stress fractures in runners. Explain why you selected this answer. The discomfort may disappear during warm-up but reappears at the end of an activity. 1992;65:5204. Traumatic injuries arise as a result of a fall, twist or similar accident and most often involve the ankle or knee. Information about medication abortion (also known as medical abortion or the 'abortion pill') - includes how medication works, appointments, what to expect, side effects, possible risks, self-care. These terms are used synonymously. Sobhani S, Dekker R, Postema K, Dijkstra PU. 1995;66:4735. Allow adequate recovery time between sessions. The Football Association Medical Research Programme: an audit of injuries in professional football-analysis of preseason injuries. Silbernagel KG, Brorsson A, Lundberg M. The majority of patients with Achilles tendinopathy recover fully when treated with exercise alone: a 5-year follow-up. This relationship may help to explain the influence that mechanical overuse plays in the development of tendinopathy. The mechanism underlying the precise sequence of these events, which balance the effectiveness of healing and any subsequent predisposition to repetitive damage, remains obscure. Fredberg U, Bolvig L, Andersen NT. In conclusion, the majority of players who had experienced pain and were found to have osteochondritis had severe injuries such as JOCD or lumbar spondylolysis [148]. Clin J Sport Med Off J Can Acad Sport Med. MR imaging, bone scintigraphy, and radiography in bone stress injuries of the pelvis and the lower extremity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. . Clin Sports Med. Clin Sports Med. Br J Sports Med. Cell-matrix response in tendon injury. 2009;61:8409. Treatment of an overuse injury. In the later stages, when the articular cartilage is eroded, the fragment may separate and become an intra-articular loose body. In the four principal soccer leagues in England, there are an average of 3.5 Achilles tendon-related injuries per week in the preseason and an average of one injury per week in the competitive season [89, 90]. ly immature athlete. FASEB J. Dental damage a blow to the jaw can crack, break or dislodge teeth. StunningBaby Answer: Many overuse injuries are attributed to doing repetitive actions with poor technique; this can cause excessive pressure to be applied to particular joints or muscles which can contribute to an injury; tennis elbow, for example, is often caused by having poor backhand technique. Experimental strategies for optimization of nutritional antioxidant intake in humans. Poor technique leads to higher injury rates, especially overuse injuries. And repair ) significantly reduce pain and improve function in patients with resistant at [ 115 ] stage the! Heidelberg ; 2017. p. 24973 ramchurn N, Mashamba C, Moran CJ, Green,... Cross-Training exercises to build strength and endurance in all parts of your body Introduction serial! Ankle Surg, Pihlajamaki HK, Hietanen HJ, Ahovuo JA mr imaging, scintigraphy. Jocd is the energy difference between the cl2 molecule and the separated atoms season-ending! Increase in number following injury [ 62 ] to 50 days can to! 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