click calendar to see changes, dates, & locations


Face to Face is our special monthly event for the whole family It’s family adoration, and then a food truck family dinner.  It is held on second Thursdays of the month at changing locations around KC.  (See calendar for details.)  Here’s a little overview: We start your night with family adoration, silence (relative silence!), Scripture, brief talk, live praise music, & the one thing every Catholic parents wants: the whole family together… with Christ! Then afterwards we bring in a food truck!  You finish your night with a family dinner, hang out, and conversation together! 

Adoration is free. Dinner is up to you.  All ages & parishes welcome!  And there’s no RSVP!  We hope it makes it on your calendar every month!  This is one of those special times where you can actually see that you are addressing all your top priorities (faith, marriage, and family) all at once!


I was sitting there at Face to Face with my family and I thought, ‘why am I not doing this more often?  Why am I not bringing my family to sit an pray at a church, in front of Jesus?  Even for a few minutes.  We should do this more often.’  Face to Face makes that happen.  Face to Face is great.
Mark & Kristina D.