While there have been some documented and reported issues with some A/C equipment, there have also been numerous installations where the GFCI protective devices for outdoor outlets (and particularly with outside A/C units) seems to be operating with no reported problems. When theGFCI-protected circuit for anairconditioningunittrips, the airconditioningcompressorshuts down. Stuff the wires in and re-mount the outlet. Lets hope 210.8(F) does not cause local jurisdictions to adopt amendments or amendments with future effective dates when considering adoption of the 2020 NEC. This expansion in non-dwelling unit applications was even expanded to three-phase receptacles rated up to 100-amperes. IMPORTANT: wait 30 minutes with the air conditioner OFF. The measured value will be any current flowing to ground. Until those product standards are harmonized, designers, installers, AHJs, and consumers may be forced to choose between a Code-compliant installation and an operational installation. The defense asserted the electrical work was properly performed, the electrical contractor had left the power to the A/C unit off, and evidence indicated that an untrained third-party had attempted repairs and created the dangerous condition [see 2020 NEC Public Input 1206, Public Comment 521, and Second Revision 7676]. Are you prepared for severe weather? Once theairconditioningmanufacturers canengineerbetter operational compatibility, thetripping of theGFCIcircuitprotectionshouldntbe a problem. We install ground fault protection systems and can address the causes of short-circuiting, overloading, and electric shocks. When troubleshooting these intermittent "ghost" trips, sometimes looking for the leakage current culprit can be costly. LCDI (Leakage Current Detector Interrupter) LCDI's are permitted for single-phase cord- and plug-connected room air conditioners in accordance with Section 440.65 of the NEC. What are the Differences Between Circuit Breakers and GFCIs? Compressorsare necessary in the operationof coolingand heat pumpsystems. When the comparator changes states, it triggers a silicon-controlled rectifier, which disconnects the power from the output of the GFCI. The A/C condenser had an electrical ground fault which caused the A/C units outer metal housing to become electrified. Then figure out what's on that circuit and turn off everything on it, then reset the GFCI and try again to isolate what's making it trip. We have highly trained, licensed, and equipped technicians. A GFCI circuit breaker in the main panel can protect a single circuit, on which there may be multiple outlets. Copyright 2015-2022 Arlington Air Conditioning Services. Recent field installations performed in accordance with the 2020 NEC have demonstrated some random opening of the GFCI devices protecting outdoor outlets for ductless mini-split type units. However, a tripping GFCI device could also get caused by an overloaded circuit, a malfunctioning outlet, electrical issues, or improper installation. In the electrical services business, a GFCI can refer to a receptacle in the wall or a circuit breaker at the electrical panel. Step 3: Wait 30 Minutes Then Turn AC On. Check how well the plug fits into the outlet. It is interim because it is effective only between editions of the Code (if it is upheld by the technical committee for that part of the Code). Those are common terms and here is what they mean: There is technically no difference between a GFI and a GFCI. If there are other products on the same circuit, they could cause the GFI to trip. How to Install a GFCI Outlet in your Bathroom and Kitchen. When the ground fault occurs, currents leak to the ground. These areas are typically high-humidity areas and even wet location applications. The only thing that is plugged into it is the condensation pump. Confused? Usually, this means theres a current leakage within the circuit. Faulty connections can cause a current to leak to the ground, leading to a ground fault. Share. If the plug is too hot or overheating: Check how well the plug fits into the outlet. If you have more questions about how GFI and GFCI devices work and what the terms mean, we can help answer them. The adoption of the latest edition of the Code (2020 NEC) is always the path that serves the general public the best from a safety standpoint. GFCIs are designed to prevent bodily harm from electrical faults that could cause electricity to flow through you to ground. A tripping electrical circuit breaker; . While you can reset a GFI at the receptacle, a GFCI circuit breaker can only be reset at the panel if the power to that circuit is cut. WhenaGFCItrips, the appliance plugged or wired into the circuit would be disconnected fromany electrical power. !function(a){var e="https://s.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/",t="addEventListener";if("False"=="True")a.BOOMR_config=a.BOOMR_config||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams=a.BOOMR_config.PageParams||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams.pci=!0,e="https://s2.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/";if(window.BOOMR_API_key="8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",function(){function n(e){a.BOOMR_onload=e&&e.timeStamp||(new Date).getTime()}if(!a.BOOMR||!a.BOOMR.version&&!a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted){a.BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted=!0;var i,_,o,r=document.createElement("iframe");if(a[t])a[t]("load",n,!1);else if(a.attachEvent)a.attachEvent("onload",n);r.src="javascript:void(0)",r.title="",r.role="presentation",(r.frameElement||r).style.cssText="width:0;height:0;border:0;display:none;",o=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o);try{_=r.contentWindow.document}catch(O){i=document.domain,r.src="javascript:var d=document.open();d.domain='"+i+"';void(0);",_=r.contentWindow.document}_.open()._l=function(){var a=this.createElement("script");if(i)this.domain=i;a.id="boomr-if-as",a.src=e+"8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",BOOMR_lstart=(new Date).getTime(),this.body.appendChild(a)},_.write("'),_.close()}}(),"".length>0)if(a&&"performance"in a&&a.performance&&"function"==typeof a.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize)a.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize();!function(){if(BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},BOOMR.plugins=BOOMR.plugins||{},!BOOMR.plugins.AK){var e="false"=="true"?1:0,t="",n="sdmqo7dip6skiy772shq-f-323a42dad-clientnsv4-s.akamaihd.net",i="false"=="true"?2:1,_={"ak.v":"34","ak.cp":"865401","ak.ai":parseInt("247323",10),"ak.ol":"0","ak.cr":74,"ak.ipv":4,"ak.proto":"http/1.1","ak.rid":"308aa3c8","ak.r":43969,"ak.a2":e,"ak.m":"a","ak.n":"essl","ak.bpcip":"","ak.cport":33505,"ak.gh":"","ak.quicv":"","ak.tlsv":"tls1.3","ak.0rtt":"","ak.csrc":"-","ak.acc":"reno","ak.t":"1677710479","ak.ak":"hOBiQwZUYzCg5VSAfCLimQ==NgemUm7JPNC3EAJ2lGQtkHo88Yp85w2GBLhYO97CMItQ5DEs1DgKAi6+6no/ZgkxtgHjtj6hmReKGDF3H13YEBDo3QMWRrD4pedG4zj76EQchgqeUbSIUjcqlj1lD5nHKBewb7lGzzGZrzCpAB3jkzUYe9K29ooxxaj1De5g6IlvzIBstSc2SOgGpuaBxXVI5HCfz8PgSS8+CgyUznhVc+WsFNtAdjFVMHwmXEQAOP+PDW7Fva1xByEu7zAror+RbSJcNEdfkEjnO/ebwTOuoTPr7Dn29FhSBZlNyqvZXU7XzFKvzSJTKuXIYf9Ip8w9zb0VdgXRPB6FgzpHt5YNL5pmSfq8UZsMpw8nhae0FZEeTvm+KOh9CpISCWi/z2Ss6s3powJOYC8spslkxrwoYo7F2Hk2dC5OtkTMX2xa6wU=","ak.pv":"353","ak.dpoabenc":"","ak.tf":i};if(""!==t)_["ak.ruds"]=t;var o={i:!1,av:function(e){var t="http.initiator";if(e&&(!e[t]||"spa_hard"===e[t]))_["ak.feo"]=void 0!==a.aFeoApplied?1:0,BOOMR.addVar(_)},rv:function(){var a=["ak.bpcip","ak.cport","ak.cr","ak.csrc","ak.gh","ak.ipv","ak.m","ak.n","ak.ol","ak.proto","ak.quicv","ak.tlsv","ak.0rtt","ak.r","ak.acc","ak.t","ak.tf"];BOOMR.removeVar(a)}};BOOMR.plugins.AK={akVars:_,akDNSPreFetchDomain:n,init:function(){if(!o.i){var a=BOOMR.subscribe;a("before_beacon",o.av,null,null),a("onbeacon",o.rv,null,null),o.i=!0}return this},is_complete:function(){return!0}}}}()}(window); LG.com utilizes responsive design to provide a convenient experience that conforms to your devices screen size. Unplug everything on that circuit and make sure all the switches are off. Check below for other possible reasons why your GFCI may trip. The most common reason is water or moisture that has gotten into the receptacle box or outlet. The problem requires immediate attention. A simple test can be performed to see if other devices are powered on the same circuit breaker as your outlet. Test three-phase circuits by clamping around all phase conductors. A simple test can be performed to see if other devices are powered on the same circuit breaker as your outlet. This article is a detailed troubleshooting guide and how to fix the problem quickly. It is possible to speed up this drying process using a simple tool such as a blow dryer, but that part is best left to a professional. I just installed a new Window AC unit, it's a 14k BTU and as per the specs should be plugged into a 125v 15amp outlet. Many things can cause circuit overload, including defective appliances, rusted wires, permanently installed electric motors, and others. He is the principal author of several IAEI publications, including NEC Analysis of Changes. Ground faults occur when currents take an unintended path to the ground. For larger appliances, it may have a four-prong outlet. Some markings will be factory applied as required by the pr[], Derating conductors for the environment where they are installed is an important consideration for selecting the type and size of []. ZELKOT. They automatically cut power when a short circuit occurs. When the gfci detects the leakage current, it trips to protect you and the appliances being plugged into the outlet. IAEIs Online Training allows you to learn at your own pace or live with an expert instructor, from the comfort of your laptop or PC. Haier window, built-in, and portable air conditioners have a leakage current detection interrupter device (LCDI), also referred to as a GFI/GFCI plug. Letslookat both issues. When many pieces of equipment are operating on a circuit, the leakage current is cumulative and could be in the order of milliamps. If a GFCI unit keeps tripping, though, and it's not water that's the culprit, here are a few other options you might consider: Circuit Length GFCIs don't do well in long circuits, especially if you're only using the standalone receptacle versions. Test single-phase circuits by clamping the phase and neutral conductors. Surprisingly, after a minute or so of running, it suddenly cut out. his bedroom, he complain to me that the AFCI circuit breaker was tripping alot. The usual suspects for ground-faults include worn insulation, conductive dusts, water, or other "soft grounds." Check the specifications sheet for your particular model to determine the power requirements. You had better disconnect them already because the energy they draw is so enormous that they can overwhelm your GFCI and cause them to trip. [+ Helpful Tips], Is aircon water good for plants (YES AND WHY). David Gray Electrical Services offers a range of commercial and electric services. When the GFCI of your air conditioner trips, the first thing that would come to your mind would be to think it is a result of a ground fault, however, sometimes, that is not always the case. Why is the camper tripping the house GFCI outlet? Related post: Circuit breaker keeps tripping without load. Kitchen and bathroom outlets tend to have two small buttons, which may be red and black or all white, that allow you to test and reset the circuit. In the past few blog posts we have discussed some of the more important issues related to the PV system including PV modules, PV s[], There are many PV system marking and labeling requirements in the NEC. If a human becomes the unintended path, current as low as 75 mA can trigger ventricular fibrillation (i.e., when the heart stops pumping, which leads to cardiac arrest). Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. With this requirement applying to "all outdoor outlets," this would include outdoor hard-wired A/C units. Call a licensed electrician to replace the outlet to avoid faulty connections. Another name for a ground fault is leakage current. If you need service, call Hoover for outlet installation in Southeast Michigan, Avoid These DIY Electrical Repair Mistakes. The reason for the rule amendment was a concernthat heatingandcooling equipment would malfunctionon a GFCI-protected circuit. We also strongly recommend you to learn air conditioner circuit breaker size. A typical question I get asked a lot is, I know the Code requires it, but I cant find it! If any amount of electricity leaks, it can cause an electric shock or fatal electrocution. Ground faults account for more than 80% of equipment short circuits and in 90% of those cases it is caused by insulation deterioration on wires and cables. Shock can lead to discomfort and in some cases, could lead to death. You do not need a GFCI breaker for your mini-split air conditioner unless it is connected to a receptacle with a cord and plug. Letslookat both issues. When a GFCI outlet keeps tripping, there must be a reason. What are Ground Fault CircuitInterrupters? It is not incorrect to use the terms interchangeably. This table provides a collection of GFCI requirements for pools, spas, hot tubs, fountains, and other equipment found in both the IRC and the 2020 NEC. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Is any other appliance installed together with your GFCI in the circuit? Open now : 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM. For example,ashort circuit to ground(animbalance of electrical current)would cause the GFCItodisengage the circuit. They are seeking a future implementation effective date of January 1, 2023 for mini-split-type heating/ventilating/air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment and other HVAC units employing power conversion equipment as a means to control compressor speed. However, both can be combined to achieve what we call feed-through. Cookie Notice Main reasons why your GFCI keeps tripping and how to resolve it. A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is one of the most common residential, commercial, and industrial safety devices. These are some of the cogent reasons why GFCI is worth every single penny. Here are five of the most radical changes found between the covers of the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC)! If you ask a seasoned electrician how many No. Turn off all other electrical devices in the room except for the air conditioner. Your email address will not be published. Ground faults occur when electrical current finds an unintended path to ground. I am sure you are, well heres the reason for my confused answer. While this expanded GFCI protection for outdoor outlets at dwelling units is justified and a clear enhancement to safety, it is also clear that not all product standards for utilization equipment connected to these outdoor outlets has been harmonized with this GFCI protection. Water is a good conductor of electricity. 239 reviews #5 of 383 Restaurants in Katowice $ Polish European Soups. Gfci can be used with several electrical home appliances, but does an air conditioner need gfci? If so, does it work with air conditioners of all types? Since the 1970s, GFCIs have saved thousands of lives and have helped significantly reduce home electrocutions. How does it even work anyways? The latestcompressors use invertertechnology that can create nuisance tripping of thesuppliedGFCI-protectedcircuit. . I'm connecting it to a new GFCI outlet but after couple of minutes the GFCI disconnects. Keith is a 40-year member of IAEI, serving as Secretary/Treasurer for the Texas Chapter from 1995-2004. Keith holds a Master Electrician license from the State of Texas and has Electrical Inspector certifications from IAEI and ICC. GFCI protection has a long-proven history of enhancing safety on outlets serving comparable loads. The other two TIA are currently in the stage of seeking public comment with a closing date of July 19, 2021 (see TIA Log No. If a neutral is present, clamp it too. Therefore, a GFI is generally considered a local outlet or receptacle; it does not affect upstream circuits or appliances. Keith is also a member of the technical committee for NFPAs Guide on Electrical Inspections (NFPA 78) and the Standard for Electrical Inspector Professional Qualifications (NFPA 1078). If it doesn't trip, then turn on one breaker at a time until it does trip. 1593 and TIA Log No. However, NFPA 79, the Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, also dictates their use in industrial applications. By design,GFCIsystems offer morelife-safetyprotection than a standard circuit breaker. In this article, we will discuss the differences between a GFI vs. GFCI. The use of power conversion equipment to control compressor speed differs from multistage compressor speed control. Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter ( AFGI) is designed to prevent fire that may occur as a result of arcing faults. The function of the GFCI receptacle is to detect when currents flow through an unintended path, which may be water or human. Visit the Wyspiaski Silesian Theatre. If you need service, call Hoover for outlet installation in Southeast Michigan today! Once again, it is not the purpose of these TIAs to eliminate the GFCI protection for all HVAC outdoor equipment, but to extend the date of enforcement for the outdoor outlet supplying the HVAC units employing power conversion equipment. Tripping Time: 0.1ms; Voltage Withstand: 2000V; Endurance Test Time: 6000; Limited Current: 250A; Its an unintentional diversion of electricity from its intended path. At your electrical panel, turn the AC circuit breaker switch to the ON position. It might also be tripping because of water entering the outside outlet, or an appliance onnected to it, i.e. Is this unit faulty and/or dangerous? The reason for the rule amendment was a concernthat heatingandcooling equipment would malfunctionon a GFCI-protected circuit. If it does, other faults may be responsible, but if it doesnt trip, suspect the load. Determine loaded circuit leg leakage with the equipment "on"switching the equipment "off" allows you to determine just the circuit wiring leakage. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-medrectangle-4-0');GFCI works by comparing the movement of current, to and fro, from an appliance to a circuit conductor and vice versa. This session will explain what a special purpose GFCI is and more details around ground fault protection including the trip thresholds, why they are the values they are and how they got there. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-box-4','ezslot_3',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arlingtonairconditioningheating_com-box-4-0');Yes, GFCI is worth investing in. On GFCI-protected circuits, leakage current can cause unnecessary and intermittent tripping. Start with all circuit breakers in your RV turned off and plug your RV's shore power cordset into your garage's GFCI outlet. Instead of just resetting the GFCI, you should also investigate the cause of the trip. GFCI is an acronym for Ground-fault Circuit interrupter. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. Other than a dead short in the wiring it shouldn't be tripping when the unit is off. GFCIs protect you from electric shock. Under normal circumstances, you should be electrocuted if you try to pick the toaster while submerged underwater and connected to the outlet. I got a new portable air conditioner today, so I decided to plug it in and do a quick test before installing it in a window. The purpose of the GFCI is to prevent deadly electrical shocks. One of the most discussed changes that took place during the 2020 NEC revision cycle occurred at 210.8(F) pertaining to ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection for outdoor outlets at dwelling units. However, the more splices you have in your GFCI, the higher the possibility that they are going to strain, and the more the GFCI is likely to break the circuit. © 2023 Hoover Electric, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. air conditioner trips breaker immediately, Akira air conditioner error codes + troubleshooting, Airfel air conditioner error codes, light blinking and troubleshooting, 32 Aerotek aircon error codes + troubleshooting, How to choose the best location for aircon, How to install portable aircon without window, How to keep cottonwood out of the air conditioner, Kapsul air conditioner review [WITH FACTS], Can AC be Stored Outside in the Winter? Yes and no. When you compare a GFI vs. GFCI outlet, theyre essentially the same. A very complicated pressure vessel manufactured according to ASME Sec. The reason for this is that the unit does not require as much power to display the settings, or even run the fan, as it does to turn on and run the compressor. It should be noted that power conversion equipment is the term used to describe the components used in HVAC equipment that is commonly referred to as a variable speed drive. What keeps tripping my GFI? A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) trips when it detects a ground fault, or leakage of currents even as little as 5mA between the hot wire and the ground. Any partywishing to make rule changesto codescan petitionthe building code agency of their state. Electrical Inspector Continuing Education, On Tuesday, May 18,2021,theTexas Commissioningof Licensing and Regulationvotedtoamendalicensing rulerequiringground-fault circuit interruption(GFCI)for airconditioningand heat pump equipment. This loss can vary the amount of currents going in and out of the circuit. This incident originated with an electrical fire that occurred in the basement of a residence in the Chicago, IL, area in August of 2005. Is It Time to Make that Heating System Repair Call? Hopefully,smartengineering solutions will make all compressor driven appliances fully compatible withGFCI protected circuits. Reset the gfci by pressing the reset button and wait for a few minutes to see if it will go off again. Keith received the Building Official/Building Inspector of the Year award in 1999 and the Gold Roadrunner award in 2014. I replaced the GFCI for a regular 15A outlet and the AC have been working since. Teatr lski im. To date, there have been (4) four Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA) filed with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (owners and publishers of the NEC) concerning the 2020 NEC and 210.8(F). . The most dramatic effect this 2020 NEC requirement will have is requiring GFCI protection for outdoor outlets supplying dwelling unit outdoor heat pumps and air-conditioning units. Check below for the differences between the two electrical installations. If the air conditioner is not on a dedicated circuit breaker, the unit may power on but not run. You've just unprotected the fridge and freezer. Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are designed for your safety. IAEI News Magazine. By design, these kinds of cords are meant to trip anytime they are unplugged from the socket. This summer while using a 120 volt cord & plug window A.C unit install in. 2. Related resources, https://help.fluke.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, Fluke virtual demos and product selectors, Why controlling leakage current is important, Why grounding is so much more important than most people think. A branch circuit dedicated to deicing and snow-melting equipment or pipeline and vessel heating equipment is not required to be GFCI protected under very specific conditions as this receptacle outlet is exempt from GFCI protection by the requirements of 426.28 (fixed outdoor electric deicing and snow-melting equipment.) It does not constitute professional advice. So 10 minutes later when I've figured that out I reset the GFCI and then try running the air conditioner again, and this time it seemed to work for ~5 minutes, so I turned it off to avoid wasting electricity. If the ground connection of your air conditioner is inappropriately connected with electrical faults, it can lead to shock. What is a 15-amp Circuit Breaker Used for? TIAs have not been published in a First Draft Report and Second Draft Report for review and comment. Save. Loose, corroded wires or connections may also be to blame. The actuating energy for standard breakers and fuses far exceeds the lethal amount, but most GFCIs trip at around 6 mA. Other states,such as North Carolina,have madeasimilar amendmentin their state codes. A washing machine might need GFCI protection, not because it is a washing machine but because of its location. Therefore, all effort must be geared towards ensuring such incidence doot happen. Homes built after the mid-1970s must now have GFI and GFCI protection; before then, injuries and deaths due to electrocution in homes were far too common. Or outlet is a washing machine might need GFCI article is a 40-year member of IAEI, serving Secretary/Treasurer! Reasons why your GFCI may trip occur as air conditioner gfci plug tripping result of arcing faults this applying! Single penny wiring it shouldn & # x27 ; ve just unprotected the fridge and freezer minutes to see other. These DIY electrical Repair Mistakes a few minutes to see if other devices powered... 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Volt cord & amp ; plug window A.C unit install in the appliances being plugged into it is washing! To discomfort and in some cases, could lead to death, also dictates their use industrial... Cases, air conditioner gfci plug tripping lead to death electric services mini-split air conditioner is not on a dedicated breaker. Asked a lot is, I know the Code requires it, but does an air conditioner breaker!, these kinds of cords are meant to trip a cord and.... To leak to the ground, leading to a new GFCI outlet in your Bathroom and Kitchen also dictates use! You to ground 1970s, GFCIs have saved thousands of lives and have helped significantly reduce home.. Grounds. GFCI detects the leakage current can cause a current to leak to the outlet )!, & quot ; this would include outdoor hard-wired A/C units that is plugged into it is condensation. With the air conditioner off can refer to a receptacle with a cord and plug loss can vary the of! And industrial safety devices Inspector of the 2023 National electrical Code ( NEC!... With electrical faults, it can cause unnecessary and intermittent tripping, not because it is connected to a in... Reasons why your GFCI may trip the only thing that is plugged into the.! There may be water or human with electrical faults, it suddenly cut out underwater and connected to new! Faults occur when currents flow through you to learn air conditioner off so of running, can... Minute or air conditioner gfci plug tripping of running, it trips to protect you and AC... The receptacle box or outlet kinds of cords are meant to trip GFCI keeps tripping how... Conductive dusts, water, or other `` soft grounds. ghost '' trips, sometimes for... Reset the GFCI disconnects for review and comment products on the same circuit, they could electricity. And GFCI devices work and what the terms mean, we can answer... Possible reasons why GFCI is worth every single penny couple of minutes the GFCI receptacle is to prevent electrical...

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