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Spiritual direction has always been recommended as a “must” for Catholics who are serious about going deeper in their faith, especially their interior life.  It’s been said (by our chaplain, who is one of our available spiritual directors) that “a spiritual director is for the soul what a personal trainer is for the body.”  No matter where you are in the life of faith, healthy or unhealthy, a spiritual director can lead you deeper and help you improve.  It’s very hard for any of us to make wholly objective decisions about ourselves and our lives, so to have a trusted guide who understands the spiritual life available to listen and advise is a great help for any of us.

We provide monthly or by monthly times for husbands and wives individually (or at times as a couple) to sit and talk with a spiritual director.  Appointments are from thirty minutes to an hour, usually taking place on Thursday evenings (but can be made by appointment for other times, depending on directors’ availability).  These appointments simply consist of your talking over life situations and/or your prayer life, and receiving wise guidance from a trusted, down-to-earth guide.  Our chaplains are priests from the Apostles of the Interior Life (AVI).  A major part of their charism is offering spiritual direction… so we got the pros!  As well, our directors are available to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation for you if you wish.